My Stepmother: Walk like God made you to walk.

Urban ranger is an inspirational metaphor to get you walking. Warning: there is poetry involved. Discuss it here.
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My Stepmother: Walk like God made you to walk.

Post by becca » Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:20 pm

My stepmother told me once that one of the reason she' so slim is that she walks several miles a day. She said that we weren't created to drive sit around all day. That nature meant for us to walk. And it's so true. I sometimes would start and then stop my walking but I think I"m taking it back up again. It is pleasant to just get up and walk.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:54 pm

Good for you Becca!
I have recently become hooked on walking and now do it even when I'm under the weather, just to get out. I go between 2-4 miles depending on how much time I've got.
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Post by winnie96 » Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:45 am

Just another plug for walking ... I've been on a walking deal for the past three years, and I find that it's a great thing to do.

One twist: I have an Omron HJ-720IT pedometer that I just toss in my pocket first thing in the morning, and I find it to be a great motivator: by 5 pm, if I haven't gotten in very many steps, it launches me out the door for a spin around the block, and once I get out there, it's easy to do, say, a half hour or so. (The beauty, to me, of this particular model pedometer is that you don't have to clip it on, it just goes right it your pocket. Also there is no "cheating". You can't reset it; it resets itself to 0 automatically at midnight, and what is, is).

At first, I was little compulsive about minimum steps, tracking, etc, but now (with my new No-S attitude), I just look at the steps and think "hmmm, looks a little low, maybe I should go out and get a few more steps in".

A much more gentle approach, I think, vs. my former "I must walk for 45 minutes each day or else!". Also, I was quite surprised to see the number of steps I do just living life as usual.

I must admit my trusty iPod Shuffle, loaded with the music I like, in the sequence I like it, facilitates the walking.

Anyway, Becca, I liked your post about what your grandmother said about walking. I know that even one generation ago, my parents routinely walked way more than I do today, so it's kind of motivating (and fits in well with the Shovelglove "work" scenarios) to think that walking is what we were meant to do ... thanks for that perspective!

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Post by reinhard » Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:58 pm

Amen, Becca :-)

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