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I am a happy, happy girl!!

Post by FarmerHal » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:08 am

So dh got me a laptop sent to the house for me so I can start netwalking again!!! And here I am netwalking!
The treadmill is downstairs with the nice tv in the family room. My kids can watch their shows, play in the toy room or play wii all while I plod away surfing, typing and walkng!!

Had to make a wooden bar thing to hold the laptop up properly but now I'm plodding along at 2.5mph. plod plod plod.

There's nothing worse than feeling lke a huge slug while sitting around surfing, maybe feeling the urge to snack on somethin crunchy!

All's well, now to make it my rule to do 99% of my computer stuff while netwalking (treadputer?) onlly.


Hopefully this will help with my N days, as I have NOT been compliant all week and today too :( I have not gained this month, but maintained, so it appears something needs to change, and excercise looks like it is it!

Here's to a green day tomorrow and a few miles logged!! Already .62 miles and going!!
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Post by kccc » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:24 pm

This is so funny that you posted at the VERY same moment that the thread about treadmill desks started! I love synchronicity.

Hope it works well for you!

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Post by guadopt1997 » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:37 pm

Could you somehow post a picture of the thing you added to hold your laptop?

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Post by FarmerHal » Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:37 pm

I will try to get a picture of my contraption ;) soon.

http://www.amazon.com/Fitness-Warehouse ... B001EBP3HY Here is the treadmill Ihave. I had to make a piece of 2x4 and zip tie it to the handle and then I put 2 little toy blocks on that 2x4 so the laptop had something to rest against. i'll try to get a pic of it soon, it's very simple and actually the angle for typing for my wrists is just right.

I'm treadputing at the moment :)
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Post by vmelo » Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:14 pm

Wow--this is a coincidence. I was just poking around the web yesterday and came across this idea. I'm really tempted to rig something up for my treadmill. My husband keeps making jokes about it (e.g., "Why don't we just set up treadmills in restaurants so that people can walk and eat"---that sort of thing). If I can get past his scoffing about it, I'd like to do it. I sit on my rear grading papers and such for at least two hours a day, and if I could spend that two hours walking, even at a slow pace, it's got to be better.

I think it's great that you've go 2.5 mph. Did you start out at that speed? If not, how long did it take you to work up to it?

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:54 pm

That's great, Tiffani!

You might even find you do your computer stuff with MORE attention while walking.

"Only those thoughts that come while walking have any value." -- Nietzsche


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Post by FarmerHal » Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:20 am

Reinhard, it seems that I think much more clearly when I'm walking- more blood pumping to the brain than when you sit (tho I had a busy day so now I sit ;) )

I started out at the recommended speed of 1mph to get started (this was last year) but I go from 1mph if I want to type w/out a lot of typos (plus I'm getting used to a new keyboard) and up to 2.5 with or without an incline if I"m primarly just surfing or reading.

I like it and don't have any 'motion sickness' or anything like that.
{FarmerHal} ...previously Shamrockmommy...
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