Sibyl's Check-In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Sibyl's Check-In

Post by sibyl » Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:45 pm

Okay, so I kind-of-sort-of tried to start No S prior to last week, but it was the wrong week to start, leading into 'birthday alley' so-to-speak (mine, my friend's, my dad's, etc), plus morale boosting potlucks at work and other things that would tempt the most comitted of souls.
So, for 'official' purposes, I have started this week, on June 20th. The start of summer is the start of my new eating habits.

June 20th - success! Leftover sausage and cheese for breakfast, leftover meatloaf and potatoes and two fruits for lunch, and a steak with ceasar salad and a baked potato for dinner. No desert, no snacks, and I drank mostly water, tea (no sugar), and one iced tea.

June 21st - success. Banana for breakfast (I was feeling a bit nauseous). I was so hungry by lunch, though; it took a lot of willpower not to get something to 'tide me over'. For lunch - a 'salad plate' from the cafe downstairs for lunch (sliced turkey, a hunk of cheese, a boiled egg, and some veggies; very nice). For supper - a good salad, with summer sausage, cucumbers, and tomatoes on lettuce, sprinkled with parmesan and ceasar dressing. Water and sugar-less tea to drink all day. I went out with friends bowling in the evening, and had a 7-Up - they didn't have any non-caffeinated sugar-free anything to drink at the bowlerama cantina (and I can't have caffeine after 7pm or I can't sleep), so that was the best I could do. No desert, no snacks, not even when my friends were passing around the all-dressed nachos.

Today I started with a heartier breakfast, so hopefully getting to lunchtime will be easier!


(I'm using red for 'success' because its my favourite colour)
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:02 pm

Welcome, Sibyl! You're off and running!

Where is Guelph?

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Post by sibyl » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:34 pm

Guelph's in Ontario (Canada), about 45 min. south of Toronto. Its a University town - the University of Guelph has a big focus on Agriculture/Veterninary Medicine. Plus other stuff, of course, but the Aggies are what its known for.
Me, I just live there. Its a pretty and small city, with lots of walking trails I must get out and explore.
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Post by cvmom » Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:34 pm

Hi Sibyl:

Welcome to the no S forum!!!!

I am embarrassed to say that I have never been to Canada. I am hopefully going to Vancuver on a motorhome trip at the end of this summer so I look forward to seeing your beautiful country. (I know it is at the opposite end from Ontario, but hey, I live in CA). LOL

I hope that you stick around and give this No S thing a try because it is remarkable. Isn't there some advertisement that says, "So advanced, it's Simple" ? That's kind of how I feel about this whole thing. I'm on day 17 and so far so good.

Post often so that we know how it is going.


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Post by sibyl » Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:39 pm

I am hopefully going to Vancuver on a motorhome trip at the end of this summer so I look forward to seeing your beautiful country.
I've never been to California, but I am going to Vancouver at the end of August! I haven't yet set foot in the Pacific Ocean, so I'm going there. I'm flying out, though - I don't have time to drive that far out and back. It should be a beautiful drive.

I thought I'd take a quick bit of time and describe myself so people know who they're encouraging!

I just turned 31 on the 12th. As I refuse to get on a scale (I've seen how obsessive they can make people), I'm not sure how much I weigh but I'm a size 18. I've never gone down a size; I've only ever crept upwards. I'd like to, at minimum, stop that trend.

My grandmother is diabetic, there is cancer and heart disease on both sides of the family, and my blood pressure is high. My knees hurt all the time (I used to dance as a kid and I wrenched both of them quite severely). The more weight I put on them the worse they're going to get, and they're bad enough already. Stairs are already something I avoid, as they are painful to go up (and sometimes down, if my knees lock), especially if its damp. Plus, I'm tired all the time.

I finally decided I needed to do something, because what I was doing (just grazing and eating whenever I 'felt hungry') wasn't working. All the other 'diets', though, seemed either dangerous (eat nothing but X or eliminate Y completely) or needlessly complex (I can't keep track of my appointments; how am I supposed to track calories or points or whatever). Then I saw this No S on a weblog somewhere, and followed it back, and it seems sensible, long-term, and something I can stick to.

With a bit of luck, a bit of encouragement, and a lot of willpower, that is. :wink:
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Welcome and good luck...

Post by Kevin » Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:43 pm

I hope you do well. It works for me.

By the way, I love your signature line. I'm betting it's a point of cultural reference that I don't understand, but its general absurdity is cheering.
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Post by reinhard » Wed Jun 22, 2005 7:12 pm

Welcome, Sibyl. Sorry about the site being down yesterday when you were trying to join up. Here's hoping we never find out what your least favorite color is.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:14 pm

Hi Sibyl! Whatever you do,,, don't put syrup on your pancake on weekdays... or on your bunny!!!!!! :P
Have fun and good luck!
You will do great :D
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Post by navin » Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:06 am

Welcome, Sybil! I just spent some time in Canada myself - Alberta thru western Ontario, and with that trip I've finally hit all the provinces. I had been to Vancouver in the past, it's a pretty neat city. Gas sure is expensive, though. :shock:

Wish you success with No-S.

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Post by sibyl » Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:10 pm

June 22nd - Success. Breakfast: summer sausage and cheese sandwich. Lunch: Cup 'o noodles, applesauce, oatmeal bar. Supper: Half of a tortilla strata (frozen meal in a box - sort of like lasagna, but with soft tortillas instead of noodles, and chipotle peppers and black olives with the tomato and beef - it was pretty good and I took the rest for lunch today) and cucumber slices.

Getting from lunch to dinner was hard. I drank enough water to drown an elephant and was still craving.

I also went for an hour long walk with my friend; we wandered down some old streets near her apartment. It was definately a working-class neighbourhood - narrow sidewalks, narrow streets, and lots of old stone cottages and clapboard sided bungalows. We even found an old Methodist-turned-Baptist church built in 1880. This is our third 'long walk' together, and we're making it a weekly habit. I'm also walking for about 20 min. at lunch every day (I only get half an hour).

Thanks for all the encouragement and welcomes. And I promise not to syrup the bunny. :smile:

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Will you fill us in...

Post by Kevin » Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:14 pm

on your signature quotation?
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Post by sibyl » Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:23 pm

Yep. The 'Pankcake Bunny' was a bunny in Japan named Oolong that used to let his owner put things on his head and take photos. One of the more 'famous' is the picture of Oolong with a pancake on his head. I'll have to dig around and find the picture again and post it here. I have a print out of him in all his pancake glory. :)
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Post by margaret » Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:23 pm

Wish I'd started this NoS lifestyle at 31. Wish I knew then what I know now. I promise dear, the aging accelerates expotentially as time goes by and the skin loses elasticity. Best of luck to you.
I love Canada, my daughter and I went to Quebec last year and had such a wonderful time. Next stop, Ontario.
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Re: Will you fill us in...

