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Urban ranger is an inspirational metaphor to get you walking. Warning: there is poetry involved. Discuss it here.
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Welcome, yahoo rangers!

Post by reinhard » Fri Apr 22, 2005 7:12 pm

Welcome from whichever group you signed up with. I hope that because here each board doesn't require a separate sign on, we'll get more cross fertilization.

It might not seem like there's all that much to talk about with urban ranger, but I do think if I had to choose just one system to practice, this would be it.

You can find the archive of yahoo urban ranger posts here:


Don't be shy about posting. Let's get this thing started!

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Post by mayo » Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:41 pm

Consider me fertilized! :D

I've been walking the dog at night, so we're both getting in some aerobic exercise, usually 2-3 miles. It's harder for me to just walk, so I try to involve some other activity, too, like exercising Joey and picking up his poop, or walking to the bookstore, or listening to books on tape. Having a destination is good, because then I have a goal to reach lest I be stranded on my two little feet in the middle of where I don't want to be. Books on tape are good because I want to hear the end of the story. The Lemony Snicket books are awesome for walking to. :D

I have weights in front of the television, too, and I usually do something on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesday, my tv nights. Couch potato? Hah, I'm trying to become a buff spudette. Do y'all combine your exercises, too? It's a lot of fun, as I'm sure the shovel-glovers and their caveman/farmer/soldier imaginings can tell you.


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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:18 am

I'm a big fan of books on tape. I listen to them while walking and doing chores.

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