A third of the way there.

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A third of the way there.

Post by funfuture » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:03 am

Thought I'd report in that I'm about about 1/3 of the way along in my weightloss goals after being on NoS, fairly effortlessly (or it seems like it!) for the last 8 months.
I'm 5'4" with a medium build and 51 yrs. I have always liked veggies and good breads and reasonably healthy foods, plus moderate exercise, but, let's face it, I have an emotional eating problem and always have had.
I am not sure of my exact starting weight before NoS as I don't own scales but my doctor had weighed me a while before I started at 183 lbs with a BMI of 30 (just over the border into obese - not somewhere I was prepared to stay). That totally surprised me as I hadn't realised things had gotten that bad.
I have been overweight most of my adult life but I had whacked on another 30lbs in the last few years because of a couple of major life changes. Firstly, I adopted my daughter as an infant in 2001. At the same time I started a new and incredibly demanding 'career' (luckily, my employer let me take a year off work to look after DD - they were extraordinarily generous).
I put my weight gain down to pure exhaustion and stress. Adopting my daughter - and starting this job - have made up the most thrilling and wonderful period of my life (especially having my daughter -if only I had know how totally fantastic being a parent is, I'd have started young and had a tribe of them. LOL). But, at the same time, parenthood has been a bit of a disaster physically.
It all happened as I was heading into perimenopause and slowing down metabollically. At the same time I suddenly found that, with the sheer physical demands of being a single parent of an emotionally needy little one, I could no longer take my usual long walks several times a week, or attend my regular yoga class, and I was basically keeping myself going through the sleep deprivation, etc, - and comforting myself through the more difficult spots - by shovelling in sugar, fat and caffeine by the bucket load.
Anyway...I started No S half way through November last year. I suspect I had already lost a little bit before I started - so I am estimating my starting weight as about 178lb (certainly no less than that). I have been fairly strict on NoS during the week but it's taken me some time to get the weekend permasnacking under control (it's a work in progress :) ). I've also had lots of S days including a week's vacation in April that was entirely made up of S days. I also have had to find ways to fit in exercise, mostly during work time - and I've been building that up to 3 or 4 regular walks per week.
Well, despite the slowish start with exercise and fitting in all the S days and celebrations, etc, that life brings ...drumroll... I weighed myself on the weekend and I was down to 163lbs - that's down about 15lbs from my estimated starting weight (and 20lbs down from the doctor's weigh-in). I'm v happy with that as it is about 1/3 or more of the way along to my weight loss and fitness goal. I'd like to lose about another 30lbs over the next year or two. NoS seems like the way to go for me. Slow and steady hopefully wins the race.
So, it's a big thanks from me too, Rheinhard. :D

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very inspiring

Post by amarbach » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:52 am

Very helpful post for those of us just starting. Thanks!

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Post by Betty » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:54 am

Way to go, FunFuture.

Our stories sound very similar. I hope that in a year or so I can write an equally excellent post! Keep it up!


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Post by kccc » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:54 am

You go, girl! I sort of answered this post on your other thread... conflated them in my head...


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Re: A third of the way there.

Post by BrightAngel » Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:48 pm

funfuture wrote:I'm about about 1/3 of the way along in my weightloss goals after being on NoS, fairly effortlessly (or it seems like it!) for the last 8 months.
I'm 5'4" with a medium build and 51 yrs.
My starting weight as about 178lb (certainly no less than that).
I weighed myself on the weekend and I was down to 163lbs -
That's down about 15lbs from my estimated starting weight (and 20lbs down from the doctor's weigh-in).
I'm v happy with that as it is about 1/3 or more of the way along to my weight loss and fitness goal.
I'd like to lose about another 30lbs over the next year or two.
NoS seems like the way to go for me. Slow and steady hopefully wins the race.
Funfuture, Congratulations. :!:
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Post by gingercake » Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:41 pm

That's great and very encouraging to hear from someone who is leading a normal, busy life.

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Post by reinhard » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:52 pm

Wow, congratulations! Especially given the challenges of being a single parent with a demanding career.

I like to look at challenges like this as opportunities for further self-improvement glory :-)
I would not lose so great an honour
As one man more, methinks, would share from me
Best to you and you're daughter and looking forward to hearing from you about the remaining thirds over the next couple of years or so,


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Post by blueskighs » Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:30 pm


thank you for your inspiring post! I love to hear from people who have been doing this a while!


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Post by cvmom » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:34 pm

Big Congrats to You! This is the kind of post that should inspire all of us to Stick With It!!!!!! :D

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Post by Dawn » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:58 pm

Thanks for sharing. It's so good to hear that it happens if you just let it.

I understand about kids slowing down the weight loss process. I found it too hard to come home and see them and then leave again to go work out or walk, but I found I could come home 30 minutes later without feeling too bad. So I would do my 30 min "power" walk on the way home from work. Now that they are older I can get away for a bit in between their feedings. I have a 17 year old son and twin 13 year old sons so the feedings are at least every two hours!

Keep us posted!

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Post by funfuture » Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:36 am

Thanks everyone for all the good wishes and support - Amarbach, Betty, KCCC, BA, Gingercake, Blue, cvmom and Dawn. It's really appreciated. And big thanks to you too Reinhard (though I don't think I am quite as heroic as Henry V. Love the reference, though! :D )
Betty, I'm really looking forward to hearing your story. And Dawn, your talk of 'feedings' really made me laugh. I may have a 7-year-old daughter but she eats like a horse and has to eat ever couple of hours or starts to spin out and get cranky (and she's underweight....aaaghhhh .... clearly genetics not socialisation). :D
cheers everyone,

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