
No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Post by ScrappinTay » Wed May 11, 2005 6:09 pm

Just curious if anyone posts their losses so far? Wondering how long it seems to take for people in general.

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Post by reinhard » Wed May 11, 2005 7:51 pm

If you dig here and in the old group, you'll find quite a few postings.

Note to successful nosdieters: it's ok to repost maintained losses every now and then. Please do! Maintenance is the hardest part, so it's not redundant information. Nothing is more useful to newbies than success stories, and no success is more important than long term success. You won't bore us!

Just to get the ball rolling, as I mention on the home page, I didn't even look the first couple of months. When I did, I saw I'd lost 20 pounds. I wouldn't expect quite this much of a rapid loss. Most people who've posted took a little longer, and my next 20 pounds took about a year (plus some serious exercise).

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Losses since Sept 2004

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu May 12, 2005 2:14 am

Hey :)
I can't give you exact pounds because somewhere in October I decided to smash my scale with my Shovelglove!!!
I started out at a 41 inch waist and size 20 pants! (whoa nelly!) and I am now, after a combination of NoS and Shovelglove, and now swimming several times a week, about a 37.5 waist and something like a size 16 pants...
I'd like to make it down to a size 10 within this life.. It will happen :)
I agree with James, that it's really crucial to incorporate exercise if you want NoS, and really *any* "diet" to work...
My nine year old son, Richard, has lost about 2.5 inches from just cutting out 80 percent of the sweets he used to have...
Recognize that there will be losses, and plateaus, but with NoS, unless you really really really stray off the plan for a long time, you will not gain.
Add exercise to the picture and the losses increase considerably!
During Winter I just maintained.. But if I hadn't found this great group and wonderful Reinhard, I certainly would have, in all likelihood, gained an extra 15 or maybe more... I started losing again once Spring hit.
So I guess if I really crack down and crank up my exercising, I will probably be able to reach my goal within the next year and a half.
I, like everyone else here, would love to say, ala the Ballys one month challenge, that I could do this in one month! But that's a load of doo doo.
It's not, as Reinhard says in the main page, a "problem worth solving" because the quick fix stuff eventually reverts when those old bad habits come back a few years later, or for some, a few months later.
NoS, done strictly, is a tool for true inner change... That is how one must achieve true, permanent transformation....
And S days are fun!!!
Good luck and don't give up!
Share any problems you may have and you will find the solution.
Most importantly.
Be persistant, and put on your blinders!
Get tunnel vision and you will do great :)
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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