It's getting harder, A long nag post...

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It's getting harder, A long nag post...

Post by Doudou » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:16 pm

So it's been 13 days and today i'm feeling very negative about everything.

First of all, i don't feel like i've lost an ounce, and even though I know this is a slow process, it still is disheartening to feel my clothes are as tight and uncomfortable as they were when i started, I had 1 red/S day (my grandma's birthday which I counted as red because I hadn't planned to make it an S day but I fell into the temptation of eating cake and it went downhill from that).

I also know that my plates are probably bigger than they should be, but i don't want to restrict myself too much because i know i won't last if I do. Besides i'm really hungry, and i'm eating wayyyyy less than i did before, i used to eat double the amount i do now, PLUS snack, PLUS it should be making a difference but it's not.

not feeling any different is making me feel fatter than ever today, and that makes me sad. I wanted to be a little more comfortable with myself on my son's first birthday, which is in less than a month, and i don't see that happening. that too makes me sad!

finally i'm overloaded with work and meetings, and scheduling, and preparing courses, so I see less of my baby boy, which makes me feel guilty and sad and stressed, which I would normally deal with by eating but which I can't do now and that is good because otherwise my weight would just go nuts. it just makes everything a little harder.

voila, that's all my nagging for today, sorry and thanks if you're still reading this. i would kill for a huge tub of haagen dasz ice cream at the moment, but I shall resist! (i hope...)

over and out.

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Post by Kathleen » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:22 pm

During the first three weeks of this diet, all I did was send my kids off to school. I told my husband I was officially on vacation. I was awaiting a job interview and was fairly confident that I would get the job so I wasn't doing anything else. Even so, it felt like a full time job to stay on this diet.

Now I'm working and it's gotten much, much easier. If I were to put it on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being as difficult as brushing my teeth and 10 being as difficult as training for a marathon, my difficulty level in September would have been about 8 and difficulty now would be 2.

How about if you try just one of the three S guidelines for a month instead of starting off with all 3?

As for fast weight loss, well, this diet doesn't provide it unless you are also going to the gym for 2 hours a day. I look at Oprah and say no thanks. I want the weight loss to be permanent, even if it slow!


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Post by Doudou » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:26 pm

Hi Kathleen, thanks for your reply.

I'm actually doing ok with handling the 3 Ss, it's the lack of change that's discouraging. and i don't want fast weight loss, I just want some...something i can use as an incentive, to tell myself "yes, this works so i'll keep at it" you know?

anyway, i'll just stay the course today, maybe i'll feel better tomorrow! thanks again for your reply!


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Post by vmelo » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:27 pm

I'm sorry that you're having such a bad day! :( I've had many of those, so I know what you mean. Food is one of the easiest and most satisfying stress relievers isn't it? Temporarily at least----then, it just ends up adding more stress because we gain from seeking solace in it.

I've only been No-Sing for a week, so I'm certainly not an expert, and I'm sure you'll get some good advice from some of the old timers on this board. However, a couple of points: Are you weighing yourself? I say that because you may have lost 2-3 pounds, and a loss that small would not make your clothes loose, but it's still progress. I don't weigh myself because I tend to obsess about it, but if you're not like that, it may help to weigh yourself once every couple of weeks so that you have some outward sign of success.

Also, are you giving yourself [emotional] credit for sticking to your good habits? That's HUGE. I think you deserve some congratulations for doing so well so far.

Finally, when you get discouraged just think about how much time and effort any other diet plan would require of you. When I counted calories, I had to be constantly calculating what I would put in my mouth. I had to plan my meals ahead of time, tally up any homemade recipes, give myself angst about meals out (because they're hard to tally). Yes, doing that may have resulted in faster weight loss, but it was frustrating and time-consuming, and in the long run, ineffective (I ALWAYS regained the weight).

Just some things to think about. You're having a bad day, and that's expected; I'm sure I'll have some bad days, too (we all do). This, too, shall pass, though.

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Post by Daisy73 » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:13 pm

What are your food choices like? If they aren't healthy choices, that may be the first place to start.

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Post by Doudou » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:15 pm

vmelo thanks for your reply and your encouragement! I'm not weighing myself just because i don't think i can handle seeing my suspicion confirmed by the scale. so i'd rather wait and weigh myself when i'm feeling a little more positive...

