100 lbs to lose ( I can't believe that number)

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100 lbs to lose ( I can't believe that number)

Post by justme58 » Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:30 am

Can you really lose this much weight simply eating what you want but no seconds, sweets or snacks. At some time doesn't your body get used to that? It sounds so easy. I want to lose weight really bad. Someone tell me that it will really work.

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Post by BrightAngel » Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:21 pm

Here is the Truth.

Whatever the diet or food plan:
If you take in less energy (food - calories) than your body uses (burns) you will lose weight.

Losing fat weight (as opposed to water weight) is a slow process.

The No S Diet is a way to moniter and cut down on your food intake
without having to count calories.

So, yes, by following No S, you can lose 100 lbs.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
See: DietHobby. com

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Post by reinhard » Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:54 pm

We've had two reports form people who've lost about a hundred pounds (see the testimonials page) and plenty more from people who've lost mid to high double digits. So yes, it's possible. Exercise was also critical to their success -- so don't neglect that. You don't have to go nuts with exercise, but you do have to do something.

There's no magic with no-s -- as bright Angel points out, it's just a shortcut to calorie control. But it's a powerful, sustainable, pleasurable shortcut that can largely be turned into unconscious habit. And there are side effects (enjoying food again instead of merely obsessing over it, an "empowering" feeling of relaxed control) that you might come to value as much as the primary benefit of losing weight.


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Post by justme58 » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:49 pm

thanks for your response. I started today and have decided that I am not going to weigh again until 3 weeks have gone by. That way I give myself a chance to get used to the plan. Wish me luck!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:32 am

Good luck to you!!
I could technically use losing 100 pounds if I went by all the official stats for people my height as well, but let me say, it's a real psych out at the get go to think in terms of such a large number.
I'm about 220 lbs give or take four or five, in either direction because I don't feel our scale is at all accurate, and I am about 5 foot 2", so I really could drop 100 lbs.. I'd be rake thin though, and that's not my plan.
I hope that this year I can lose somewhere between 20 and 40 lbs..
After that, I will reassess what my personal goal will be.
Make sure to include exercise along with the diet, because you want to be healthy, not just drop pounds (plus it will no doubt help with the second part)
Enjoy NoS :)
Peace and Love

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Post by CrazyCatLady » Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:49 am

We actually have a group (which includes me) of people who have a lot of weight to lose. Here is the thread.

Like Deb, I weigh about 220 pounds. My lightest ever adult weight was 120 pounds. I don't really plan to ever be that thin, and don't really have a weight goal. But it is very encouraging to be losing weight after years of gaining and gaining. In fact, I have lost enough inches that some of my pants no longer fit me. Some of them require a belt, but some simply do not fit anymore.

I don't know if I will lose 100 pounds or not. But I am eating healthier than I have eaten in years. I hope that you find this sensible plan as helpful as I have found it to be.

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thanks for the replies

Post by justme58 » Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:04 am

Thanks for the replies. I should lose 100 pounds but I would be really happy if I could lose 50. I am 6 feet tall and carry my weight even all over my body, so I could carry 30+ lbs and only me and my mirror would know. I am really going to try hard. I have never been able to stick with any diet for more than 3 weeks. Knowing that I can eat dinner and not have to skip something I like or eat something I don't like sounds really good to me. Thanks for letting me express my thoughts. Only other people who need to lose weight really understand what it is like.

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Post by howfunisthat » Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:26 am

Have you started using the HabitCal yet? This may sound really silly, but knowing that at the end of the day I get to add a GREEN mark onto my calendar sometimes helps me avoid a snack. The thought of adding a red is just too discouraging...

And if you haven't tried going to the Daily Check-in area, consider starting a thread to come back & check in daily. You'll find a great deal of encouragement there...I don't think I'd still be doing this if I wasn't checking in daily. Jump on in and give this all you can right at the start....the first few weeks seem to be the hardest...I'm no expert....I'm on Day 45...but I'm more & more sure that eating this way is the best opportunity I have to lose weight & be healthy for the rest of my life.

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy...

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Post by justme58 » Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:27 am

I have not tried HabitCal but I will go on it tonight. This is only my second day, mentally I want to eat but physically I'm not hungry. Isn't that the way it always is?

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:06 pm


habitcal is GREAT! it has truly made all the difference and i attribute it greatly to my NO S Diet success and keeping my N days GREEN

www.nosdiet.blogspot.com Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by CrazyCatLady » Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:17 pm

How is it going, JustMe? I hope that you are settling in and practicing your new habits. I actually started No S the first of the year, and slowly added habits, and changed my eating patterns. I was eating so unhealthy before...a real See Food Diet...whenever I saw food, I ate it. Including much snacking from after dinner until bedtime. :oops:

I read here a lot, and finally joined. Then in April I started really pushing myself to stick to plain No S rules, and started the habitcal. That is when the weight started to slowly come off. It still frustrates me sometimes that I am not losing faster. But then I remember that for years my habit has been to slowly gain, and now I need to use a belt for some pants, and others are just too large. I am fitting in smaller clothes, and feel a lot more healthy. I also have a healthier view of food. I almost typed that I have a healthier "relationship" with food....but I think that food and I used to have a very very "close relationship", and now food is simply what I eat (and enjoy). LOL!

Let us know how it is going for you. It always helps keep me motivated to hear how others are doing.

P.S. We had a potluck for lunch today, after church. I had a sloppy joe, a chicken wing, some jello stuff, potato salad, and a brownie. I didn't worry too much about portions, but ate until I was full. I think that is the best blessing of this eating plan. Being able to eat normal foods, and the same things my friends and family are eating, and not having to always think about portions. Being able to trust my appetite to guide me, within the boundaries of No S.

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Post by Midwestern Ranger » Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:34 pm

Hello Justme,
You'd better believe that 100 pounds can be dropped. I dropped 80 pounds a couple of years ago. I still have 40 to go, which brings me here. I lost by cutting out really horrible and not especially tasty food like Twinkies and by increasing exercise; even with 40 to go I look and feel like a new man.

The shovelglove should help you build and keep muscle which will help get rid of the fat. I didn't strength train when I first lost weight, a mistake that lead to a plateau.

It might also help to be mindful of nutrition. Checkout http://www.nutritiondata.com/ which has all kinds of cool tools to make sure those staple meals are nutritious ones. I mainly just plug in the dishes I make the most like my chili and stir fry, don't use it for everything, that'll drive you nuts.

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