Better S days Challange

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Better S days Challange

Post by Dawn » Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:48 pm

Reading the boards I can see I am not the only one who is not happy with my S days. I've got the N days down, the exercise is going great, but my S days are killing the weight loss portion of this plan.

So here is what I propose: An S day challenge. It's not about being perfect in any way, it's about identifying S day problems and finding a way to improve them. I know Reinhard says that the good habits from N days should automatically spill over into S days and I can see that happening, but I think I could do a little better and still enjoy the S days and get the benefit they have in keeping me sane during the week. I am a huge fan of habit and I'd like to develop a good habit for S days too.

I will get back to you on Monday and let you know what I found works, or maybe what doesn't work. Either way I am going to make a more conscience effort to better my S days.

Care to join me?

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Post by reinhard » Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:06 pm


I'm a month behind with the podcast I promised to do on this subject -- I'm determined not to get two months behind, so I'll be reading this thread with great interest to see if there's anything I can use. We've had some good discussion about this issue in the past as well, and I'll see if I can dig them up and link to them here.



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Post by Dawn » Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:21 pm

Yes, Reinhard I have seen a lot on this subject too. And I am hoping to take it to the next level and help myself and others push themselves just a bit more. I think a lot of the ideas I have heard about are great and can work, it's just that maybe a little motivation is needed. I know I do better if I think others can get something positive out of what I am doing and it doesn't hurt to know that if I screw up I have to fess up on Monday. I really think that after just a few "better" S days, I will see that the little extra effort on my part is well worth it. And in time, it won't see like extra effort at all, it will just be habit.

Thanks for checking in with me and thanks for EVERYTHING else!

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Post by kccc » Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:50 am

What an interesting idea. I tend to have "wild" S days, with episodic periods of sanity that give me hope.

I've learned a few things from the rare times I've had to do "N days @ home" (which are VERY different from normal N days, and I think some of the difficulty of S days is that the context is so different).

- I do better when I plan meals, and especially a nice lunch.
- I do better when I drink a lot of water or herbal tea (which I do at work, but forget at home).
- I do better when I plan a really indulgent, special thing late in the day. One that I don't want to spoil my appetite for earlier.
- I do better when I break the cycle of "mindless eating." (For example, one weekend I told myself I could have ANYTHING as long as I ate at the table.)

However, last weekend I worked outside all day, and came in ravenous with an "I deserve...!" mentality. Inhaled wa-ay too much pizza. Aha - not helpful.

Is this the kind of thing you have in mind?? Just noticing what helps or hinders "sane" S-days?

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Post by Dawn » Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:42 am

I just feel like my S days are the only thing I really need to get a handle on. So making a conscience effort to improve them is what I have in mind. I think if a group of us get together on this it might be helpful. So doing "better" may mean different things to different people. I am not entirely sure how I will appoach it. I know I will for sure eat my 3 meals just like N days since that is such a no brainer. I am kicking the idea around of allowing myself 1 snack during the day and dessert. I am not sure if that will feel too restrictive or if I will feel that it was enough and that I felt rewarded but in a balanced way. But the main idea is to have these days be "better".

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Post by FarmerHal » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:27 pm

The first few months of NoSing for me, meant total binging, especially on sundays because I knew that was my 'last day' for the week to get the chance to eat all kinds of my favorite foods.
That left me feeling SO bloated, sluggish, miserable for sunday and then insanely hungry on Mondays.

I did this for a few weeks in a row and now I'm much better about staying on habit on S days. This last sunday I decided to have an afternoon snack (crackers- I used to eat an entire box each afternoon!!). I had probably a dozen crackers before I felt overful and bloaty and uncomfortable. I also had a huge piece of cake and spent most of the night awake, dealing with gastrointestinal issues LOL. So for me, it's been a learning process. 1. going totally off habit causes great GI discomfort 2. The foods I used to love binging on really aren't all that tasty! Plus I can have crackers during the week with a sandwich for lunch, so there really is no point on eating them between meals anyway.

LOL clear as mud, but noS has improved my life in far too many ways to count.
Psychologically/emotionally and physically too!
{FarmerHal} ...previously Shamrockmommy...
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Post by franxious » Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:28 pm

I think this challenge sounds like a great idea! This is my big problem too. I look forward to hearing everyone's ideas.

