Deb's Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by peetie » Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:41 pm

Sorry about the blahs, Deb, and, yes, so much of this stuff DOES transfer to food and body issues. Just goes to show you how connected we are in the mental/emotional/physical sense.

I know finances can really get one down.....we figured out my husband will probably be 106 when he can afford to retire! Not good. But one thing that usually helps me get a sense of perspective is that I imagine getting a call from my doc that I have one month to live. And I live with THAT one for awhile. And then I get a call that it was a mistake....he mixed up my chart with somebody else's. I'm fine.

And how beautiful would your life look then! And how unimportant would those finances be then? Money you can always get eventually and replace and catch the commercial says....priceless.

And think how much you will love that fillet mignon after all this time of eating beans? Although beans fixed right.......can be very yummy!

As far as the loneliness....I love these boards and the internet and people I consider real friends have become a part of my life, but there is nothing like a face to face person....a real, as opposed to virtual hug from somebody who cares. I have just recently made more of an effort to make friends nearby, and it really does help. Maybe it's time to consider bringing more people into your real life.

Hang in there, and try to get the nos control back. I think you will find that very comforting, and will spread to other areas of your life. If we control the things we CAN control, it often bleeds into other areas of our lives. A little structure makes life feel not quite so unmanageable.


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Post by Ariel King » Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:42 pm

Hi Deb. So sorry your life is being rough in the finance and romance arenas. Your analysis of the control issues makes perfect sense, and I identify with the need for stability - it's crucial for me, as my anxiety gets overwhelming when I feel like things are unstable or unpredictable. So I feel for you.

I'm kinda wiped out today, and too tired to write a nice long response, but I'm thinking of you. And I hate to say this, but your comment that in recent years, I have had to live with a different kind of NoS for a little too long for any person to stay sane! really cracked me up! I'm not laughing at you, and I know this is a serious thing, but you have a very funny way of expressing yourself at times! (((DEB)))

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:37 pm

Glad you liked my humor Ariel! Sometimes it's easier to laugh than to cry! LOL...
Well I just wanted to say hi all..
I'm about to head off to the gym now for a personal training session with this great guy at work who I gave a complimentary massage to a few months back.. He is in ultra amazing shape...(and I have seen him up close on the table! LOL..) Serious physical trainer from Georgia Russia... He has a negative body fat component! LOL...
Okay here I go for my "punishment"! LOL...
I'll let you know how it goes.. I know it will be the total polar opposite of Yoga!
I'm expecting to have to "drop and give me twenty"....
See you all later!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:11 pm

Hey! Guess what? Now that I'm fully past my cycle and weighed myself this morning, I am down another 3/4 lb!!!!!
This to me is amazing considering that yesterday, after eating a very salty greasy dinner of a Whopper and onion rings (first fast food I've had in probably about a month...), but no soda, the old me would have expected to see a gain possibly... But the good work during the week *including* the minor screwups I had outweighed everything... Plus I have been doing some sort of exercise, be it Yoga, elliptical thingy, weights, SG... Every day....
I was on a little plateu there for a few weeks.. I'm glad to be off it!!!
Oh, by the way, Reinhard, guess what? The guy I went to train with today mentioned that he is putting together an "everyday" workout which he hopes to market...Guess how many minutes a day it is???
He said it's because that's an "excuse proof" amount of time and you can do it every day.... Sound familiar? LOL..
I told him all about you and your walking and SG'ing for three years... He was not at all surprised that you are in such great shape...
Incidentally, this is the trainer who has the most demand of all of them, and seems to have the most serious background in physiology as well, not a muscle-necked moron... (sorry muscle necked morons... we love you too! :wink: )
So just wanted to crow a bit!!!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:27 am

Leaving soon for some music at a bar/restaurant...
Hoping to just have a cranberry and seltzer....
I'm pretty full from dinner so I think I'll be okay...
Looking forward to live music...
Have a nice one yall!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:03 pm

Quick update on last night...
I had half a margerita, and got totally out of whack... Immediately started to sweat and overheat... It was wicked bad...
So I drank a whole mess of water, but today I was detoxing in Yoga big time... major draggyness at the beginning and difficulty keeping from swaying back and forth in some poses... All from about one shot's worth of tequilla...
I know better, but the social pressure thingy, blah, blah, blah, was happening somehow... That's it for me with that garbage... Okay, seriously, you heard me folks... I'm not going to touch it anymore because it just makes me feel very crummy... Why waste even 10 minutes of my life feeling that way!?
By the time I got there, around 10, I was really pretty hungry... Those dummie's closed the kitchen soon after and so I couldn't get a bowl of Gumbo... I guess the drink was surrogate food? I don't know..
At least the music was great, and I now know to plan on getting there before the kitchen closes... I think Gumbo would have been a great S instead of the booze...
(on the way home I doubled my need to detox today by hitting Dunkin Donuts and eating 2 donuts on the ride home... Yeesh! LOL....)
Yoga was so great today though.. I feel like a Yoga Goddess! I am so thankful for my wonderful teacher Larry, and how well this is all going for me... I took Yoga before with others and it didn't resonate and I felt very frustrated... This is just a match made in heaven! I feel alive, powerful, and motivated and soothed all at once!
So, about to make some nice *healthy* food today!
Salmon with teriyaki marinade, and I just ate some nice watermelon...
I still have a few donuts left from last night which will be my S and Richards for tomorrow... I don't even want them for today!
Gonna just take it nice and slow today...

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:08 pm

Exercise is so great for detoxing from alcohol, overeating, stress, whatever. Nothing like a nice walk, pilates class, or nice slow swim!!

I'm actually planning to lay off the sauce for the next little while, too--a total dryout can only HELP keep away migraines. Every once in a while I completely abstain from alcohol for a few months, sometimes if I'm training, or when I used to be studying, or sometimes just for the hell of it...right now it seems like another way to slash calories! (I'm making it sound like I'm some kind of boozehound, where the reality is that I never drink during the week and only have a couple of drinks on the weekend!) It sounds like you have some kind of allergy, though, yeah?

It's so cool that you found a great yoga teacher--it's like clicking with a great doctor or boss or coworker, it makes SUCH a difference for your everyday life!! Your teriyaki sounds awesome, have a lovely weekend!!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:12 pm

Good eating weekend! I am enjoying the very comfortably full feeling of a great dinner now... Penne with broccoli and fresh garlic, swimming in Vodka sauce... I hope it doesn't really have vodka though!!!
Later when Richie comes back from his friends house, around the corner, we will have our Sunday S's... He's having coconut flavored Sara lee cake, and I'm having some kind of good looking carrot cake with cream cheese frosting!!! Oooh it looks very S worthy... Think I'll go nuts and also have a nice cup of coffee with some chocolate soymilk, to go with the carrot cake!
I love this "Diet" Thanks Reinhard!!!!!!!! Love you mister!

Well hope you are all too busy having fun to even be reading this!

Love and Hugs!
8) Madame Deb
*that's for you Peetie!

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Post by peetie » Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:52 am

Hi Madame Deb,
No. Not too busy having fun to read this, but am with you on loving this plan.
I just had a slice of pizza and a buttermilk donut for dinner and it was enough! ME...the bottomless pit! I am amazed at how few sweets it takes to satisfy that old sweet tooth these days.

(Not a madame....just one of the girls)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:25 pm

Hi friends!
I'm staying home today, because my Richie has a virus or something, and a yuckky fever....
Hope I'm not next in line... Better start doing some sun Salutations and Shovelglove!
So, he's plowing through Harry Potter, and has already read about 200 pages since 8 am, and is about 29 pages to the end! And I'm using this time to "machine gun" post....
Please send all healing thoughts to our cottage and right into Richards nose!
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Post by sibyl » Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:22 pm

Poor Richard! I mean, a stuffy nose and cough and lethargy is bad enough - but when everyone else is outside enjoying the sunshine its even worse! Here's hoping with some rest and great TLC from mom, he'll be up and racing around in no time.
I hope you guys enjoyed your cakes. That carrot cake sounded divine. :D
"I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a bunny with a pancake on its head".

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:04 pm

Hey Sibyl! Thanks for you kind reply!
Here's an equation for you...
Nine year old boy + virus = stay still in bed all day????

Nope! :lol: He is off at the park now, since the Tylenol kicked in...
I tried to use a wet washcloth for a while, but he was feeling too miserable..
I went off to the backyard to practice some relaxing and gentle Yoga....
Before that I ate a raw clove of garlic and downed a bunch of Emergen-C packs with water.... Then I exercised... That got the garlic pumping through my system... I got a nice little sweat going... I feel good....
I should also mention that the park is within "calling" distance from our cottage and Richard isn't just off in another universe while I am here! LOL...
The park is our backyard! How lucky we are eh?
About to have some lunch... See you later alligator!
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Post by sibyl » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:30 pm

Hey, the park-in-the-backyard thing sounds like my Aunt's place. She used to babysit me and my brother (or her kids did - they were much older than us) - and we used to take off from the backyard into the park all the time. There were trees to play in, a baseball diamond, a playground set with swings and a jungle gym, even a stream to play in.
Of course, we didn't worry as much then about kids being out alone (it was considered good for us!).

