Its not the diet, its me

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Its not the diet, its me

Post by MollyMouse » Mon May 26, 2008 12:44 am

Hi all, I have not been around for a while. I have failed so badly once again. I know now that it really is not the diet, it's me. I am a hopeless food addict. I have no idea what I can do about it. Nothing seems to work. I can not eat all week this way and then allow treats on the weekend as once I start I can not stop. I have over come many things in my life, smoking and panic attacks that kept me in my house for over three years, and I have been able to over come these things, but food I have no control over. I am so depressed as I thought this was my answer, but yet again, I failed. :(

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Post by patticake » Mon May 26, 2008 1:08 am

Hi . I had great sucess with no S for about a month Then my kids came home from college and blam! Oh well I know it is a great plan and tomorrow I will start day 1 again. I had great peace following the NoS plan and I am not giving up. I know you can do it too. Today is my 53rd bitrthday I am going to see what happends in the year ahead. Don't give up and take 1 day at a time. Read the book get on line and hang in there.
Patti :)
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Post by xJocelynx87 » Mon May 26, 2008 1:23 am

I'm with you, patti! I fell off the wagon about 2 months ago and tomorrow I am determined to climb back on. I lost 13lbs on No-S before quitting (for no good reason) and haven't gotten back to it because I am constantly reading about celebrity diets and looking for a diet plan that will make me super skinny. But I just want to be normal, and eat normally, and not obsess about food. So if you're in, I'm in...ready?


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Thank you Patticake

Post by MollyMouse » Mon May 26, 2008 1:24 am

I thank you for the kind and encouraging words. I have dieted my way up to 200lbs. My biggest fear is that 201. I try so hard to be happy with the way I am, as losing weight really seems to be out side the realms of reality. I think, I am healthy ( apart from my HBP) which is foolish for me to try and convince myself that I can be considered healthy when I am on high blood pressure medication. I know that losing weight will help that alot, but even knowing what I know ( being in health care) still does not give me the will power to over come restricting food.

I will root toot for you and your success. Its an up hill battle and lots of people have been able to do it. I have no idea why I can't. I will see if I can muster up enough energy to try and get back at it.

aka MollyMouse

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Post by xJocelynx87 » Mon May 26, 2008 1:34 am

Molly --
Listen sweetheart, I know where you're at. I used to be anorexic, and since then, I've been OBSESSED with food and even more obsessed with being 'skinny'. I've been pretty freakin' low in terms of my body image and weight situation, but you just have to tell yourself that you're worth it. Following No-S IS possible. You really aren't deprived of ANYTHING. You just have to tell yourself that a) food won't fix your problems and b) going without certain foods until the weekend won't kill you. No-S is very moderate in that way. If you want to be a normal weight, you have to eat like a normal person. It WILL happen for you, I meal at a time.

Good Luck, tomorrows a new day!


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Post by patticake » Mon May 26, 2008 1:39 am

OK. I am in. I will check in and get back on Habit. If I did this for a month I know you can too. Hooray for NoS!!!! I think my bigest mistake was not getting online even if its just for a couple of mins. GoGoGo :lol: Patti
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Okay I am with you for tomorrow

Post by MollyMouse » Mon May 26, 2008 1:47 am

Okay you two, you have convinced me to get back at this tomorrow. I will check in tomorrow night after work or some time during the evening, and I will be looking for your posts. Thanks for all your encourgment. I really did need this.
Have a great night and a great NOSDIET day tomorrow.
aka MollyMouse

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Post by patticake » Mon May 26, 2008 2:00 am

Hi again. You both are what I needed. We can be the three mouseketeers! If that's how you spell it . Good Night Sweet Dreams and Nos tomorrow. Pattimouse :)
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Post by JillyBean » Mon May 26, 2008 2:32 am


It is good to see you back. You can do this. I have recently decided that I am what I tell myself I am. If I believe that I am a food addict and I cannot say no after eating a bite of something, that is exactly what I am and what I will do (not stop eating, I mean.) On the other hand, if I tell myself that I can have the sweets that I like so much, but only on the weekends, then that is what I do. There are days that I go to bed wishing I hadn't eaten so much, but if those days I have been within the rules, then I am making myself believe that it's okay and I will do better in the future. Hang in here!

The food I eat today is my choice! What price am I willing to pay?

