Is there an Everyday System related to Money and Spending?

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Is there an Everyday System related to Money and Spending?

Post by Pewari » Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:16 pm

Having just received my VISA bill for last month, I think I've just found my May resolution... :shock:

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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:51 pm

Hi Pewari,

Nothing very polished yet, but here are a few old threads/systems on the subject:

It's certainly a subject that's been very much on my mind lately so expect to see some more polish soon!


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Post by Pewari » Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:27 am

Thanks! Lots of food for thought in those threads and looking forward to seeing your polished system when you launch it.

I was giving this some thought yesterday and may well use this as my May resolution (May is a big spending month as I have my 2 sons' birthdays and my husband's birthday in quick succession, and this year we're also due to go away camping for 4 days).

HabitCal is helping me have much more willpower (so far!) than just simply having the rule. The problem is, I hardly ever use cash and most of my spending is online.

So for next month I am going to:

- draw out savings as soon as money hits my account and consider that untouchable.
- estimate food costs and take them out in my account software in advance for the whole month, rather than "budget" - in reality I never look at budgets, and I can always adjust the figure when I get the receipt. Gives me a goal to aim for.
- if I spend on Visa, immediately transfer the money over from my checking account.
- green day if the only spending I do was pre-checked with my accounts to see that I actually have a positive balance BEFORE I spend the money and immediately account for it. This will mean checking the balance before I go into town and knowing exactly what I have left.
- red day if I don't.
- no exemption days.

Potential pitfalls - lots of red days at the end of the month if I judge it badly and then have necessary expenditure (like out-of-the blue school trips). May have to write in something about drawing out money from savings if this happens, but at the moment I'd like to keep that untouchable.

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