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Post by la_loser » Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:43 pm

I’m new to the site but have been following the No S guidelines for several weeks. (I will admit however that I’ve only really followed it carefully for a couple of weeks. . .I think I’m getting closer to the Habit phase!†:D

Prior to No S, I had been trying to do a program called Naturally Slim. I liked it but it was pricey and I found I just couldn’t stick with the scheduling of meals that they advise.

One of the things that has helped me with eliminating snacks is a strategy I’ve borrowed from that diet program. (It's not a trademark or anything with that program-just a strategy so I think it's OK to share here.) what they call H2Orange. It’s a concoction that consists of a combination of 7 parts water to 1 part orange juice (the “not from concentrate†kind like Tropicana. I get the no pulp version with extra calcium & Vitamin D added). If you make it with plain water, it might be necessary to add a bit of Splenda to it. I actually make 2 quarts at a time using various flavors of (store brand) Crystal Light (yes-I know it’s got artificial sweetener-sorry!). I mix the little tub of drink mix with about a cup of warm water; shake and mix it thoroughly. Then I add some more water and 1 cup of the orange juice; then fill to the top with water. Keep a couple of flavors mixed in 2 quart containers in your fridge or fill your water bottles with it—and yum—you’ve got something that keeps you going and eliminates all that caffeine and saves $$$ too if you’re used to shelling out for soft drinks all day.

Examples of proportions: For a two quart plastic container (like an old ½ gallon milk carton), use:
8 oz. orange juice to 56 oz. water (with a tub of drink mix added if you like)

Sipping on H2Orange will keep your blood sugar slightly elevated and will helps avoid “hunger pangs†and will help you past the urge to snack if that’s a problem. i.e. If you’re used to a snack mid-morning or afternoon, just have a glass of H2Orange and you’ll feel satisfied. Don’t have more than 96 oz. of H2Orange per day! I like to use the orange flavored drink mix for breakfast/mornings and the various teas for later in the day—love the peach tea flavor and the slight orange flavor just perks it up a bit.
Gotta run-and fill my water bottles for the day so I won’t be tempted to stop at Sonic for a snack! 8)
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More about H2Orange

Post by la_loser » Sun Jun 22, 2008 3:23 pm

Another note about my H2Orange drink. One of the things it helps with is quenching thirst when you wake up. I read a post someone on these boards I think about how sometimes when you feel the need to eat/snack or whatever, that often, your body is really telling you that you need hydration, especially when you first wake in the morning. I find that drinking a glass of the H2Orange when I first wake up when taking my morning vitamins, supplements and other prescription meds really helps.

Also--I see that lots of people have viewed my original post. If and when any of you try it, I'd love to hear what you think of it.

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Post by telltalemikey » Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:13 am

soooo.... i tried this today. a little bit of orange juice mixed with strawberry powerade zero! yum. and it did help curb my hunger. thank you for sharing:))

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H2Orange vs. Orange Juice

Post by la_loser » Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:20 pm

I'm glad you liked it. I know Reinhard says that even straight fruit juice is ok on N days but in my case, it is a good way to make sure I drink at least 48 oz. of water that's not carbonated, etc. Just that little bit of "flavor" perks it up a bit.

On these hot summer days, I know I need to drink more liquids and I've never really enjoyed drinking just plain water. Besides the little boost it gives me really helps me past those mid-morning and mid-afternoon "crisis" times! Last night, we watched a movie. Our "business as usual" protocol would have meant my husband would make his delicious "just like movie popcorn" and I'd have tons of it. You know that means it is made with coconut oil and drenched in butter?! Instead I had a couple of glasses of the H2Orange peach tea. . . and here I am the next morning, able to mark my HabitCal GREEN
for yesterday!

We'll keep on keepin' on!

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:27 pm

Sounds good! Safer than fruit juice, more appealing than plain water, and perhaps just as effective in terms of hunger management. Thanks for the tip!


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Post by cvmom » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:32 pm

Other ideas for people that don't like their water straight: Spa water, with lemon or lime wedges. Or, cold water with cucumber slices, or (my personal favorite), water with Grapefruit essence added.

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Post by gonnalose » Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:33 pm

I am loving the H2Orange!! Thanks for that tip. Any other Naturally Slim secrets you can share??

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Re: More about H2Orange

Post by vmsurbat » Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:20 am

laloser wrote:Another note about my H2Orange drink. One of the things it helps with is quenching thirst when you wake up. I read a post someone on these boards I think about how sometimes when you feel the need to eat/snack or whatever, that often, your body is really telling you that you need hydration, especially when you first wake in the morning. I find that drinking a glass of the H2Orange when I first wake up when taking my morning vitamins, supplements and other prescription meds really helps.