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Post by Sheiler » Mon May 26, 2008 5:02 am

Glad that you're both back :D It gets hard for everyone, but I try to remember that if I pick myself up one more time than I fall, then I'm a success. Hang in, and we'll all do it together :!:

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Post by drswife » Mon May 26, 2008 3:13 pm

Hi Marilyn,

I know it's hard at first but the first 3 weeks just needs to be a leap of faitha and after that your habit will lead the way. Ive been doing this for 7 weeks w/ only 1 failure but the time before that did it for a couple of weeks and stopped.

The difference this time as that I had the realization that this really can't be considere a choice for me. My behavior around food is extremely disordered and unhealthy. I obsessed about food constantly and the rest of my life was really suffering because of it. I'm like an alcoholic in a sense that has to do AA. I have to do this because it's the only way to gain sanity and peace around this issue. Now I don't obsess about food, I don't worry about it. I am completely at peace.

That right now needs to be more important than losing weight for you. You can worry about that later. Right now you just need to get some order into your disordered way of eating. Pile your plates HIGH w/ whatever you want but make sure their only 3 plates a day. I drink diet coke in between eventhough I know it's not the healthiest but it gets me through the next meal, now I'm not hungry between meals and can think about getting rid of the d coke and maybe substituting soda water or something.

You can fine tune and add exercise later which can help assure the weight loss but first get the habit down. Just trust that once that habit is ingrained you will gain a kind of peace you never knew you could and it will also become a lot easier. The hunger pangs will disappear, you will look forward to your meals so much that you won't even want to snack. It's so much more satisfying to eat this way that you really won't want to eat any other way after awhile.

So just white knuckle it for awhile and do whatever you have to do to get thru those first several weeks. Get on here if you need to, msg me or someone else. Just remember you really have to do this for yourself. You are totally worth it.

Best of luck,

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Post by patticake » Tue May 27, 2008 1:16 am

Hi. I hope you had success today. So far so good. I get so much done when I am on track. Three meals, three plates=freedom from obesessing about food all day. I will check in tomorrow. Back to work so time to get ready for the week. I'm pulling for you. If we keep it simple I know this will work for us. Pattimouse :)
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Not a good day

Post by MollyMouse » Tue May 27, 2008 1:26 am

Oh Pattimouse, it was not a good day, but at least I am not as down as I was yesterday. I am so glad that you had a good day though. Yaaah. I will try tomorrow.Some of my problem is, I am not a good planner. I am a procrastinator of the biggest kind. So I do not do things till the very last possible moment, so headed out the door with out lunch. Then went to the grocery store hungry.. Hungry = to much of everything. I will try and do better tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great day today.
aka MollyMouse

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Post by blueskighs » Tue May 27, 2008 1:36 am

I am a hopeless food addict.

I used to completley BELIEVE that too! from the tips of my toes to every hair on my head!

After I read Reinhard's book, I became "willing to believe" that maybe I just had a very bad habit! That created a huge PARADIGM shift in my head.

Is it possible for you to beleive that you just have a REALLY BAD HABIT?
You have gotten over smoking and panic attacks, you can definitely get over this too but you might need to REALLY BELEIVE that you can! :D

Also, I found Reinhard's podcast on S days really helpful!

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Post by patticake » Tue May 27, 2008 2:14 am

Hi Sweetie, I am sorry the day was not too good :cry: . I have alot of trouble when I just wing it. I hope tomorrow is better for you. Keep trying and it will click for you. Hugs. I always put everybody's needs ahead of mine. I think at 53 its my turn. This can be our Jubilee Year. Good thoughts to you :) . Pattimouse
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Post by xJocelynx87 » Tue May 27, 2008 2:33 am

I did not do perfectly today, but not bad at all! I knew it wasn't going to be perfect, and I wasn't expecting it, since today is a holiday and my family always has a nice dinner/dessert. I stayed on track and had 3 meals plus 2 homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert, and I even ran for an hour this morning! I'm very satisfied with myself. So a yellow for today, and greens for the rest of the week! I think we're all ready...let's keep pushin'!

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Post by MollyMouse » Tue May 27, 2008 2:40 am

Well all you kind people who have answered my call of help, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have to get off to bed now as I have to work a 10 hour shift in the morning. I was glad to hear from you all and look forward to hearing about your day tomorrow. I send a great big Root tootin cheer for all who did well today, and I will try and do better tomorrow. Have a great night and sweet dreams to you all... Those sweet dreams are the only things that will not add fat to our bodies. lol
aka MollyMouse

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Post by FarmerHal » Tue May 27, 2008 12:18 pm

(((Marilyn))) I too suffered with the terrible habit of turning to food all day long. I won't call it addiction because true addiction is a vicious thing.