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Post by Doudou » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:17 pm

Daisy73 I don't think there either too unhealthy or too healthy :) if there is such thing as too healthy!

mostly it's salads, and dinner will be rice and veggie or stew or pasta. i've had fries once but other than that I'm not going crazy I think...

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Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Post by la_loser » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:31 pm

I can tell you from first hand experience that this is a SLOW plan for most of us. Yes, you're going to see reports on the boards from people (often the guys!) who have seen some fairly quick weight loss. . . but it is not the norm. The whole idea with No S is that you limiting your intake by cutting out snacks and seconds and sweets but it will take a while to truly show up either in your clothes or on the scales.

I began No S in June and seriously did not begin to see weight loss for several months. . . then all of a sudden-after Christmas of all things, I began to notice a's a little over 13 pounds now which is nowhere near what I need to lose, but it's a start. And that was without any significant exercise.

My body just had to adjust from all those on again, off again (four letter word here) DIETS that I had been subjecting it to for years. I am hopeful that now that I have all my pains (one foot, the other knee, shingles, etc.) healed, I can get some movement with purpose into my daily routine.

If you have truly only been doing this since April 7 or even a bit longer, please don't give up. I was determined to stick with No S and let it take "hold" over time because I knew if I switched off to some other "faster" plan, I wouldn't stick with it. THIS I could and would do.

Since you acknowledge that you know you are eating less than before, you probably know deep inside that this is a good thing.

I understand about wanting to be your best for the big first birthday. . . been there done that. . . but it was for 1st birthday, the 2nd, the a vacation, then yada yada. . . high school graduation, etc. I wish I'd known about No S then; I doubt I'd ever have gained this much.

By the way--don't take this the wrong way--but truly--all eyes will be on him that day--not you! After all, all you did was have him! :lol:

So do stay the course--give it a few months if need be, but if you can DO this, and when you do, you'll have built some life-long habits that will carry you through.

PS> Over what length of time did you gain those extra pounds? . . . For me--it crept up on me over a period of several years. . . so why would we ever think it should just go away any faster! I just did a quick calculation. . . I gained 50 pounds over the past 10 years-that was less than 1/10 of a pound per week. With No S, I'm pretty sure I can still lose it faster than that!
LA Loser. . . well on my way to becoming an LA Winner. :lol:

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Post by Daisy73 » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:48 pm

Sounds like good choices. 8)

What LA Loser says makes sense. Your body may need time to adjust. I'm finding that since the birth of my second child late last year, my weight will not budge and it is very scary.

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Post by Doudou » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:56 pm

LA_Loser thanks for your reply. Everything you said makes absolute sense, and deep down inside i know you're right. i will stick with it just because i feel the most comfortable with this diet and also because i know that if I don't i will just spiral down again (or up!)
By the way--don't take this the wrong way--but truly--all eyes will be on him that day--not you! After all, all you did was have him!
That made me smile! and you're absolutely right! all eyes will be on him and they should be! :)

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Post by bluebunny27 » Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:54 pm

Gosh, I really hate it when people are complaining that they can't lose weight ... or it's too slow. Just do the work and you'll get there.

Losing weight is hard, it won't happen by itself like they say on TV ... get rock hard abs if you use that device 10 minutes 3 times a week, right... It'd be easier to eat twice as much as I do now and sit on the couch at night watching TV instead of exercising too.

You need to work at it every day cos' there are temptations everywhere. You need to get motivated.

If you don't want to work and are extremely large, the only other option is to have surgery. Not very healthy.

Do - The - Work. This means diet and exercise. Not a lot of bad food, like cake or cookies, grab some celery instead if you have to.

Now, I work out for an hour nearly every day and I watch everything I eat, that's pretty simple and ... effective. The result is 57 pounds down in 5 months
and 20 days.

Start slowly with something simple if you are not an athlete, 15 minutes a day and then increase your intensity later on, you'll be amazed by the results.
Don't expect to get great results in no time if you hardly do anything. You have to push yourself or you won't make a whole lot of progress.

*YOU* are responsible, you choose what you eat and you choose your exercises too. Nobody else is responsible and nobody else will do it for you either.
You choose those things everyday, and it's not easy, but then getting results is not easy either. Plain and simple.