Happy Sunday!
I haven't tried your drink mixture, but I was struck by your comment on fluids in the morning. On my own, I've discovered that I feel *much* better if I start the day with a fair amount--glass of water first thing on waking (I have to take thyroid medicine). Then, at breakfast, I have a small glass of juice, medium glass of lowfat milk (need that calcium), ordinary cup of coffee along with my regular breakfast.

Between them all, I am jump starting my day with about 24 oz. of liquids. I've never read anything to advocate such a thing, but I can really feel the difference when I don't make the effort to drink. I think it makes a lot of sense--with sleeping, I haven't been drinking *anything* for the past 8 hours or so....

Also, with that load of liquids in the morning, I find it more manageable to get enough the rest of the day.

Interesting! I am glad someone else had the same thoughts....

Vicki in MNE
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Post by la_loser » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:01 pm


I have seen a number of references that indicate that after a night's sleep, we are indeed dehydrated- think about that "dry mouth" feeling when you wake. So replenishing that makes sense.

I am sipping on my H2Orange even as I write and before I head to the pool for my water workout. My morning choice today is Wal-mart brand Orange Morning Sunrise (a la Crystal Light) - made a two quart pitcher with 8 oz. pulp-free Tropicana OJ with 56 oz. of water.

It's time to make my big batch of H2Orange again. I've got a stash of two quart juice bottles that I use. I make up 8 half-gallons at a time, using different flavors. Luckily we have an extra refrigerator so I have plenty of space to store it. I'll be making several Peach Tea concoctions along with some orange, a grape and probably a lemon-lime version to get me through the next 10 days or so, with enough for me to consume at least 48 or so ounces per day.


The Naturally Slim program (which can be found at www.naturallyslim.com ) has a lot of the same concepts of No S but is much more restrictive-although it does not require counting of any sort.
The first 21 days require zero sugar--ah, see a habit being formed, or perhaps bad habits being "unlearned".
The number of meals per day varies; much is dependent on eating only when you are truly hungry-not when you are bored, anxious, etc. (Sound familiar?)
Also a lot of emphasis is how you eat; take your time, use a smaller plate, eat for ten minutes the foods you really want the most; take a five minute break (unobtrusively--as in excuse yourself for a bathroom break or put the clothes in the dryer or get involved in a dinner conversation etc.) then come back to the meal and eat what you really think you need. The idea is that our brains take some time to register satiety. It's ok to leave food on your plate! Whuuut???

[NOTE-I am NOT pushing naturally slim. . . it did not work for me and it is really expensive. . . I gained weight, eating all those peanuts it suggested!]

Avoid talking about your "diet"--it's just sensible eating too, like No S. But No S seems like the most sustainable to me.

The program is pricey but I know a lot of people who have done well on it. Their corporate version is gaining popularity where companies bring them in to work with their employees for a period of time to help with learning a healthy lifestyle/losing weight, lowering blood pressure, etc. as a preventive measure to keep potential health issues at bay and to lower their insurance costs.

Gee--maybe our own organizations should create No S groups for those purposes! I'm sticking with No S because it's working for me and I think I'll really "stick" with it.

Wow--gotta head to the pool--this took too long to write!

LA Loser
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Post by bonnieUK » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:01 pm

Nice tip!

There's an additional reason this would work for me, if I consume orange/orange juice I have to avoid eating solid food for at least an hour, as I don't particularly enjoy feeling like my stomach has exploded :D (which seems to be what happens when orange juice comes into contact with food in my stomach!). Perhaps I should try it if I get a major snack attack :wink:

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Post by kccc » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:25 pm

The hydration thing is a good point. I always start the day with 2 large cups of cafe au lait, then begin drinking hot herbal tea at work (my office is always cold, even in summer). I usually drink 1-2 mini-pots by lunchtime.

When I'm at home, I don't start on the hot tea, and sometimes forget to drink enough. It makes a real difference when I remember - so thanks for the reminder!

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Be Away-that snack attack!

Post by la_loser » Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:26 pm


If you haven't had a chance, go up to the top of this topic and read my earlier posts about this being a great stretcher to help you get past the "snack attacks."

My doctor even agreed with me that for keeping your blood sugar level between meals the H2Orange is a great strategy.
The lemon or lime flavor is excellent in the summer -- add a little slice of real lemon or lime and it's a real pick-me-up! And since Reinhard says it's ok to have a moderate amount of wine or alcohol, you can add just a bit of tequila & triple sec and whattaya get? A no guilt margarita!
(I know you could probably have the real thing--but I'm just saying. . .!!!