It's going to take a while for your body to readjust to eating just 3 times a day (I have a 4th meal on Thurs. as the day is very long for me). Your pancreas is used to pushing out insulin all day long in large amounts from grazing all day for years. It's going to make you feel terrible- headaches, screaming "hunger" etc. But it will get better. Take a walk- walking lowers your blood sugar and will also help you with your high blood pressure.

Make sure you do eat enough at b'fast. Although I'm not a calorie counter, I try to aim for 5-600 calories at each meal. I also think adding fruit at b'fast and plenty of veggies at each meal (lunch/dinner) helps keep me full.

And when I first started someone told me to not be afraid to be strict with myself. I liken this to a tummy toddler- you wouldn't (hopefully!) feed a toddler terrible food all day,and you wouldn't give in to the whining, so be a little strict with yourself.

Can you take up a new hobby? I've started hydroponic gardening, which is really cool, and I can busy myself with that.

I can also tell you, it WILL get better. I've had plenty of bad days- bad weeks! BUt I always come back to noS because it really is sane, and it really does work.

Hang in there, post often, especially if you think you might be heading for a snack or sweet. Go out for a walk (do you have a dog?), Sit outside and enjoy the weather while sipping a tea.

If I can do it, you can too! I felt hopeless, depressed, worthless every day before noS. I was 245lbs. I ate ALL DAY LONG. And each night I'd feel so ashamed and vow the next day I was going to start a diet. But I'd let stress creep in and I'd eat out of stress and emotion. I realized eating will not solve my emotional/stress issues. It feels great while your eating but that stops with the last bite and then you have guilt creeping in.

:) Got to get the kids to pre-school!

{FarmerHal} ...previously Shamrockmommy...
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Post by patticake » Tue May 27, 2008 11:21 pm

Hello to All of you Mousers :) . Today was Ok, getting back on habit one meal at a time. I agree with you Tifanni, this is by far the best approach I have tried and I am here for the long haul.
I hope you had a decent day MollyMouse, !0 Hrs. is a long shift be Kind to yourself.
My college kids (2-Dave 21& Carrie-soon to be 20) started their summer jobs today so maybe we will get back into a routine=HaHa. I guess I don't get going out at 11 and coming home at all hours-OH to be young again.
Well the laundry is playing my song and I will check you guys out later. Pattimouse
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A fairly good day

Post by MollyMouse » Wed May 28, 2008 1:16 am

Yahooooooo, I made it till my lunch at 1:30. It was a long stretch, and I was tempted to have a few digestive cookies, but I thought about all you wonderful people here and thought, you can do this. If they have faith in you, then I have to have faith in me also to get through this. So I had my huge salad for lunch and had a banana. Then I went from lunch at 1:30pm till supper at about 8pm. We ate out and even through it would not be considered healthy at least it was just one plate. Fish and chips. I feel full, and it will soon be bed time in another hour, so I can't image that I will have an urge to eat anything else tonight. So I will color in my day as green on my habical. One day of success. Thank you for all your kind words of engourgment.
aka MollyMouse

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Post by patticake » Wed May 28, 2008 1:22 am

Yea for you! Remember 1 day, 1 meal at a time you can do this. We can do this- sweet dreams. Hugs Pattimouse(I like my new name :) )
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Post by xJocelynx87 » Wed May 28, 2008 2:21 am

Wish I was doing as well as both of you! I did not do badly today, but still not a green day! I'm not discouraged though, as long as I don't binge, I'm heading in the right direction! Today was kind of unfortunate as I was forced to eat out at a restuarant and had to eat from several different plates, so hopefully tomorrow I will have a green day!

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Post by CrazyCatLady » Wed May 28, 2008 2:34 am

I'm so proud of you, MollyMouse! Yay for a green day!

Remember that you can have a caloric drink between meals if you need it. Either milk, orange juice, or hot chocolate. If your meals are that far apart, and you can't make it...just have a drink! Water actually helps a lot, too, but especially in the early days, a drink of something else helps!

Reinhard talks about having a default meal. For me, when I don't take time for breakfast, I have an egg mcmuffin at McDonalds on the way to work, with canadian bacon and no cheese. For lunch, if I don't pack my lunch for work, instead of the nearby "fast food" places, my default is a nearby sandwich shop that has healthier options.