Marc ;-)
Last edited by bluebunny27 on Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:06 pm

Good luck and stay postive!
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Post by bluebunny27 » Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:21 pm

Yeah, well sometimes you have to use 'Tough love',

It takes a lot of work to lose weight, you have to be really motivated and focused, if you aren't, might as well not bother really, cos' it won't work 'fast' enough for you and you will eventually quit.

Hey, I just came back from a really tough 35 minutes bike ride (Intervals too), most of it against a strong wind ... I was almost throwing up at the end, it was crazy to push so hard despite the wind !! ... That was *TOUGH*, due to the strong wind against me, ;-) That's when I read the 'Long nagging post' here ... so I wasn't in the mood for a long nagging post about how it's 'too slow' ... ;-)


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No S vs. extreme measures

Post by la_loser » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:49 am

Gosh, I read this several hours ago and I just can't let it go. . . I even walked away and did some other things yet here I am--I'm compelled to reply to this post. . .
marcdesbiens wrote:Gosh, I really hate it when people are complaining that they can't lose weight ... or it's too slow. Just do the work and you'll get there. . . . . .
Now, I work out for an hour nearly every day and I watch everything I eat, that's pretty simple and ... effective. The result is 57 pounds down in 5 months and 20 days. . . .
*YOU* are responsible, you choose what you eat and you choose your exercises too. Nobody else is responsible and nobody else will do it for you either.
You choose those things everyday, and it's not easy, but then getting results is not easy either. Plain and simple.

Marc ;-)
Doudou, please realize that an overwhelming majority of posters to these boards are working toward practicing No S--not the extreme version that Marc is doing. It's awesome that he has been able to drop the pounds quickly; as we read many of his posts we see that he exercises an hour or more per day; does not practice S days the way the diet is designed; he does allow snacks such as a handful of nuts. From what I can tell, Marc is not preparing meals for a family.

In an earlier post, he talked about his perseverance with exercise when he mentioned that it wasn't much fun exercising on Christmas Eve. Are you kidding me?!

No S is all about patience and habits and not extreme notions of eating or exercise nor fast weight loss. It is about LIVING, appreciating quality cuisine, enjoying your families and friends and developing sustainable lifelong habits and being able to focus on something in our lives besides what we eat or to what intensity did we exercise today. Certainly, what we eat/how much and how much movement with purpose we have is critical. But I can promise you that if I made it my mission 24/7 to be so gung ho about weight loss that it takes over my life, I'd be off that wagon before you could blink. Been there, done that--didn't last. . . that's why I and many others are truly No Sing.

With all that said, please be patient and hang in there with the rest of us Vanilla No S-ers who have come to believe in the system and are willing to let our habits take hold. These boards are a place that have always been supportive of one another. I'm sure that Marc meant well [you did, didn't you Marc?] He did say he was not in a good mood :) There's room for all of us us; it's just important I think to delineate the difference.

Definitely, the suggestion that it is all up to us individually is all true. . . but I want to offer some empathy instead because I have been where you are and I know it's way easier said than done!
LA Loser. . . well on my way to becoming an LA Winner. :lol:

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Post by bluebunny27 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:09 am

Yeah, it's all good ! No hard feelings anyway ! ;-) I don't really do the most common No S, I do the mutant No S with extra rules specifically designed for yours truly after a lot of tweaking ! :-)
It's just a lil' annoying when people are complaining about the lack of progress that's why I wrote the message in the first place' I usually ignore those types of messages. My main point was : If the lack of progress bothers you, **work harder**, that was the main message. ;-) I'm sure if many people worked as hard on their diets and exercises as they do finding excuses for everything that went wrong, they'd be pretty happy with the progress they are making ... just try it for a while instead of making excuses. Also, I think everyone has to be able to motivate themselves first, if you are not motivated, ur bound to fail, no matter how hard other people try to motivate you. It's the same with other addictions, people trying to quit smoking, gambling, drinking and whatnot ... You can't watch 'em 24/7 to make sure they are right on track and doing what they are supposed to be doing, they have to want it too, more than anyone else ... to stick with it long term. Side note, I train more than most too, that's true. I train like *CRAZY*, ;-) Usually 30-35 minutes of shovelglovin' moves mixed with jumping jacks in the morning and at the moment it's 35-40 minutes of cardio, cycling in the bicycle path behind the house in the early evenings as well. I am pretty gung ho generally. Plus I am eating REALLY well too. I haven't been this 'light' in about 7 years now and still more to come, when I have reached my goal, around 195 pounds I'll be at my lightest in around 10 years ... Anyway, the message was meant to be about motivating yourself to work harder (Instead of asking others to motivate you) if you want better results, sorry if it was perceived otherwise... ;-)