I don't know what sort of equivalent you might have in the UK for the Crystal Light -- but I'm sure you'll find something. I've made it with just straight water and orange juice, but find I need to add a bit of Splenda to keep it from tasting just like watered down OJ! Who knows, it might be diluted enough to allow you to enjoy orange juice with a meal without the negative side effects!

Good luck--

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Post by Beth » Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:57 pm

Hey! So let me say that I logged in after a very long hiatus and was VERY freaked out to see H2Orange mentioned! I thought I was the only person to have tried the NS system :D seemed like no one else had ever heard of it. LA, I agree with you- NS seems much more restrictive than NOS. Although I too have heard it is an effective plan, I had to disagree about the blurb in her manual "65% of people are only hungry twice a day"- for me it has always been 3 times a day, and that used to bother me, like I was "not doing the program right"... silly, I know.
Anyways I am back here now to what I know works and is doable. I think at one time I even mentioned here about the H2Orange as an excellent way to get one's water in and keep blood sugar stable.
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Increase your water intake with H2Orange!

Post by la_loser » Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:31 am

I'm still going strong using my H2Orange as a way to get plenty of water in and to stave off hunger.

Since a number of readers lately have been discussing various types of flavored water, I'm bringing this thread to the front again. I know a lot of newbies are out there and I love to share this idea--whether you do the water and OJ combination or OJ plus my generic Crystal Light--it's really good and you can sip on it all day long.

I must remind everyone that Reinhard says that straight juice is ok too--but if you're trying to drink lots more water, this could be your solution. . .ah, no pun intended. . . but ok, enjoy your solution. . . !!!
LA Loser. . . well on my way to becoming an LA Winner. :lol:

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Re: Increase your water intake with H2Orange!

Post by anndelise » Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:06 am

LA_Loser wrote:I'm still going strong using my H2Orange as a way to get plenty of water in and to stave off hunger.

Since a number of readers lately have been discussing various types of flavored water, I'm bringing this thread to the front again. I know a lot of newbies are out there and I love to share this idea--whether you do the water and OJ combination or OJ plus my generic Crystal Light--it's really good and you can sip on it all day long.

I must remind everyone that Reinhard says that straight juice is ok too--but if you're trying to drink lots more water, this could be your solution. . .ah, no pun intended. . . but ok, enjoy your solution. . . !!!
i'm responding to this one in here rather than the metrowater one as it fits better here.

It was through the H2Orange idea that my daughter began putting lime juice (from those little lime shaped squeeze containers) into her water. She's also been make a 1 part juice to 7 parts water of some pomegranate and cherry juice we've got. At first she didn't like that it was 'sooo watered down', but now she likes it quite a bit.

I've always been a water drinker, lots of it. Rarely flavored drinks.
But I'm always looking for ways to encourage her to drink more water and less sugary beverages. Which is why I'm really happy about this thread and the metrowater thread.

As for my other half, he's always drank diet sodas, coffee and tea. He won't drink water straight up. Nor will he stick with the lime/lemon/juice flavored water. Tomorrow I go into town to a tea shop to get some tea for him. I don't want him drinking artificial sweeteners. I'm hoping that with some really good tasting tea that he'll thus be drinking more water, and maybe eventually start minimalizing how much sugar he puts in. I'm even going to ask them about which ones will taste good without sugar, or with just a little bit of honey.

So yeah, I think these flavored water threads are great. Perhaps someone else will start a tea thread to fit along with it. :D

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Post by rose » Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:38 pm


Not sure if you mean real tea or herbal tea.

I drink herbal tea.
I find fruit-only flavors (apple, berries...), and flower flavors (jasmine, rose...) somehow don't taste so great without sugar. Perhaps because they are usually associated with the sweetness of the natural sugar in the fruit, so it feels like something is missing.

However, any mix with mint or liquorice or aniseed in it is fine for me without any need for sugar.
I also drink water flavored with liquid extracts of these plants (no artificial flavors).

Also, I like _some_ fruit flavors mixed with some non-fruity tree blossoms or herbs (for instance: lemon/lime blossom).

I hope this helps.
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Post by vcanfield » Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:32 am

I’m new to the site but have been following the No S guidelines for several weeks. (I will admit however that I’ve only really followed it carefully for a couple of weeks. . .I think I’m getting closer to the Habit phase!†':D'
Very Happy Prior to No S, I had been trying to do a program called Naturally Slim. I liked it but it was pricey and I found I just couldn’t stick with the scheduling of meals that they advise.

