Almost spiritual

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Almost spiritual

Post by AnnaBanana » Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:34 pm

Okay guys, I know you might think I am crazy, but I am betting that at least the binge eaters can understand.

This is almost spiritual to me. I have hated myself.... not my body believe it or not.... but my weak mind and lack of self control. I beat myself up constantly for not being able to stick to anything. I was so obsessed with trying to find something that would work and trying so many different things that I could not remember at mealtime what I was counting... points? cals? fat grams? carbs? It was truly messing with my self-esteem -- Who am I kidding... I had none. And the more it messed with my mind the worse I felt about myself.

In only two days I feel like a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel like someone gave me the magic key. I have hoarded diet books for years, never selling not one single one, and I can tell you without reservation that this weekend I will donate them all to the used bookstore and never look back. The only book I have yet to get I am waiting on the bookstore to get more of.... the No S book.

I think I'm on my way to a healthy relationship with food at last. And even better, making peace with myself.
Laura Ann
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Post by Rheba » Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:44 pm

I'm having a rummage sale next week and all my diet books except this one are gonna be gone!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I totally relate to you with the burden being lifted. I could stick with a plan and lose the weight but like you said, every fiber of my being was in sticking to the plan. It became obsessive.
The feeling of relief I felt as I read the book was overwhelming. I am just so thankful that I always buy ww magazine or I still would be obsessing!!!!
Life will indeed be good from now on. :)

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:19 am


I can TOTALLY relate ... and me,
YAH I think it's spiritual!

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Post by drswife » Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:00 am

I've been dieting since I was 10...I've obsessed over food/diets so much that it literally drained my energy. It really does mess w/ your self esteem because it's like okay why can't I do this seemingly simple thing..just this one thing that I want so badly!

Well I guess maybe because we were making it way too complicated. I don't know but I do know I've never felt more normal and calm in my entire life. So yeah I totally relate. Now I'm actually finding myself wanting to get through my meals so I can get on w/ my life instead of wanting to get through my life so I can get on to the next meal....weird, but I'll take it anyday! :)

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Post by tracey » Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:56 am

I know where you are coming from with this ... I like having boundaries but I don't feel fenced in by them. It's very much a relief to me.

It's strange too how much time has been spent thinking of food, wanting food, making food, planning for it .. it's weird to not do it anymore.

This is how thin people live ....

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Post by lola628 » Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:03 am

It seems for me that this No S diet is sort of aligned with intuitive eating. Since I'm not restricting every single carb in the universe I now ask myself "What are you craving?" Before every meal I take a minute and ask myself this question. This truly is the only sane eating plan ever created.

I am also happily avoiding the sweets. My sweet treats on the weekend will be included in my meals because I really want to lose the permasnacking habit and so far so good!

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Post by Rheba » Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:36 am

Hadn't thought about it, but looking back, I see that I also had my sweets this past weekend as a part of my meal. Like your idea of always incorporating them as part of the meal plan to eliminate the snacking, lola628. Thanks for drawing my attention to that.
I, too, am so relieved to not be obssessing about what to eat all day to make sure I didn't do something "wrong"! With this program/plan/life style, we don't have to worry or chastise ourselves as long as we stay with the single plate and the no s ing. How much more simpler can it get! I also like the idea of asking myself what I am hungry for at mealtimes. With other diet plans, I didn't have that option most of the time. And I think by truly listening to my body and it's needs, I will more than likely eat healthier foods.
Glad I started my day by reading this forum first! :)

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Post by AnnaBanana » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:05 pm

I am so glad other people can relate. You know I would watch friends of mine with no weight problem when we would go out to eat and wonder how they could order chicken fried steak and me grilled chicken breast and steamed veggies and they were thin and I wasn't. I understand now. They intuitively ate.

I believe that a huge portion of our eating disorders come from dieting. I know I never binge ate even once before I started my foray into WW, low carb, low fat, etc., etc.