Post by sibyl » Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:37 pm

Kevin wrote:on your signature quotation?
Here he is (Oolong the pancake bunny):

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Post by sibyl » Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:46 pm

margaret wrote:Wish I'd started this NoS lifestyle at 31. Wish I knew then what I know now. I promise dear, the aging accelerates expotentially as time goes by and the skin loses elasticity.
For me, its not so much the skin, but my knees, which have already been a mess for several years. I got a ground floor apartment because I can't handle stairs everyday. It makes me feel so old, and I know I'm not (in so many other ways). They'd be a mess even if I was skinny, but I know the extra weight isn't helping, and I don't want to keep gaining.

Thanks for the compliments about Canada. :) I've done a bit of travelling so far (and I will do more, funds permitting), and I've found glorious places all over. One of these days I'll get to Georgia.
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Post by margaret » Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:08 pm

I'm giving you a gentle it now, it will be about the skin in 20 years. My knees have a hard time carrying my fat self :oops: ( ooh, the F-word) around, but I've found quadriceps exercises really help. Knees, now, lower back in your forties. I'm feeling old, too and I hate it. I want to be full of vitality and travel and do stuff and that's motivating me to try again.
Georgia is lovely state. Come visit.
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Post by sibyl » Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:06 am

July 23rd - success!
B - 2 slices of bread with peanut butter
L - the other half of the tortilla strata and some applesauce
D - (very, very late; I didn't get home until 9:30 pm) - teriyaki rice mixed with cubed ham and cheese.

I had a very big lunch, but I needed it. Getting to my usual dinner time (about 6pm) was still very hard, I wanted a snack so badly. But after that I seemed to slip into a 'second wind' and was fine. I even ignored cake and chocolate that was freely available at my friend's house. It was game night, and game night is always snacky, so that was a big test.
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You're doing great...

Post by Kevin » Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:25 pm

Dont' be afraid to eat that big lunch if it carries you through till dinner. For a while, I was postponing lunch as long as I could (till 1:30 or so) so I could make it to dinner.

You're doing great avoiding that midafternoon snare.
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Post by sibyl » Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:49 pm

Thanks for the encouragement Kevin. I've definately noticed that mid-afternoon is my worst 'craving' time. I could snack any time, but that's when its the worst and hardest to resist.
Lots of water, gum for chewing, and encouragement from everyone is definately helping, though.

I think I'll keep listing what I had to eat on my N days next week, more for me than anything else (I've never really kept track of my meals before and its enlightening).
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Post by cvmom » Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:36 pm


May sure you eat a decent lunch. I usually eat a sandwich or a big salad with protien. Eggs keep me full for a long time too. Protein sustains but don't forget to add the carb. (See Reinhard's discussion of carbs on the general topics page).

Also, just walk for 7 or eight minutes and then turn around and walk back. You will eventually be able to walk further. Your knees will love you when you ease the pressure off them.

Sorry to sound bossy. It is the mom in me. I want to encourage you because you are so young. You will be dancing again soon.

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Post by Kevin » Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:42 pm

You can chew gum and not be hungry? The chewing action always makes me much hungrier.
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Post by sibyl » Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:47 pm

Actually, if I'm very hungry/snacking, the action of chewing helps a lot, and the flavour/saliva thing happening also helps. I think its that I'm fooling my sub-brain into thinking I'm eating when I'm not.
I prefer mint gum, but I'll take anything. The last pack I bought was this Ice Cherry Dentyne and it tastes unpleasantly like cough drops. Ugh. Talk about an appetite suppressant. ;)
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Post by margaret » Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:57 am

Glad you're keeping up your game night, whatever that is. Your friends will get used to seeing you not snack and they'll quit offering it to you. Good luck, dear. I think we feel motherly towards you because of the little girl picture.
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Post by sibyl » Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:53 am

June 24 - SUCCESS!


My first five N days are down, and I can't mess up the S days. I feel good.

little girl picture
is an online doll I made to be a representation of me. By the nature of the programs, they're all little girls, but the hair, the glasses, the lopsided grin...that's all me.

Breakfast: Summer sausage and cheese sandwich with mustard, and a handful of fresh-picked strawberries. Mmm.
Lunch: Beef stew in a box, applesauce, and a nectarine.
Dinner: Vegetarian lasagna, two small slices of french baguette, salad, and a small handful of chips. It all fit on one plate, no stacking.

I didn't eat any more chips, even with the bowl right in front of me all night long, and I passed on the popsicles too. They couldn't understand why I wouldn't have the popsicle - its just frozen flavoured water and sugar, after all. Exactly. Sugar!! Pure sugar (okay, with a bit of chemical colour and flavour). I'll have a popsicle tomorrow. :lol:

I drank too much diet coke, though, so its almost 2am and I'm wide awake. :roll: I shouldn't drink caffeine after 7pm.

I have extended family functions this weekend, both days, so I expect to be grazing all weekend long. Also, I will be pretty much incommunicado.

Talk to you all on Monday. :)
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Post by sibyl » Mon Jun 27, 2005 3:07 pm

June 25th - S Day
June 26th - S Day

So Saturday I think I did pretty good - three meals, no snacks, and dinner was only one plate of food at the buffet at my cousins' double-fortieth birthday party. Okay, so I had cake for breakfast, but it was left over from my birthday (ice-cream cake, in the freezer), and I do need to clean it up. I didn't have any all last week, so it was a treat.

Sunday was a graze-fest at the family picnic, but I did graze mostly on fruit. Then again, it was too hot to eat anything else. I did have a 'proper' breakfast - I couldn't stand cake again. Even though it was cold, it was too sweet.

I didn't go walking, but I did dance for several hours at the party (my knees were so angry the next morning!) and helped a friend move on Sunday before going to the picnic. In the afternoon/evening on Sunday I was in the pool, mostly just drifting in a big blow-up ring, but I did the occasional dive and a bit of actual swimming. My muscles are sore this morning from all that dancing/lifting/swimming over the weekend, but its a good ache.

Well, that's all. I hope to go walking at lunch now that my co-worker's back and I have free time again at lunch.

Have a good No-S week everyone.
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Post by sibyl » Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:47 am

June 27th success

B - PB&J sandwich, iced tea
L - frozen dinner (Lean Cuisine teriaki beef), cherries, and a nectarine
S - BBQ pork tenderloin, 'baked' potato (done on the bbq), salad, more cherries, and some strawberries
No sweets, no snacks, not even between lunch and dinner.