I'm glad Richard's "well enough" to play outside- fresh air is probably the best thing for him, besides rest (and he will rest, right?).

You sound like you're well on your way to warding off the evil cold - good luck with that!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:51 pm

Heeeellllooooo folks! :wink:

Well today was fairly uneventful... Last night, however was not....
I raided that carrot cake at 1:30 am, just when my Liver was supposed to be filtering my blood!
So this morning I dumped the rest of the dreaded carrot cake....
I hate when this happens... I just have to stop bringing in temptations during the week.. It never works for me.... I say I won't have it till next S day, and then "blam" I'm all over that cake at midnight! LOL....
I saw a lady with a hilarious tee shirt on today... Wish I knew where I could get one....
It was a picture of a doctors scale and the caption said
"Don't step on it... It'll make you cry!"......
Pretty weird to have on a tee shirt, but I laughed and told her "Your tee shirt is right!" LOL....
I am so tired today... Probably due to all the worrying yesterday about Richards virus... He went to camp today because staying home would have been torture to him!!! LOL... I think he's finally over that fever... I am pretty sure I will escape this, as long as I do moderate exercise and get rest at night....
Today, my moderate exercise was 3 massages at the club..
One of them asked me if she could see me as a private client.. That was music to my ears... Two of the people I treated told me I have "Good Hands".... Ah.. nice feedback!
See you all manana!
8) Deb

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Post by reinhard » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:43 am

Hi Deb,

Sorry it's been a while since I checked in here... I think I need to come up with a system for efficiently checking all the daily checkins! Thank you (on behalf of everyone) for being so much better than I've been about this.

I hope Richard's feeling better. So sickness doesn't qualify as a special event, for checkin purposes?

Regarding the carrot cake, yeah, if Zeul doesn't do it, you probably want to keep that fridge temptation free...

Glad to hear about your 15 minute trainer. Hope he makes it big with his system! Then ask him to drop me a line and tell me how he did it, I'm having a little trouble with the making it big part :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:16 am

You will Reinhard... Just like I say to most people... Believe in yourself..
You have to assume you will make it big and never stop trying...
A little prayer now and then helps too...
I truly feel that you have to not only want the "big time" but you have to believe in your heart of hearts that you truly are deserving of it...
And you are...
The Universe will provide...
Thanks for the well wishes for Richard... I've been staving off this bug by eating raw garlic cloves mixed in with my food... I feel like my blood is garlic infused!
Watch out vampires (and potential boyfriends...LOL...)
As for Kevin and the 15 minute workout... I'm not sure when his video/book whatever is coming out, but he has years of training behind him and a very loyal following... You're beginning to have both...

I didn't have a full session with him that day though, as he got booked with a paying client (we were only bartering so I told him to take a client if he had an opportunity...) And my new BOZO boss was pacing the floors looking for reasons to be annoying... As soon as she saw me working out, she immediately came over to me and asked why I didn't put myself on the schedule that day! Pain in the as,,,,bestos!....
But once we get that 15 minutes in, I'll report on it...
Hope you and your little family are healthy and happy!
And of course I'm happy to "pinch hit" for you (as you put it in the past :wink: ) If you want to find a great way to respond to all the checkin's,,,, just try developing manic depression, and just stay in that nice, hypomanic phase... (ditch the depressed phase! LOL...)

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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:17 am

Deb, you are so hilarious! I am going to start saying "pain in the ASbestoS" ...

Sorry I haven't checked in with you, and everyone, much lately! I was away for a few days and now things are getting busy around here ...

Hugs, CB
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:01 am

Thanks Betsy!!!
Listen to this!
Today (my day off from the club) I went to my Yoga class... I had to take my massage chair home from the club because I'm doing a private party at a country club on Monday... 4 hours of massage on a bunch of lawyers.... Hope I can hold out that long! My arms might fall off!
Anyway, this moron sees me leaving the club and heading for the elevator with my chair... She follows me out and then, as I'm getting into the elevator she asks "Ummmm, Debbie,,,,, Is that *your* chair?".....
As the doors closed I said "Yes it's my chair..." but what I wanted to say was... "Oh no, you idiot, I always steal massage chairs from others without asking them... I am stealing this now!"
She is just plain offensive.... I'm sure I sound like I'm overreacting, but trust me, this is the worst manager on the planet, and maybe the Universe!
(That's for Betsy! LOL...) was a decent eating day... Yesterday not! Went out to music and ate a bunch of hot buffalo wings, but then I ate even more of them before I went to bed! :evil:
LOL..... Hey, here's a little surprising tidbit of info... I bought Rice Crispies the other day... Not cocoa crispies or rice crispie treat flavored...
Just plain ones... I looked at the list of ingredients.. It is still chock full of sugar... How dissapointing! Oh well... I'll just have to have it once in a while...
Meanwhile, sorry if this is slightly gross, but I've been noticing that I'm totally burping after eating... I hope my stomach settles down...
I'm sure all this aggravation has affected my digestive powers....
I sound like a total slob... "Buuuuurrrrpppppp!!!!!!!!!!!" every hour!!!!! LOL...But I guess, as Austin Powers says "Better out than in!"....
("Thanks for sharing Deb" you are all thinking! LOL...)

On a nice note I had a great Yoga class today and am feeling pretty groovy! Also got a nice haircut! Maybe this will be the week for a new pic of Grateful Deb and son! (He got one too...)
If this manager continues as she has been, it's almost a sure thing that she won't last... Someone will have to get her fired!
If not, I might have to visit her late at night when she is closing the gym with my Shovelglove....
Please don't turn me in...
So have a great evening peeples...
Your friend (and future inmate)
Deb"Don't ask me where I'm going with that sledgehammer" Feder...

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Post by navin » Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:39 pm

Hmm... somebody carrying a sledgehammer at odd hours of the night... that won't look suspicious, will it? :P

As for the cereal - man, I know what you mean. It can be very hard to find cereal that isn't mostly sugar. I consider myself lucky if I find one where "SUGAR" is listed as the 3rd ingredient or lower, and not the 2nd or 1st. :shock:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:46 pm

Yeah, I was like "This is ridiculous! I might as well eat Frosted Flakes if it's the same as plain Rice Crispies!"
Of course that would be unadvisable in the "big ass" department!

Okay, so don't turn me in Nathan! I need an accomplice.....

See you later!
8) Deb

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Friday S....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:40 pm

I don't know about your guys,,, but I just had a cup of chocolate Haagen Daaz and it was like some amazing OTC miracle substance!

It's amazing how much better all this tastes, when you don't have it all the time... That break really wakes up your pallette...
I feel like my tongue just found Nirvana! LOL...
Well, had a bloody unproductive day, but paid a few bills...
Watching Michael Palin in "Ripping Yarns"
It's bloody funny! So deliciously British...

Have a groovy S weekend people!
Peace and Love,

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:01 pm

Hi friends!
I feel pretty weird and down today... Had some pretty upsetting dreams last night... It's no surprise I guess... I've been worried about finances and stuff so I'm sure I'm repressing a lot more than realize... My creepy first boyfriend reappeared in one of the nightmares.. Most of the time he shows up when I have some new feelings about a new guy, and pathetically, I still can't shake that guy who I like out of my mind... Usually its like a "shaking his finger in dissapproval" thing... I was with him for nine years and it was a very harmful relationship in many ways... Basically I delegated almost 100 percent of my decisions to him...
Well anyway, I don't really want to keep talking about him on a diet blog!
Feh, he was a big doo doo anyway!!!