One of the things that has helped me with eliminating snacks is a strategy I’ve borrowed from that diet program. (It's not a trademark or anything with that program-just a strategy so I think it's OK to share here.) what they call H2Orange. It’s a concoction that consists of a combination of 7 parts water to 1 part orange juice (the “not from concentrate†kind like Tropicana. I get the no pulp version with extra calcium & Vitamin D added). If you make it with plain water, it might be necessary to add a bit of Splenda to it. I actually make 2 quarts at a time using various flavors of (store brand) Crystal Light (yes-I know it’s got artificial sweetener-sorry!). I mix the little tub of drink mix with about a cup of warm water; shake and mix it thoroughly. Then I add some more water and 1 cup of the orange juice; then fill to the top with water. Keep a couple of flavors mixed in 2 quart containers in your fridge or fill your water bottles with it—and yum—you’ve got something that keeps you going and eliminates all that caffeine and saves $$$ too if you’re used to shelling out for soft drinks all day.

Examples of proportions: For a two quart plastic container (like an old ½ gallon milk carton), use:
8 oz. orange juice to 56 oz. water (with a tub of drink mix added if you like)

Sipping on H2Orange will keep your blood sugar slightly elevated and will helps avoid “hunger pangs†and will help you past the urge to snack if that’s a problem. i.e. If you’re used to a snack mid-morning or afternoon, just have a glass of H2Orange and you’ll feel satisfied. Don’t have more than 96 oz. of H2Orange per day! I like to use the orange flavored drink mix for breakfast/mornings and the various teas for later in the day—love the peach tea flavor and the slight orange flavor just perks it up a bit.
Gotta run-and fill my water bottles for the day so I won’t be tempted to stop at Sonic for a snack!)('8)')

I do the same thing with sugar free Ocean Spray drink mix and frozen grape juice concentrate. I usually mix them up in 20 oz. bottles (2-3 teaspoons to 16 oz. of made up drink mix. and finish it up with more water) so I can take them on the go. I might try sipping it all day like you suggested and see how it goes. I have a terrible time with my blood sugar, but it seems to be getting better with No s. Thanks for the tip.

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Grape drink vs. juice or wine!

Post by la_loser » Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:52 am

Sounds good to me. I like the grape flavor of my Wal-mart Crystal Light with my bit of orange juice too. I like to have it in the evening when I can't afford to have some wine--as in, a little glass of wine and I'd be asleep way before bedtime--but my grape drink gives me my little lift instead!

Recently I discovered they now carry a cranberry flavor as well-guess you could mix it with some real cran juice-although the OJ gives it a nice little twist.

I really have found that the H2Orange keeps me from those ebbs and flows like a crash mid-morning or afternoon. I do often have a glass a real juice as well but to get myself hydrated the H2Orange works well. I know real juice is ok. . . but probably not 64 oz. a day!

Enjoy your "solution." :lol:
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Try H2Orange to stave off hunger

Post by la_loser » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:40 pm

Just bringing this to the top again; it seems like several people have been asking questions about needing a little oomph between meals without snacking.

It's important to remember that caloric drinks are OK on N days anyway as long as they're not Coke/DP, etc. But since I really like to sip on something all day long, I know I probably should NOT plan to drink 48 oz. of juice for example. So drinking my H2Orange drink keeps me quite satisfied and I know I'm getting my "water" as well. I just don't care to drink water by itself so this takes care of that.

Hope this helps!
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And to the top of the boards again!

Post by la_loser » Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:49 pm

And to the top of the boards again! Since we have several new folks who are looking for ways to "tide them over" legally!

Although milk and juice are legal too, this is a really refreshing way to have a fairly unlimited amount of liquid that's tasty too.

Hope this helps some of you!
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Post by MysteryLover » Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:04 pm

Thanks LA Loser! It's much appreciated.
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Post by bluebunny27 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:49 pm

L.A. Loser, my hero !! ;-) I like this idea, mixing water and juice, etc. Thanks for the precise recipe. I read somewhere a really great way to curb your hunger is to eat a few unsalted peanuts (20) with a tall glass of water, I've been doing that and it seems to be a good idea as well (Plus, I really love peanuts, lol !). Also tomato juice is supposed to be awesome if you feel the need to snack, a small glass packs a lot of nutrients. Add a tall glass of water after having the juice of course.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:51 pm

Hi guys :)
Seltzer, with a splash of orange or cranberry juice and a squeeze of lime is one of my fave refreshers.
I like it better than the plain water, mainly cos we don't have very good water, and I like the fizzy bubbles too. :wink:
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Post by noni » Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:07 pm

Thanks LA, for the H2Orange idea. I picked up a few flavors of sugar-free Wylers on sale and a Crystal Light. Since I'm a plain water drinker I watered down the concoction even more. I also water down any juice I drink with carbonated water.

In a one gallon container, I dissolved one packet or tub of sugar-free mix in some warm water. I added 2 cups of OJ then filled the rest with cold water. I'm not sure if that would keep one's blood sugar up at that dilution, though. (I suppose you can add more OJ) It's a light refreshing taste and will be even more so in the summer. Thanks again!