I was going to go for a walk at lunch, but I bailed. I feel bad about it, but the temperature was 34 degrees in the shade, before humidity. Walking out of my office was like walking into a sauna. I could hardly breathe properly in that hot wet blanket of air. (I know, I know, wimpy Canadian, but its August weather already - I haven't had time to build up my tolerance! :P ) Its supposed to be just as hot today, but I'll be home in the evening at a decent enough hour, so I'll try walking tonight when it gets dark and (theoretically) gets cooler.
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Jun 28, 2005 11:06 am

I know what you mean about not wanting to go out walking. Between the heat (yes, it feels like August already), the humidity, the rain, the wind, and the lightning, I have been having a real time of it, trying to get my 10,000 steps every day. :cry:

Well, we just keep trying, right?

I love the menu you posted for yesterday. Very healthy, balanced, and yummy-sounding! :D

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Post by Kevin » Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:02 pm

Oh, you Northerners...

It won't be below 90 degrees (Farenheit, that's about what Celsius.. oh nevermind) and 90 percent humidity here in Maryland until September...

Although it has been a beautiful late Spring early Summer.

I hyperbolize, but not much.
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Post by sibyl » Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:09 pm

I don't care what the "Southies" say, its still too bloody hot up here for me. 8) It threatened to thunderstorm all night last night but never really did - although there were some impressive lightning displays, it barely rained at all.

June 28th - success

B = summer sausage & cheese sandwich, some olives, and an iced tea
L = meatloaf & 'mashed' potatoes (in a box), a pear, and a nectarine, with water to drink
S = mushroom fettucine, farm fresh strawberries, and cherries, with loads of iced tea

I almost went back for more cherries - I'm addicted to them, but I told myself if I left them alone I could have more for breakfast the next day and spread the pleasure out. The Dr. Who finale was on, and I so wanted a snack to celebrate, but I just had more iced tea.

*a few notes: 1) I usually have PB&J in the morning, but I also like meat and other savouries for breakfast too. I've found that I'm less hungry in the morning when I have a meat sandwich for breakfast. Its probably the protein. Although I suspect tomorrow I'll be indulging my peanut butter craving again.
* I drink a lot of iced tea when its hot, but I hate it when its really sweet. I don't like sweet drinks, actually - they leave me thirsty. My iced tea is made from the powdered stuff and mixed very weak - I always have to remember to mix it stronger when I have guests over because they can't believe that its really supposed to be iced tea!. Whenever I get it in a restaurant I order it with a glass of water, drink half the water, and then add the iced tea to the water glass and drink that. I'm so weird... :lol:

Any way, this No-S week is almost over for me, as I have determined that Canada Day on July 1st (the nation's birthday) is going to be an S-day for me. I won't be going overboard like I did at the picnic, but I will be open to some nice snacks and a dessert later on in celebration.

Happy No-S everyone!!
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Post by navin » Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:49 pm

I'm so weird...

Aren't we all? :)

As for the peanut butter... well, it's good to know I'm not the only one. Although for me it's usually lunch, sometimes dinner. Part of it may be that I live close enough to the Jif plant that sometimes from outside I can smell the faint aroma of peanut butter in the distance...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:12 am

Water and iced tea?????? That is weird!!!!!!!!

Now excuse me... I have to finish my mayo and horseradish avocado and peanut butter smoothie..
:lol: Deb

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Post by sibyl » Thu Jun 30, 2005 11:20 am

June 29th - success

B = ham and cheese sandwich, cherries, strawberries
L = cheese and spinach ravioli, pear, nectarine
S = grilled salmon in a maple glaze, broccoli, side dish noodles & sauce, and a small handful of cherries.

Dinner was with the folks, and my mom put a cereal bowl full of cherries in front of me after I'd already eaten a full plate of other stuff. I just took a few, though, even though I'm addicted to them. I know cherries aren't a 'bad' food, but I was actually feeling full and I didn't want the extra food increasing the portion size. I did have a few, though. :oops:
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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:09 pm

Sibyl, I don't know what day you're on, but it looks like you're on quite a roll. Don't worry about the cherries. These things happen now and then, it's borderline. It's not ideal, but you are right not to consider it a failure, you showed good restraint. Failure is a morale building tool, not a trap. Just being conscious that the cherries were not entirely kosher (and "confessing" them here) should provide enough friction to keep it from becoming a regular behavior.

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Post by sibyl » Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:27 pm


Thanks for the encouragement. Today (the 30th) is day 10. I'm counting dates rather than days right now so I don't fixate on the 'number of days'. Its just 'the next day' of a life-long habit, not a race to the finish line. :)

I'm okay at home and even among my friends going out - its my parents I have a hard time fighting. They know I'm trying to "cut back", I've explained the one-plate thing, and my dad is still trying to push more on me. "Help finish the noodles, there are only a few left". "You haven't had any ice cream in a while, have a scoop". "They're only cherries, you like them, its a treat, have more". Its frustrating, and it makes it harder to say 'no' because its my parents. I figure between dodging seconds and the ice-cream, a few cherries was a success no matter how you look at it. :P

Anyone have any tips on how to say no to well-meaning parents?
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:24 pm

Just stick to your guns and refuse the offers consistently...
My mom was sort of unwittingly sabotageing (SP?) my first few months of being on NOS with my little Richard... She was getting chocolate milk for him, and buying Nutella (a delicious hazelnut chocolate spread which he used to eat out of the jar with his fingers, standing in front of the cabinet... Boy it was easy to spot on him I tell you! He has a messy face when he eats like that! LOL... Then he tries to "poker face" me, but the tell tale chocolate mustache remains! LOL...) and other types of junk food.
I begged her to cut it out, but for about two months there, she blatantly disregarded my pleas... Also with regard to mealtime, vs. Snacks...
Well I'm happy to say that now, that she tries to communicate whether I approve of an S or not...
I even overheard her asking Richard if it was an "S day"... a few months ago... That really made my day...
Try and explain that you need their support, and with constant pushing you won't do as well... Are they overweight? If they are, this may really be a challenge to their own ideals and personal problems... That in itself might be a recipe for conflict...
If they truly respect you, then they will go along with you... Maybe you need to tell them exactly what you need from them... Spell it out...
Nicely of course...
Then again, if they don't come around right away, or never do, well then maybe you will have to remove yourself politely from the table... They may be well intentioned, but it's your well being, and only you can really control your destiny...
I hope this helps...
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My Mother the Saboteur....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:40 pm

Hi Sibyl! Wow this is time relevant...Well here's a twist... I just went to pick up my son at my Mom's house...
He walks there from camp everyday and then I pick him up about 15 minutes later, as my work schedule overlaps a little with the end of the camp day...
I told you in that previous post my Mom was actually being supportive...
Well I have to take that back now... She has gone back to buying tons of crap (oreos, etc...) and leaves it around in places where Richard is bound to find it.. In fact, she pretty much was leaving it right in his face, since today makes the second time I have come to pick him up, only to see them on the counter or in the food pantry...
I asked her to please stop tempting him with it and to please wait for S days to purchase and treat him to it... Or at least, leave it in the trunk of her car or some safe place, for later consumption... As soon as he gets home that's the first thing he's gonna eat... And who wouldn't if it was just sitting around on the counter? She then said it's Richards fault because he never eats the fruits she offers him... That really makes sense!
Okay, so he doesn't eat the fruits? Let's then reenforce the bad habit of eating cookies whenever they are around by letting him continue to choose that....
I am so pissed off because she absolutely refused and started to scream her head off at me... And, in front of my son... Sigh!

