New "Scale Free" apartment, and update :)

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New "Scale Free" apartment, and update :)

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon May 18, 2009 2:27 pm

Hey all, sorry I have been really absent for a while. I am in the midst of settling into a new place. I have been doing all the packing and moving myself with no help really, so I'm just too tired to write, tho I'm keeping up on NoS pretty well and checking in daily on my habit cals.

I just felt like writing here to say that we haven't had a scale here at the new place, and contrary to what I had thought, and what probably most of you scale hoppers would think, it's really really nice to not have it here!!

I'm focusing even more on being careful about sticking to NoS, and haven't been "freaking out" that I don't know whether I am up or down a few pounds etc..

I'm pretty sure, at this point, that scale hopping and frequent weigh ins, is not a very healthy thing to do mentally, as I feel so much better these days without that around, and that the whole need to do frequent weigh ins (meaning more than once or twice a week) is simply a habit we get used to..

I still have the scale at the gym, which I am sure I'll check in on when I go do my work outs and yoga, and my moms crappy scale is still at her place.. But I'm not planning on getting a scale for my apartment.
I am declaring this place a "scale free" zone :wink:

Life is very chaotic right now and I don't have the energy and time to write a lot.
But I read the posts here and am not totally disappearing.
I'm sure by June, I'll be much more settled in, but then I'll still be busy cos I want to really focus on other things like working and music and exercising more. So I'll update when I can.
My weight is about 4 lbs less since the beginning of the May challenge, but it's mainly from going nuts with all this packing and moving.

Hope everyone is well! :D
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New "Scale Free" apartment, and update :)

Post by Too solid flesh » Mon May 18, 2009 2:48 pm

It's good to see you, Deb. I hope that you and Richie soon feel thoroughly settled. You're doing really well!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon May 18, 2009 3:03 pm

Thanks hun, and I hope you are well too!!!
Richie and I *LOVE* the new place!!!
But it's nuts right now, cos we are scrambling for stuff that is kinda spread out all over between mums and our new flat..
Like last night I wanted to make pasta and clam sauce and bought it at the market (canned sauce..) but when I went to make it, I had neither a pot to boil the water, and no can opener!!! LOL :shock:

Luckily we live three doors down from a great pizza place open till 11!
hahah :wink:
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Post by reinhard » Mon May 18, 2009 3:16 pm

Congratulations on the move, Deb, sounds great on a number of levels.

Best to you both,


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You're back!

Post by la_loser » Mon May 18, 2009 5:13 pm

Yea for INDEPENDENT DEB!!! and Richie! I know you're relieved to get a place of your own.

Gee, I've missed you--and I'm glad you've checked in. . . sounds like you're doing really well No S wise and emotionally! :lol:

And yeah, I'm pretty sure this is a positive board as well. . .
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Post by winnie96 » Mon May 18, 2009 5:39 pm

Your new place sounds great -- you'll be all squared away before you know it!

I must say your "Scale Free Zone" phrase really struck me for some reason. I'm an Everyday Weigher, and although it doesn't make me nuts or anything, it would be very interesting to approach my day based solely on how I feel vs. including what the scale tells me in the mix ...

I think maybe I'll hide the scale up in the attic for a week or so and see what happens ... thanks for the inspiration!

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Mon May 18, 2009 7:26 pm

Best wishes in your new place.

I agree that one should do whatever they want to regarding weighing.

I think the only way I have never gotten more than twenty pounds over my ideal weight my entire adult life is because I do weigh daily - morning and night. Once I get to a certain point, something clicks in. It takes a few days of saying, This won't do - this won't do, then suddenly I get some control back.

Do what is right for you and enjoy the "scale free zone".

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Post by guadopt1997 » Mon May 18, 2009 7:32 pm


I wish I was like that. For me, IN THE PAST :) , whenever for whatever reason, I just could no longer remain on whatever diet I was on, I would eventually stop weighing and gain all the weight back and more. I'd always say to myself, when things were going well, that if I ever got back over X I would get right back on the stick and lose it. Never worked.

Now...well, it's not a diet, it's maintenance, etc. will hopefully get me to where I want to be with no end in sight...

I've read though, in that book about successful losers who have kept 30 pounds or more off for 3 years or more, that they weighed less often while they were losing than they have while maintaining.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 20, 2009 2:36 pm

Hmmm.. I think the last post was put on the wrong thread.. hahah :)

Hey all, just wanna say thanks for your encouragement and make another quick update..

Besides the scale free zone working out very well here for me, I am also now doing much more walking and stair climbing..
We live in town and have to park in a big municipal five level parking garage..
I've been trying, for the most part, to always take the stairs, unless I'm really in a rush to leave and get somewhere, and have to park at the very top.. The garage is a block and a half away as well, and the walk up to the street is a little bit of an incline..
Plus, we have a flight of stairs from the street to the apartment and no elevator, so there's always that it's all adding up as extra, everyday exercise for me!!

I'm really happy about this, as when I was in good shape, there were always stairs and such involved in my daily life, and it feels really good to break out of the sedentary mode. I had a few rough days to be honest, because I was so out of shape and all the moving really pushed me a bit too far, so my legs were kinda buckling for a few days when I'd climb up..
But they've healed up now and I am getting acclimated to it.
I feel this will help me lose weight as long as I don't start eating more than I do already.

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Post by mimi » Wed May 20, 2009 3:11 pm

Your new situation sounds good all the way around Deb!
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Post by butterfly1000 » Wed May 20, 2009 4:45 pm

It's great that you're incorporating exercise into your daily activities. I keep trying to set a fixed time to do some walking (whether outside or on the treadmill), and every day it's the same story -- in the morning I have trouble getting up earlier and go from a state of being asleep to going for a walk (I need some time to actually wake up), so then I say I'll do it in the evening -- at the end of the workday, and by the time supper and everything else is done, I just want to crash in front of the TV, so I say it's better to do it in the morning -- and finally it hardly ever gets done.

I'm so out of shape, that just going up a flight of stairs gets me out of breath -- but it's a vicious circle, right? -- if I don't do it, it will never get easier.

Keep up the good work!

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