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Bumping to the top for summer! H2Orange

Post by la_loser » Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:32 pm

OK--I'm bumping this to the top-we have so many new members and I thought with hot weather on the way, a nice thirst quencher that is well within the rules sounds excellent.

I keep several flavors mixed all the time.

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Post by ~reneew » Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:43 pm

Thanks for bumping it up... I'm going to try it. Though I drink a ton in the summer, I'm getting sick of lemon water. :wink:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by WouldYouEva » Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:01 pm

I drink when I'm thirsty. Iit's a myth to say we need a set amount of water per day, there's considerable medical evidence that if you drink to thirst, your kidneys will be in better shape. I think this whole "lose weight by drinking more water" meme is harmful, much in the same way folks are looking for the magic combination of food that will make them lose weight. But people are heavily invested in this myth, for reasons that baffle me.

But if I want a variation on this I reach into my desk and add some True Lemon, True Lime, or True Orange (plus some sweetner in the orange, by itself it's vile) into my water. I went to their website (www.truelemon.com/sample.cfm), got my free samples, and now I'm hooked.

I don't work for the True Lemon folks, I just really enjoy using their products. If you've gone down the grocery aisle and saw their packages and wondered if they were worth the money, I'd say they are.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:49 am

Thirst and Hunger can be confused by the hypothalamus.
So if you are dehydrated, you may interpret it as hunger and then eat rather than drink.
Also, the digestion process is helped a lot by water, as well as elimination etc..
But the hypothalamus is a little slow to actually pick up the signals of hunger and thirst as well.. So, because there's a bit of a lag time, by the time we actually "feel" thirsty, we are already partially dehydrated.
It's actually better to drink before you are thirsty to avoid this.

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Post by ~reneew » Sun Jun 07, 2009 6:40 pm

I for one benefit greatly when I have more than I thirst for. I can go almost all day sometimes with out getting thirsty at all. My Mom hardly ever drinks much. 2 cups a day seems to be fine for her. I however get really dry skin. When I make myself drink at least 8 8oz. glasses of water, I have clearer softer skin, better hair and nails, and have more energy. It wards off hunger, it helps me with digestion and helps keep me regular. It flushes toxins too they say. When I don't drink enough, I swell up like a balloon. When I was pregnant (4 times) I had to drink a gallon a day, or I couldn't walk because of fluid retension. My feet sloshed! I for one know the benefits of water, for those of you who were doubting it. :wink:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by WouldYouEva » Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:14 pm

gratefuldeb67 wrote:Thirst and Hunger can be confused by the hypothalamus.
So if you are dehydrated, you may interpret it as hunger and then eat rather than drink.
Also, the digestion process is helped a lot by water, as well as elimination etc..
But the hypothalamus is a little slow to actually pick up the signals of hunger and thirst as well.. So, because there's a bit of a lag time, by the time we actually "feel" thirsty, we are already partially dehydrated.
It's actually better to drink before you are thirsty to avoid this.
Can I have a cite for this? It's seemly unlikely that humans evolved the same signals for hunger and thirst. Here's my cite:

And my digestion hasn't been helped a whit by the enormous quanity of water I drink. (One of the drugs I'm on has dry mouth as a side effect.)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:44 pm

Sorry Eva, I don't have a site to give you.
I learned this fact from two places.
One I heard it on a tape I had from Prevention magazine, that thirst can be "disguised" as hunger.
Years later my physiology and pathology professor at The Swedish Institute of NY, who was the science department director for the school, told us about how once you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated, and all that info about the hypothalamus being slow to sense this state.
I'm sorry your digestion hasn't benefited from drinking water.
Good luck.
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First Batch

Post by jenglish » Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:58 am

As much as I try, I do not like water. Tap water is a no-no so I tried bottled, spring, LeBlue. I took a liking to Smart Water and I was doing pretty good, drinking at least three 20 oz bottles a day, but the minerals interfered with one of my medications.

I made my first batch of H2Orange this evening. I tried it "Plain Vanilla", but there was just not enough oomph.

I used one tub of Crystal Lite Tangerine-Strawberry. The whole tub was much too sweet for one gallon of water so I halved my gallon and made two. This was much better, actually very good.

I totally agree that I may be eating when I am actually thirsty so, I will begin my day with a big glass of H2Orange and I will use it to increase my intake of water.

Since I dislike water so much and I drink so little, I am starting a HabitCal to track my H2Orange intake.

Thanks for the recipe!

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Lots of flavors!