It's always a battle of wills between us...
She has been failing on her latest "diet" and gone straight back to incessant snacking... I guess somewhere deep inside her, she is looking for misery to keep her company... I couldn't in my wildest dreams imagine why else she would want either me or my son to slip back into bad habits.... I know this sounds really bad, but I think it's true...
Our house is a safe haven for NoS... Richard looks fantastic, and I'm not letting him grow up with crappy eating habits...
The other day, when I came and "caught" him raiding those cookies, you should have seen the guilty look he had... LOL... He knew it's not Kosher, and he knows better now... I asked him, today, how he feels when he knows he has been really breaking the rules, versus how he feels when he enjoys his S'sses when he really is allowed to? He said he feels wrong eating them when he shouldn't, and he likes eating them when they're allowed... It's just gotta be tough love in our house these days. I know he feels good about this, and I'm not just being a killjoy parent...

Adults and kids need structure... He even used that word... He said "I like it when I have my sweets with a structure..."
Okay I'm done bitching!!!!!!
Back to you Sibyl :lol:
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Post by sibyl » Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:25 pm

Oh, Deb...
I'm glad Richard likes the rules, even if your mom doesn't.

My dad just doesn't understand the rules yet, I think. My mom's been trying to 'eat less' for years, but has never stuck to a structure, and I think just having rules is confusing. They do eat pretty good food at mealtimes - salmon, good lean cuts of meat, fresh vegetables and lots of fruit - but there are always chips and cookies and ice cream (my mom's downfall) easily available. I guess I have to work at it a little more.
My dad and mom both grew up in families that didn't have a lot of money, ever, and so everything was kept in case it was needed, turned into something else, or used up. You don't waste anything. The packrat habits remain, and you just can't let food go to waste.
Add to that the fact that right now I am also hurting for ready money, and my dad gets worried I'm not eating when I come over, he wants to make sure I'm stuffed to the gills with good food. Maybe I should show him my food logs so he realizes that I am getting 3 good meals a day...instead of six or seven crappy ones. :wink: Also, I need to emphasize the idea that the food won't go to waste - either my mom or him can have it for lunch the next day, or if he really wants me to have it he can wrap it up for me to have for lunch the next day.

Parents are weird, though, eh?

(I'm sure Richard will be saying that about you in a few years! :wink: )
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Post by navin » Thu Jun 30, 2005 11:26 pm

As for the parents thing - mine live in town so I went through some of the same issues. I agree with Deb - stick to your guns. Don't give in... if you do it will only encourage them. Mine eventually realized I was serious and stopped trying to push extra food on me.

Of couse, it can helps if you visit your folks mostly on S-days.


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Post by sibyl » Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:43 pm

June 30th - success!!

B = PB&J, strawberries, and cherries.
L = frozen box lunch "veal parmaigan", a pear, and more cherries
D = 'farmer's lunch' - some cold sausage, cheese, olives, pickles, and crackers (I didn't have rolls or a baguette), with some strawberries and more cherries

Today is Canada Day!! Happy Birthday Canada! In honour of my country's founding, I am declaring today an "S" day.


I also helped friends of mine move (we had a very impressive box train going from the cars, across the yard, and up the stairs to the apartment). Moving people is great exercise. :lol: Tonight I'm visiting with other friends and their lovely daughters. Its a beautfiul day, only about 24 degrees and with a really good breeze.

Have a great weekend everyone!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:16 pm

Happy Canada Day Sibyl!!! Enjoy it sister!
Have a molson, kiss a moose, and listen to some Glenn Gould and Geddy Lee for me!!!
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Post by navin » Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:29 pm

Canada day certainly counts as an S-day, Independence day will be an S-day for me. I suppose if one had dual citizenship, they could make them *both* S-days.... :lol:

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Post by 3lilgals4me » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:22 pm

Sibyl--I like reading about your steadfast progress here, but I especially like the picture of the bunny with the pancake on his head!

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Post by sibyl » Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:04 pm

navin wrote:Canada day certainly counts as an S-day, Independence day will be an S-day for me. I suppose if one had dual citizenship, they could make them *both* S-days.... :lol:
AND have a glorious four-day weekend. :wink:

I had 3 sucessful "S" days in a row. I had Canada Day "birthday cake" and cheesecake on Canada Day, grazed on Saturday, and had ice cream and cookies on Sunday...but I found I was getting fuller faster and didn't have any seconds.

I'm looking forward to another sucessful No-S week. For everyone!! :D
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Dual citizenship

Post by Kevin » Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:37 pm

If you had dual citizenship, it would be a heck of a long holiday weekend this year...
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 04, 2005 4:23 pm

Yay Sibyl!!!! No seconds? Fuller faster?
This all sounds fantastic!!!!!!
Have a great day! :D
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Jul 04, 2005 4:29 pm

No seconds, and fuller faster...yep, this the the progression of this whole diet thing. I've experienced it, too. Hooray for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by sibyl » Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:05 am

July 4th - success

B = Western sandwich, banana; tea
L = Pasta primavera, pears; water
S = BBQ sausage, potatoes, ceasar salad, some melon, and a few cherries; iced tea

* I wasn't nearly so hungry from lunch to supper as I have been in the past, and after supper I was feeling positively stuffed from my one plate of food. Here's hoping today goes the same!
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:06 am

What's a "Western Sandwich"?

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Post by sibyl » Tue Jul 05, 2005 12:56 pm

A one egg western omelet on toast.
(Western omelet = ham, green pepper, and onion)

I have mine with cheese.

Regionalisms are funny. I can walk into any local restaurant and ask for a 'western' and they know that I want a western omelet sandwich. But if I want the omelet, and not the sandwich, I have to ask for a 'western omelet'. Also, you can get a western, but not a spanish omelet sandwich, or a mushroom-and-cheese omelet sandwich.
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Post by ClickBeetle » Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:42 pm

Sibyl - good luck with your strawberries. You can make freezer jam very easily - and if you don't have time to use raw berries right away, just freeze them for later.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:20 pm

Western Sandwich????
I thought you were in the middle of Canada!