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Post by bonnieUK » Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:14 pm

Things that work for me:

Having one treat planned for the weekend to have as dessert after lunch or dinner (sometimes both!), preferably something that can be spread over a couple of days - e.g. a packet of cookies, a bar of dark chocolate (which I find too intense to eat all in one go!). Better still, make something, this weekend I'm going to make these:

Having bigger breakfasts than usual, I usually have oatmeal for breakfast and on S days I allow a bigger serving with a little more raisins & nuts than usual, plus maybe a bit of toast with honey, all eaten at a more leasurely pace to feel more special :) (outside in the summer if the weather is good enough!).

Planning elaborate, filling meals, or planning to eat out somewhere nice.

I find the no snack habit carries over to the weekend which I attribute to bigger breakfasts and more elaborate meals, i.e. I know I've got something good planned for dinner so don't want to spoil my appetite.

I'd also say go for quality treats over quantity any day. Better to have a small bar of really good chocolate than a family size bar of cheapo stuff that leaves you unsatisfied! :)

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Post by bonnieUK » Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:21 pm

I had probably a dozen crackers before I felt overful and bloaty and uncomfortable
Hi shamrockmommy,

I also find that snacking can leave me feeling bloated and uncomfortable, even if it's just fruit (especially bananas, much as I love them, I find them very bloaty!). Better digestion / less bloating is for me probably the best thing about No S! :)
(probably another factor that carries the no snack habit into the weekends for me)

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Post by kccc » Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:46 pm

Okay, I'm taking up the challenge. Here's my S-day plan for the weekend, based on what I know helps me (or not.)

I will plan a good breakfast, lunch and dinner
I will drink water/tea during the day
I will plan a special treat for after dinner
I MAY have any snacks or sweets that I want, as long as I sit at the kitchen table to eat them. (I've tried restrictions on amounts, and it backfired on me).

Sunday I have a late-afternoon bookclub that always has TONS of yummy food, and I'm going to modify around it.
I will plan a good breakfast and lunch (the bookclub refreshments will probably BE dinner)
I will drink water/tea during the day
I will wait until bookclub to snack or have sweets. (Feel like I ought to be more mindful here, but am not sure how to restrict without setting off a resentment-binge. I do know the menu - this one is at my house! There will be little sandwiches, veggies and fruit, crackers and cheese, plus desserts. Hm. I could do one-plate of "real food" for dinner plus sweets. We'll see.)

Will report back on Monday. My goal is to have enough treats to feel genuinely satisfied, but not so many that I feel ill or am angry with myself.

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Post by stevecooper » Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:56 pm

Sounds to me like S-days need their own mini everyday system.

The thing that makes the everyday systems work is that they are formulated with such precision and clarity; the twelve words of no-s are really really clear, except for S days.

What I think may be needed is a new image paired with a new behaviour. Here are some thoughts;

Two fisted fasting: Over the weekend, you can eat as many snacks, sweets, cookies, etc as you can grab, literally, with both hands. Plunge your first hand into the biscuit barrel and grab whatever you can. Drop it on a plate. Do the same for jellies or mini-muffins or whatever.

Eat My Foot: You can eat one sweet thing every s-day, so long as it's no bigger that twelve inches in any dimension; a 12-inch pizza, a packet of biscuits, whatever.

Rainbow Snacks: During one weekend, you can have any snacks you want, so long as you don't have a second portion in the same colour as a previous snack. That means after you've eaten a chocolate bar, you can't eat a chocolate cookie, because you've 'used up' brown. But you can have a slice of pizza, which is beige, but then you can't have the similarly-coloured danish. It's a bit of fun, and an excuse to find blue snack food.

Calorie Adventure Quest: You can have a fist-sized portion of any snack you like, as long as it's in a different place every time. So one at home, one in a coffee shop, one from a bakers, etc. You can't repeat the same type of shop, either -- no starbucks-crawls.

Anyway, just some thoughts to fget the ball rolling.

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Post by blueskighs » Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:21 pm

Hi, I am new at No S. I find the whole S day thing ... provacative :D to say the least. When I first read the book cover and therefore the entire diet, I was convinced this had to be the flawed part of the program.

After purchasing the book and reading the entire thing through cover to cover Monday afternoon and Monday evening, my mind was opened up ... a bit.

And since I was doing this funny thing anyway, before I even read No S ... trying to figure out if I could establish one cheat day a week ... sometime before April 5 ... I thought WHY NOT?