Post by la_loser » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:14 am

I'm not much of a water drinker either. I made up several batches on Sunday. . . a grape one, peach tea, orange . . . with the orange juice in it, it will gives it a little more "heft" than just the juice. I usually put it in lots of smaller water bottles and keep them chilled to grab and go. . . the only problem is that some co-workers kept looking at my "tea" and my "grape juice" and though it looked kind of cloudy. . . I had to explain it had orange juice in it and I'd forgotten to get the pulp-free various so there was stuff floating all through it!

Hope it works out for you!
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Post by WouldYouEva » Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:18 pm

gratefuldeb67 wrote:Sorry Eva, I don't have a site to give you.
I learned this fact from two places.
One I heard it on a tape I had from Prevention magazine, that thirst can be "disguised" as hunger.
Years later my physiology and pathology professor at The Swedish Institute of NY, who was the science department director for the school, told us about how once you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated, and all that info about the hypothalamus being slow to sense this state.
I'm sorry your digestion hasn't benefited from drinking water.
Good luck.
Sorry, I meant "citation" not the more casual "cite." Prevention Magazine? Not a terribly reliable source of information, sorry.

From an evolutionary perspective, it doesn't make sense to have thirst and hunger be the same sensation, since water has historically been more available than food.

And the human body is capable of showing thirst with extremely slight changes in fluid levels. There's a Penn State study by Dr. Rolls (discovered during the volumetrics study) that shows this. I can send you to link to the peer-reviewed article.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:00 pm

Eva I wish you well and hope you find your answers in life.

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Post by la_loser » Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:16 pm

I'm not interested in getting into an online battle about whether thirst and hunger can be mistaken for each other. My information has mostly come from another weight loss plan that I am familiar with called Naturally Slim which was created by medical professionals a number of years ago. I can't find my original book that has the specific references but here is the upshot of what was said that I have recreated here. Part of it deals with needing to drink something upon waking.

When we sleep, we lose water when we sleep through respiration, perspiration, evaporation and urination. Drinking cold water or other similar liquid (20 ounces is suggested-not coffee, tea or carbonated drinks) will rehydrate you so you can tell the difference between hunger and thirst.

According to that information, we do not necessarily feel thirst until we have done without hydration for a while. Our bodies crave food sometimes just to get the water from the food, so thirst will feel like hunger.

On these boards, we have the choice of reading them and taking what we want from them. We don't all have to agree in order to get significant support. Everyone is different and what works for some of us may not work for another. I know that for me, drinking a lot of my H2Orange or even water often will counter those feelings that seem like hunger -- or what really may have been habit -- midafternoon for example. Certainly we all "KNOW" that real HUNGER feels quite different. . . I suspect this addresses that knee-jerk reaction that we have come to have through many years of "I need something-oh, yeah, I must be hungry--" and now we can at least try to defer those feelings with a liquid instead.

Remember that Reinhard's guidelines even allow for full fruit juices or milk between meals.

So I hope that this thread can continue to provide some help to some readers.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:22 pm

Have a great day LA, you are the best!!!
H2Orange into the FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink:
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:40 pm

I read this thread this morning and thought that it sounded like a good idea. There was just a smidgin of fruit juice left in the pitcher, so I mixed it with lots of water and put it back in the fridge to chill. When I got home from my errands this morning (mid-morning, dangerous snack time for me!), I put some ice in a glass and filled it up with the juice. Very nice!

"Diluted fruit juice" sounds very dull and diet-like, whereas "flavored water" has a positive, tasty, upbeat ring to it. This is a good idea. I'm glad you posted it.

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Ah. . .yes

Post by la_loser » Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:45 pm

Too bad we didn't think of marketing it. (Or the people at the diet plan where I got the original idea--can't support their plan but this idea I love)

I've been amused in the last few months how many companies are selling water with a touch of juice in their fancy little bottles. Not cheap either of course!

I'm happily sipping on my orange flavored (store brand) crystal light with a touch of orange. . . really refreshing.
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Post by jenglish » Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:56 am

:D Wellllll :lol:


My first day drinking H2Orange went well. I started my day with a 16 oz glass before breakfast.

After breakfast I filled my glass with another 16 oz's and sipped on it until lunch (I prefer water chilled and don't mind it at room temp so, my 16 oz glass was fine)

I had an eight oz glass with dinner and I am looking at 16 oz now. I will finish my last glass before I go to bed.

The Kidneys have been talking to me today. They are happy and active. My fear is they will continue to be active and I will be jumping and running to relieve them through the night

Will check in tomorrow!

Sloshing off to bed


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Gotta go gotta go gotta go right now?!

Post by la_loser » Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:24 am

OK-so I'm envisioning you having to make a trail all night long. . . :lol:

I have found that I try to slow down the liquids after my evening meal but after a couple of days your body gets adjusted to having sufficient hydration so it's not as much of a problem.