If you have a grocery store near work, maybe you can just pick out 3-4 options from the grocery store as healthy default lunches. Make them a chef salad with a peach on the side, or something else you will enjoy. This may help you walk past the bad choices. And remember...if those things really sound yummy on Saturday, you can buy some then!

Yay, Mouseketeers! Keep up the good work!

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Post by wirerat123 » Wed May 28, 2008 2:44 am

Too add to the above, just so you know, that glass of Chocolate milk that most of you likely fear is better for you than a glass of Gatorade.

Don't be afraid to do some research and find out alternatives solutions to your hang ups, and ways to combat them. Feel hungry between meals? A glass of water will deffinately curb that, a glass of chocolate milk will cure it all together, and cure that craving for something sweet.

You can do this, have faith in yourself, love yourself, and know that what you are doing is not only something that is going to improve your own life, but also going to improve the lives of those that love you. There is no replacement for good health, and no replacement for a love one lost to poor health.

You can do it! And I pray for your success!
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Where oh where should I be

Post by MollyMouse » Wed May 28, 2008 12:13 pm

First day Green.. Yaaaaaay
Now for the start of the second day.
I still feel pumped up for my second day. I am eating breakfast later today as I do not have to be at work until 11am. Its nine now so I must soon go and get something together for breakfast and also my lunch. Although I may just get a salad from Wendys today.

Is this what is known as a thread? I am not use to any of the lingo here and am not sure if I am to check in by going back to this or do I start a new one each day? I see people that say daily check in but not sure if this is all part of a thread created weeks ago?

Have a great Nosday and I will check in later tonight when I get home from work and see how you all did. Here's Root tootin for us all.
aka MollyMouse
ps I put this in the other MouseMouse that is on here also. I don't think I am suppose to have both of these going. Maybe I can delete one? I just want everyone who replied to me to know that I do appreciate all your kindness and encourgement.

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Post by resting52 » Wed May 28, 2008 2:52 pm

MollyMouse and all of you!

You inspire me!


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Re: Where oh where should I be

Post by kccc » Wed May 28, 2008 3:38 pm

MollyMouse wrote:
Is this what is known as a thread? I am not use to any of the lingo here and am not sure if I am to check in by going back to this or do I start a new one each day? I see people that say daily check in but not sure if this is all part of a thread created weeks ago?

...I put this in the other MouseMouse that is on here also. I don't think I am suppose to have both of these going. Maybe I can delete one? I just want everyone who replied to me to know that I do appreciate all your kindness and encourgement.
Don't worry about deleting - you're fine! :)

A "thread" is like a connected series of posts (this message from me is a post). They can be like a conversation, like this one, or sort of more like a diary, which I'll talk about in a minute.

Threads are organized into forums - general topic areas. If you click on Everyday Systems Forum Index at the top left, you'll see all the forums. This one is "No S Diet General Discussion."

Below that, you'll see a "daily check in" forum. In that one, people start dairy-like threads (though other people can view them, and may comment within them) to track their personal eating. (There are other forums too, if you want to look at them).

On this board (that's the whole group of forums), you are welcome to post on any threads, and of course may have more than one thread going at a time.

Hope that helps explain a bit. :) If not, ask - I'll try again, or someone else may do better.

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Post by patticake » Wed May 28, 2008 11:56 pm

Hi. Not a green day but much better than before. I did ok untill dinner got too hungry didn't have a plan and whoops got into trouble. The worst part is how lousy I feel after. I am glad tomorrow is a new day. I hope you had a great day. see you later. Pattimouse :oops:
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Post by xJocelynx87 » Thu May 29, 2008 1:34 am

I FINALLY had a green day today! The first day is ALWAYS the hardest for me, so I'm glad to have it under my belt. I would soooo love to pig out right now on memorial day leftovers, but I think I'm going to go for a run instead. Hope everyone had a good day --- if not, tomorrow's a new one!


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Post by MollyMouse » Thu May 29, 2008 2:01 am

Hi all you wonderful supportive people. I had another green day, or did I?
I was late shift today, so I ate breakfast later in the morning, then I had a hot chicken sandwich with fries green peas and gravy for lunch, which I got around 2:15. I was feeling very full and satisfied. However the day got a little out of sync and I ended up leaving work and going to bingo, which was not planned. therefore I did not have any supper and now its almost 11pm and I don't want to eat this late, I am still not that hungry. Is this allowed? I suppose its really not healthy to go that long with out eating something.I just don't want to do it this late. Should I make this a yellow day instead of a green one????
Have a great night. Sweet dreams
aka MollyMouse

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Post by CrazyCatLady » Thu May 29, 2008 3:01 am

Yay, Mouseketeers! It IS good to get a green day, isn't it? But if you don't make it, at least you made many good choices! Woo hoo!