But sadly he haunted my dream last night, so I woke up feeling very uneasy and kind of persecuted... Well surprise surprise... I ate some cheetos in the wee wee hours, so who knows what was talking? My subconscious or the cheetos...
Blech Yuch Uch!
That's how I feel now...
Well I hope you all don't mind me leaning on you at times like this... I wish I could say something funny, but this is just a feeling I have to ride out and experience... Thanks for letting me unload now.
You are all very lovely friends and good listeners!
At least tonight I will be seeing a great band so maybe the music will have a healing effect!
Other than the cheetos, I had a pretty good day yesterday.. Just sat around too much and moved too little...
I have to get myself to get out of here more!!!! We have a terrific yard with a tree outside..
Time to get a nice blanket and start using that space more!
I feel a little better folks.. Seriously, thank you for listening...
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:35 pm

Deb, BIG HUGS to you!!! I know how you feel, sometimes i dream about my ex-hubby and it kind of throws an invasion of privacy at a vulnerable time or something...anyway, just shake it off girlfriend! Wash that man right outta your hair! :lol: And don't worry about the cheetos, one little cheeto treat won't hurt you long term, but of course you know that.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:06 pm

Hug received! Hug appreciated!
Thank you very much Tricia :wink:
Tomorrow is a new day, and even today is seeming better already...
Actually there is going to be a big arts and crafts fair in town tomorrow so I will be going around with my cards and maybe do some chair massage (if the cops don't chase me away for not paying street fair rent)
We just went and got some nice tomatoes and fresh blueberries... Glad to have some healthy foods around to balance out the crappy food I had last night...
I have to use a Reinhard quote here about the Cheese doodles....
Because I ate them on pure auto-pilot, even though I was technically into the weekend already, they just didn't taste good!!!
I experienced a "disturbing lack of pleasure"! LOL....
(that was lifted from his blog the week he was in the hospital and his MIL and wife force fed him a tartlett... I guess the tartlett wasn't that good! Sorry MIL! LOL....)
I think I just don't feel right about eating anything, including on S days, that isn't part of mealtime...

Well, in NoS habits perspective, I guess it's a great thing that I didn't like the cheetos eaten at a weird hour....
This mealtime thing is pretty cool!

Thanks so much for sharing Tricia! Next time that "beepity beep" shows up in my dreams, I will tell him to "Get the "beep" out of my hair or I'll kick his "beep" to kingdom come!
Ha ha!!!
Enjoy the lovely day!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 30, 2005 7:58 pm

Hey all! Just a little note about my computer... It's been virus free for some time, but for the last few days I've been getting some strange messages about the system not having enough space, and that it's critically low, blah blah blah... computer crap!
Sorry but it's pretty aggravating... I don't need my computer to crash on the same day I feel like I'm crashing... Rrrrrreh!
Well if it does and I'm just computerless, and drop off the face of the NoS planet without a trace.. Don't worry, I didn't jump off the Brooklyn Bridge...
Well at least I still have my trusty Grateful Dead to listen to, and I'm going to make a cup of coffee!
Hugs all you guys!
May the NoS force be with you and guide your choices in these troubled screwed-up-computer age, times! LOL....
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:18 pm

Hey my comp is still alive (but still showing signs of distress...)
I did a little craft fair today and a bunch of chair massages... Gave out some business cards to people who showed some interest...
Tomorrow I'll be at a private party for some law firm at a fairly fancy schmancy country club... There will be four other LMT's there with me and hopefully we will all get some people interested in our respective offices..
It is supposed to be 85 degrees and very humid.. I hope I don't totally die!
I already got a little sunburned today and feel pretty spaced out (plus going to sleep at 4 am didn't really help either! Yeesh! Last time I do *that*! )
Wish me luck for tomorrow folks! Maybe I can land some kind of corporate account with these guys tomorrow?....
I just hope I don't melt....
It's gonna be poolside but I don't think that the massage therapists will be taking a swim...
So, had a nice day, though tired now! And yesterday one of my ex boyfriends sent me a surprise in the mail... We keep in touch as friends now...
He sent me three Grateful Dead compliation cds he put together!
So, Life is good!

Too bad I can't play them at the Country Club party tomorrow while I'm doing chair massage! :wink:
Oh, for the record, Richard and I had some, pretty nice, cherry turnovers this weekend as one of our planned S's..... Then last night, when I went out to see James playing drums with his band, I had a selter with some juice, and, before I left, I ordered a coke, as it was an hour drive out there, and I thought the caffeine would wake me up for the ride..
I ended up leaving half of it... I think, I'm starting to not really love soda...
Take it or leave it feeling... It's cool!
So have a great night guys and cross your fingers that tomorrow will help lead me into greater prosperity!
Peace and Love,
8) Debbie

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Post by ClickBeetle » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:28 am

Good karma/luck/grace to you, Deb! Hope the assignment works out great for you. Every one of those lawyers is going to be asking themselves why they didn't go and get a massage school degree instead ... trust me ... :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:33 pm

Hey Betsy! Thanks for the good Karmic vibes! LOL...They bulk of them were pretty gosh darned stressed I tell you! The only one who wasn't was a 20 year old intern... :lol:
Unfortunately for me, their firm is in Manhattan, and also in Boca Raton, which is quite a ways to travel just to get a massage, but I did still give a few cards... If they pass through maybe they'll come get a session.. One person lived about two towns away from me though...
I was just writing on Ariels page about it being a very tiring day..
4 hours of massage in 85 degree heat... I'm a big mush! Don't feel much like doing anymore right now!
Other than having a few sugary drinks today and a bit of virtual plating..
(let's face it.. A hot dog on a bun was never intended to sit on a plate for long anyway!) it was a good day so far...
I tried a "Dinosaur Egg" plum today.. I recommend them highly!!! Very juicy and the flesh is a lovely red pink color.. Great yummy taste...

I'm famished now and will probably be overloading my dinner plate...
My metabolism must have revved up a bit from all that work...
It's funny because I have often wondered what it would be like to give massage at, let's say, a Club Med or something.. In theory it seems okay.. You know, room and board, and maybe even a place to bring my son... A combination of vacation and work somewhere in the world...
Now that I worked outside in a fairly hot environment for only a half day, I can say that I don't think it sounds as great... I couldn't do this too often... It's really depleting..
But I still hope that we can go travel and enjoy seeing the world sometime in my adult life!
So,,,, Where's my food already! I might have to bite the delivery guy when he gets here!
Have a nice evening everyone :D
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 02, 2005 7:09 pm

Okay, so I weighed myself today and I'm up about 1.5 pounds...
Of course I wasn't thrilled at that at first, but I then thought it over and, considering that
1. A gain like this was commonplace for me in the past, only double or triple that, within only a few bad days...
2. I've been going out a bit more than I have in the past, and eating a few pretty fattening foods late at night (like buffalo wings with large portions of bleu cheese and celery...)
3. I haven't been exercising as much on a daily basis, and I've been having an occasional night time, non-approved, snack...
4. I've had salty Chinese food about 2 times this week, and in the past, I would have so much more, in one sitting, and have a soda to wash it down, that the next day, I commonly would be up 4 lbs.....

So, this was actually mild damage when all that is taken into account...
I'll check again in another week or two...
Hey, sometimes reality just bites! LOL.....
Funny, I knew I was a little bit up.. My body just felt heavy and full...
Even my face looks drastically different to me from that small weight change...
Well, had a great day so far, and I will see you all latah!
8) Deb

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Post by navin » Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:43 pm

Well, Deb, I think you are worrying about it "just the right amount". You've discovered some possible causes, but aren't panicking or falling into a pit of despair.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have weeks that I went up a pound or two. It's always disappointing, but then there is usually something to be learned... and I've also found any gain has never lasted more than a week or to. Good habits over time tend to correct that out.

So stay away from those late night buffalo wings, and you'll be fine. :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:49 pm

Thanks Nate! The salt factor may be playing a pretty big role here too... I had hot dogs for about three meals this week and I am very very salt sensitive...
In post post retrospect, I feel like I am actually lucky that it was such a small gain...
Hope you are well voluteman!
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:29 am

Hi Deb,

Don't worry too much. I put all my weight that I lost back on during my 2 week holiday, but it's shifting already and I'm sure yours will too. It's idiotproof! Ultimately those good habits will reassert themselves and you'll get right back on track.

love C.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:39 am

Thanks Carolejo!
"Idiotproof" diet plan???
Well I'm certainly relieved about that! LOL... :lol:
Have a nice one in ol' Blighty!
8) Deb

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:14 pm

Hi Deb! Sorry I haven't posted in here in awhile, but just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. Sorry about the little gain, but it does sound like you're having a very rational and calm response to it - good job! MAN, 4 hrs of doing massages in the hot sun sounds like a herculean task. Hope you're recovering well from that. Hang in there and ((((HUGS))))! Here's wishing for good days and peaceful nights with no more dream invasions by the ex! Oh, and fingers crossed your computer will be ok too!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:27 pm

Thanks Ariel! I gotta say that I won't be doing any event like that again...
Last night I was up for most of the night because an old injury flared up from all that overexertion... Well... live and learn... I will be resting and trying to just stretch and do some self massage, though working on your own back is a mighty big challenge...
Three years ago I was shlepping a very heavy speaker cabinet for a music gig I was on... I dislocated a few ribs and developed some pretty bad areas of trigger points from the muscles that were strained, then went
into spasm... I believe that this Monday they got reactivated... I was dragging my chair around and just overdoing in general...
Rule to remember and live by here: (said to my stupid self!)
Don't overdo anything, no matter how much you need the money!!!!!!
No bad dreams about creepy dude... Comps still showing serious signs of a mysterious disease which is swiping all my space on disc drive C... Lame! I'm sure it's some virus or malware...
Hope your squats are going along great!!! I used my Shoveglove to crack open a coconut last night!!! LOL... Today I'll probably use it to get at the trigger points in my ribcage and spine.... Highly unorthodoxed workouts these days! :wink:
Be well girlfriend!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by peetie » Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:31 pm

Deb, At this point in my life, I measure success by not starving and bingeing. By being as close to a normal eater as possible. After years of crazy diets and then wild, uncontrolled, health destroying binges, I am less worried about weight, and more content on just not destroying my body with all my culinary craziness.