I hope this continues to help you.
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:29 am

I made up a full pitcher of H2O last night, since I had finished off what I made yesterday. But I am using real fruit juice instead of anything artificial. I like this very much. It's refreshing and tasty and totally harmless.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:09 pm

I'm really getting into drinking chilled lemon lime seltzer (non sweetened natural flavoured) and sometimes adding a splash of juice.. whatever we have.
Last night I got really fancy and added two very thin slices of fresh golden pineapple to the lemon lime seltzer, without juice, and put them on the glass they way they do with fancy shmancy frozen drinks!!!
Haha, felt like I was living it up on a tropical island! :)
Must have had about 4 full glasses of it through the evening.
And yes, I was sloshing away..
Hahah, that's okay.. Good for the plumbing! :wink:
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H2Orange Day 2

Post by jenglish » Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:19 pm



Day 2

8 oz glass before breakfast
8 oz glass with breakfast
8 oz glass after breakfast
8 oz glass with lunch
8 oz glass after lunch
16 oz Cherry Limeade with dinner
8 oz H2Orange after dinner.

With a Fiery horse with the speed of light and cloud of dust and a hearty Hi-Yo Silver, I woke from my dream and galloped to the bathroom on several occasions… Never did get back to chasing the bad guys; my next dream was about auditioning the California Cows!

Glad to know the kidneys will adjust, I don’t know if I want to keep jumping up at night.

I found it easier to drink 8 rather than 16 ozs during the day. 16 oz around lunch and dinner worked. I found myself finishing my 16 oz after the meal and getting another 8 oz between meals.

Will check in again tomorrow!

Taking a morning nap to make up for running through the night!

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Re: H2Orange Day 2

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:52 pm

jenglish wrote: With a Fiery horse with the speed of light and cloud of dust and a hearty Hi-Yo Silver, I woke from my dream and galloped to the bathroom on several occasions… Never did get back to chasing the bad guys; my next dream was about auditioning the California Cows!
Hahaha!!!! :mrgreen:
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H2Orange Day 3

Post by jenglish » Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:28 pm



Day 3

8 oz glass before breakfast
8 oz glass with breakfast
8 oz glass after breakfast
8 oz glass after lunch
16 oz after dinner.

I have discovered a new taste treat, at least for me. Welch's has a new powdered drink mix (welchs.com) Mixed up a batch plain vanilla H2Orange and I added four packages of the Welch's (I am making gallon batches, adjust the Welch's for the amount you are making.)

This was delicious!!!

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The Lone Ranger and Runs in the Night

Post by jenglish » Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:46 pm

Believe me Gatefuldeb67, GALLOP was a mild word.

My Chihuahua's are still running for cover every time I stand up!

They slept under the bed instead of by the bed last night. They have a kind of wide-eyed, hang-dog look as they skitter far away from me whenever I move.

Plying them with treats seems to calm their nerves.

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:36 pm

Well, I have always loved water so that isn't an issue - we have a wonderful well (live in the country, obviously) and the water is perfect. However, mixing water with fruit juice sounds like a great idea to me. I have always diluted the drinks for the kids, grandkids, greatgrandkids. Now when we eat out, they all say - this orange juice tastes THICK...

However, I do often drink plain hot water with lemon juice in the mornings. No sugar or anything. Seems like my grandma, years ago, started me doing this - some health benefit I believe.

Something cleansing, I suppose. Once I have had a cup or so of coffee, if I still want something hot I drink my hot lemon water - then make a pot of herbal tea.

We both (hubby and I) love green tea, so that's a good thing as well.

Also love red wine.

I'm covered.


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Post by jenglish » Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:08 am



16 oz H2Orange before breakfast

8 oz H2Orange after breakfast

8 oz Cherry Limeade with lunch

8oz H2Oange

16 oz Cherry Limeade with dinner

16 oz H2Orange

My nightly bladder runs are diminishing, the Chihuahuas have actually come from under the bed, the seem to feel safe.

I am beginning to see other benefits from hydration. My skin is not as dry and I seem to have more energy.

I have made H2Orange in grape and I want to try pomegranate, grapefruit and lemon.

It amazes me that a little OJ and a package of drink mix can do so much for that dreaded commodity,water.

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Post by orleenz » Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:46 pm

Jenglish, your posts are too funny!
Thanks for making me laugh.. I hate water too, and today is my first day to try H2Orange.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Post by Mounted Ranger! » Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:10 pm

gratefuldeb67 wrote:Hi guys :)
Seltzer, with a splash of orange or cranberry juice and a squeeze of lime is one of my fave refreshers.
I like it better than the plain water, mainly cos we don't have very good water, and I like the fizzy bubbles too. :wink:
That's what we do and always have. I fix a glass of crushed ice and squeeze over a half lemon or lime or a bit of blueberry pomegranate. Then I pour in the fizzy water. I like Gerolsteiner. It has a good amount of calcium w/o tasting yucky.

