Putting my "Habit Brain" to the test!

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Putting my "Habit Brain" to the test!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:09 pm

Hey all!
I am feeling pretty good today.... I just wanted to tell you all about this experimental plan I will be trying for the next three weeks..
I feel that I would really like to see how I do if I just let loose...
I don't mean go nuts eating anything on the planet, and I certainly hope that if there are still some naaaaasty old *habitses* (ala Gollum! LOL....)
in my new improved self, after more than a year of Nossing, they won't take over with a vengance... For me this is mainly the seconds habit....
But I simply don't want to be so vigilant for now... I figure, I will probably stay the same, and maybe, if I get some exercise rolling again, which I haven't for a few weeks, due to stress and a small virus I had for about a week which weakened me a lot, I might even lose.....
But I will be content not to gain... I don't plan on weighing much during this time either... I'm going to head over to the gym now and weigh in, and then I'll weigh again in about three or four weeks...
I've been very stressed out these days, and feel like my "conscious/planning" brain is getting maxxed out, so it will be nice to just go with the flow and see what happens...

The way I figure, even if I gain a few pounds, I have enough trust in myself and in NoS to keep that from really happening, and if it does happen, I am sure I can lose it all again after the "experiment"...
But I'm not too worried!
I'll be going by how my clothes feel and how my face looks in the mirror...

So let's see whether my unconscious NoS brain will function when I really stop paying major attention...
This should be interesting, and hopefully easy too! LOL..

Have a lovely day yalls!
Wish me luck!
Peace and Love
8) Deb

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Post by reinhard » Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:20 pm

Be careful, Deb.

If your habits are good, then you won't notice the No-s rules much. If they're not, then you need them. It's not a choice between pure conscious vigilance or pure unconscious habit, but using both in tandem. When one gets tired, the other picks up the slack.

With that note of caution, good luck!


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Post by Galemarie » Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:16 pm

Dear Deb,

Good luck to you!! I hope you'll check in and let us know how you're doing. I'm so new to this that I have to be vigilent because so much of my eating is done without my even being aware of it.


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Post by Sandy » Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:25 pm

Deb, I don't get it! This really takes no thought. The only time it takes is emailing and that is mainly for fun. Three meals - done! After 23 days I feel totally in control - I have not screwed with the formula at all and I don't have to think about it other than to daydream about what I am going to eat for the next meal. I feel better, I look better, my attitude with food is better and more enjoyable. Why would you give that up? Do you think your son will follow your direction? Its much to easy to slip into snacking - first it will be just fruit but then crackers and then a sweet.

This works - its feels great to be starving for the next meal and enjoy the he!! out of it.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:48 pm

After 23 days I feel totally in control - I have not screwed with the formula at all and I don't have to think about it other than to daydream about what I am going to eat for the next meal. I feel better, I look better, my attitude with food is better and more enjoyable. Why would you give that up? Do you think your son will follow your direction?
Hi Sandy!
I'm so happy for you that you feel totally in control :)
I think you misunderstand me completely, as you said at the beginning...
I'm not planning on giving anything up or "screwing" with any *formulas* (heh heh...) and I'm certainly not giving up on NOS, so I really have to correct you there, since you totally assumed I am dropping out or something... LOL...
I'm just saying that I'm not going to pay such close attention...
I too feel that three meals a day has become my norm.. I've been doing this since August 2004... It's just that I'm really trying to focus on putting my mental energy on lots of other stuff, mainly work but some other more creative endeavors too, such as writing music, so I want to see how well I do with my habits alone... Also, thanks for your concern about my son! He is doing great!!!

But at some point in his life, he will have to just trust himself and his habits with or without me... I of course, intend on continuing to influence him in a good way, though...
We are partners in crime! :wink:

Hey Galemarie and Reinhard,
Thanks for your encouraging words (and caveats! LOL...)
Yes Reinhard, this will certainly put my habits to the test, and it will be a kind of "New Years" taking stock of sorts...
Hey, I really don't plan on backsliding... Just trying to do this more on an auto-pilot mode... Anyway, isn't that sort of the whole point of these habits? :)
I'm going to make an analogy here... Not sure if it's the greatest, but whatever...
I went to school for massage for 16 months at one of the most prestigious massage schools in the country, the Swedish Institute of NY...
We learned soooooo much, but for the first year of practicing, I felt nervous with nearly every client who came in, that I'd do the right things and "know" what to do, etc....
I felt like I was thinking through the massages and it often took me a good 3/4 of the session just to be able to calm my mind and be present with the person in the room...
This was almost like having an agenda that was keeping me from tuning into my client...
I have recently been able to "leave my mind" and all that learning, which of course I am still thrilled I have, and wouldn't trade for anything, as I feel very competently trained and ready to help treat a multitude of conditions with massage, in both Western and Eastern modalities, and simply tune into the person on "Auto massage mode"...
In other words: I am finally trusting that my work is going to be healing, and I am now able to really connect with people in a way I couldn't before, simply because I was "In my head" instead of in my heart and hands...
I have had feedback from some recent clients who visited me in my early days of practice and it's been very complimentary...