Years ago when I only needed 5 lbs to lose I wish I had done this or known to do this. Way back in the day the dietswere not sane at all. I remember doing things like eating only fruit one day, only veggies one day and so on. I think they called it the Dolly Parton diet? I remember going on Atkins and losing a ton of weight and then falling face first into a cake that a coworker brought in. Literally ate like I was a starving kid from a third word country.

Day #3 starts for me and I feel so calm. It freakin' amazes me.

Happy NoS'ing everyone. Cya later today after work. :)
Laura Ann
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Post by flipturn » Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:04 pm

I completely agree. I have felt more spiritual in the two weeks that I have been doing No S than in the previous seven months going to OA meetings. As I wrote on another thread, I could get down on my knees and thank Reinhard for liberating me from the 12 Steps.

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Post by bettyp » Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:00 pm

LauraAnn, It is a Spiritual thing !!

A few years back . I cryed out to the Lord about my weight .
He Spoke to me , and said
5 thing I need to do ,

1. walk 2 miles
2. eat 1 fruit
3. eat 2 vegg. sweets snacks

and did I listen???
When I saw this in the WW I was so excited and I know this will work
So sorry I did not listen to my Lord , I must repent !!!!
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Post by Blithe Morning » Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:53 pm

Last edited by Blithe Morning on Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:05 pm

I always hated that I would go shopping and spend a ton of money on food I was not going to eat let along my family. I prayed a long time for an answer so yes it is spiritual! I can prepare meals that everyone likes and not have to feel left out or deprived. What's even cravings have almost stopped after 9 days.

Best click of the mouse I ever had!

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Post by cornelia » Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:58 pm

I have diet books that the covers are almost worn out just from pulling them off the shelf. In the last year, I have tried or though about trying dozens of diets. Gone back to the ones I've tried before. Always looking for something better, something I could live with. Sometimes unable to sleep going over in my mind the diets.....still trying to decide, "which one". The 6 week body make over works for me, but I can't stay on it because your whole life starts revolving around food. This is my 3rd day on no s and I feel like the chains have been loosed, and I'm free. This is something so simple, I just do it and don't even talk about it. I may not be any thinner yet, but I feel 20 lbs lighter having the stress lifted.

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Post by AnnaBanana » Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:56 pm

My gosh Cornelia, we must be long lost sisters. I got so bad one day at the grocery store I couldn't remember what diet I was on. I didn't remember if I needed full fat creamer or fat free milk for my coffee. That is the honest to goodness truth. I tried diets, put them away, pulled out an old book and tried that one. I could never let any of them go because I believed one day one of them would work and I just didn't know which one. Like I said in another post, I am donating them all to the used bookstore without one qualm or reservation this weekend. I will NEVER go back to dieting again. I too feel 20 lbs lighter just from the lift off my shoulders and mind of knowing I found something I can LIVE with.

I believe this is a way of life/eating that has the capability of curing binge disorders. Because it does the one thing that no other diet ever does. It takes the focus off of food and on life again.
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Post by cvmom » Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:35 pm

Laura Ann,

I don't think that its crazy to equate the good habits of NoS with Spirituality. :D

In fact, my experience has been that the habits of NoS have extended to other areas of my life. The energy that was being spent on finding the next quick fix, or joining another diet club, or reading another weight loss book can now be put towards other endeavors.

I feel much more in control of my life when I don't have to worry about not mixing proteins and fruit, or not going over 23 points!

So, you are most definitely in the right place here and I wish you much happiness as you follow this path.

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Post by blueskighs » Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:59 am

I think the binging started as a means to cope with the loss of my mom when I was four-and-a-half, there was such a clear demarcation in the change of my eating I would all of a sudden eat as much sweets as I could get and then one time at a brownie cookout I ate five sloppy joes and some of the girls didn't get one ... I was so filled with shame ... I did not start trying to diet until my teens... I was actually so skinny in 7th grade I had to spend all day at the mall to find jeans small enough to fit me .. but all that quickly changed when i hit puberty. All of my excessive eating caught up with me ...
then when I started dieting I started the cycle between binging and very restrictive eating which lasted about thirty more years. I wasn't bulimic or anorexic just crazy with regards to food...