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Post by sibyl » Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:16 am

Well, it depends. I'm West of the Atlantic provinces. :D
Also, they don't have "Central" sandwiches. Although I suppose I could invent one...
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Post by reinhard » Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:26 pm

Happy belated Canada day. Nice to see that uninterrupted stream of red successes continuing.

Regarding the parents, here' s another idea: reminding them of the diet may just antagonize them at this point. If you've informed them what you're doing and they haven't come on board, they may not for a long while. They think it's yet another doomed fad and don't want to be bothered. Instead, just insist that you are full. Be convincing! Smile and say, "I'd love to, it was delicious. But I'm totally stuffed." This shouldn't be a martyr act. I'm assuming you actually are full.

They should be thankful you're not on some diet (like most of them) that requires separate meals or that you leave half the stuff on your plate untouched!

One way or another, firmness will make it progressively easier. Good luck and keep us posted.

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Post by sibyl » Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:25 pm

Thanks for the encouragement Reinhard.
Yesterday I was out shopping with my mom, and I took the time to explain the No-S thing to her again, and I think I did a better job. She's still worried I'm 'depriving' myself somehow by not getting the 'occasional treat' - S days notwithstanding - but I just kept emphasizing that I was just trying to stop over-eating and snacking all the time, and wasn't on a 'diet'. When a neighbour came by with fresh baked banana bread later that night, she backed me up when I said I was full and didn't need any at that time, and wrapped up a couple of pieces for me. With her backing me up it helped me stand up to my dad - I told him and the neighbour I was really looking forward to having it as a special treat later. The neighbour didn't seem to mind at all.

As for yesterday, although I didn't snack or have sweets (despite a half-hour shopping in a candy store before dinner), I did 'mess up' because I didn't have breakfast. Normally I'm a breakfast pusher, and I do think people should eat breakfast every day. However, it was so awfully muggy and stuffy in my apartment yesterday morning I couldn't stand the thought of eating anything. Then I was at work, and I got really busy, and by the time I was ready to eat something I looked at the clock, saw it was only an hour and a half until lunch, and figured I would wait. It did make yesterday afternoon a really tough ride, though, waiting for dinner.

July 5th - semi-success
B = tea, clear
L = egg salad sandwich, carrot & celery sticks with ranch dip, and a banana. Water to drink.
S= chicken speedster, fries, and coleslaw. Iced tea to drink. I ate out for the first time at a restaurant since starting No-S, and I think I did pretty good. I couldn't finish the whole sandwich (it was HUGE), so I left half the bread and just ate the meat/cheese/mushroom/onion filling. I ate all the coleslaw, but left fries on my plate.
The funny thing was, despite how 'starving' I was beforehand, and considering I skipped an entire meal, I was completely full after dinner even though I didn't finish it all.
'snack' = large glass of iced tea with the parents and their neighbour.
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Post by Samurai » Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:39 pm

I notice a lot of parallels among us nossers. Skipping breakfast, demon foods, not eating enough. It seems that we all deal with the same problems periodically. Guess thats what makes the board so helpful, we can see that someone else is going through or has gone through exactly the same thing.
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Post by sibyl » Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:18 pm

I need to go shopping. I have no fruit in the house. :(

July 6th - success

B = ham and cheese sandwich; tea, clear
L = linguine carbonara, two mini garlic/cheese biscuits, banana; water
S = ham steak, four slices of cheddar, two eggs, cucumber slices, pickles, and olives; big glass of iced tea
'snack' = another big glass of iced tea

I felt so much better yesterday because of eating three proper meals.
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Post by ClickBeetle » Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:41 pm

You mentioned one of the good things about hot weather, which is that it tends to kill one's appetite. I notice that too!
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Post by sibyl » Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:54 pm

July 7th - success

B=PB&J; tea, clear
L = 'frozen dinner' - roast chicken, veggies, and taters, two mini garlic/cheese buns; water
S = roast veggie & feta pizza (individual sized), small handfull of cherries; big glass of iced tea

I don't know why, but yesterday was a very hard day - I was hungry in the morning between breakfast and lunch; I didn't feel 'full' after lunch; and I was super hungry and craving all sorts of snacks between lunch and dinner. I felt 'hungry' all day long. I almost gave up, but I kept kicking myself (metaphorically, not literally!), and once I made it through dinner I was okay.

I did get to the store and buy more fruit. Cherries are still on sale and very cheap, so I bought a bunch more.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:29 pm

Hi Sibyl! Here's a possible reason for unexplicable hunger signals..
Clearly you did eat some decent meals... My guess would be that you aren't taking in enough water...
When we are partially dehydrated we may feel "hungry", when in fact it's more water that we need... It gets a little blurry up there in our hypothalamus sometimes... Thirst and hunger signals feel very similar... Real hunger would be accompanied by stomach growling...
Tea is a diuretic, and though it's not as highly caffeinated as coffee, can dehydrate you somewhat if you're not having enough fluid intake overall...

Try having a large glass of water or something, non caffeinated every few hours.... I'm not saying don't have your tea, just balance it all out with extra water throughout the day...If you don't like plain water... You can have flavored seltzer.. No calories there! :D
Hope this helps!
Love and Peace,
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Post by sibyl » Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:59 pm


I drink *loads* of water throughout the day. My office is so dry I can't help it. So I don't think that was it. But thanks for the suggestion.

I *was* tired and cranky, though, so maybe that had something to do with it. Its harder to stay on track and focused when you're tired.
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Post by carolejo » Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:15 pm

well, triple contgrats for staying the distance, even though you struggled.

Tomorrow is Saturday! yay!

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Post by sibyl » Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:44 pm

On Sunday its my cousin's wedding shower - my mom and I are hosting it. Its the first 'shower' I've ever hosted. Since she's getting married on a beach Mexico, we're having a 'beach/Mexican' theme. Instead of a traditional 'shower cake' I'm making these cupcakes that you decorate with gummy candies and licorice to look like crabs.
So glad it'll be an S-Day!!

On Monday its my 'final exam' for this course I'm taking for the local Law Clerk program. I think that I will No-S Saturday, so that after my exam I can treat myself to an ice-cream cone on the way home. I haven't done any schoolwork in about ten years, so I think finishing the course deserves some kind of treat.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:49 pm

Hi Sibyl,
A test of that magnitude? Yes, that seems very S worthy!!!
Hope it goes really well :lol:
Good luck!
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Post by sibyl » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:24 pm

Well, the weekend was a "S" weekend all around.
It was my cousin's wedding shower on Sunday, and I was helping my mom host it. So Saturday I went over to the parent's, and helped decorate the house, clean, wrap prize gifts and so on. I also made special cupcakes for desert.
Saturday I was doing great No-S-ing until mid-afternoon, when I was decorating the cupcakes to look like crabs, and the frosting and little candy bits were scattered all over...I tried so hard not to taste but I gave in. Then, for dinner, there were big slabs of banana cake for desert. My mom left her job Friday for a better one starting today (Monday), and they had a big potluck and party for her. They gave her half of the 'going away cake' to take home, and there it was for desert. So I had a piece.
Sunday was a write off, what with the shower and all. The food was actually really good - fruit and veggies, a cold chicken roll with salsa, cheese and guacamole, nachos with five-layer dip, tortilla wraps with jalapeno cream cheese and turkey slices, and of course my cupcakes for desert. That, and a giant bowl of punch that was gone in under four hours - it was so hot!