You sound good to me! The pounds are sure to follow!

Just remember the old tortoise and the hare. Look at all those ATkins people now wondering what to do next!


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Post by snazzybabe » Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:22 am

peetie wrote:Look at all those ATkins people now wondering what to do next!Love,
What do you mean by that comment?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:04 pm

I think she means that Atkins is not a long term liveable plan....
Losing weight quickly, and by any means, isn't maintainable...
It is far better to have a healthy relationship with all food groups, even if it means that we have to slow things down a bit...

I've been a "hare" before... I lost weight fast...
It comes back that way...

Better to be a tortoise....

Or even better... I like the "Little Engine that could" as an analogy...

That is real willpower in action!
NoS empowers us to succeed without excluding foods... It's not the foods fault! Poor potatoes... Can't even speak up for themselves in this silly Atkins war on carbs!

Peetie Sweetie? Is that what you meant by that comment?
Hugs Prunie girl!
8) Deb
PS... Prunes are very high carb!!!! LOL.....

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More Atkins Discourse

Post by peetie » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:43 pm

Thanks, Deb, for taking the words right out of my often full of food mouth! I was also referring to the fact that so many people (I don't mean you, Snazzy Babe, because obviously you have found this way of eating works for you), but many people really have a hard time thinking for themselves and just glom onto the latest diet du jour.

The thing I like about Nos is that it is very basic and it allows tweaking in ways that work for who we are mentally, physically and emotionally. A lot of people want hard and fast rules in granite and that's why diet books are always big sellers. I like the was Nos lets you think for yourself while giving you a set of common sense guide lines.

I know several people who go on and off Atkins for years now. Taking off the weight and then putting it back on again because they couldn't stay with the regimentation, and I also noted a couple got really depressed on it too. I'm not a doctor so don't know if this is biochemical or psychological, but I used to actually be jealous of the weight loss, while I plodded along like this. Well, they are all heavy again and I am a few pounds UNDER my current ideal weight and feeling great.

But, if this style of eating works for you S.B., I'm happy you found something that you're happy with. That just hasn't been my experience or my observation in friends. I would never mean to denegrate something that somebody else is happy with, so I'm sorry if I offended you.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:14 am

I had too much Chinese again tonight... This is really turning into a problem... In "mid seconds" (STANDING over the darn counter!!!) I heard a very faint voice saying "Deb you are totally sabotaging yourself...Stop, stop!!!!!!!" After about three bites more of delectable beef and brocolli with white RICE, I listened and, with great difficulty, put the rest in the fridge...
I feel my butt expanding a little bit, so I'm glad I stopped or I might have exploded...
Heck, at least there was no soda to wash it down... :P
Other than that, I had a successful day...
I can't wait to eat my breakfast of Bagels and butter with Coffee tomorrow morning... :lol:
Richard is going to be in a dance performance for the last day of camp...
They are doing a cute choreographed routine to "Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting"....
It should be really cute!!!!
Have a nice evening friends..
I have a few clients scheduled which should help me with this months bills.. Prayed a lot last night and this morning I got two private clients in the same hour... Prayer sure does help! (but I only pray for things which are for the highest good, not for ill...)
That was quite a relief.. Now lets all hope for a great day tomorrow!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Re: More Atkins Discourse

Post by snazzybabe » Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:06 am

peetie wrote:Thanks, Deb, for taking the words right out of my often full of food mouth! I was also referring to the fact that so many people (I don't mean you, Snazzy Babe, because obviously you have found this way of eating works for you), but many people really have a hard time thinking for themselves and just glom onto the latest diet du jour.

The thing I like about Nos is that it is very basic and it allows tweaking in ways that work for who we are mentally, physically and emotionally. A lot of people want hard and fast rules in granite and that's why diet books are always big sellers. I like the was Nos lets you think for yourself while giving you a set of common sense guide lines.

I know several people who go on and off Atkins for years now. Taking off the weight and then putting it back on again because they couldn't stay with the regimentation, and I also noted a couple got really depressed on it too. I'm not a doctor so don't know if this is biochemical or psychological, but I used to actually be jealous of the weight loss, while I plodded along like this. Well, they are all heavy again and I am a few pounds UNDER my current ideal weight and feeling great.

But, if this style of eating works for you S.B., I'm happy you found something that you're happy with. That just hasn't been my experience or my observation in friends. I would never mean to denegrate something that somebody else is happy with, so I'm sorry if I offended you.Peetie
Thanks Peetie. You didn't really offend me I was just a bit annoyed. You are right a lot of people can't stick to low-carb but a lot can. Anyway, you keep doing what works for you. Thanks.

Oh, by the way Deb, yes prunes are very high in carb but very delicious.
Also Deb I don't think you have to come to everyone's rescue, people can speak for themselves. Just because you don't agree with low-carb doesn't mean you have to be nasty. What happened to Peace and love?

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Post by doulachic » Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:09 am

Hey Deb! That Chinese food gets me every time! I love it... :twisted:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:48 pm

Hi Tricia!!!
I think Chinese food has officially become an S for me this week....
The leftovers didn't make it to sunrise... :cry:
It's probably because Chinese food is one of the only foods that tastes good cold! Open fridge... Finish leftovers in a comatose half asleep state... :evil:
I'm not going to order it from now on unless it's an S day, and even then I'll have to think if I'm in a stressed out state of mind... If I am, chances are I'll stress eat the rest when I should be unconscious...
Well today is Richards big day for the dance show!!!
Gotta run and get him there...
Peace and Love,
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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:00 pm

Oho!! Well done for stopping yourself though, even though you didn't manage to prevent it happening in the first place.

Fiendish fiendish chinese food!!


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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:02 pm

Ha! For some reason LJ was only showing me posts up to the one Deb wrote before last.

Shame the willpower didn't hold out afterall. But anyhow.. redo, restart, retry!

Never mind. Tomorrow is another day.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:21 pm

Hey Carolejo!
Thanks for writing... It's almost like at times like that I'm not even trying to engage my Willpower...
Kind of lame...
Must redo and restart and keep on a movin on!!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:02 pm

Hey all! Glad the board is up and running again... It's obvious to me now that I rely on this group more than I even realized before...
When it crashed I thought to myself, "Maybe this is a little reminder to not take the group for granted...."
Well... it certainly seemed like perfect timing when it did crash (or maybe Justin and Reinhard made an executive decision to discipline us a little, with a "time out" for fighting! LOL.... You know,,,, like in Kindergarten! :lol: )

Anyway... I've been slipping up alot lately.. I could say that my life circumstances are to blame, but they aren't... they are just triggers...
Everyone has problems... This isn't a unique thing...
I just had a conversation with Richard about the two of us really tightening in on the rules and making much more of an effort to put them in play.... I'm gonna try three times as hard (isn't three a lucky number?)
to have excellent N days... I'm not going to try and do the 21 club because I know I just am not cut from that cloth... I've put on some weight in the last month... I don't want to even step on the scale... my guess is something like four or five pounds in a month...
The buck stops here!!!!!!!!!
I can't let depression or stress be reasons for slacking off....
Being off plan and gaining weight only compounds that stress and it becomes a vicious cycle...
Through my experiences this year, I know that NoS is a delicate beast...
You have to do it right or it doesn't work... At least that's my experience...
I am shooting for a few weeks on plan... I know I can do 15 days...
I believe that those 15 days will indeed boost my Spirit and confidence (which are getting a beating right now for my recent slippage...)

I am pms'ing too, and feel very dismal, which sucks... Not liking myself much right now... I'm looking forward to this passing, as I know it will... I'm sure it will shift and my mood and outlook will improve by next weekend!... For now, I'm heeding my "I'm really worried at the direction I'm going in" call.Incidentally, in two or three weeks it will be my one year anniversary with NoS and this group... I want to end my first year with a big NOS Bang!!!
(okay you pervs get your mind out of the gutter! LOL....)

Wish me luck friends!
Hugs and glad to be back with you all after an excrutiating 24 hours without you!!!!! :P
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:30 am

Luck seems like too random a thing to wish you, when the whole point (for me at least) is taking control of things yourself, so sorry, I won't wish you 'luck'....