Back to my diet habits...
It feels like the only habit I still might have to contend with at this point is
possibly seconds, but I'm not really even worried about that one...
Galemarie, I totally agree that it's very important to be very aware of your eating habits in the beginning... If you stick this out, it just gets easier as you go, but we all have "those days" too, occasionally...

So officially, even with a stressful week and one Haagen Daaz slipup, and a bag of chips too, I am only up half a pound from about a week ago????

I weigh 206... I must have weighed 230 when I started last year!
So see you in about three weeks!

Incidentally, since I decided to try and find more clients and work, I have had three private clients schedule massages in one week, and I am looking forward to an interview for a clerical position in a doc's office for two days a week, tomorrow... If I get that, it should certainly lower my stress levels as for the past two months, massage has been totally dead at the club, and everyone was away, so I never knew where my money would come from and I was, pretty much freaking out nearly every day over the smallest expenses (like food and our electric bill!!!)
Cross your NoS fingers for me that I get this part time job!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by reinhard » Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:10 pm


This is why I'm a little nervous about your decision.

To extend the analogy I use on the home page, good habit is like a domesticated animal. You've more or less tamed it with carrot and stick. It's harnessed to your wagon and pulling you along. This shouldn't be tiring. If it is, if the animal is still bucking, the solution is not to cut it loose and hope for the best. On the contrary, it's evidence that it's not quite domesticated, that it very much needs to stay in harness, that it needs more carrot and stick.

If you notice the no-s rules, you need them. If you don't, why give them up?

That warning out of the way, best of luck if you decide to go forward like this!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:28 pm

Thanks Reinhard!!!
Listen,,, Forget this whole "I'm giving up the rules" thing...
That's not what I meant to begin with! LOL...
I've still been using them... I guess I didn't really describe what I was doing very well anyway!
I am simply saying that I wan't to attempt to pay *less attention* and just see what happens naturally for me now...
Again... this is a short term experiment...
I think letting the "wild beast" loose is actually a very good analogy!!! But that is precisely what I want to do, to see what will happen.. Is it still wild?
It's just for a month... And to be completely honest, I have still been paying a bit of attention... It's hard not to, when you prepare family meals and serve them, and clean up after them! LOL...

But this is the last time I will say this, so no one else says
"Why are you giving up???" LOL..
I'm not giving up the rules!!!!!!!! LOL..

I'm just seeing how much they have become a part of me in my unconscious habit brain, at this point...
I feel they have changed quite considerably and I'm only doing this for 2 or 3 more weeks...
I don't plan on ballooning up or going and totally reverting back to my old self, but I do want to see how much my old self has changed...

Thanks for you guidance Reinhard! You are such a wonderful mentor!!!
I am and will always be eternally indebted to you for helping me lose weight and feel happy about myself and I'm here to stay!
Have a great weekend!
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:36 pm

Monday update:

This test is officially over!!!

Test results:

Failed on all three S rules!!!!

I think the reason I thought of doing this to begin with, upon retrospect, was that coming to the library to do checkins is sooooo totally inconvenient and unpleasant for me that I may have been looking for a way to get out of posting!

So rather than let this go on for a whole three weeks, I'll say, I tried it for a week and that was enough...
The seconds beast is still alive,
The snacking beast is semi-alive (twice last week I caved into cravings for some potato chips)
The sweets is about the same... It wasn't bad to begin with...

I don't need to step on any scale right now to know I am ballooning up again from the increase in food, especially junk food (salty/greasy...)
and I don't like the way I feel... (to add to the mix I expecting my period in one week, so I need to do a major 180 if I don't want to feel totally miserable...)

Anyway... Thanks for keeping track of me guys, and especially Reinhard...
I'm not embarrased to say, you were right... (just don't rub it in okay! LOL...)

So supposedly Nathan is coming to Long Island to meet for dinner with me and Richard... That should be fun!
I'll make sure to take a few photos...
ps... I'm getting my DSL hooked up again, hopefully, by this Friday...
Then I'll be able to post when I feel like it, and when I really need to...
I realize know (and kind of always knew) that posting was a integral part of my success with NoS... The support is so great here!
Have a great week all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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