No longer able to eat milk chocolate.

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No longer able to eat milk chocolate.

Post by florafloraflora » Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:37 pm

I made an interesting discovery over the weekend. I bought some fine milk chocolate, a type I've enjoyed before (Dolfin, from Belgium, with coarsely-ground cinnamon in it). To my surprise it tasted terrible to me, painfully over-sweet, way too sweet to enjoy. I knew I could no longer enjoy candy bars like Twix, but I was surprised that even the fancy milk chocolate is too sweet for me now.

You have to understand that I used to be a sugar FIEND. Thanks yet again, No-S! :wink:

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Post by WinstonWolf » Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:46 pm

My discovery over the weekend: Country Time lemonade (in the 2 liter bottle) does not agree with me.

Not that it really did before, mind you. I've become far more cognizant of the sugars in products over the past 5 weeks or so.

In fact, I think they give me a headache now, oddly enough. Had one on Saturday after having a Pepsi, and got one yesterday after having the lemonade.

More proof that most soda is evil, at least as far as I'm concerned. Yech. I feel pretty blech today. Not sure if it was just from sugar yesterday but I figure that didn't help.

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Post by bonnieUK » Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:48 pm

I gave up sugary foods several years ago (before I discovered No S) and found the same thing - on the odd occasion where I eat something sugary I find it way too sweet. I also found that I learned to appreciate natural sweetness in foods much more (e.g. fruits, honey etc.).

I have similar chocolate experience too, actually to do with going vegan about 7 years ago. I acquired a taste for dark bitter chocolate, and now I can only enjoy chocolate if it has a really high cocoa percentage - if it has less than 70% cocoa then to me it is tasteless LOL (my favourite is Lindt 85% cocoa chocolate - it's the double espresso of chocolate!).

p.s. just in case anyone's wondering - some vegans eat honey, whereas some exclude that too as it is technically an animal product (it can be a subject of hot debate in the vegan community LOL).

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Post by bonnieUK » Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:21 pm

WinstonWolf wrote:More proof that most soda is evil, at least as far as I'm concerned. Yech. I feel pretty blech today.
Don't forget the aspartame that is added, often even to the non-diet drinks (you'd think that with 7 spoons of sugar or whatever silly amount a typical soda drink contains it'd be sweet enough :D). Any naturally sweet fruit juice diluted with sparkling water makes a good soda drink alternative. :)

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Post by reinhard » Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:57 pm

I have to admit, I'm still perfectly capably of enjoying milk chocolate (and twix bars). Though I don't pine for them during the week, and have expanded my appreciation for sweets to the less intense stuff, I still relish my full-on S-day sugar esses pretty thoroughly.

But I'm definitely much less into sugar soda. I can enjoy it, on occasion, in the right setting (almost exclusive at the movies). But I don't have the slightest desire for it otherwise, even on S-days. It just seems too crude. Sorta like chugging olive oil to enjoy fat.


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Post by florafloraflora » Wed Oct 03, 2007 9:48 pm

I never was a huge fan of chocolate, and now the number of different types of chocolate I enjoy is shrinking. But I can still do plenty of damage to my old favorites, the caramel, custard, fruity and nutty families of sweets.

Soda is funny: I've never been a fan, but sometimes on S-days I have one just as a sort of forbidden-fruit thing, because I can. The carbonated drinks don't do much for me, but I still like sugary fruit drinks (fake lemonade, Hawaiian punch, stuff like that).

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Post by kccc » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:50 pm

I still like sweets - even very sweet sweets.

But... smaller quantities of them will do.

I went out for a belated birthday lunch with a friend this weekend. An S-day, and I fully intended to have a dessert. But we had a big meal, with wine... and when we reached dessert-time, I had no interest. So I didn't bother.

What a change!

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