...But I do wish you every success. I'm sure you will ultimately succeed.

Hang in there. Things are tough, but they will get better.
love C.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:11 pm

Thank you Carolejo! I appreciate your non-random support!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by Prodigalsun » Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:05 pm

Deb, you can do it. You're such a wonderful cheerleader for us all here, turn some of that positive vibe on yourself.

Thanks for the great e-Card on my B-Day!

Starting Weight: 275
Current: 269
Goal: 190

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Post by Ariel King » Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:55 pm

Are you sure some of the weight gain isn't water retention from PMS?

In any case... you can do it Deb!!! We're all rooting for you!

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Post by doulachic » Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:53 pm

Deb, hang in there chic! we all have our days when we are lulled into "the old ways"...just refocus yourself and you'll be fine! That is what i am going to do. I have been bad lately too. :oops:

Hey, consider your hand held! we can do this together, that's what this board is for! (i'm with you, i thought i was gonna freak out when the board was down! :D )

Take care of yourself, girlfriend! message me if you need to.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:17 pm

Hi Guys!
Thanks Prod, Doul, and Buttercup!!!
I didn't have much time to thing about being down and out today... Just got in a moment ago... I had three massages *back to back* (huh huh no pun intended! Groan...... :P )
I also didn't have time to eat much! I inhaled a peach inbetween clients and then I had my half a cinnamon bagel with a shmear of creamcheese, oh, let's see, FOUR HOURS LATER THAN I SHOULD HAVE!!!!!!!!!
So I am all upside down....
Unfortunately I had a key client for my bills being paid on time cancel his appointment with me tomorrow, so I have to just bite the bullet... Today was the day I was supposed to pay my DSL, but since he cancelled I have to make a responsible decision and put the money I had for the DSL towards our food budget for the next two weeks....
This is going to be rough, but I'm going to have to use the public computer for checking my email and going on the boards... Oh my goodness... I hope I can survive!!!!! LOL... Seriously...
I am really hoping that I get enough business in the next few months to be able to afford this luxury again... I guess I could switch back to dialup, but let's face it... Dial up SUCKS!!!!!!!!!
So as of midnight tonight I will be computerless at home :cry: :cry: :cry:
I hope it won't be for more than a few weeks or a month...

I love you all, but I'm sure you will understand my predicament and realize that putting some food on the table has to take priority...
On the lighter side, I really do think things are going to be picking up for me workwise, as I'm getting lots of good feedback from my clients...
So brace yourselves guys! You are all going to have to keep that cheerleading going "psychically" and forgive me for going into forced "limited cheering" timeslots...
Just know that this is going to hurt me more than it does you!!! Ha ha ha!...

Thanks for helping me get psyched up to be good again... I will be S'sing only on S days from now on!
(She says after eating a cranberry scone with walnuts at midnight as if in a robotic coma!!!!!)
No, Ariel, it's not water weight.. But whatever it is, I'm getting on it NOW!
Thanks for holding my hand Tricia! I bet you hold lot's of nervous ladies hands!!!! LOL...
I hope next post I have will be one with loads of nice news!
Best of luck to everyone here for a successful week, and I'll be checking in as much as I can (at the library! :roll: )
Peace and Love,
8) Debbie

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Post by reinhard » Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:57 pm

Deb, besides being the greatest nosdiet cheerleader than the next two of us combined (including myself), you set an incredibly inspiring example. Not because of your perfection, but because of your imperfection. Despite the very tough time "the old ways" have been giving you, you get right back up and keep going. I'm too lucky, I had too few problems to be really inspiring to most people. Most people are going to run into trouble, and your example shows that that doesn't have to be the end of it. You're still with it, you're still enthusiastic, and you're still losing weight. We're rooting for you, we're grateful for you, and we're in awe of you.

Sorry to hear about your dsl situation... maybe make the public computer an urban ranger destination? We're all waiting eagerly for you here, if that's any motivation.

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Thanks friend! Day one, and part of day two....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:19 pm

Aw shucks! That is just about the sweetest post you have ever written me!!! I'm getting all ferklempt....
Thank you Reinhard! You are so wonderful!!!
The Dalai Llama couldn't write a more accepting and encouraging post!

Good idea for that Urban Ranger thing...
The library is about a mile and a half away...
Unfortunately for that goal, my service is not cut off yet! LOL...
Let's see how long it takes for the business office to notice!
I have a new client coming in this week, so I will play russian roulette with juggling my bills till then.. If he shows up and I actually get paid, I'll probably be able to afford paying my DSL service... But with clients it's best not to count your chickens before they are "hacked"
(and then cough up their 75 bucks!)
Huh huh, a little massage pun...
I'm going to start the 21 day attempt again... I hate success/failure... I'm just going to use green or red writing to indicate any funny stuff...
I figure, as long as I keep trying, every day is a kind of success! :D
So far yesterday and today, there was, no funny stuff, so, I already have one day down!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:42 pm

Madame Deborah -
Sorry I've been MIA...I'm sorry you're running into a bit of a tricky spell. I'm resetting my count again, pretty much, too. Hang in there...!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:08 pm

Hey Blondie! Do you want me to read the bumps on your head??? LOL...
At this point in my career, my fingers would probably be able to do that!

Well here's a really cogent article I just received today...
Since our recent discussion has been about being on a bit of a plateau..

I found it very comforting, insightful, and time relevant... I also found the Zen expression very excellent!!!
"Practice as if your hair is on fire"!!!!!
I mean there really is no time to waste if your hair is on fire is there???
So, now that we know we are on a plateau, let's look at it from a positive perspective...

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Day 2, Very decent day...

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:04 am

Day two complete.. :wink: no funny stuff
Unless you guys count one peach somewhere in between coffee and "breakfast" as funny stuff...

Okay here's the menu:
Breakfast: Coffee, with chocolate soymilk, late morning peach, then two eggs with leftover white rice... This all was spread out between the hours of 8:00 and 11:30? Can't seem to russell up an appetite right when I wake up...

Lunch: Around 4pm... Slice of challah bread and shmear of philly cream cheese, 1/3 of a really yummy cantelope...

(one hour later I was totally hungry again... Weird...)

Dinner: "Debbies Special Buffalo Ranch Orange Cranberry Chinese Leftovers Salad"
Salad consisted of two roma tomatoes, half a zucchini, two handfuls of dried cranberries, about a cup of cold leftover brown rice from Chinese, a very thin scallopine cut of chicken, stir fried in butter with garlic and spices.. Dressing was Paul Newman's Ranch (which I highly recommend!)
Juice of one small orange, a diced up raw clove of garlic, and about five shakes of Franks Red hot sauce, which helped the chicken!!!
I recommend this salad highly!!!
I would pay for this at any restaurant...

For dessert now, I am indulging in a slice of Watermelon... Had to virtual plate this since it really wouldn't taste good to have ranch dressing and hot sauce on watermelon... but it won't be a huge slice either!

Not much movement, but oh well... I hand washed my car the other day, and did three massages yesterday, plus one this morning... I'm still tired! (just kidding... totally lazy, imminent period coming real soon...)
Good day buds! :D
I feel back on track and less worried and down..... Amazing how attitude and one good day can turn things around...
Thanks again everyone for your wonderful support and friendship!!!
Tomorrow Yoga!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by snazzybabe » Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:43 am

Deb, salad sounds yummy. Must try it, but minus the rice and juice for me. It just means I can add more yummy chicken. I'm such a carnivore!!

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Frickin Cookies!!!!!!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:07 pm

Cool Snazzy...

Oh darn it!!! I had hid a box of big chocolate cookies in the cupboard last weekend.. Totally forgot it was there until I went to grab the garlic and paprika powder bottles I hid it behind, when I went to make that chicken for the salad...
I had a wonderful day, but then I ate one and a half cookies at one in the morning!!! :evil: :roll:
Damn the lure of chocolate chip cookies!!!!!! Why, Lord, why????
Ugh!!!! Well, I'm going to do this; when I have a good day, up till dinnertime and into the awake part of the evening, it counts, but I will mention funny stuff like that... If it's an "all out failure" and pig out fest, during an N day, I won't give myself a green light... Seems my night time raids are a beast hard to tame... It's really getting frustrating...
But my day was good so I'm still happy with that and moving on to day three... My "punishment" is to throw out the rest of the cookies, right now!!!! From now on, I am just going to get my S's on the outside and try for single servings... Not a whole pint of haagen daaz.. Just a bar.. Not a box of cookies, just one or two....
I think as long as it's not here, I'll be fine...
So, yeah, I screwed up, but I'm still moving on to day three!
Have a great one friends :D
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:30 pm

Hey Blondie! Do you want me to read the bumps on your head???
Oooh, I'm all about phrenology...ok, so not really, but I do remember taking a class in college ("Conceptual Foundations of the Neurosciences"--I was a history of science major, if ya can believe it), and phrenology was actually a "conceptual foundation" for more sophisticated understanding of how the brain works!