ALL THAT being said ...
with that behind me ... No S has freed so much energy and as it bleeds out into my life I find myself being less stressed, more patient, more flexible, more KIND, more productive ... I think that is definitely spiritual!

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Post by DianeA2Z » Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:31 am

Amen and Amen to every one of the posts on this board. Instead of obsessing, I'm living. I could so relate to everything that was mentioned and I thought "how can this be? Are there really other people out there that feel like I do, that have experienced these diet horrors?"

I feel like I've joined an army, and it's a wonderful feeling! And yes, I agree, it is spiritual and it is freedom.

(Ok, a shameless plug). I'm just here to learn how to say No to the S!

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:55 pm

Hey I like the idea of an army! We could be Reinhard's Rebels! Here to rid the world of silly diets that make us feel guilty and get fatter 8)

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Post by Noturningback » Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:05 pm

I think many life-long dieters are perfectionists. I know I am. One would think perfectionists are the people who succeed at dieting but, when we "mess up", for lack of better words, we come down hard on ourselves. I think the No S Diet takes the guilt away by taking away that sense of perfectionism. There is no evil vs. good with this diet. Plus, there is a chance to be human and splurge a bit on S Days. The sense of not having to be perfect is that release of stress I know I'm feeling.

Reading the book was like a slap of reality for me.


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Post by OrganicGal » Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:22 pm

Where do I enlist Buffalo Gal :D
Creating and sustaining the No S habits are the only thing that will take me in the direction I want to go!

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Post by JillyBean » Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:51 pm

Reinhard's Rebels - That's a good one. I too feel sort of like a rebel. A liberated rebel. For about 7 years I have tried to make OA work for me. Why wasn't my Higher Power helping me when I was asking and asking? Because I was not trying to eat the way I was intended to eat. I never gave up the control. Always trying a new diet.

I think the "rules" with No S are so much more like guidelines than a diet. It sure does not feel like a diet! I am not getting on the scales, but today my rings were loose! And with not a moment of white-knuckling or feeling deprived or shameful. Just "normal" eating. I've read books by Geneen Roth and even a book titled "Intuitive Eating" but they did not work for me. I still needed some sort of structure to help me get started. It's like Reinhard takes us for a walk and shows us a couple things and then says, "okay, now you try it." No pressure, just a few suggestions. I am still amazed...

The food I eat today is my choice! What price am I willing to pay?

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Post by DianeA2Z » Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:02 am

Buffalo Gal wrote:Hey I like the idea of an army! We could be Reinhard's Rebels! Here to rid the world of silly diets that make us feel guilty and get fatter 8)
Woooohoooo!~ Reinhard's Rebels...I love it!!!! Too 8)

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Post by Buffalo Gal » Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:08 pm

Wow! Had no idea this would take off! I do feel like a rebel too. Every diet I have ever been on made me feel bad about myself. So bad I would eventually start eating (more than I did before I was on a diet). Now...I just fix three meals a day. I'm struggling with the scale (old habits die hard) but I have more energy and I do not feel like a stuffed animal anymore. Along with being a Reinhard's Rebel I'm also an Urban Ranger. Do I get two strips for that :roll:
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Post by reinhard » Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:38 pm


I don't think this is crazy at all. I have to admit, I came up with no-s purely to deal with my weight. But I quickly discovered that (though it handled that problem very effectively) the best part was how it restored my enjoyment of food. I no longer swing between the obsessive quantification/deprivation of "dieting" on the one hand and the disgust and shame of gluttony on the other. Moderation isn't just effective towards the goal of weight loss/maintenance, it's a tremendous good in itself. This is a ridiculously old idea, but it's like a revelation when you experience it for yourself.

Hoping we won't have to be rebels for long, but overthrow the diet industrial complex and form a new, better status quo! (or, more accurately, restore a very ancient one -- "Reinhard's Reactionaries", perhaps :-))


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Post by Rheba » Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:47 pm

Just Jill, you are so right about the OA bit...been there did that and bought the shirt! But when I didn't keep the weight off, I felt like I was that "bad" child again and fell back into the eating and dieting marigoround.
I like the idea of the Reactionariers! Especially when it pertains to getting rid of the size 4 mentality of the diet world!!!! I am no longer a part of it. Thanks Reinhard! :) I never was much of a rebel but this is one cause that I would gladly become one for and participate in big time!
My first week is completed and I feel great. Such a relief.