A friend calls my concoctions Homemade Soft Drinks but somehow I don't really like that.
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Post by MysteryLover » Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:42 pm

For anyone who would like to make H2Orange using Crystal Light, but hesitates because of the artificial sweetener, I thought I'd mention that they are coming out with a natural version using Stevia as the sweetener:

http://www.kraftbrands.com/crystallight ... re-flavors
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Post by Kevin » Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:13 am

I use stevia with lemon or lime juice in water. It has a bit of an after taste of its own, which makes me wonder how well it will go with less acidic tastes.
MysteryLover wrote:For anyone who would like to make H2Orange using Crystal Light, but hesitates because of the artificial sweetener, I thought I'd mention that they are coming out with a natural version using Stevia as the sweetener:

http://www.kraftbrands.com/crystallight ... re-flavors
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Post by ksbrowne » Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:23 pm

This sounds like SUCH a good idea to me! Thanks LA for the idea and thanks everyone for bumping it up.

Sometimes between meals I feel a bit draggy. Not really hungry. Just need a little boost. Also, sometimes after supper I want a sweet taste. Not dessert, my cravings have gone away. But this H2Orange sounds perfect! Thanks!

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Post by ~reneew » Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:46 pm

I always have ice water with a splash of 100% juice - unsweetened cranberry juice ready to go in a 4 cup water bottle. Daily
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I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by debable » Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:30 pm

I put an herbal tea bag (apple cinnamon) and a splash of o.j in 32oz of water and let it sit awhile. I really like it.

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H2Orange-back to the top of the boards!

Post by la_loser » Sat Nov 30, 2013 11:55 pm

I'm bringing this thread back to the top; reading recent questions about staving off hunger and about various beverages made me realize it hasn't been addressed lately and we have so many new members, it might be helpful to many of you. You may have to go up to the top of the thread and read through to get the whole story!

Making up this easy little concoction might be a real help to keep you hydrated and feel a little bit more like you're drinking something besides "just" water. With all the infused and flavored waters hitting the shelves these days, this is an inexpensive and tasty alternative. Think I'll go mix some up right now!

It's been said that we often misinterpret thirst for hunger so this is a great way to fix that little issue!

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Re: H2Orange-back to the top of the boards!

Post by krawford13 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:26 am

LA_Loser wrote:I'm bringing this thread back to the top; reading recent questions about staving off hunger and about various beverages made me realize it hasn't been addressed lately and we have so many new members, it might be helpful to many of you. You may have to go up to the top of the thread and read through to get the whole story!

Making up this easy little concoction might be a real help to keep you hydrated and feel a little bit more like you're drinking something besides "just" water. With all the infused and flavored waters hitting the shelves these days, this is an inexpensive and tasty alternative. Think I'll go mix some up right now!

It's been said that we often misinterpret thirst for hunger so this is a great way to fix that little issue!

Just wondering, could you drink one ounce of OJ and then 7 ounces of water at a time?

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sure thing on the juice then the water

Post by la_loser » Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:06 am

Krawford, of course, you can always drink plenty of water. Actually on No S, you can always drink orange juice but you probably wouldn't want to drink 30 oz. of orange juice a day because after all, those juice calories do add up after a while. But there's something about adding just a tad of juice to your water that gives you just a tiny little boost.

Drinking it separately just kind of puts it back to drinking straight water, and that's ok too. I think a lot of people who get into my H2Orange idea are those who just don't like the taste of water by itself so it's a way to get hydrated without drink plain old water.

Me-I just like it-- :D
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Post by Grammy G » Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:25 am

One of the easy things I have done for years is just put a few pieces of any fruit into a water jug and fill it with water and refrigerate and drink it all day. A few grapes cut up plus a few slices of apple.. add an orange section or grate a little grapefruit rind..whatever fruit you enjoy. There is no set amount of fruit. No sugar added. I usually mush the fruit a bit with a wooden spoon after I add the water. Just adding grated citrus rind to a jug of water is also good..especially if you've had an orange or grapefruit for breakfast and are just going to compost the rind. The only fruit I haven't tried is banana.
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Post by Dhack » Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:45 pm

I wanted to try this but I didn't have any OJ so I took Grammy G's idea one step further. I pureed a mandarin orange into 24 oz of water. It came out pretty tasty (although pulpy)! It might be a cheat though because I am technically eating and orange between meals...

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