You salad sounds yummy--minus the chicken for me, no meat (add tofu and/or black beans...! :) )

Don't sweat the 1.5're on could have been a box and a half...;)

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Re: Frickin Cookies!!!!!!

Post by Justin » Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:13 pm

gratefuldeb67 wrote:I had a wonderful day, but then I ate one and a half cookies at one in the morning!!! :evil: :roll:
Damn the lure of chocolate chip cookies!!!!!! Why, Lord, why????
I have a hard-time with those midnight snacks too! I often will wake up feeling very hungry and sleepily go steal a couple spoons of ice-cream or eat a bunch of nuts. It's terrible! I know I don't NEED it, but I just don't stop myself. Hmmm... maybe I should put a time-release lock on the fridge and pantry!! Now, there's a product that might be a good No-S product.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:12 pm

Hi Blondie and Justin! Thanks for writing...
Blondie, you are hilarious! I could easily see you hosting a late night comedy show!!! So you are a vegetarian? Wow, I always respect that, but somehow don't feel like I want to do that... But still, I'm in awe of people who can, in a healthy way, get all their protein from veggies!!!
I tried it for a few months and then I experienced a complete "I must have spare ribs" meltdown one day....

Justin, that lock idea reminds me of a scene from the Dom Deluise movie "Fatso"... I think they put chains and padlocks on his fridge at some point! LOL....I think the locks on the fridge might not work Justin... See I have a 14 lb sledgehammer layin around the house! :lol:

Hey Here's some very relieving news, well at least for me! LOL..... Just got home from the gym..
When I was there I decided to see just how badly my weight changed...
I needed to see how my perception of myself, based on my crummy mood the last few weeks, matched reality... I braced myself for a serious blow...
I expected to see a four or maybe 5 pound gain.. I'm feeling very very fat these days and everything is tight...
Well, shockingly, I was only up half a pound from the last time I weighed in about three weeks ago...
I was totally floored... All this time half a pound has been making me feel like this???? Not likely... It's just a bad mind game going on...
I hate to say this but after that happened I thought,
"My mind is my enemy!!! Down with the mind!!!!!" LOL... Especially during pms... It's unreal how skewed things get for me during that week..
Seriously, I can't believe how much I've been totally neurotic over such a minor gain... I am also so surprised that I am so physically sensitive that a little water weight can make me feel soooooooo uncomfortable and fat...
I mean I'm up a whole inch! Oh whatever!!!!!!!! It's weird!...... :lol:
I'm actually glad I decided to weigh myself, as the number, this time, is wayyyy off, but in a good way, from what I thought it would be...
Anyway, I'll check it again in a few weeks... And by then I'll be at my one year anniversary with NoS! Woo hoo!!!!!!!! :D
Wow... I sure like to write and get mental alot!!! LOL.. :P
Thanks for going on this wacky ride with me guys!
We threw out the cookies this morning... Okay I gave one to Richard before we dumped the rest, but they are not going to tempt me tonight...
I feel really tired and can't wait for my monthly "friend" to arrive already!
I'm doing well so far today... Need a good hearty meal for dinner and then the plan is to drink water and then more water...
See you later all...
Peace and Love,

PS...Tomorrow will be an S day for Richard and I...We're going on a little road trip, travelling about 2 hours to see my friend James play with his band out in Montauk... This is as far as it gets out on Long Island...
Frankly, I don't do stuff like this everyday, so it is indeed special... I don't plan on eating sweets excessively, but quite frankly, I don't want to have to worry about what we eat in the car or at the restaurant... We will probably get a bunch of juice or gatorade, and junk and put it in a cooler..
I won't be ordering a hot fudge sundae for dessert, but I'll probably want to have something like steamer's and fries... Wish I could afford lobster!!! LOL... I'm really looking forward to a fun day with Richard and music!!!

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Post by doulachic » Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:16 pm

hey, sounds like you and Richard are in for a fun time! Enjoy your day! I know what you mean about the mind games. I worried all week about getting on the scale at my TOPS meeting, only to find out that i had stayed the same! All that energy wasted on worrying when i could have been doing something productive instead. :roll:

hey, one year is AWESOME!!! congrats! I'm looking forward to my one year anniversary of normal eating and non-obsessive diet behaviour!

Take care, girl! (and you too, Richard!)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:55 am

Thanks Tricia!!!
We did have a great time!!!!! Probably one of the nicest of the whole Summer!!! I had the absolute best steamers, and even had a cold Heineken...(along with about 4 glasses of water)
I did a mini massage on the beach, and a few chair massages during the guys breaks... It all made me feel great! Very sunny and lovely day.. Couple of traffic snags, but that's to be expected... I'd do this again for sure!
Oh we got some pics of Richard and me and my music buddies.. I hope some come out nicely.. If so, I will put them up somehow..
Let's try to "not worry" so much eh??? LOL...
Love and Peace,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:59 am

Oh, by the way... I think it's awesome how much support is here guys!
Never take it for granted!
I am floored by the sheer amount of views my check in has had today alone...
More than 400 people checked in on me....
Could this be true???
Gee, am I really that interesting!!?? :P :lol:
I better watch what kind of example I set eh???
Hee hee! :wink:
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Post by carolejo » Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:07 am

I'm checking in on you too *grin*.

Hang in there. You're doing great. You're also correct that every day you try is a success. Just think how much worse it used to be!

Hope everthing settles down for you soon and you manage to snaffle those pesky clients and keep 'em coming back for more.

Go go GratefulDeb! You're an inspiration to us all. :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:18 pm

Carolejo! Thanks babe! You ain't too shabby with all those hilarious posts and your cool Viscount husband!
Wow this place is a S day ghost town!!! LOL..
I decided that my S's would be very "opportunistic" today..
I found a stale donut, still in the bag, which had rolled under my car seat on my drive home from Montauk on Thursday...
It was great with my third cup of coffee!!! Dunk that stale sugar!!!!
Yeah baby!!!
Actually I only ate half of it...
Now I'm having my next wild and crazy S for the day...
A piece of Wrigleys spearmint gum!
This is the life!!!! Ha ha ha!!!!!
I just want to have great N days guys... I'm gonna really try to start SG'ing again... That is always good for the soul!!!
And even my beloved Yoga has it's downfall of not being in my home, so I've been skipping it... Wow... Weird.. It's so hard to maintain momentum with exercise!
Hats off to Reinhard for doing it Everyday (TM!)
Woo hoo!!!!!!
Have a fun weekend guys.. I'm all into playing guitar and singing today so I'm a little wired right now!
Yeeee haaaaa!!!!!!
Somebody stop me!!! LOL...
Peace(okay not so much peace today) and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:05 am

Hey Deb :D

I had a question for you. I have these friends (well, they're so close they could be family, really!) But anyway, their 15 yr old daughter is interested in No-s (she saw my NO-S sign i have taped to my cabnet :wink: ) and i know that your son, Richard, No-ses. Just wondering if he has faced any challenges (like school, or "growing boy" nutritional needs, etc.) and how successful he has been? (if you/he wants to share, that is) This gal is pretty heavy and i know she could benefit from No-s, just wasn't sure how to advise her really. Her family has a history of diabetes, so i'd sure like to help her before it gets her too.

Guess i just need ideas on how to advise and be there for her. Like i said, this family is like real family to me (thier girls even call me mom sometimes.. :P )

Thanks for listening! Take care of you!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:50 am

Well if she is interested, then I'd just share your enthusiasm about it and direct her to Reinhards mainpage... She is clearly old enough to understand all of it... I think it's great you want to help her, and she obviously respects you...
As for Richard, he only has a problem with sweets... It was because I really let him have dessert every night as a reward for eating dinner..
But four or five cookies a night, and soda a few times a week had him getting a little chubby... I mainly asked him to try out NoS with me so I could get his full support at home.. He never had a "Seconds" issue, and I do allow him some afternoon snacks during the school year when he gets home and is really hungry (the growing issue here..) but it has to be something healthy like fruit and some cheese or something like that, not doritos... Last Fall and Winter, just by cutting out the sugar every night, and continuing to be his active self, Richard lost 2 inches of "baby fat" from his belly! It's not always easy, but he and I are in agreement that NoS is for us! You can write to him yourself on his own thread here (but with my Avatar, since he uses my account) "Richard's Special Updates"... In the "Daily Check In's" section... :D

This Summer he has been running around non-stop, and we live behind a park.... The ice cream man comes around more often so I decided that during the Summer, I would allow 4 S's a week for him to include a few ice creams at the park, but he knows all that is over come September, as we talk about this stuff...
I'll see if my gf Jools, from the Yahoo group would like to add her two cents... She has been pretty busy these days so I don't think she has been posting that much, but she and her daughter Shelley, who is 13 have been on NOS since last November, I think, and her daughter went from wearing a size 13 or something, to a size 8, from NoS and exercise...

