Shadowboxing + Shugging?

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Shadowboxing + Shugging?

Post by kai » Sat May 28, 2005 8:54 pm

What are your thoughts on shadowboxing? I tried a few workouts awhile ago and it felt great, so I'm curious whether it would be best as a 3 day (Mon, Wed, Fri) addition to 5 day shugging or if it would be okay to do it all 5 days. Shugging in the morning, shadowboxing in the afternoon/night. Also, what's the recommended time duration for shadowboxing? I've read that 30 minutes is about right...

- Kai

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Hey Kai! Howya doin?

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun May 29, 2005 12:03 am

Hi Kai!!!
How's Spoctopid and all the kids? LOL...
What a great picture of you! Looks very professional too.. Are you doing modelling these days? :D You should! Nice face!
I remember you said you work in some studio, or something.. How's that been for you?

Anyway, welcome back... I have taken a break too from Shuggin it, as I am actually working at a gym and my life has changed in lots of ways these days...
I'm really doing more massage than before, and now I do Yoga at the club.
I've been to two classes so far and I plan to attend it 4 days a week.
To be completely honest, when I get home I feel very lazy and I'm fairly actuve during the day so I'm not as gung ho, or in other words,,, lazy! LOL...
This madness must stop! I still love SG with all my heart, I just need to start my good habit of doing it again. Meanwhile I've been going on the deathly boring elliptical trainer (yes Reinhard it is the dark side I know, but I'm there for six hours a day and if I don't have a client scheduled, it beats sitting on my ass...) and also, deathly boring 15 lb dumbells and bench pressing deathly boring 45 lb weight bars (without any added weight I think that's about how much it weighs...)
I am also doing deathly boring situps, but these are actually kind of fun since they are on that nice padded thing you stick your legs under, which makes it much more comfy to do...
I will say I love Yoga, and feel it will totally transform me if I stick to it...
So that has really become an "everyday" system for me (yes I know, only 4 days a week, but each class is 70-90 minutes! :D )
I swim when I can, as well....
And it's all free for me, so heck why not? :)
If I could bring the SG into work and do it with music in the large classroom, without causing everyone to go into a mild panic, and then call the local sanitarium, I would try that... But, meh, I am slightly worried that people will truly think I am a wacko...
They might be right, but thats my business not theirs!
Anyway, I'll stick SG back into the day soon enough... I've got a full plate right now, but do miss it...
Good to see you are back with us Kai! By the way, I think the general rule of thumb in terms of aerobic workouts, such as shadow boxing, or dancing, jogging, anything where your heartrate increases, is that you should attempt to keep it elevated for half an hour... Why? This I don't know... Reinhard, do you? :)
Well anyway... Keep boxing and let's get down with SG starting again next week... I will start a "Debs daily SG log" report in when I do it... I will probably aim for about 3 or 4 days a week, since life is getting busier.
8) Deb
Happy Holiday Weekend all!

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Post by kai » Sun May 29, 2005 5:08 am

Hahaha modeling!!! :lol: I've never considered that. There are much prettier faces in Boston, that's for sure. :oops:

I was working at a game studio for ~8 months. I've since gone back to other contract work, but I've been shooting out resumes hoping for a new 9-to-5'er. I'm launching a proper portfolio site soon, which should help me stick out of the crowd more. *crosses fingers*

So, it's 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, not 30 minutes from cold to end? Gotcha. 5 days a week okay or too much? Up to me...?

- Kai

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Post by reinhard » Sun May 29, 2005 10:04 am

Funny that you should mention it... I "shadowbox" for a few minutes to cool down after each shovelglove routine. I know next to nothing about boxing except that you're not supposed to bite people's ears off, but it's fun, I feel it, and it kills time while I'm waiting for the shower to get hot.

The details, as I posted to the yahoo group a while ago:
What I do do to cool down is a bit of shadowboxing. I
don't know the first thing about boxing so I'm sure
what I do is pretty laughable to the trained eye, and
I doubt it accomplishes much in the way of stretching,
but it's fun, and a great excuse to admire your
shovelglove induced musculature if you do it in front
of mirror (if a little autosexual). It also kills time
while I wait for my charming victorian plumbing to get
the shower water hot enough. 21 hooks to the head, 21
hooks to the body, 21 uppercuts, 21 'sneaky stomach
jabs' 14 straight rights, 14 straight lefts.

Boxing (shadow and otherwise) and shovelglove should be a natural combination. As I posted to the group in an even older post, many old school boxers chopas part of their standard training, wood chopping boxers include: Jack Dempsey, George Foreman, Oscar de la Hoya.
George is apparently also into "dragging trees" which
may be a little much for non-super heavyweight

Why would boxers chop wood? According to their "old
school" trainers: to develop "quick muscle" as opposed
to just the "slow muscle" of weight lifting. Sound
like an old wives tale? *You* tell these guys that.[/i]

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Post by Jeff » Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:25 am

Coincidentally enough, I just started both shovelgloving, and kickboxing. I just got my sledgehammer, and the university kickboxing summer session just started. Glad to hear they can work out together. Today was my 2nd day shugging, and wow am I sore. I may have to take a day off once in a while at the beginning.

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Post by reinhard » Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:53 am

Jeff, the five days a week part is intended for people who don't do anything else (except walk). Kickboxing sounds pretty intense. You can shug less with a clear conscience.

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Post by JWL » Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:44 pm

For several years, I have occasionally done 20-30 minutes of shadowboxing, with 5 lb dumbells in my hand. It's a great aerobic workout, with the dumbells providing just a bit more intensity.

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