Low Carb Diets

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Low Carb Diets

Post by snazzybabe » Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:36 am

An article on low-carb diets. I'm not trying to convince people about the benefits of low-carb. Its just what I'm interested in.
http://www.theomnivore.com/NZ_Atkins_Zo ... _2005.html

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Post by reinhard » Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:19 pm

Snazzy, don't be afraid to post diet related stuff in the nos-diet forum. Just because not everyone there is going to agree with you doesn't mean it's off topic. It's very much on topic, and interesting. And I think after that last little tiff everyone will be sure to be on their best behavior.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:03 pm

Yeah Snazzy, after that stupid melee we all got stupified in, I'm done with that!!! LOL...
No one will "Stone" anyone with either a low or high carb scone!
It's nice to have a lively conversation, and as you can see, Reinhard is the most gracious of hosts!!!
Peace and Love,
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Post by spiralstares » Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:15 pm

Two suggestions:

First, I wouldn't look to theomnivore.com for anything other than a laugh. He's scientifically illiterate and biased which is dangerous if you're looking for legitimate health advice.

Second, you should eat the foods during your weight loss that you plan on eating after you've lost the weight. If you want to eat low carb for the rest of your life then that's definitely the diet for you. Me, I like pizza and sandwiches and soda and birthday cake and mashed potatoes and all that other stuff too much to ever give that up. In fact that's what I've been eating for the past two months and the last time I checked I was down 26 pounds.

The main reason why the low-carb diet has been such a failure for the vast majority of the people who have tried it is that most people don't plan on staying on it the rest of their lives. Their thinking is, "I'll go on Atkins until I get down to 130, and then I'll eat sensibly so I stay there." That makes sense at first glance. But here's the big secret why the low-carb diet fails for most people in the long-term (there's some math involved, but it's pretty simple.)

If your plan is to go on a low-carb diet until you reach your goal weight, and then introduce carbs and eat in moderation to stay at your goal weight, you have to master two skills.
1. Eating the low-carb way (until you reach your goal).
2. Learning to eat in moderation (so you don't gain back the weight you lost).
Now, let's say your odds of success at either one of these skills is 1/5 (and that's probably being generous), the odds that you will be able to master both skills are 1/5 X 1/5 or 1/25 also known as 4%.

On the other hand, if you choose to lose the weight and maintain your weight by moderating what you eat you only have one skill to master (moderation). The odds of mastering that one skill are 1/5 so you have a 20% chance of being successful. Five times what you would on the low-carb plan.

This is why, despite the enormous popularity of the low-carb lifestyle, you haven't seen an accompanying slimming down of the population in general.
Last edited by spiralstares on Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:28 pm

Spiral, You lost 26 lbs?????????
I am thrilled for you!!!!!
Also, I totally agree with everything you wrote, especially the point of eating what you like and expect to eat after the "diet" is over...
This is really what differentiates NoS from stuff which wont work long term...

Keep up the great work!!!!!!

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Post by snazzybabe » Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:49 am

Spiral, congratulations on your weight loss. :D

I totally agree that you have to choose a diet that you intend sticking to for the rest of your life. I do intend on staying with low-carb. While I am losing weight my carbs will be very low. When I get to maintenance I will be able to eat a lot more carbs, especially if I am active. I really do want to eat this way because I feel healthier when I do. I'm not saying that I will never have a normal pizza again because I probably will. I don't think I will start gaining weight as long as I limit any snacks (like pizza) for an S day. While I am losing weight I am trying to have only low-carb snacks.

Anyway, regarding the omnivore I know the guy isn't a scientist or anything but I do believe in what he writes.

Thanks for letting me know that I can post any low-carb stuff in the main section. I just didn't want to offend anyone.

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Post by Justin » Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:00 pm

I think your note about having to master 2X the skills is a great one! With any "diet" plan, you have to master the skill to lose the weight and then master a way to keep it off. It's really a simple point and I like it. Perhaps Reinhard could incorporate the idea that NoS is really only one skill.

Moderation is a tough skill to master. I'd say that it's not really a skill we've evolved to have.


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Post by reinhard » Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:26 pm

Guys, see what I mean? This is way too on topic for off-topic. :wink:

Spiral, I second Justin's motion, that was beautifully put. Expect a home page mention shortly...

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Graphic post!

Post by Samurai » Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:48 pm

I've tried low carb a few times, too. I even tried an all-meat diet, which is about the same as Atkin's induction phase.