When a child is living in a family full of overeaters, it almost seals their doom... (ooh that sounds bleak)
What I mean is, I personally feel the whole family must be behind the effort... If three people at the table are eating seconds, thirds and then dessert, it's probably the most influential thing this girl is dealing with in terms of her own weight...

Anyway.. Good luck on giving her an intro!!!
If she is remotely interested I'm sure she'll give it a try...
Prepare her to understand it's not like those "quick fix" fads though.....
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:43 am

Thanks Deb! I'll keep you posted. :D

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Day three down!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:49 am

Friday was day three... and it was a totally acceptable N day!!!
(I forgot to post it...)

Day 3!!!
Hey check it out.. a new client came in on Friday, who also turned out to be a big music buff... He seemed to want to talk through the session and kept mentioning music I liked too... Then he mentions..
Bela Fleck, to which I blurted "Bela Fleck is awesome!!! I love his band!!!"
At the end of the massage this guy tells me that he is a patron of the arts at a local Long Island Summer music festival, and he gets third row center tix for so many concerts that they give him a bunch of "Thank you" freebies, for out on the lawn....
As a tip, he offered me two tix to see Bela Fleck tomorrow evening at the festival!!!
I'm taking Richard...
Turns out it's a trio: Check it out,,,,,,,
Bela Fleck, Stanley Clarke, and Jean Luc Ponty!!!!!!!!!!
And opening act is
Ravi Coltraine!!!!
I am totally stoked for this show!
It sure is nice to have generous patrons as my clients!
Woo hoo!!!!
See you on the lawn tomorrow at 6pm for a picnic!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:50 pm

Okay, went to the gym, since it's airconditioned, and I wanted to use the elliptical trainer....
I normally don't weigh more than once a week if not once every two or three weeks, at a time, but I am feeling better today since my "bloating" is passing... I am back on track!!!
Down another 1.5 lbs... This is one pound away from my lowest since I've been on NOS... I refuse to end my first year here, without a big
NOS BANG!!!!! I'd be happy if I lost an average of 3 pounds a month.. I know that's maintainable... It's a bit frustrating as, in the past I would be able to shed 30 lbs in two or three months, but heck.. I'm no Spring Chicken anymore, and I guess, slowpoke is better than
Fatpoke! LOL.... I'm getting there!!!

Oooh I'm hearing some tympani out there and the clouds are looking pretty ominous! I hope it rains and cools off... But not during Bela Fleck in three hours!
See you guys manana!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Sun Aug 14, 2005 8:39 pm

Awesome, Madame D. That pound will be no problemo. Have fun at your show...!!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:21 pm

Thanks Blondie!!!
I'm not sure how I love my "moniker"... Makes me feel old! LOL... or like a Madame at a house of ill repute... Neither of which I is!!!!
As Peetie put it once, I am just "one of the gals!" :wink:
Well that crazy tympani orchestra in the sky let loose and we are doing backup plan for the night.....
Staying in and watching a video... The tix are good for any show genl admission, so I'm going to go and see Arlo Guthrie instead on the 27th...
Just came back from 7/11...
Tried out a little tweak that should help in the long run... Usually we have nachos and cheese, and I like them with loads of sliced jalapenos...
Well I took out only 3/4 of the bag of chips this time, and put slightly less cheese sauce and more jalapenos... a little more chili sauce...
Not only am I saving calories from the lesser amount of chips (and believe me there's plenty in the container without those extras...) I'm also saving calories on the cheese and chili I would have put on those....
I did this because I want to, not because I am trying to put any extra restrictions or anything... As I did with my coffee, in cutting down my teaspoons of sugar from (Gasp.......) 4 teaspoons last Sept, to 1 teaspoon now (okay with some sweetened soymilk too), I'd rather make maintainable "tweaks" to my portions and choices of foods, which will not take any pleasure away or be difficult to maintain.... Baby steps which will add up to one big lifelong marathon win!!!!
Thanks for your encouragement Blondie! I am stoked to start my second year of NOS... I have to look at my old emails to Reinhard to double check on exactly when I started... But , I'm pretty sure it was around now or next week...
As Justin, I too have a weight loss goal... I wish it could be as easy as
5 lbs... It's really more like 50... So I figure, I'll have to do it over two more years...
I will be one hot (and healthy!!!)40 year old then!!!
Well off to the nachos, and coke slurpees, and video to close out our S day...
It is totally black outside now from the rain! Wow!

Have an ultra groovy night all!
Rock On!!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:57 pm


Did you say you were 1.5 pounds away from your lowest point on no S???? Did I get that right??? Dude, you are awesome!!! And you deserve much congratulations.

I am also proud of you for downsizing your coffee with less sugar.

That is a feat worth celebrating.

Happy nearly 2nd year of No S. I admire your stick-to-it-ive-ness.


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8/15 Day 4

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:43 pm

Thanks Dru!!!
What I meant was that I had gained a little bit over that last "dubious" month (about 2.5 lbs *not from water weight) and I was about a pound away from getting rid of that weight... My lowest weight since I've been on this board has been 208 with some exercise clothes... (so maybe 206 without?)
Anyway... I've been totally dilligent about not cheating since my previous "midnight cookie" raid (funny, even my "raids" aren't that bad anymore.. I mean who can say that when they cheat on their diets they only have one or two cookies??? I am glad that I no longer binge much...)
and yesterday was 100 percent excellent!
We need some food in the house pretty bad now so there wasn't much chance for cheating anyway... I will say, to be honest, that I was feeling like I had *too little* overall food for the day and I did nab a handful of dried cranberries, which do have some corn syrup for sweetening, at around 1 am... I am not counting this against me... As I said, I had a very excellent day, and if anything, had too little..
I also did 30 minutes of elliptical thingy at the gym and 14 mins of my SG after dinner....
I get a gold star! :lol:
I don't want to be a total scale junkie and start obsessing about pounds anymore, but I am expecting a nice change over this week..
I am definitely back on track!

I tried to look through my emails from last year in my "Sent" folder to see if I could find my original "Thank You" letter to Reinhard for creating NOS and all my original reactions to his great systems, but alas I think it got wiped out of the memory when I had comp troubles last Winter and did some deleting of old files...
My guess is that I joined at the very end of the month because according to Shovelglove archives, I started SG around the second week of Sept.. I think there was about three weeks of NOS before I started that?
Not sure?.... Reinhard, if you have my first letter to you somewhere on your comp (which you probably don't because you have a new comp) let me know when my two year anniversary of NOS is?
I think it was the 29th or 30th...

It's cooled off here considerably, so I am very happy... That stultifying heat was miserable for exercise... Feels like it's in the mid seventies now! I have one massage to do at 11 am at the gym and then I'm going to extricate myself out of there to steer clear of evil manager... At least theres a possible good side effect of being at the club, besides regular exercise being available to me...
The person I worked on yesterday, with all the managerial messing up of the session, asked me if I would give her my card and if I have a place of my own? I don't advertise actively to these people, but if they bring it up and ask me, I don't keep it a secret either... Maybe I'll hook up with some private clients this year and my own practice will start to thrive!
Hope so!!! I work hard!!!

Have a great morning yall :D
8) Deb

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Post by cvmom » Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:43 pm


I wish you many private clients before the year's end.

It sounds like you are really doing a great job with the eating thing. I think that any little change adds up in the long run. It took me about a year to gain back the 20 pounds I'd lost from WW. I did it by just eating cookies every afternoon and having 2nd helpings from dinner and by snacking. You could say I did it by taking Reihard's rules of No S and doing a Yes S!!! Every little thing adds up. I thought about what FW says about hunger: that our bodies may have to actually tap into fat reserves when our stomachs are empty. What a beautiful thing.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:03 pm

Thanks Dru!!!!
From your mouth to God's ears! :wink:

Heck, I couldn't resist weighing myself since I'm feeling like all this "spartan" eating I've done for a few days (partially due to lack of groceries, and paritally because I don't have an appetite when things are out of whack for me... I like eating when I'm relaxed....) has definitely "de-bloated" me....

So,,,,, Tada!!!!!
I am at my lowest weight since joining NOS.... Down to 206.5!

That's down from 210 last week... and I was on a plateau of 208 for about a month before.... Ironic how this all goes up and then down again... I was a little worried before...

Just wanted to share that cool update!!!
Who knows where this is gonna lead... When *I* get on a roll, you have to move out the way!!! (though it doesn't always happen all the time...)
I think I'm on one for sure now!

Watchout Yall!!!!!!! :lol:
8) Deb
ps.. edit.. I think this also coincides with the fact that I've done SG for two days so far... That is always a great workout, no matter how wimpy or fired up I am when I do it...

