Four Weeks In

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Four Weeks In

Post by kclark » Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:42 am


I am four weeks into this program and have lost significant weight. I love the philosophy behind the plan and expect continued success.

I purchased The No S Diet book through Barnes & Noble on the internet from BBS Books in Knoxville, TN. Although the selection was for used books, I obtained a new one for $2.25 plus $3.99 shipping. The downside to the bargain price was it took three weeks to arrive.

The book is quite good and well worth the money. However I was surprised and disappointed to see sugar soda listed as a possible drink between meals! I have a friend who weighs many hundred pounds and was at one time a champion power lifter. He would drink three to four liters of soda per day. Now he has a bad knee and his physical life is over. Excess weight can do worse than kill you.

I liked the description of Reinhard’s oatmeal lunch but there must be a mistake in the kind of oatmeal he has. Rolled oats and Scottish style oats are two very different kinds of oatmeal. Rolled oats can be instant, quick, or regular and look like someone smashed the oat grain with a hammer. Scottish style oats look like rice grains cut into thirds and can be crunchy and chewy. Nevertheless what I learned was to add raisins and walnuts to my oatmeal and to stop using either as snacks. I had no idea how good oatmeal could be.

For several years I have been doing strenuous exercise with a mountain hiking club only to see my weight creep up from 230 to 250 lbs. Exercise was only giving me an excuse to overeat.

The philosophy is somewhat like Epicurus plus Occam’s razor plus habit. I am not familiar with any reference to habit among the ancient Greek philosophers. If anyone knows I would like to hear about it.

So far the behavior modification inherent in this diet seems brilliant. Time will tell if first impressions last.


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Post by reinhard » Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:47 pm

Welcome and congratulations on your initial success, Ken!

Sugar soda is actually emphatically NOT ok on no-s.

I'm sorry if that was at all ambiguous. Where did you see that?


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Sugar Soda

Post by kclark » Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:41 pm

On page 57, Sugar Soda is at the bottom of the list of 7, but it is on the list. A list of sugar soda alternatives should not contain sugar soda.


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Post by bluebunny27 » Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:51 pm

Awh, sounds like it was a mistake. It's really common sense not to drink regular soda in any case, all that sugar, unbelievable.

I never have any and even the DIET kind (Diet Sprite)
I cut down severely. I used to drink 2L. per week and now it's 2L. per month approx.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)


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