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Post by Doudou » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:50 am

Ahem.....:) First a smile...

I did call my topic "a long nag post" specifically so that people who didn't want to hear a long nag wouldn't click on it an read. And a nag post to me is a good way of letting the negativity out so that I can start fresh.

Also getting motivating replies to my post actually DOES help a lot Marc, maybe it doesn't for you, but reading everybody else's post actually boosted my spirits up and helped me go on with my day.

I know i'm not doing this the extreme way, and I'm not prepared to do it the extreme way either, just because I have a few negative days doesn't mean I'm making excuses to eat and give up. I didn't give up.

I have done the extreme diets in the past, i survived on 900 calories a day and I lost 15 kilos (about 30 pounds) but I gained it all back.

So being thin at the expense of enjoying life and food: no thanks. Losing weight, albeit very slowly, without the diet becoming the focus of my life is fine with me. And I will have negative days, and I will post here because I got some great, motivating, uplifting replies, but don't worry, I will always called them "nag posts" as a warning to anti-nag posters! :)

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Post by Doudou » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:52 am

LA_Loser thank you for your support and for your empathy, that was actually all that I was looking for when I wrote this post! :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:24 am

Doudou wrote:LA_Loser thank you for your support and for your empathy, that was actually all that I was looking for when I wrote this post! :)
Yeah I agree!
LA is a wicked cheerleader and terrific friend here!
Keep it up Doudou!
Gotta be very patient on NoS and do some exercise as well for you to lose weight.
For the most part, NoS is more tailored for maintenance. But when you do it long term, and do regular *moderate* exercise, you *will* lose weight over time.
It's weird that you feel you haven't, as you said, you have scaled down what you were eating before, by a lot, but the body is generally weird..
Just be patient.
Maybe drink more water???
I worked out pretty vigorously two days in a row this last week and guess what?
When I weighed myself the following day I was *up* three pounds???
Argh!! That made me so confused..
I know tho, however, that the weight will change over time if I stick it out.
So that's all you can do.
Be realistic too.
Most moderate Nossers lose between 20 and 40 lbs over a whole year.
Stay positive and keep it up.
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Post by Doudou » Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:35 am

Thanks Debs, how long have you been on NoS? I'm guessing you put on muscle weight, which is good!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:43 am

Well, actually I highly doubt I put on muscle weight in only two days..
More likely it's a fluctuation of my body retaining water.
But we shall see. I will just keep it up!
I joined NoS in 2005 and that year I lost about 17 lbs..
I was having several failures per week tho, so it might have been more if I was a bit more hardcore and strict.
I was exercising then too several times a week, but not daily..
After my second year and combined with the exercise I was doing, mainly yoga and a little walking, I lost 12 more pounds, but overall, my size went down a lot. I lost about 6 or 7 inches from my waist.

But I left here for a while during a very down time for me when I lost my Father, and was having hard time in general with looking for work and being lonely etc.. I just totally stopped trying.
I gained back everything and an extra 15 lbs over the past two years.
I'm back and ready to roll!
The key here is *NEVER* to give up.
Looking forward to hearing how it's going for you in future.
Good luck with your baby too!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:44 am

ps.. haha aren't we up early in the morning! LOL
I'm getting back in bed :wink:
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Post by Doudou » Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:52 am

I'm sorry to hear about your father, that must've been a very hard time. It's great that you're back though! it's very inspirational! I'd be quite happy to lose 17 pounds in a year, it would be the slowest weight loss in my experience but I know that this is the ONLY diet I can sustain for life. yes, I actually believe i will sustain this for life! with slipups of course, but as you said, as long as we never quit, we'll be fine!
I love yoga, i used to practice regularly, but since the baby, and a heavier schedule at work it's been impossible for me to fit anything in. i know i should, and i will, but i'm not stressing over that at the moment, i will when i'm ready!
have a good lie in! it's almost noon here!
good to "speak" to you, stay in touch!