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Post by Blondie » Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:11 pm


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Way to go!

Post by Kevin » Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:27 pm

Congrats, Deb. We're happy for you.
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Post by navin » Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:42 pm

Yay Deb! You are well on your way of accomplishing your dream of being a hot 40-year old in a couple of years. :)

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Day 5 and still alive.....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:10 pm

Thanks guys!!!
You da best!!!!! :D

Have a great evening!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Post script...
I keep forgetting to track these days.. :lol:
Today was day 5 and I'm still alive!!!

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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:06 am

Great going Deb! *sidesteps to avoid being squashed as you roll on past*

I know what you mean about tracking the days! I keep forgetting too. I think I'm now on day 14 of attempt D, but I'm not really sure... Could be day 13 or day 15!

Keep up the good work! You're an inspiration to us all.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:03 pm

Hey Carolejo!!! Thank you so much!
Don't worry, I may be on a roll, but I promise to give you a ride, not squash you, as I roll on by!!!!
Maybe even a hug :wink:

(but that was funny!!! You are really funny!)
I also like what you wrote on the other thread, ala alcoholics anonymous...

Besides, you have great camouflage hiding in that office plant, so I'd never see you!!! :lol:
Hugs to Countess Carolejo and her Count Steve!

How's it going for you?
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:25 pm

Hiya Deb!

Perhaps I ought to find a picture of me where I'm not hiding behind the plant for once. The problem is, most of them are not digital cos I don't have a digital camera. I'll see what I can find though.

As to how we're doing, well, the Boy is a nervous wreck and I'm still in la-la land I think, as none of it feels real yet. There is just *so* much to do before we can move, neither of us is really sure where to start! S is off to start our new life in Amsterdam on Saturday already! Right now NoS seems like the least complicated thing we have going on in our lives, so I guess it's working the way it should.

love and hugs back,

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:07 pm

Not to sound too fanatical, but NOS has been a rock for me throughout this year... I have gone, (and still am going through) many changes, since last Summer was the first real year of working as a professional massage therapist.... It has been a very difficult time, as the license alone doesn't guarantee clients will throw themselves at you.... If the school told people how hard it is to establish the business of massage, they never would get students... So they focus on the positve and rewarding part of it, which is simply the good work we do..... But getting out there in the world is a whole other ball game...
I can say with total honesty, that if I hadn't found NOS during this somewhat tumultuous period of my life, I would be in real real bad trouble... I have found great solace in the fact that, no matter how nuts my life may feel, NOS is a constant and loyal friend to me... Something I can count on no matter what... And with not that much effort either (well sometimes more effort than other times...)
Let NOS be a rock for you both during this very tumultuous time!
I wish you both Peace and happiness!
Things will settle down and you will find a rhythm in your new life!
8) Deb

(the "old *degenerate* me" who used to use recreational drugs might say...."Once you are settled into your place in Amsterdam, let me know where you live and we can go to some hash bars!!!" LOL.....)

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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:11 pm

You'd be welcome to visit and I'd be happy to take you to some decent coffee shops(!) *grin*


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Post by carolejo » Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:40 pm

I put a picture up of the pair of us. It's on my check-in thread.

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Post by Ariel King » Wed Aug 17, 2005 6:40 pm

206.5!!!!! WOW!!! ROCK ON DEB!

(How's that for an eye-watering post?) :wink: I am so glad NoS has been a rock for you. It feels that way for me sometimes as well - a framework to lean on and a structural support for life. (That is, when I'm not fighting a mad craving for ice cream... :P )

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 6:55 pm

Thank you Ariel!!!!
Love the colors!!!
Have a great one.... :wink:
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 18, 2005 3:09 am

Day Six, nothing to fix..... :wink:
8) Deb

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Post by JWL » Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:58 am

congrats Deb! You are the rockingest rocking babe on this forum, bar none!

And yes, somehow I can see all the No-Sers hooking up in Amsterdam to try some local coffee... yep caffeine is definitely one of my drugs of choice, heh heh heh

Yep. Alcohol, ibuprofen, vitamin C, my asthma inhaler, lesse there must be others.....

Party at carolejo's house! whee!

(oh the colors...!)

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Post by cvmom » Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:21 am

Good Morning Deb.

This is Day 7. Just wanted to say Hey. I am proud of you girl. 8)


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:34 am

Thanks FW and CV! :wink:

Day Seven :D
See you manana!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:23 am

Day 7...must be heaven!

You're on a roll now (just don't make it a cinnamon roll!) so keep going!

You know, I'm so dense sometimes. Your screen name is Grateful Deb, and you are a Grateful Dead fan. Only took me three and a half months to put that together. :idea: ding! The light goes on...!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:54 am

Thanks Jan!!!

"Driving that train....."

:wink: Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:34 pm

Hey folks!
I'm just barely able to muster up an appetite for the past week or so...
It's pretty strange... Without trying, I'm actually in "diet mode"....
I'm still counting my meals, but what's happening is that I'll start eating something and after two bites I just don't want any more... my stomach has been pretty upset and I think it just doesn't want to process anything much these days... (all from the work stress and feeling I need to change my life...) It almost feels like my body is taking charge and self instituting a much more spartan intake of food... It almost feels like a fast...
Okay don't start worrying people.. I guess I haven't posted much on this since it's so bizzare to me and I was thinking that you all would worry...It's not really a fast... I mean I had a McDonalds small size hamburger yesterday.. but it took me an hour of it sitting in the bag to start eating it, and about a half an hour to eat it...
No fries, no coke.... small burger...
Weird!!!!!! I actually like it! (though I'm not too fond of the upset stomach I am experiencing every now and then... But this only happens when I think of the club and the manager.... My gut knows best and it's sending me major "red flags"... )
It's like I feel I have some serious decisions to make and actions to take and *not* take too... that are vastly different than what I thought I'd be doing by this part of the Summer... So it seems that with all this thinking and re-evaluating and stuff.. I guess I feel on overload....
I'm still enjoying the tiny meals I'm having, but amazed and almost shocked at how little I want to eat....
I really think this is part of a "automatic" detox my body is telling me to do... I'm just following it's cues... I'm really trying to not think about it much though, just go with it... Let it happen, so to speak...

Meanwhile, I have rediscovered cantelope!!! LOL...
Not to sound too "dietetic" but this is just a great and supremely healthy convenience food and, heck, if you serve it cut in half and scoop out the seeds, it's very NOS friendly!!!
It's it's own plate!!!! LOL....
Well, cutting up a cantelope is about as ambitious as I am feeling re: preparing anything to eat... I wonder where this is leading?
Of course I'll fill you in when I get there... Boy the Universe really wants me to be able to do my 21 days, as it's been a total breeze and tomorrow is an S day too! Woo hoo!!!!
I am sure off that long plateau though, and almost as if in a whirlwind, I'm starting to drop weight that has been clinging to me for wayyyyy to many months now...... I think I am getting off a Metaplateau in lot's of ways....
Check out my Yoga thread... I even had a vision of myself being physically on a plateau yesterday!
Talk about creative visualization :)

Going out for another road trip out East tomorrow and leaving at the crack of dawn!!! Ha ha.... Seeing my friend James's band again and hoping to have one last hurrah at the ocean...
Fortunately it's an S day already, but strangely, I most likely won't really want much.... Still, it's nice to have that flexibility...
Wish me luck on my trip and say a prayer to St. Christopher for our safe arrival! Have a great weekend in advance guys... See you when we get back!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:10 am

go Deb! Sorry to hear you're feeling dodgy. Hope you get to put the rest of your life in order and your gut stops playing up. I can think of few things that are worse than a churning stomach all the time.
Pity there isn't an everyday system for dealing with the everyday problem of work / life stress!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:54 am

Thank you Carolejo!!!!
I'm feeling quite good today, and think I will be better dealing with it all next week...
For today, off to the beach!!!!
That's a good system for stress :wink:
PS... Hey everyone,,,,
I'm at my lowest weight ever since last September...
Down to 206 and my waist is 36.5 inches!!!

Thats from 41 inches in Sept!!!!!!
Not sure what the actual pounds lost were since all the scales were either faulty or destroyed by my Shovelglove smashing incident in October
(see archived SG posts... I think it was October... )
I'm guessing my start weight had to be around 225 or so...
Wow I feel fantastic!!!
And my appetite is back, but not crazy...
Yesterday was excellent, and I even walked away from tempting icecream at the pharmacy when I started to get back my appetite..
I said to myself "Self..",,, "you certainly can wait for 'real' food... no way... walk away from the ice cream!!!",,, and I did!
Woo hoo!
Cravings you are no longer the boss of me!!!!!!!!!!

Love and Happiness,
8) Deb
Enjoy the day all!

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