So I am fortunate because while I have been experimenting with cheat days and pretty much failing miserably ... once I began NO S I calmed down. Considerably. The good fortune for me is for the past 4 to 5 weeks I have been zeroing in on what sweets, treats do I ACTUALLY ENJOY?

Often times I will find that while I am eating something I am supposed to experience pleasure munching that I am not ... at all.

So with 3 great N days behind me and right on track for today (since I read the book Monday afternoon and have adhered to the letter since then .... I gave myself credit as a yellow S day on Monday ....) we will see how my first round of S days go.

So ... CURIOUSLY from my list of FAVORITE INDULGENCES I purchased a small container of one of them ... yesterday ... it is currently in the freezer where it belongs awaiting this weekend ... and I am not obsessing ...

That in iteself is a miracle, also at a class last night someone I adore made cookies for us ... rather than saying no I just can't I was very happily able to wrap a couple of them up in a papertowel say THANK YOU and put them in a ziploc bag when I got home. I am quite happy knowning I will be able to have a taste of them sometime this weekend ...

and FINALLY we have this wonderful family owned donut shop in our neighborhood within walking distance of our home ... they make donuts each morning fresh and close when they are sold out .. they are the BEST donuts I have ever had .... warm fresh ... it is wonderful treat to be able to get up in the mornings and walk over there for a nice chai tea and enjoy them ....

I have not ever been this way before! I think it is the 2 S day's per week, it seems as if with one S day (i.e.) one cheat day a week I have this feeling of I have to cram it all in like a last supper or something .. but with two days you get the grace to be dignified about it ... and thus really enjoy and savor ... BRILLIANT!

So for me the key would be to be really CLEAR about what is really a treat for me! Many advertisers spend lots of dollars telling me what should be a treat ... I often find that I really don't enjoy these often stale, packaged, crummy edibles at all! I think I am going to benefit greatly from my own personal investigations these past few months into what are REALLY treats for me! ANd I am looking forward to seeing how things go! I will let you guys know Monday!

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Post by Jesseco » Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:31 pm

I'm experiencing something like blueskighs. The "rules" have actually helped me to calm down about treats!

As much for religious reasons as for health reasons, I realize that I personally MUST be modest about my S days. But just the fact that they're there is WONDERFUL and FREEING to me!

So last weekend (I started on Saturday, the day after I read the book), I had my two S days and did NOT binge at all! But I enjoyed the two or three treats I had on Saturday and the (I think) one on Sunday!

I am praying for God to help me be moderate on most S days, though, and I NEVER want to binge again. And I don't think I will!

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Post by kccc » Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:25 pm

On another thread, I recognized that my N-days tend to be (mostly) at work, and my S-days (mostly) at home. That really hit me over the holidays, when I had a number of "N-days@home." They were harder than N-days normally are.

I realized then that the change in CONTEXT is huge. I can easily ignore the goodies in the break room these days - it's a habit. But I haven't developed those same habits at home on weekends. Instead, I eat weekends because "it's an S-day, dangit!"

I actually think more N-days@home would help with habit carry-over. It really seems like context matters a surprising amount to me.

And where does that lead me? I think I need to build good "@home" habits. And I'm starting with the ones that say "do this" rather than "don't do this" because I know myself well enough to know that I respond better to the first kind. Some of them are N-day carry-overs: Do eat good meals. Do drink water. Some focus on "making S's special": Do sit down while I eat. Do plan a special treat (instead of eating stuff because I officially can).

It's a fine balance between reigning in and re-instating the kinds of restrictions that make me crazy.

Dawn, I'm glad you posted this challenge.

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Post by 2poodles » Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:15 am

Wonderful thread with lots of thoughtful responses and suggestions. I don't have a whole lot to add as I'm just getting back to this again after a one week or so lapse. :roll:

I do agree that N days at home can be difficult. I am a stay-at-home mom and find that when I am not busy (especially in the mid afternoons) I am tempted to eat. Not because I am hungry, per se, but more because I am bored - waiting for kids to come home or bored with doing housework, etc. It's a dangerous time of day for me. I'm starting to do my exercise in the afternoons. I used to do it in the morning because my energy level is high then, but I am hoping that if I do it in the afternoon it'll keep me from being tempted to snack.

Because I'm home during the week, S days for me are more about going out to eat - someone else cooks! - or having dessert or a snack with a cocktail - or entertaining. S days are not so much about regular snacks - more the opportunity to enjoy the social aspect of dining with friends and family more than the daily dining during the week.