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Post by wirerat123 » Thu May 29, 2008 6:16 pm

MollyMouse wrote:Hi all you wonderful supportive people. I had another green day, or did I?
I was late shift today, so I ate breakfast later in the morning, then I had a hot chicken sandwich with fries green peas and gravy for lunch, which I got around 2:15. I was feeling very full and satisfied. However the day got a little out of sync and I ended up leaving work and going to bingo, which was not planned. therefore I did not have any supper and now its almost 11pm and I don't want to eat this late, I am still not that hungry. Is this allowed? I suppose its really not healthy to go that long with out eating something.I just don't want to do it this late. Should I make this a yellow day instead of a green one????
Have a great night. Sweet dreams
aka MollyMouse
While it's not exactly healthy to skip meals, and usually tosses your body into storage mode, never eat that late even if you missed a meal. Just pick it up in the morning. I wouldn't call it a yellow day really. You did fine. Just try to make sure to get in 3 sensible meals a day. You did fine!
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you can do it

Post by feelgood » Fri May 30, 2008 2:40 am

...yes you can. Stop believing that you are a food addict, or rather, accept that we are ALL food addicts or we'd die-nature made us this way!!!
This plan does work; I've done it for 7 weeks now, and lost ten pounds. I keep telling myself that I still have to eat, whatever I do, and I don't want to go back to strange diets that don't work (that I can't stick to) or to out-of-control eating. NEVER AGAIN!!! I can now:
1. Keep "binge" foods in the house and stay out of them without feeling deprived.
2. Bake and not eat as I'm baking.
3. Cook really yummy dinners and not eat another meal as I cook.

I never could do these things before. I would also urge you to get some good cookbooks/magazines like Cooking Light, and make cooking meals you love a priority. Cooking Light has fabulous recipesand you won't feel deprived. I make it a rule not to eat anything I don't like these days because I "should." Fortunately I like lots of healthy foods and now that I'm not eating all day, I'm hungry for dinner and appreciate dinner much more.
In short, I'm starting to eat like a normal person, like I know I ate as a slim child. It was only when I started following all kinds of strange diets as a teen that I really started to gain weight.

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Post by blueskighs » Fri May 30, 2008 2:57 am

It was only when I started following all kinds of strange diets as a teen that I really started to gain weight.
the doctor's quick teenage diet!
I make it a rule not to eat anything I don't like these days because I "should."
you make some excellent points! thank you for sharing,

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by reinhard » Fri May 30, 2008 3:42 am

Dear Mollymouse,

It's very hard to change big habits like overeating, so don't be discouraged if it takes several tries to really get it down. It takes most people who succeed several tries. I'd be very cautious about framing the problem in terms of some uncontrollable addiction... that's pretty much a self fulfilling prophecy. Thinking in terms of habit is generally much more useful (and accurate). Habits don't just have degrees, strong or week, they also have direction -- bad or good. Unlike addiction, which is almost always bad and irresistible, the power of habit can be resisted and (even more importantly) conscripted to work for you. So next time you feel the crushing power of your current bad habits, don't despair. Just think what it will be like to have this crushing power on your side. Maybe that thought will give you the inspiration to resist just once. That just once will make the next resistance easier, and so on and so on, until you don't even need to resist -- the momentum has shifted directions. It may take a while, but it will happen. Just keep on getting back up on your feet and resisting.


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Post by BrightAngel » Fri May 30, 2008 12:18 pm

reinhard wrote: So next time you feel the crushing power of your current bad habits, don't despair.
Just think what it will be like to have this crushing power on your side.
Maybe that thought will give you the inspiration to resist just once.
That just once will make the next resistance easier, and so on and so on,
until you don't even need to resist -- the momentum has shifted directions.
It may take a while, but it will happen.
Just keep on getting back up on your feet and resisting.
Great Advice.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Post by patticake » Sat May 31, 2008 9:56 pm

Thank You Reinhard. You have a great way of explaining, so clear and easy to understand. I really appreciate it! I Had a great month in April, May not so good - looking foward to June. Patti
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