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No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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New to the party

Post by anovelgirl » Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:19 pm

Hi everyone -

On my first NoS day, and after reading some of the posts on this board, I'm more convinced than ever that this is a great "plan". I need simplicity in my life (ha ha, who doesn't? :lol: ), and I've been interested in the 90/10 theory for a long time, when it comes to eating right. (Eat good 90% of the time, indulge 10%) I am SO happy to have found actual theory in practice through the NoS diet.

I admit to falling for the low-carb thing (I quickly bored of it, and began to obsess at times over sugar), and even the Kimkins scam. I always thought "complicated" meant "success", but after researching the whys of fad diets, I realized complicated just means...harder. Like anyone needs more difficulty when trying to shed a few pounds?

I also need something simple because I've just completed the last of two hip surgeries. I'm young, and it was a birth defect as the culprit. But killing myself on my elliptical like I was accustomed to doing, isn't even an option for me anymore. I'm healing up great, but physical exertion isn't possible for a good while longer. As part of the hip procedures, my femurs had to be sawed into two pieces, and the healing entails letting that bone reconnect. I dropped 25 lbs with my first surgery, but it was because the pain meds made me not want food at all, and I was in intense physical therapy (pt=exercise). I learned a lot from that experience, and it just confirmed what I'd been suspecting for a long time: the battle of the bulge was in my head, not my butt or hips. When I stumbled on the NoS theory, I knew I'd found something really aligned with what I'd learned about myself.

I'm even turning my eldest son on to this, and right now, he's not too excited. A pre-teen boy loves food as entertainment, but his habits are causing him to gain weight rapidly. He's already overweight for his age, but I was leery of traditional "diets" because he is still growing and developing. But using the NoS plan, I can show him moderation, which I think is the most healthy way to go.

So that's me - I'll be around on the boards fairly regularly, to learn more, see what's working for others, and, because I have literally nothing to do all day while my hip heals up for the next four weeks. :lol:

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Post by BrightAngel » Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:15 pm

I look forward to your participation.
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Post by kccc » Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:53 pm

Welcome! This is a great group.

Hope your surgery heals well.

Best wishes!

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Post by Jessies Daughter » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:32 pm

Glad to hae you, Welcome!!
I call this a No S “Thingyâ€. I have never been on a successful “Dietâ€. My brain thinks a "Thingy" is a new way of eating food, a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.

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Post by blueskighs » Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:54 am


OUCH! all that surgery sounds rough! hope that you continue healing well.

I love NO S. I love how it has transformed my mental processes about and my relationship with food and eating. I hope that as you do No S your son can pick up some of the GOOD HABITS that you will build.

It seems like such a sensible way to eat for anyone and everyone.

If you have a change to get the book, pick up a copy. I read it in the beginning and it answered so many of my questions and was very key in making the mental shift to enjoying my S days,


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Post by CatholicCajun » Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:08 pm

Bienvenu!!! There are a lot of really kind and wonderful people on this board and all are willing to help and encourage you in any way they can. God Bless you with success and heal you body.
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Post by reinhard » Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:25 pm

Welcome, anovelgirl!

I think there is a huge yearning for moderation: it very obviously works and is pleasurable. But people have just come to assume it's impossible to learn, that once you've become corrupted by extreme habits (as most of us have been), that's it. The exciting thing about no-s is that it makes moderation accessible again, with its "extremely" clear and simple rules.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery and success with no-s!


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Post by anovelgirl » Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:40 pm

Thanks so much for the welcomes! Very glad to be here!!!


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