I'll be interested to follow this thread and see how folks do... myself included!

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Post by arl0401 » Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:01 pm

For me the biggest NO-S change is to stop the snacking or grazing, you know grabbing something just because it is there. So my S day challenge is to continue to monitor the grazing. Eat three meals. No snacking. But - have a sweeter breakfast if I feel like it (I had cinnamon toast this morning) and have a dessert after dinner. But not just any dessert, something really good. And to enjoy it and not feel guilty.

Let's see how it goes this weekend.

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Post by Bumpkyns » Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:21 pm

All great ideas. Now I just have to figure out what would work best for me. stevecooper, those are really cute ways (though you might not mean for it to be "cute") but I mean that in only the most complimentary way... :wink: but really cute ways and quite creative ways, to handle this issue. Now if I can just remember them... ha! I'll be having to come back and read them over and over for awhile, but that's ok. It requires adding an extra thought or step into the process, that would make me think twice about what I eat on those days... and that can only be good. Variety is the spice of life, right? :lol:
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Post by stevecooper » Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:40 pm

Bumpkyns wrote:stevecooper, those are really cute ways (though you might not mean for it to be "cute") but I mean that in only the most complimentary way... :wink: but really cute ways and quite creative ways, to handle this issue. Now if I can just remember them... ha! I'll be having to come back and read them over and over for awhile, but that's ok.
Or come up with your own -- just that process of invention and brainstorming might shake things out and help you find the right way for you. I just knocked out a few ideas.

I think that one of the things that the everyday systems have for them is that they are memorable, and memorable because of the language and the imagery. compare the no-s mantra;
Reinhart wrote:No snacks, no sweets, no seconds, except on days that begin with S.
to other mnemonic phrases;
Some old gimmer wrote:Red sky at night: shepherd's delight. Red sky in the morning: shepherd's warning.
There's something similar about them, a kind of mixing of a short phrase with a strong image, that makes it stick.

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Post by Jesseco » Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:24 pm

I just had an idea that I think I will try on S days! Several months ago, while doing an online Bible study regarding food issues, I gave up having snacks. That was very hard for me, as for some years I have had a 3:00 and an 8:00 snack. My snacks were usually healthful, but tended to get too calorie-dense.

Anyway, maybe for S days, I will simply reinstitute those snacks! They can be sweets if I want. That way, I can keep the other aspects of the diet, and hopefully not be an idiot!

What do you think?

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Post by stevecooper » Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:01 pm

Jesseco wrote:That was very hard for me, as for some years I have had a 3:00 and an 8:00 snack. My snacks were usually healthful, but tended to get too calorie-dense.

Anyway, maybe for S days, I will simply reinstitute those snacks!
Sounds good to me. Moves you from 'three meals a day' to 'three meals and two snacks.' Nice and clear. As long as you don't force a snack down, I can't see what harm it'd do...

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:25 am

My S-Day downfall is snacking. After two days of it, I find it really hard to get back to N-Days on Monday. It has helped in the past if I don't have an evening snack on Sunday; it kind of sets the stage for Monday morning. No sugar and no seconds is really easy for me, but no snacks....good grief!!! And yet, this is really what I need to avoid.

SteveCooper: that was really funny, especially the rainbow colored foods!!! I agree with you, we need an Everyday System for S-Days! "Don't be an idiot" is too vague for me. Idiot is my default setting.

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Post by kccc » Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:59 pm

Jan, snacks are my downfall too... to the point where I'm RELIEVED when Monday rolls around!

Right now (Sunday night), I feel icky. Decent breakfast, but there was a reception right after church. I had some pretzels, and a couple of brownies. That got me off on the wrong foot. Ate too much lunch when I got back.

Then today was my day to host bookclub. I had way too much food prepared, and ate too much of it. Not so much sweets as brie, crackers, little sandwiches, nuts... and yes, some sweets. I feel bloated and icky.

But... I did not perma-snack all day. And that's my first habit to work on.

Still too much food.

Reinhard talks about S-days being "taking off the training wheels." I think I may need training wheels for life.

It's an S-day. It's over.

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Post by MerryKat » Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:40 am

In my case I have tried adding rules to S days and I find that it just causes a huge rebellion by my brain / emotions!

I can manage the 5 N days (when at work very easily, at home on holidays a bit more challenging) but if I restrict my S days then I tend to really binge.