Any way, since I blew Saturday, I can't have my after-exam ice-cream today. Oh well. My fault. I'll hopefully do better next time.
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Post by sibyl » Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:29 pm

Oh, yeah.

July 8th - success

B = ham and cheese sandwich, handful of cherries; iced tea
L= tortellini with broccoli, pear, cherries; tea, clear
S = ham slices, some cheese, zucchini relish, pickles; more iced tea.
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Post by sibyl » Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:50 pm

June 12th - success

B=carrot muffin, hunk of cheese; tea, clear
L=a leftover wrap from the shower, pear, two small garlic/cheese biscuits (they're all gone now); water
S=a couple of slices of the leftover chicken roll from the shower, some leftover pasta salad, a few crackers with artichoke dip, and fruit salad (it barely all fit on the plate, but it did all fit); water

I love leftovers from parties. I'm having more pasta salad for lunch today. Its a fantastic salad, with kernal corn, tomatoes, peppers, feta, black olives, and broccoli mixed in with different coloured pasta. Mm.

I've noticed that I spend more time thinking about food - what to have for dinner, or breakfast the next day - than I ever did before. I used to just grab the nearest, quickest thing and if it wasn't enough go back for more. But I don't feel I'm obsessing over it, either. I'm just more mindful of what I'm going to eat.

Makes meal planning easier.
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Post by Ariel King » Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:54 pm

Great job Sibyl! That pasta salad sounds awesome. *drool*

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Post by JWL » Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:32 pm

Hi Sibyl,

I've been reading your check-in. Early on you mentioned problems with your knees. Do you have structural problems with the knee joint itself? Oftentimes, when our knees ache a big part of the problem is a lack of strength in the muscles around the knees... though sometimes there are structural problems (ligaments/cartilage etc).

My knees are healthy, if a bit tired from carrying my body weight around. I've found recently that doing hindu squats -- which are basically deep knee bends done on your toes (NOT flat footed) -- help tremendously. I was skeptical, and am very cautious with my knees, but doing these on your toes seems to take pressure off the the knees and make them easier to do.

You may want to consider trying these; start slowly and do as many as feel comfortable. Skip a day or two, then try again. I myself started with 15 and have worked up to 20 so far. I want to try to add one squat a day for a while. My knees seem stronger already....

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Post by carolejo » Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:26 pm

Hey Sybil! Nice to see you on Livejournal too *grin*
I've 'friended' you back.

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Post by sibyl » Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:44 pm

Freakwitch wrote:Hi Sibyl,

I've been reading your check-in. Early on you mentioned problems with your knees. Do you have structural problems with the knee joint itself? Oftentimes, when our knees ache a big part of the problem is a lack of strength in the muscles around the knees... though sometimes there are structural problems (ligaments/cartilage etc).
I don't know, what's wrong with them, exactly. Likely a combination of weak musculature and some ligament problems. Part of the probelm is heredity - my mom and grandmother have 'bad knees', but their knees didn't start hurting until their fifties. I used to dance (jazz, modern) when I was a kid, and I landed wrong during some leaps, twisting the ever-lovin' [censored] out of both knees. Plus, I popped the kneecap off of my left knee jumping down onto sand from a very low platform a couple of years after I stopped dancing. They've been abused.

Basically, my knees creak and pop a lot when I bend them, and are (literally) a pain when I go up and down stairs. In addition, sometimes the joint will just 'lock' on me, without warning, usually when I'm in the middle of taking a step. It is excruitiating painful for a short period of time, and I often lose my balance. I can't do regular squats at all - my legs just refuse to lift me. Its worse in the damp or if I've been walking or standing a lot. :?

A few years ago I was in retail, and was standing up to 13 hours a day. One day my knees just buckled and I fell down, while standing at the counter. My left knee became very swollen and I couldn't walk properly. I went to my doctor and tried to get some help for my knees (before then I was just 'toughing' it out), and the only thing she said was "lose weight and your knees will get better". Yeah. No tests, no help on HOW to lose weight, and not even a perscription for the swelling. Just: "lose weight". :evil: Needless to say, I haven't been back to see my doctor since. Unfortunately, due to the doctor shortage around here, I can't get another one and free clinics won't take me because technically I have one.

I tried the squats on the weekend and I could do about five before I fell over. :oops: I'm glad to hear that they seem to be strengthening your knees. I'm afraid of getting arthritis in them (if I'm not already) and of having it be harder and harder to climb stairs or even just walk. I'm too young to have knees like these! :)
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Post by peetie » Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:01 pm

Oh, Sibyl, what a sucky doctor you had! Never would a rail thin person be treated like that. I hate the assumption that it's 100% weight without even pursuing other possibilities through tests!

After you become a sylphlike shadow of your former self, I'd love you to go back to said doctor and see what she would say THEN!

Sheesh....seems like every country has it's doctor woes these days.


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Post by navin » Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:42 pm


I know what you mean about thinking more about food. I've found that since No-S-ing, my meals have been so much better... I tend to put a little more effort into making them healthy an tasty (well, at least the tasty part 8) ) since I know I have a limited quantity and need to make the best of them.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:06 am

Hi Sister Sibyl!
So many sucky doctors out there, as prunie Peetie has already stated!
(Sorry Peetie... I'm beating that one into the ground! LOL... I just love it so!!!)
I used to go to a gynecologist (cue everyone gasping and thinking "Deb is there anything you won't share with us???" LOL) for symptoms that were chronic and very painful... He would constantly poo poo me, and even had the nerve, and unprofessionalism to say "Doll, if the "V" was made of plastic, no one would have any problems..."
Wow! That certainly opened my eyes and shed some serious light on the issues!
Okay, I was much younger then, but I knew he had to be a complete moron when he told me that! I switched doctors very soon after, and years later, through the grace of God and the findings of a world class surgeon who helped to develop the laprarascope (sp?) found that I was suffering from extensive endometriosis, and had a moderate level cervical dysplasia... (three levels are: mild, moderate and severe... then it becomes cancer...)
I underwent surgery and am still alive now... with all my parts intact...