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Post by butterfly1000 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:41 am

I've only been on No S since end of March and I too haven't lost any weight. I haven't had too many green days, buy I know I've reduced my consumption of food overall compared to what I used to eat before. We can't give up.

It's easy to say "just do what you have to do" -- and sometimes I feel like a failure because I know what I have to do but I have zero energy left in me to do it (working 5 days a week -- long days; 3 kids; a widowed Mom to take care of, and many other family obligations) -- it's easier said than done to take an hour each day to exercise.

I think we just need to keep persisting and making small changes and in the long run, I believe it will start paying off. I just signed up for an initiation to yoga class last week -- something I've been wanting to do for years, and yesterday I did 15 minutes on the treadmill. It's a start, right? Better to start with babysteps (even though we would love to have fast results) and make them long lasting.

We can do it :!:
Good luck

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:54 pm

Thanks Doudou! I was really depressed that whole year, and then I just couldn't break the inertia the following year..
So you must be in Australia or something, because, hah it wasn't even 4:30 am when I was writing you..
Well as Butterfly says, just start with something.
It's fine to do fifteen mins a day.. In fact Reinhard suggests 14 everyday because time wise, that doesn't even register.
Take your baby for a walk in the stroller perhaps? That's a good way to get in exercise and be together.
ps.. After my first two nights of not eating at night for weeks, (my downfall every time!) I've dropped that three pounds and an extra one!
I ate plenty during meals in the daytime, but this plan always works for me when I add exercise and don't eat at night!
Have a great day and rest of the week!

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Post by apomerantz » Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:02 pm

Hey, just following along here and wanted to put in a pitch for exercise as being FUN - - not just all hard work and misery. I exercise a lot because I enjoy it . . .I'd never stick with it or do as much as I do, if I didn't.

I will admit that it took some time to:

1. Find exercise that I like
2. Get good enough at it that it became enjoyable

But, I think that exercise is much, much more than a tool for losing weight. It makes you feel good in and of itself, even if you didn't lose an ounce. It makes everything in life easier to do. It can be very social. It can be a challenge that is exciting and new. It can get you outside where you can enjoy the beauty of nature that surrounds us. I also find that it is an amazing anti-depressant. It creates a strong cardiovascular system that will last a lifetime.

If you are new to exercise, the important thing is to start with small chunks and do it consistently. Joining a club or finding a buddy is immensely helpful. I belong to Moms in Motion which is nationwide. If I want a friend to run or cycle with, I can always find one amongst my "Mom" friends.

Do something to make the exercise fun - - create a challenge, sign up for a 5k and train for it, pick something no one would EVER expect you to do and do it. You'll feel great and proud and before you know it, you'll think exercise is fun too.

And for those of you with babies, beg, borrow, or steal a running stroller and bring your baby along for the ride! Then you are doing something fabulous for both of you.

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Post by bluebunny27 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:53 pm

Ok, ok, maybe I'm not good at sugar coating everything... I tell it like it is. I should have been a drill instructor in the ARMY ... ;-) I still think I was making a valid point about working harder on your diet and exercises if you want more significant results quicker though ... I keep going down down down so I must be doing something right. Only once since I have started doing this have I had a weight gain, and that was a small 0.4 pound up after only 3 days since the last weigh in ... All the other times it's always a smaller number on my scale so I am pleased (I was just running to and back from the mailbox by the way,
8 minutes of hard cardio extra ...
oh and it was RAINING pretty hard too, Cold canadian spring rain dripping down my face ... awesome ! I usually run to the mailbox and I thought I wouldn't let rain stop me this time. ;-)


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Post by noni » Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:08 pm


I read were you said you didn't make your grandmom's birthday a special day. I, who am also one, speak for all grandma's when I say, "Please don't do that!" If you had planned granny's day to be special, you could have eaten two slices of cake and felt good vs. one slice of cake and marking it red. It puts you on that slippery slope if not gastronomically, then emotionally.
Grandparents are special. Celebrate their birthdays with a yellow mark on your calendar. Of course, if grandma lives across the continent...