In my 2 1/2 years since first starting No S I have tried various rules and plans and eventually they have caused me to over complicate a simple plan and then give up on it.

For me following my N days 100% gives me the motivation to have my snacks / sweets / and very rarely seconds but not to binge on them. The habit really is settling over me.

The only restriction of any kind I place on my S days is the following.

- Before I eat the snack / sweet I have picked up I ask myself if I really like what I am planning to eat. If not, then I will go and find something that I do (I have actually gone and bought things if there was nothing in the house). I find that this helps me to eat less snacks / sweets as I am having what I really enjoy.

I am looking forward to see what you all come up with, but I think I will stay with my unrestricted S days (which occassionally go crazy but on the whole are staying fairly sane).
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Post by Dawn » Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:47 pm

Well here I am the one who started this whole challenge and I did NOT do well this weekend. Then on top of that I considered Monday an S day since the whole family had the day off together - super rare. So 3 bad S days in a row!

I have read all the posts and plan to spend the next few days thinking about a real strategy. I had hoped that just being conscience of what I ate would be enough, clearly it wasn't. I had also hoped that knowing I had to confess my sin to you guys would help - it didn't. So I guess I did learn something, and that's I still have a problem with moderation. N day rules I can follow - no problem. I guess I just have to adopt a few S day rules that I can live with. All I can say is that I got back to my N days with ease and now I will go forward and really work on my S days. Something tells me that my fear that if I restrict S days too much is keeping me from restricting at all - I subconsciously tell myself "Gee I have to eat all of this crap or I will go crazy during the week and jump off the wagon" I'm pretty sure that is BS. Since I literally use no will power during the week anymore, I should be able to use some for S days until I can get them into a good habit. I knew from the beginning the S days were going to be the hard part - must I always be right???

Here's to better S days in the future.

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Post by kccc » Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:42 pm

Dawn, your post really started me thinking about S days and how to manage them better.

My first rule is still "look at N-days FIRST." If I'm backsliding on them, start there.

The next consideration is "how to put SOME rules in place without undermining the role of S-days?" It's fine balance. I don't want to put on lots of rules and explode. I've seen people do that... and I've done that. Wild S-days are better than losing it completely.

I'm also thinking of the general ideas of No-S - and everyday systems as a whole - about building habits and making decisions easy and clear. And about what I know about myself and habit formation.

So... my current goal is to stop perma-snacking on S-days... at least on "small s" days. It's clear enough - I can still have anything I want, but I have to either plan it ahead (a special treat) or at the very least, sit at the table with it. So, it's not very restrictive. It doesn't limit what, just how.

I'm going to work on that on S-days until I feel I have it down. (That, and remembering to plan real meals and drink water, which don't feel restrictive at all to me.) It may not be less food for a while, but it will be a better habit. And I'll report success/failure on that ALONE for S-days.

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Post by Dawn » Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:12 pm

KCCC, my N days are perfect and I mean perfect, and it is so easy it's almost scary, but not really since I did come on board the No-S diet with a lot of good habits, it's just those bad ones that were holding me down seem to have followed me and are around still and happily living on S days.

I really like how you say it's not the what you can eat, it's how you allow yourself to eat it (or something to that effect). I think the "how" is the habit part of this that I love so much and have benefitted vastly from, and the "what" is what should be the thing to keep me on track on my N days. So allowing myself a few special treats on a plate sitting down at the table may be the ticket. Like a meal, it has an end.

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Post by kccc » Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:48 am

Dawn, I would have said my N-days were perfect before I caught myself backsliding, lol. (See post on that.) I do think I've cleaned up my act, and they ARE as close to perfect as possible. (Example: I made homemade brownies and cookies this weekend, and stopped eating them on Monday. Even took some to work to get rid of them, and didn't touch them. It's an N-day, don'cha know.) But if I am having issues, the first question is still "am I REALLY doing N-days right?"

But like you, I think my N-days are close-to-perfect and my S-days are awful. Beyond wild, most of the time. And I've been doing this a while, too! I think the good habits aren't carrying over as much as they could b/c I'm in such a different context, with such a different shape to the day.

I've thought about this a lot (thanks to your inspiration), and I like my tweak. It doesn't impose food restrictions that might send me over the edge, it's just developing a different set of habits. I'm very deliberately NOT going to focus on eating less on S-days, just on changing ONE bad habit and replacing it with a different approach. I am feeling very optimistic that it will work - though, since practice is more intermittent, it may take me a while.