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Post by Amyliz » Fri Apr 18, 2008 4:09 pm

I could so relate to everything that was mentioned and I thought "how can this be? Are there really other people out there that feel like I do, that have experienced these diet horrors?"
I keep having the same thoughts, how amazing and crazy it is that there are SO many people on crazy diets ALL the time.
these discussions are so validating i can't stand it!

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Post by tgp157 » Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:22 pm

Ditto to everything said above. I, too, have the diet library that I was never willing to part with. I was always looking for that one book or article that would tell me something I didn't already know--(which, actually NoS has done that very thing, helped me think of it in a totally different livable way). There were many days I'd start one diet in the morning & change diets midway thru the day. Craziness!!!

But NoS has changed all that for me. To quote William Wallace (aka Mel Gibson) in Braveheart:


Maybe we should all paint our faces blue. LOL
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Post by AnnaBanana » Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:05 pm

Pam... I'm sitting here cracking up laughing. I thought I was the only one in the world who often did two different diets in one day. Nice to know I'm not alone. :)
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Post by DianeA2Z » Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:43 am

reinhard wrote:LauraAnn,

Hoping we won't have to be rebels for long, but overthrow the diet industrial complex and form a new, better status quo! (or, more accurately, restore a very ancient one -- "Reinhard's Reactionaries", perhaps :-))

God Bless you Reinhard! But I stick by the rebel designation because rebelling against the fashionista code that one can never be "too thin" is the only way women will take back the power of a healthy body image. And that will be the restoration of the ancient status quo and I will gladly be known as a "Reinhard's Reactionary"!

BTW, does your sweet wife know how many women love her husband?

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Post by Beckycan » Sat Apr 19, 2008 2:26 am

Agreed, Agreed and Ditto! The emotional eating, the numerous diets, the failure, the low self-esteem, etc. etc. I've been on Weight Watchers, TOPS, OA, diet pills, calorie counting, carb/protein/fat gram counting, Way Down, First Place, 3D, SlimFast, Radiant Recovery (a program for sugar addiction) etc. etc. etc. and have only spiraled further and further into obesity. I've confessed gluttony and had the elders at my church lay hands on me and pray for my healing. The only reason I haven't had gastric bypass is that I don't have health insurance!!

This is definitely a spiritual thing, for me anyway.

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Post by AnnaBanana » Sat Apr 19, 2008 5:28 pm

I DID IT!!!!! The Goodwill down the road now has about 30 diet books donated by me. And I have not one ounce of regret. Yipee!!!!!!! :)
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Post by DianeA2Z » Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:58 pm

LauraAnn wrote:I DID IT!!!!! The Goodwill down the road now has about 30 diet books donated by me. And I have not one ounce of regret. Yipee!!!!!!! :)
Way to go Laura Ann! You are an inspiration. I did give several diet books away before we moved, but I know there are still a bunch packed and in storage. I'm gonna get rid of them! All of you other Rebels who have given away those useless diet books and articles, I applaud you, salute you and hold you up as my mentors :!: In fact, this is such a wonderful support group, I am truly blessed to have found you all.

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Post by Bumpkyns » Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:57 pm

I'm selling those puppies on Ebay and try to make a dollar on someone else's misery...


Actually, I'm packing them up as I type, so to speak... to haul down to Salvation Army with some other goodies.

I'm really not evil. :lol:
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Post by AnnaBanana » Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:38 pm

LOL Bumpkyns...
Laura Ann
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Post by Buffalo Gal » Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:49 pm

I not only got rid of all of the books, videos and DVDS but I threw away my scale and took my car off of the road (until winter).

I just discovered that my treadmill has a purpose other than gathering dust! My Jack Russell "Ernie" uses it to pee on when he's mad at me. Anybody interested in a slightly dusty almost never used treadmill?