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Post by Thalia » Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:31 pm

I tell it like it is.
Weeeellll, it might be more accurate for any of us to say "I tell it the way I see it," and of course none of us has the magic perspective that makes us infallible authorities to advise others.

I think there are many plans and systems that encourage pushing as hard as you possibly can, all the time, and then pushing harder. No S isn't one of them, though -- the philosophy, as I understand it, is to find a plan that a person can comfortably do for the rest of his or her life, a moderate way of eating and exercising that allows for pleasure without excess. Moderation, by its very nature, is not EXTREME and will not produce EXTREMES of weightloss.
So being thin at the expense of enjoying life and food: no thanks.
This is my feeling as well. But of course, we still want to see results, and it's frustrating if they don't come at all!

Doudou, it sounds like you are in a really challenging stage of life right now -- do you teach? My parents are academics and I know how stressful it is! On top of having a newish baby and missing him, that's a lot to deal with. :hug

13 days is not even two weeks, so I'd hang in there if at all possible, develop the no-snacking habit until it's second nature, and be kind to yourself. I think a lot of us are used to conventional diets where you drop a ton right at the beginning, and some people do that on No S, but a lot of us don't! The other thing of course is exercise, but I wouldn't try to do an hour a day or anything -- just taking the stairs on campus (if any) and walking a lot. Playing with your adorable one-year-old! When he's a little older (and not that much older, really) he will really enjoy fun activities with Mommy like disco dance party in the livingroom, trips to the park, or horsie rides on your back. there is no piece of exercise equipment like a toddler ...

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Post by kccc » Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:28 pm

Hi Doudou,

LALoser and Debs and Thalia and others have already given you good advice. It's very normal for No-S to take longer than you expect, because it's NOT an extreme method. (My own experience has been that extreme methods - WW for me - can work to lose weight, but are hard to maintain on. One benefit of doing vanilla No-S is that you learn maintenance as you're going.) But I'd just like to chime in with some encouragement too. :)

I think you're at one of the hardest points. The first-week honeymoon is over, the 21-day habit hasn't kicked in yet, and there are no visible results yet to encourage you. All I can say is push through, and it WILL get better.

I recommend Reinhard's podcast on "Strictness" (my fave) to help you through this time. And continue posting for support - you'll find a lot here.

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Post by bluebunny27 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:03 pm

Whatever Thalia ... I am ... over it ... cos' arguing endlessly about minor details and semantics is completely against the basic principles of my *MASTER PLAN* ! ;-)

As long as people are rejoicing, it's all good anyway.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:44 pm

Thalia was not an arguing about semantics or "minor details"..
Your original post was rude and unsupportive.
I think you were out of line frankly.
If you want to toot your horn about your successes, fine.
Good for you.
Up till this moment, I was actually really impressed with your story, but I'm very disturbed at your disregard and disrespect for others here.
Nobody here appreciates having someone else try to be their drill sgt or "Tell them how it is"
You may have instituted your own boot camp lifestyle for yourself, but this is Everydaysystems and not "Extreme lifestyle living diet".
Again, it's your right to do your diet and exercise as you like..
Go for it..
But no need to make disparaging remarks on anyone else's personal "Whine" threads.. I suggest if you are annoyed because someone feels they need to complain, just skip commenting on their thread.
This is a support group.
Please remember to think these are people with feelings, just like you have and without necessarily "sugar coating" anything, please try to respect that.
I've written Reinhard to step in soon, and I hope he does.
Have a good day.

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Post by vmelo » Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:25 pm

gratefuldeb67 wrote:Marc,
Thalia was not an arguing about semantics or "minor details"..
Your original post was rude and unsupportive.
I think you were out of line frankly.
If you want to toot your horn about your successes, fine.
Good for you.
Up till this moment, I was actually really impressed with your story, but I'm very disturbed at your disregard and disrespect for others here.
Nobody here appreciates having someone else try to be their drill sgt or "Tell them how it is"
You may have instituted your own boot camp lifestyle for yourself, but this is Everydaysystems and not "Extreme lifestyle living diet".
Again, it's your right to do your diet and exercise as you like..
Go for it..
But no need to make disparaging remarks on anyone else's personal "Whine" threads.. I suggest if you are annoyed because someone feels they need to complain, just skip commenting on their thread.
This is a support group.
Please remember to think these are people with feelings, just like you have and without necessarily "sugar coating" anything, please try to respect that.
I've written Reinhard to step in soon, and I hope he does.
Have a good day.