But it's one clear goal, so I think I'll get there.

(I do think I've made progress of a sort in that my "wild" S-days now end up with me feeling sick. My body is telling me that it has grown to LIKE healthy eating, and is NOT pleased with constant input! Now, if my mouth/mind/whatever would just get with the program...)

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Post by Dawn » Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:20 am

KCCC, I agree it may take a while to get some new and improved S day habits nailed down, but we have to put forth that extra effort. I think that my new way of thinking about food may be helpful in not feeling deprived if I do impose some restrictions on S days. That probably wasn't the case in the beginning, but now I feel so much more calm about food. I especially notice that I don't have that frantic feeling after dinner that I had in the beginning. The mear thought of not eating again until the next day sent me into a tizzy. So I know I have come a long way baby!

Oh well, I have nothing to lose by trying and if it doesn't work and it has a negative effect on N days, then back to the drawing board!

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Post by palomayombe » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:19 pm

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Post by Dawn » Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:44 pm

Finally the S days that I have been trying to achieve! I ate my 3 meals, easily kept them light for the most part. I did have 2 slices of pizza on Saturday night, but I never have pizza on N days and 2 slices is at least only half of what I used to eat. I had coconut cream pie Sat and Sun night and only a few mini chocolates during the day at my Mom's house. So I think that was pretty good. I know for sure it was better, and better was my goal.

I guess the candies could be considered mindless munching, but I did manage to keep them to one episode per day. So there was no grazing or permasnacking and that has been the big problem on S days. I don't know why I have been doing it, after all N days are so easy and I don't miss the snacking (hardly at all). So I think I just need a little reward on the weekends to keep me going. I find that I am very happy to have that second cup of coffee on a Sunday morning and I never used to look at that as a treat but I do now. Also alcohol is more of a treat now. I had a glass of wine on Sunday while cooking dinner and it felt so luxurious. I think I am really focused on what I eat/drink and it's so much more obvious what is worth it and what is a waste. Of course there is always the chance that this weekend was a fluke, after all I was very busy and at my Mom's house painting a lot of the time, so there wasn't as much opportunity to get into trouble, but if I can do this good next weekend, then I will know that I am well on my way to a new S day habit.

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Post by babyprrr » Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:39 pm

I've found out some things from uncontrolled S days.

I don't really like 'cheap' chocolate anymore..the kind u get near the till. If I'm going to have chocolate, it has to be the best kind, even then if I'm going to have a sweet, I'd rather have cake than chocolate.

I don't like generic brand ice cream..they don't satisfy me. if i have ice cream it has to be REALLY good ice cream.

Having snacks ruins my appetite. The only time I will have a snack is if I'm having proper afternoon tea/coffee at a nice cafe.

Despite all this 'learning', I had a really crazy sunday and paid for it this morning where I couldn't stomach breakfast and could barely stomach lunch.

Oh well, it's all a learning curve.

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Post by Terez » Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:29 am

I'm new here, just came across this thread and read it from start to finish. Steve Cooper's first post had me howling. When I read KCCC's post that eating brownies then pretzels felt awful, I thought, "Of course -- they're both brown!"

I like the fist-worth's of a treat. I have a weakness for Dilettante brand chocolate covered dried cherries. Normally (!) I buy a tub and start eating until basically they're gone (which takes about 24 hours, and I do eat "real" food in between there). But if I knew a handful was my limit, I'd grab me as big a handful as I could scoop -- and that would be it for the day. (Besides, I'd have used up my "red".)

Not sure how I'd count a "handful" of Dove ice cream bars but it would probably be two. (And there'd go my brown and white colors.)

Anyway, I'd be up for a rainbow and "handful" challenge for S days. Don't think I'd find it so fun to do by myself but maybe if I'm reporting it on my check-in thread. Dunno. Will turn this over in my mind. Also like the discipline of sitting at the table, and/or eating off a plate.

This is all good, good stuff here. Thanks, everyone -- and Steve, thanks for the laughs!