From the symptoms you are mentioning, I'd take a guess that you may have torn part of the meniscii in the knees, or maybe some tendons as well... The part that is keying me in there is the trouble you have with the stairs and the severity of the pain you are describing... A meniscus injury would be one of those that gets your attention fast...
Still, don't totally go by what I am saying since:
1. I'm not a doctor (sucky or otherwise) just a friendly massage therapist
2. A cyber assessment is fairly lacking in evaluation info...

Freakwitch mentioned keeping the muscles around the joint strong.. I concur... But if you are in pain and have areas which need attention, make sure you do a safe rehab before "abusing" them anymore...
Try something gentle...
Yoga perhaps?
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Post by sibyl » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:25 am

Ah, Deb, you love to push the Yoga!


I'm posting today's No-S dinners early - the day isn't over, but with the heat and humidity in my apartment, I couldn't eat if I wanted to. Ah, the "Extreme Heat Diet" :D I did Ranger a bit by parking at one end of the (air-conditioned!) mall, and walking to the other end and back - with a dentist visit in the middle.

July 12th - success

B = pasta salad; water
L = pasta salad, fruit salad; water
S = gyro and fries (lunch sized); diet coke
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:52 am

Oooh! Pushing was not my goal! Sorry Sibyl...
I thought it might be helpful, but definitely didn't mean to
"Force feed" Yoga...
I'm just so into it now and it is very gentle, yet excellent for strengthening...
(oops there I go again!!! LOL.... :P )
Oooh gyros...
8) Deb "Yoga pushing mama" Feder

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Post by sibyl » Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:20 pm

peetie wrote:After you become a sylphlike shadow of your former self, I'd love you to go back to said doctor and see what she would say THEN!

I've never been 'sylphlike' - too much fisher and farmer stock. I have good peasant bones! :wink:
But it is stupid that to have your health problems taken seriously you have to be skinny. Here's hoping that if I can go to her saying "look, I'm eating less, I'm exercising more, and I still have problems with my knees", she'll actually listen to me.

July 13th - success

B = hard boiled egg, hunk of cheese, fat-free yogurt; iced tea
L = pasta carbonera; iced tea - I was going to have a pear, too, but even though it looked fine on the outside, when I bit into it the core was brown and bad. Blech.
S = big plate of salad with turkey, ham, cheese, egg, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, and dill pickles, with ranch dressing; root beer.

I was so hungry between lunch and dinner because I didn't have my pear, but I was good and didn't give in - not even to the free freezies they were giving out at work because of the heat.

Actually, I'm pretty amazed/proud of myself - despite the hot weather I have stayed far away from freezies, ice-cream, popsicles and other frozen sugar pops during the week. That's been the hardest, since I want cold things to cool me down. Although I've promised myself a huge bowl of sherbert on Saturday. In the meantime, ice water, iced tea, and just plain sucking on ice cubes, has been my friend.

And Deb - you just love yoga so much I couldn't help but dig at you a little. No worries!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:52 pm

And I'm going to it in less than an hour... Period non-withstanding...
Yay Yoga!!!
Have a great day Sib!
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Post by sibyl » Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:16 am

July 14th - success

B = turkey wrap; iced tea
L = cheese and ham pizza, pear; iced tea
S = half an 'everything' bagel with chicken salad, lettuce, & tomato, dill pickle, and strawberries; water

-note: I was in a focus group last night, and supper was courtesy of them. I only managed to snag half a bagel, though. It wasn't quite enough, but by the time I got home I couldn't figure what else to fix. And, while I was a little hungry, I was much better able to handle it. Next time, though (if there is one), I'm grabbing a whole bagel. :)
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Post by sibyl » Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:52 pm

Oh, and since everyone else is posting pictures of themselves, I thought I'd jump off that bridge too.


This is the picture I based my avatar doll off of. Its part of a larger group photo of the family, but this part's the only one I have a link to.

Have a great day everyone. Tomorrow's an S day, and I'm having sherbert! Mmm, sherbert...
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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:35 pm

Oh Sibyl:

You are so adorable!! Now I know why you chose that avatar. :D

Between you and Nathan we could have a little cartoon family.

Enjoy your sherbert.


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Post by Ariel King » Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:45 pm

Wow - that avatar cartoon really does match you well! I think your hair is prettier though. Sherbet sounds like a perfect S day treat, given that it starts with S and all... (and is way less caloric than ice cream!)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:08 pm

Hi Sibyl! Am I imagining this or are you winking at me? :wink:
I am sending you a big hug now!
You're great!
Peace and Love,
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Post by navin » Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:14 am

Nice picture... though I'm surprised there are no bunnies or pancakes anywhre to be seen...

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Post by ClickBeetle » Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:48 pm

Hi Sibyl! Lovely picture ... how I wish I could grow my hair long like yours!
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Post by sibyl » Sat Jul 16, 2005 6:43 pm

Thanks for the lovely compliments everyone.

July 15th - success

B = crackers & peanut butter (I'm all out of bread); iced tea
L = pasta primavera, pear; iced tea
S = BBQ ham steak, ceasar salad, lime nachos & salsa; water

To make up for the tiny dinner the night before, last night's dinner was very large - almost spilling off the plate. It was mostly salad, though, so I think that's okay.
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Post by sibyl » Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:29 am

Starting over.


Almost a month gone, too.

Breakfast and Lunch Monday was perfect No-S

Then I went to my parents for dinner, as did my brother. My dad went all out making dinner for the 'whole family'. Smoked fish & rye bread to start. Pasta and ceasar salad for dinner. And loads of melon for desert. I mean, I took the smallest fish, had one piece of bread, took the smallest amount of salad and pasta I could get away with and no seconds, but still had four slices of melon. There's no way it all fit on one plate. Probably two.


Today I skipped breakfast. I had a salad plate for lunch, and fish and chips for supper. No snacks, no seconds, no nothing like that.

But I'll officially start over tomorrow. July 20th. Would have been a month. Dammit.
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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:37 am

No, wait!! Isn't melon like one of those negative-calorie foods? No, really, like it takes more calorie to digest it than it contains? Oh, maybe I'm thinking of cucumbers. Darn it!

Seriously, Sybil, sorry to hear about your setback. That's a downer and I would be frustrated, too ... Maybe you should give yourself a while to feel bad, but soon you should start to look at the good side: that's 29 days of eating right! Well done!


PS Wait a minute, I still have a save: you made it a whole leap month!!!
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Post by reinhard » Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:09 pm

Sibyl, I think at this point the exception proves the rule. There's no question you're stronger in habit now than when you started. Jump right back in. One little failure is insignificant, unless you let it impact your habit.

Don't take revenge on yourself by skipping meals. That quickly degenerates into a tit-for-tat with appetite that you can only lose.