8) Debs
I completely agree with this. Heck, if I start to be militant about my eating and exercising, I could post some big losses, too, but what's the point of that? I thought this forum was where former hard-core dieters came for sanctuary. I think I'm on the same page as many people here in saying that one of the reasons No-S is so appealing is that it's a way of losing weight (albeit slowly) where one doesn't have to obsess about food and exercise.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:41 pm

Well, as far as the way people choose to do NoS diet itself, there's room enough here for many perspectives and many ways of doing things, but my main point was that there's no need to push it on someone else, or censor anyone for expressing their frustrations, or anything for that matter.
My favourite thing about this board is that it's one of the most supportive, and kind group of people. I care very much about the quality of interaction here and that we all stay considerate of each others feelings.
Thanks Vmelo.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:00 pm

Boy, going on vacation can be dangerous when you run a bulletin board I see!

I am NOT going to name any specific names here since I got into BIG trouble last time I did that, but let me just say in a general sort of way, not targeting anyone in particular, or even implying that anything of this nature actually happened on this thread, that it is not cool to be rude on these boards. ESPECIALLY when I am on vacation!

I think at this point the best thing to do is just put it down to "tone being hard to communicate over the internet" and just resolve to be a bit more careful next time. No hard feelings, I hope?

A few smilies to more clearly indicate my conciliatory tone:

:-) :-) :-)

I have to run now, but I'll respond later tonight to Doudou's original post.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:49 pm

You are a wise and beneficent leader Reinhard.
Thank you for your presence. :wink:
It is greatly appreciated beyond measure.
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Post by bluebunny27 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:33 am

lol ! Oh, I am so ruuuuuuuude ... sorry ....

Hey, Debs, you were pretty rude to me too there ... .... Naughty ! I'm not mad though, don't worry about it.
I won't snitch on you to the Big Boss ... I don't believe in snitching personally. ;-)

I didn't think I was out of line at any time, I must have pretty thick skin ... I was just expressing my personal feelings on this issue.

I don't think I was saying things that were not true either, I still believe hard work produces better results in the end so you know what to do if you want to improve more quickly. If you don't, it's all good too.
Don't be surprised if it takes longer, that's what I meant.

I don't really feel guilty about what I said ... I believe
I am right so I'd pass the polygraph any day on this. ;-)

Anyway I don't have hard feelings with anyone here over all this and I've apologized about 2-3 times already if anyone has been 'offended' accidentally.

Wow, I'm on our fearless leader's radar now due to my RUDE BEHAVIOR, I'm on thin ice. BTW I didn't even know you were away on vacation Reinhard, so I plead not guilty on that as well. ;-)


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Post by reinhard » Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:13 am

Marc --
Anyway I don't have hard feelings with anyone here over all this and I've apologized about 2-3 times already if anyone has been 'offended' accidentally.
Great! Thanks in advance for being more careful of our 'thin skins' going forward.

Doudou --

I think I just have to echo what many others here have already posted: this is a slow, moderate diet. A rough but reasonable benchmark for what to expect is about half a pound a week -- so less than a pound in the time you've been practicing no-s. I know it might be discouraging, but it's really very unlikely that you would feel that loss. It would probably be difficult to even measure it.

And even that ballpark number isn't terribly useful, expect as way to reduce unrealistic expectations. Some of us here have been lucky and seen big drops right away, but most of us needed to put in weeks or even months of good behavior before we saw any results. I don't think there's any way to keep that good behavior up unless you make that the focus of your efforts. The HabitCal (paper or online) is a good way to "quantify" your behavioral compliance, so you can get a motivating sense of progress right away.

In terms of no s being an extra stress in your already stressful life, there's no doubt that in the very beginning that's often the case. But once you establish the habit, it becomes an island of stability, a way to anchor your daily routines to brace yourself against the chaos and stress swirling around you. Yes, it takes some initial investment to build this habit. But I think if you keep the long term de-stressing potential of no-s in mind, that investment will seem worth it, even now.