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Post by Dawn » Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:37 pm

I've done well this week not thinking too much about the upcoming weekend, which is great since my S days were really hanging over my head like a black cloud - hate guilt!!!! Last weekend went so well that it does give me hope that I can contain my S days. I plan to do exactly what I did last weekend and that's to keep the snacking a minimum, if any at all. And not snacking on S days isn't so much restricting something that I truly love, but more like totally ditching a habit that serves no real purpose at all. Snacking only leads to more snacking. Whereas a nice dessert can be enjoyed and appreciated and used as a motivator for keeping clean on N days. And I really liked the recent discussions on the SOMETIMES part of this. I really think if I can get myself to stop and question what I am doing before I do it, I may not cut out all bad choices, but it seems like I could cut out a lot. SOMETIMES is just a little bit of a tough concept when you have had this all or nothing mentality for so long. And let's face it, if moderation were easy most of us wouldn't be here.

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Post by stevecooper » Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:27 pm

Terez wrote:Thanks, everyone -- and Steve, thanks for the laughs!
No problem ;)

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I am up for the challenge!

Post by carajo21 » Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:11 pm

I do great my N days, and feel great as well....but i am so bad my S days!! i agree with the other comments, when you know you can eat whatever you want , then back to structure, you go crazy!!! I end up feeling sick, yet i keep eating!!! I hope this weekend did not ruin my week of being so good!!! :oops:
My S day goals are:

3 meals
LOTS of water(i hardly drank any this weekend)
Planned snacks and sweets in favorites and truly enjoy them!!

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Post by OrganicGal » Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:21 pm

I've been reading all the posts on this topic...interesting and sometimes funny reading :)

I wonder though, Am I the only one not worrying about S days?

I'm following the cover of the book guidelines, and Keeping It Simple Sweetie. I don't snack, have sweets or 2nds on N-days, and on S-days, I will have any or all of those S's if I want them. I have only been No S-ing for 4 days and I saw over the weekend that the natural progress of how I eat on the N-days is spilling over to the S-days. The 3 meals a day still come first, and if I want more or something in between or a sweet treat, THEN I will have it and enjoy every bite.

For me, I know how to eat healthy, I know how to gage portions, I know that those S's aren't good for me on a daily basis. So, eating the No S way takes off all the pressure, stress, and WORK of all those other "No way in H-E double hockey sticks can you stick with it for life" ways of eating...aka 'diets'.

And as I finish typing this I realize it's lunch time and I am hungry, so now to go find my plate and one level fill it with good healthy food.

Don't know if my thoughts will help anyone who seems to be struggling, but I put them out there for what they may be worth to someone. :)
Creating and sustaining the No S habits are the only thing that will take me in the direction I want to go!

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Post by wosnes » Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:45 pm

Dawn wrote:And let's face it, if moderation were easy most of us wouldn't be here.
If moderation were the norm here, we wouldn't be having these issues. The problem is that moderation isn't the norm; gluttony is not only tolerated, it's encouraged.
OrganicGal wrote:I wonder though, Am I the only one not worrying about S days?
No, you're not. I wonder if those of us who don't worry about it so much are those who might not have been on so many diets in the past. I'm familiar with a number of them, but usually dismissed them because I knew I couldn't or wouldn't follow them.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Post by OrganicGal » Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:12 pm

You could have a point there wosnes! I have been on some diets, like WW twice and a few others but most of them I have dismissed as not making sense, or not sustainable over the long term, or obviously unhealthy.
Perhaps that is why I refuse to use the word 'diet' when talking about No S-ing. This is not a diet, at least in the way we all think of a 'diet' nowadays. This is a centuries old, traditional, logical, dare I say 'normal' way to eat for all of your life!

Makes sense to me :)
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Post by wosnes » Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:49 pm

OrganicGal wrote:This is a centuries old, traditional, logical, dare I say 'normal' way to eat for all of your life!

Makes sense to me :)
Makes sense to me, too. More s's: simple and sustainable.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Post by penelaine » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:28 pm

I have been No S-ing for 4 days here. I was very nervous about the S days and glad to see that this is the norm. I have always been such a mindless eater. Shoving chips and cookies down my throat while cooking dinner for example. That why I think this plan IS the only thing that will work for me. This weekend I basically had an N day on Saturday. I think I had some trouble letting myself go there in fear that I would spend 20 minutes eating everything in the house and then hitting the McDonalds drive thru. As for Sunday I had a bridal shower and decided that here I was going to enjoy the S day..rationally. I had one plate of delicious food and 1 piece of cake. I was unbelievably satisified with that. All the suggestions are great here. I hope we all have inbelievable success.
4/10/2008 Started NoS: 253 lbs

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Post by MerryKat » Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:51 am

OrganicGal, I also do not worry about my S days. I used to, but the more rules I placed on them the more out of control they got and I finally had to admit that Reinhard is right and I need to just enjoy my S days.