Buffalo Gal :D
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Here I go again!

Post by birdinsun » Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:09 pm

I've just spent a chunk of time reading the website, book reviews on Amazon, and this thread on the boards. Yesterday was my 55th birthday, and I silently decided that I really want to give myself the gift of no-essing. Today's day one, and I'm looking forward to experiencing the joy and conviction all of you voice. I've started a zillion different diets, which have only served to screw up my metabolism and balloon my weight to my current all-time high: 265 pounds. Sigh.

Like everyone else, this diet seems so damn simple and basic. I am hoping that all the aspects that seem so do-able and appealing prove to be so for me. I'm too old to keep climbing on and off the diet wagon. My biggest wish for myself for my whole dang LIFE has been to somehow eat like a "normal person".

Maybe this is IT for me. I hope so! I'll be back for more motivation.
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This is a great thread

Post by KTina » Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:12 am

I finally realized what people mean when they say the power will always lie within the diet--alwasy be "outside" of us.

As soon as you go off the diet, you've lost all your power.

But the No S teaches you the power so when you're skinny, you won't be in disbelief, it will be "normal" because YOU mad the choices that created the weight loss all along, not the diet.


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Post by blueskighs » Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:08 am


great insight, thanks for sharing,

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by DianeA2Z » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:52 pm

Buffalo Gal wrote:I not only got rid of all of the books, videos and DVDS but I threw away my scale and took my car off of the road (until winter).

I just discovered that my treadmill has a purpose other than gathering dust! My Jack Russell "Ernie" uses it to pee on when he's mad at me. Anybody interested in a slightly dusty almost never used treadmill?

Buffalo Gal :D
umm, are the pee stains gone????? :lol:

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Re: Here I go again!

Post by DianeA2Z » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:57 pm

birdinsun wrote:... Today's day one, and I'm looking forward to experiencing the joy and conviction all of you voice. I've started a zillion different diets, which have only served to screw up my metabolism and balloon my weight to my current all-time high: 265 pounds. Sigh.

Like everyone else, this diet seems so damn simple and basic. I am hoping that all the aspects that seem so do-able and appealing prove to be so for me. I'm too old to keep climbing on and off the diet wagon. My biggest wish for myself for my whole dang LIFE has been to somehow eat like a "normal person".

Maybe this is IT for me. I hope so! I'll be back for more motivation.
You have come to the right place and HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (just sang to you). We're all in this together and we're all here for you. You can do it, I know that ya can! 8)

And KTina, you've made an excellent point. Choice is our most powerful possession. Use it wisely and never give it away.

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Post by AnnaBanana » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:27 am

Ktina --- love your insight and it is so true. It teaches us we had the power all along.
Laura Ann
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Post by AnnaBanana » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:28 am

Welcome birdinsun and happy b-day to you! :)
Laura Ann
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Post by AnnaBanana » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:28 am

Dianeaz LOL
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End of Day 2

Post by birdinsun » Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:23 am

Thanks for the welcome.

So far, so good - I've had three meals each day, did NOT binge after dinner last night (this is such a huge problem for me), did not snack even though I had stuff thrust at me today. This No S business is such a no-brainer that I wasn't even really thinking about it much today, except when tempted (like right now, my tummy's growling, even though I had a big dinner - this is usually what sends me to the kitchen - "just for a bite", don'tcha know, and once I start I can't stop).

I'm leaving tomorrow for the 16th Annual Estrogen Weekend (2 close friends and I do this every year in April), which always involves lots of eating of delicious things, and drinking of tasty libations. My goal is to eat 3 meals tomorrow and Friday - even if they're a bit decadent - have some sweets on Sat. and Sun., then back to 3 on Monday when we come home. I'm trying to focus on building a HABIT of No S. I'll work into smaller and saner meals as I go along.

So - wish me luck! I've never been able to stay "on plan" during Estrogen Weekend ever before. I think I'll be able to do this one, though...

Have a great weekend, folks!
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Post by blueskighs » Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:24 am


sounds like you have a great plan to get to through the weekend,


Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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