Ode to a rebellious fittness guru! (mom loves shovelglove!)

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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Ode to a rebellious fittness guru! (mom loves shovelglove!)

Post by minpick » Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:41 pm

Hello, I am new to No S and Shovelglove, I have only been doing it a week, and where I'd normally not post anything till I had some actual experience, I simply had to report my findings, premature though they may be.

Reinhard, o accidental fitness guru, you are my favorite! I am a 30 overweight mom, and I am absolutely kicking ass with shovelglove!! I understand why men perhaps resonate more with the samauri, pounding things, and shoveling imagery of this work out, but I must encourage the ladies: If you have yet to try shovelglove, RECONSIDER! How do I love thee, Shovelglove? Let me count the ways!
1. I found something refreshingly absent from this workout: There are no leotard laden bouncing barbies cheering "You should be feeling this by now! WOOHOO! Make it a party in your livingroom! Feel free to make it funky!" from a fitness video in my TV.
2. There is no glare from a certian kick boxing guy's seeminly enhanced spandex shorts offending my retinas from a fitness video in my TV!
3. It is fun to practice moves that make me feel poweful and strong rather than rediculous. This may seem counter intuitive to the people who think they'd feel rediculous swinging a hammer around in their living rooms. This is because you are thinking about swinging a hammer around in your living room rather than thinking about canoing, shoveling coal into a steam enging, or slashing predators like a bad ass samauri princess. :D C'mon, isn't that better than stepping on and off of a block over and over or lifting something heavy over and over for no reason??!
4. I get to decide what moves to do when, and in what order. I'm not really sure why, but this is liberating. i don't feel like I'm being punished for being fat--"I sentance thee to six weeks of aerobics for your slothery!"--rather, I feel like I am makig a decision that I am in charge of. Therefore, when I succeed it will because of me, not because of some new product.
5. It's just plain fun to think about telling people that I am working out with a sledgehamme. How anti-establishment is that?? Awesome!
6. I can do more in 14 minutes of shovelglove, than I can in twice that time with hand weights. Lifting weights in my livingroom over and over is dreadfully boring and takes forever to get to all major upper body muscle groups. Hence, I hate it and don't do it! My dusty weights mock me from the forlorn bottom shelf... However, with shovelglove I have done way more in a fraction of the time. Seriously, within two days I felt all my upper body muscles to the point that they doth protest when I even wash my hair! (Note: this has gottne better within a week. You're not too sore, you can do it, keep going!)
7. 14 minutes! That's it!! I can do anythig for 14 minutes.
8. Having my own motivating music to shovel, and pound, and white water raft etc to is awesome! The music time is almost as fun as the workout.
9. I feel great when I'm done! Empowered, strong, successful, and energized. I've even been tempted to flex :shock: which has never happened over the last 15 years of programs, plans, classes, and gadgets.
10. Reinhard, you aren't telling me that my success depends on you--your products, suppliments, secret discoveries, or equipment. This makes me trust not only your methods, but also myself. You're saying that I don't lack what I need to succeed. This is so affirming. Also, you didn't make me pay you before you told me what the heck you were talking about, which I appreciate. And has made it easy to send friends to your site!

P.S. I love No S too, it is boundaries without obsession or deprivation and this is incredibly liberating. No mods, it's great the way it is and incedently, I have lost 2 pounds already. :D

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Post by reinhard » Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:58 pm


I am deeply flattered!

It's great to see that urban ranger isn't the only system to have inspired poetry :-)


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