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:36 pm

Don't beat yourself up Sibyl. This sounds like a very forgivable minor excess. Going a little overboard on "real" food and fruit is a far cry from, say, eating a whole carton of ice cream or a bag of cookies. I know you're disappointed, but too much negativity will make it hard to keep going (at least that's how it would be for me). Eating with parents seems to be difficult for just about everyone, so you're not alone.

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Post by cvmom » Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:12 pm

Hello Sibyl:

Please don't get into beating yourself up. You have been doing so well. Look at the positive: you are eating food that you want. You are not giving up bread for life or counting points or preparing food from a list.

Okay, so you aren't perfect. You are human and you messed up. Figure out what you learned and move on. It sounds like you forgot breakfast. Make sure you eat breakfast next time.

Sibyl this is a process and we are all going to have set backs now and again. In fact, life is a process. Would you want to be where you were a year ago? Of course not. You have learned through this year and are much more "evolved" right?????

I understand about family and food. I have certain family members that push food on me and then let me know I'm not good enough because I'm not a certain size. Dinner with family is really hard. You just have to mentally arm yourself. Imagine the Village of Shoveglovers ready to pop someone on the head who is pushing food at you.

So, forgive yourself and know that we are all here for you.


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:29 pm

If you botch one meal, so what? You are doing so well overall. Just keep eating well from now on and you'll be fine.

I love your picture! I wish my hair were as thick as yours is!

Keep going. Don't look back at unfortunate meals, just keep looking ahead, both eyes on your goals. :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:01 am

Hey Sibyl! Sorry I didn't get to read this till late, so sorry for the late response...
Melon shmellon!
It wasn't four pieces of cheesecake or anything else horrible...
There are three S's... You may not be able to succeed on all of them all the time, but two of them most of the time is infinitely better than none of them all of the time (what the heck did I just try to say???? :? )
I hereby grant you a "I screwed up" immunity pass for today, so start over tomorrow.. I know a perfect month sounds very mentally satisfying, and you are PO'd that you didn't make it there, but a perfect month shouldn't be at the expense of your good feelings from the pressure you are putting on it....
Today was a "blip" on the radar screen... You just have to make sure that you look back on this from a few months or even years..
You won't believe how totally too hard you are taking this...
I know they are your feelings, but keep it in perspective....
Again.. A pigout on melon is far better than a pigout on ten slices of pizza, so everything is relative!
Still, sorry for your frustrated feelings... Let's just pretend that it never happened.. Tomorrow you can smile and say you had a good month!
Focus on all the good things you have done for yourself, not the bad!
Love and Hugs!
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Post by sibyl » Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:47 pm

Thanks for the smiles everybody. It wasn't just the melon - it was the whole huge meal. But yeah, I guess a little extra melon and fish isn't as bad as snacks and candy and whatever else. And its not like I said "oh I screwed up so I can now have X and Y and three things of Z".
I'm very stressed out at work right now. And since I have to be oh-so-happy and pleasant at work the result of that stress is coming out elsewhere. All disproportionate-like. Hopefully it will be over soon (I have cottage time coming up on the long weekend next week).

July 20th - Day 1 (again) - N-Day
B = bagel & herb and garlic cream cheese, yogurt; tea
L = Spaghetti, peach, a few cherries; water
S = 2 bologna & cheese sandwiches (with yummy zucchini relish); orange

Oh, and Jan - thick curly hair isn't as nice as it sounds. It has a life of its own. A wild, crazy life where there are no rules (what works to tame it one day won't the next). :D
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Post by sibyl » Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:53 am

July 21st (day 2) - No S Day

B = cinnamon raisin bagel w/ cream cheese; tea, clear
L = plain bagel w/ cream cheese & peach jam; water
S = big bowl of greek salad; water

Lunch was supposed to be a plate of charity lunch stuff, but the charity lunch was cancelled at the last minute and I had brought nothing for lunch. Fortunately, it was free bagel breakfast day, so I had a leftover bagel for lunch.

The salad for supper was to balance out all the bagel - I was craving veggies like crazy.

Tonight was a game night. Three hours of gaming, plus watching my friends stuff themselves on popcorn and hickory sticks and chips and smoked salmon (Joel is a little odd). Unlike last time, however, I honestly didn't want any of it - except the salmon (I'm odd too). I resisted though, and it wasn't that hard. I'm still a little hungry - I don't think I ate enough today - but its easily overcome. I can eat better tomorrow. I have that chance.
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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:55 am

Hi Sibyl:

You are amazing. I can't believe you resisted all those goodies. I like salmon in any way, shape or form so you have company. :)

Just wanted to say Hoooooray.


P.S. When you are a "little hungry" at night your body probably has to tap into some stores. Celebrate.

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Post by sibyl » Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:42 pm

July 22nd - NoS day

I can't remember what I ate. Isn't that terrible? Worked a 12 hour day getting caught up on all my backlog of work, as the office is moving in four (count 'em) days, and they don't want to move anything they don't absolutely have too. I do know I went to the parents for dinner, and it was good, and this time it all fit on one plate. We fed the fish afterward (my parents have a pond in the backyard, and its full of goldfish), and watched morning doves come to the pond for a drink, and a cardinal try to impress the ladies, and a gold finch hop about the grass. It was so peaceful.

Saturday I had sherbert and grazed. I think I had a couple of sandwiches, a bowl of greek salad, and two peaches, the whole day.

Sunday I had a couple more sandwiches, some fried chicken & taters, and later on some cob corn (not quite ready yet, but still yummy) and a tiny piece of steak. And then I pigged out on chips, which I haven't touched in over a month. I think I could wait a while for the next chip pig out - it was good but my gut didn't like it this morning.

I didn't sleep last night. I have an evaluation today and those always make me nervous and paranoid. Its a phobic reaction, and not really under my control. In the past I would have chowed down a couple of candy bars and a bag of chips by now - but I am sticking to NoS and using that as my pillar instead of food.

I am so tired, though. Hopefully I'll sleep tonight.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:12 pm

Hey Sibyl! I know it's hard to imagine this, especially when you are tired, but as "counterintuitive" as this may sound, try to do a little gentle exercise before bed...
I assume your tiredness is almost purely stress related... If you do something that gets your breathing going a little and your blood pumping, you will lower your stress levels and hopefully feel more relaxed for sleeping... I know it's Summer, but a nice warm shower might take the edge off too...
Good luck on your evaluation... Hope it goes well! Like you said, there's some stuff we just have no control over, so I say,and, believe me, I'm no stranger to work stress, and I know it's easier said than done,,,
Just try to roll with it.... Just try to control the things that are directly related to your own actions... That's all anyone can hope for...
Love and Peace,
8) Deb
Congrats on not going wacko with candy!!!!!
I applaud you :D !!!

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