My goal wasn't necessarily to lose weight, but to become 'fat adapted.' The body has two metabolic pathways, one that burns carbs for energy and the other that burns fat. It can take several months, but once the body is adapted to burning fat, you are supposed to be able to go much longer without food, exercise harder and longer, etc.

The problem is, at least for me, is that I can't make it an entire week eating that way, let alone 'several months.' As you may know from reading my "Daily Check In" thread, I'm not big on will power, but several days of diarrhea, fatigue, irritability, and forgetfulness will beat most people, not just me.

The last episode was pretty bad. I actually thought I was sick or had suffered food poisoning. What I think happened, after researching it a bit, is that I ate so much fat, so much more than to what my body was accustomed, that my liver over-produced bile to get rid of it. :cry:

As far as eating low-carb the rest of my life.. I knew I was in trouble on the third day when I was cutting up a watermelon for my boys to snack on. My mouth watered so much I thought I was going to drool! :lol: Yes, I know, Atkin's 'maintenance' phase, and the South Beach Phase III, all provide for more carbs, which would allow me to have my watermelon. But the truth is I don't want to count carbs. Or fat. Or calories. I want to eat and live like a normal person. A thin, fit normal person, but a normal person all the same.

Thats why I have come back to NoS every time. Its what normal is all about. :D
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Re: Graphic post!

Post by snazzybabe » Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:29 am

Samurai wrote:I've tried low carb a few times, too. I even tried an all-meat diet, which is about the same as Atkin's induction phase.
The problem is, at least for me, is that I can't make it an entire week eating that way, let alone 'several months.' As you may know from reading my "Daily Check In" thread, I'm not big on will power, but several days of diarrhea, fatigue, irritability, and forgetfulness will beat most people, not just me.

The last episode was pretty bad. I actually thought I was sick or had suffered food poisoning. What I think happened, after researching it a bit, is that I ate so much fat, so much more than to what my body was accustomed, that my liver over-produced bile to get rid of it. :cry: :D
I've never had such a reaction to going low-carb, nor have a lot of people I know. Maybe a headache for a couple of days, that's it. Just stick to what your body likes best and that's obviously not low-carb.

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Post by Samurai » Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:57 am

I've never had such a reaction to going low-carb, nor have a lot of people I know.
Nor have I seen a lot of other people with these symptoms on a low carb diet. Most people get constipated, or at least thats what I've read and been told.

I was the exact opposite. :oops:
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Reduced carb diet

Post by srbliss » Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:13 pm

How about the reduced carb diet.
I am doing NOS with a twist - no starch. I just cut out most things that are pretty much just starch. It just happens that many things that are high in sugar are also high in starch. Rice, potatoes, bread, cakes anything made mostly from flour are out as far as staples of my diet. I still get 40% or more of my calories from carbs from all of the fruits and vegies I eat (plus the occasional hunk of bread or serving of rice)

I think many people would call this a low carb diet because I am not sucking down 1200-1500 calories per day of carbs like many people do (I knew people that drink that much soda everyday.)

The all meat diet is more of a high fat and protein diet I would never even think about doing - it would make me sick during the first meal.


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Post by tomahawkk » Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:58 am

I like your adaptation, srbliss. I knda watch mine, too, cutting out the bread and potatoes mostly. But I really don't think white flour, white sugar is good for anyone. Can't give it up entirely, but being aware and making mostly good choices fairly low glycemic, works best for me. I feel so much better if I avoid the heavy carbs. I've noticed it's not like that for everyone, though. A lot of people aren't sensitive at all. I actually go into a cookie come when I overdose!

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Post by Noturningback » Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:02 pm

I don't follow low carb - per say. However, I have PCOS and my doctors are suspecting I may be Insulin Resistant. I try and keep the carbs at bay especially the refined ones. For me, I think it would be difficult to follow your typical low carb - high fat - moderate protein diet (like Atkins) - forever. At the same time some people, such as diabetics, may have no option. I'm lucky because I haven't dug my hole 6 feet yet. If I don't keep the refined carbs to a decent level - I may have no choice but to remove all carbs in my future. This is one reason why I love the No S Diet. The rule, no sweets, forces people, for lack of better words, to cut back on refined carbs. At that point you can adjust depending on your medical/health status.


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Post by Amyliz » Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:40 pm

oh, don't underestimate what meat can do to you if you're body isn't used to it.

i was all veggie for a year, then went back to meat. Ate a hamburger and was sick for a day.
now I eat meat on a regular basis, but if my boyfriend and i get BBQ and eat a ton of meat - we go into 'meat coma' as we call it

not pretty.

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