I really have found that the more I stick to my N days the more my S days have come under control.

If I fancy something I have a little bit and I find I am satisfied (ie. I can eat a biscuit rather than the whole packet with a cup of tea). I enjoy a few little treats through out the day and amazingly they stay little. I often plan what I fancy for an after dinner treat, but I don't really restrict my during the day picking. If I think I want something, I will think about it before putting it in my mouth and I often find that the thought of my evening treat is actually better, so I will wait for that.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
Vanilla No S with no Sugar due to Health issues - 11 yrs No S - September 2016 (some good, some bad (my own doing) but always the right thing for me!)

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Post by gacfree » Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:32 pm

I am new to this way of eating. I thought S days were free to be you days not free to be sort of you days. My understanding is that you can eat what you want on weekends and not worry about it, so why are so many worried? Am I missing something?

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Post by Jesseco » Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:37 pm

I think that most of the worry is that we will not continue to lose weight or we could actually gain weight by going wild on those days.

I myself have had problems with eating-disordered behaviors and don't want to do them even on S days. I'm also not really overweight, although I would like to drop about 5 pounds and doubt that I will if I eat too much on S days.

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Post by babyprrr » Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:52 pm

stevecooper wrote:Sounds to me like S-days need their own mini everyday system.

The thing that makes the everyday systems work is that they are formulated with such precision and clarity; the twelve words of no-s are really really clear, except for S days.

What I think may be needed is a new image paired with a new behaviour. Here are some thoughts;

Two fisted fasting: Over the weekend, you can eat as many snacks, sweets, cookies, etc as you can grab, literally, with both hands. Plunge your first hand into the biscuit barrel and grab whatever you can. Drop it on a plate. Do the same for jellies or mini-muffins or whatever.

Eat My Foot: You can eat one sweet thing every s-day, so long as it's no bigger that twelve inches in any dimension; a 12-inch pizza, a packet of biscuits, whatever.

Rainbow Snacks: During one weekend, you can have any snacks you want, so long as you don't have a second portion in the same colour as a previous snack. That means after you've eaten a chocolate bar, you can't eat a chocolate cookie, because you've 'used up' brown. But you can have a slice of pizza, which is beige, but then you can't have the similarly-coloured danish. It's a bit of fun, and an excuse to find blue snack food.

Calorie Adventure Quest: You can have a fist-sized portion of any snack you like, as long as it's in a different place every time. So one at home, one in a coffee shop, one from a bakers, etc. You can't repeat the same type of shop, either -- no starbucks-crawls.

Anyway, just some thoughts to fget the ball rolling.
I think I'm going to try Calorie Adventure Quest this weekend..sounds fun!

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Post by DianeA2Z » Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:59 pm

I like the idea of a challenge because you really feel like part of a team, and that satisfies any competetive urges people have. I've only had two S days so far. About the only thing I did differently was add dark chocolate and a few really special and yummy bakery treats. I have a real sweet tooth, so candy and baked goods are my downfall. I also cut back on my plate portions 'cause I wanted to save room for the desserts.

I have no idea what the upcoming S days will bring. It's so great to read what others are doing. For some people it's the snacking, for others (like me) it's the sweets. I agree with quality over quantity though and have three really good chocolate truffels for this weekend. My inclination would be to spend more time planning my S day meals so that they all really do feel special, so I'll be saving my very favorite foods for S days.

I'm looking forward to reading more ideas about S days!

(Ok, a shameless plug). I'm just here to learn how to say No to the S!

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Post by kccc » Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:57 pm

Even though I was quite "up" for this challenge, I'm alarmed at all the new folks thinking they should limit S days.

Focus on N days first. Get them really, really solid - for a LONG TIME - before you worry about S days.

And if you do decide to tweak eventually, be careful. Several of us on the board have tried to limit S days, and had it backfire. It's too easy to start feeling deprived, and that makes the whole No-S system not work.

I was having real trouble with continuing to perma-snack on S-days - and that's the only habit I plan to tweak. I can still eat ANYTHING I want, but I want to be sure I DO want it first.

It's important not to expect perfection, because expecting perfection is a sure recipe for failure.

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