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Post by Doudou » Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:05 am

noni I didn't mean I didn't make my grandma's day special! now i'm feeling bad :( No, of course my grandma's birthday is very special, and I took my son over to her place, and flowers and we celebrated, I just thought since it hadn't been that long since I started NoS that I would keep it as an N day and that failed. But i didn't dwell on it, and kept on going. But you're right, I should've marked it as an S day and enjoyed the cake WITHOUT the guilt! next time....

Now look at this amazing coincidence: my grandma's name is ...Noni! :D Thanks for your reply, and take care!

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Post by Doudou » Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:18 am

I didn't mean for my post to cause all this stir! I was just having a bad day, like we all do, and was venting that's it. So to bring back some positive vibes to this post I would like to announce that I've lost a little under 2 pounds!! Yay!!!

and I did it the moderate way too (sorry Marc ;))! And of course no hard feelings, Debs I agree with you this is a great bulletin board, and I will keep posting on good and not so good days!

Thalia yes I teach, and this semester I'm teaching an overload of 2 classes, on top of my regular load of 5 so this semester is tougher than usual. I did 20 minutes on the treadmill today and feel great about it, I don't know how often I can fit it in, but i'll definitely try, losing those (almost) 2pounds gave me that extra push I needed. And i'm looking forward to the disco dance party in the living room! :D he's already a little dancer! Thanks for your support!

Reinhard Thank you for your reply. I'm really doing ok overall, I do have a few "difficult" days but don't we all? And I do already appreciate the structure that NoS is giving me during the week, it's great not to obssess about food. I actually feel a little unsettled on weekends! So well on my way to forming a habit!

Thanks all for the support and Marc I did go the the gym today for the first time in aaaages! so maybe some of your drill sergeant technique worked! :) (i said "some" don't get cocky!!)

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Post by Doudou » Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:25 am

apomerantz I'm taking your advice and starting with small chuncks, did 20 minutes on the treadmill. I will aim to do that at least 5 days a week and see how that goes. thanks for the advice!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:08 pm

Keep it up!! :wink:
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Post by Kathleen » Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:54 pm


It's all a matter of priorities in life. What's nice to me about this diet is it can be on the back burner. I've got my hands full as it is. This diet takes very little time. My goal for exercise is to walk 3 times per week for 2.7 miles per time. That takes about 30 minutes. I usually do it Tuesday morning, Thursday morning, and Saturday morning. Yesterday, my son called me in a panic because he'd left his binder for school at home, so I skipped walking to take the binder to school before I went to work.

My weight loss isn't noticeable at this point, since I've lost about 13 of the 80+ I needed to lose, but I love it. I am hoping to be down 10% of my total body weight by the end of the year. That's a good enough pace for me, especially since I have the attitude of one of my children: "I just want to do what I want to do." I want to be able to eat an entire jar of caramel macademian clusters if I want to. It's great that I can eat whatever I want and however much I want and still lose weight. All I have to do is wait until the weekend. A diet like this is easy to follow for the rest of my life, and that's what I wanted.

Your approach has been considered to be extreme, and so has mine. That's OK. Your approach works for you, mine works for me, and the diet works for a lot of people because it is so easy to make modifications to suit the individual.

Congratuations on your weight loss! Now I'm off to walk the dog. The dog didn't even get her walk around the block yesterday morning....


PS. Today I am wearing very nice pants that I bought two years ago and have never been able to wear. There are rewards along the way! I may not be down to my ideal weight but I feel better being down 13 pounds!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:06 pm

Kathleen wrote: PS. Today I am wearing very nice pants that I bought two years ago and have never been able to wear. There are rewards along the way! I may not be down to my ideal weight but I feel better being down 13 pounds!
That's wicked Kathleen!!!
Before you know it, you will be a member of the "My pants fell down" club here! :wink:
Great feeling!!
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Post by Doudou » Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:13 pm

want to be able to eat an entire jar of caramel macademian clusters if I want to. It's great that I can eat whatever I want and however much I want and still lose weight.
Amen! And congratulations on being able to wear those pants, that's the BEST feeling!

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