anyone else deal with not being hungry?

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anyone else deal with not being hungry?

Post by Pete » Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:33 am

Back in march I had a bad motorcycle accident and since then I've really struggled with eating regularly.

Have a lot of memory and concentration issues now, so combined with the fact I just don't feel hungry I'll go for a couple days without eating and then realise hey I don't feel so good...

My mum actually suggested I try NoS (I'm the family evangelist for it after all) as a way to try eating at regular times. So I'm giving it a go starting this week :)

Just curious if anyone else has trouble with not feeling hungry :)

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Post by Girl Next Door » Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:16 pm

Well, maybe not not being hungry. . . but I noticed that my appetite diminished considerably about 3 to 4 weeks in to No-S. It surprised and concerned me actually, and then lead to smaller amounts on my plate.

I do like the regularity of my three meals per day.
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Post by MrsPartridge » Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:17 am

I hope my appetite will deminish soon. I eat more now at mealtimes so I can hang on till the next meal. It's kind of scary but let's hope it goes down.

To the OP: My friend also had a head injury like yours and his memory was very bad. He started taking vitamins which were a help for him. He was able to study and become a veterinarian.

I hope you do well.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:34 pm

Hi Pete,

I'm sorry to year about your accident and I wish you a speedy and total recovery...

Not that this is remotely comparable, but I had a period of intense stress last fall during which no-s was helpful in getting me to remember to eat at all. So yes, from personal experience, to some degree at least, no-s can work both ways -- further proof of its fundamental elegance and sanity, I like to think.


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Post by Pete » Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:15 am


Somebody told me to start taking them and I forgot, thanks for the nudge there MrsPartridge :D

This week was pretty hit and miss, I bought cereal and forced myself to eat at mealtimes 3 days in a row which is amazing. Fell off the bandwagon though so it's back on tomorrow.

Must sound odd to you guys who are hungry all the time :)

Good to know that it should work somewhat anyhow, thanks reinhard!

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Post by lelovelady » Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:18 pm

No, it doesn't really sound strange. It seems to be fairly normal actually. Whenever your body is under a really HUGE stress (serious illness or injury, death of a close loved one, natural disaster) that appetite often suffers.

I don't know if this will help you ... but they make pill reminder alarms that you can set to go off however many times a day you're supposed to take your meds. Maybe something like that could remind you when meal time is supposed to be ... and would help you remember to take your vitamins too.

Have you tried broth or soup as an alternative to something heavier? When my mom was really ill, sometimes the broth would help prime her appetite, so to speak. And if it didn't, at least she had some nutrients in her system from the broth. And jello ... it's not really no s because it is sugar based, but then you're trying to get nutrients into your system, not restrict them like me.

Keep your chin up ... it really will get better. It just takes time.

Oh, and I forgot! If you're really having trouble with the vitamins, I discovered the neatest product the other day ... One a Day powdered vitamins that you add to a bottle of water. It's like those little flavored packet things you can add to water, only it has a daily vitamin serving in there. It's even better than chewables (I have trouble swallowing pills). Maybe if you add some to a bottle of water it'll help you out with taking the vitamins, and getting some nutrients into you too.


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Post by ~hf » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:39 pm

I can relate with where you are coming from. My dd was in a tragic accident in May 08. She suffered TBI, taumatic brain injury. Her executive functioning was severely affected and she too, like you, had no desire to eat, no feeling of hunger etc.

Like others have mentioned, developing a system to remind yourself to eat is very important. Maybe the use of an alarm clock set to go off at 7 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m. (or some such schedule that suits you) would prove to be most helpful. Keeping your energy up and your body and brain nourished is so important to your recovery (and overall health and well being). Through time (and a lot of intensive rehab), my dd had regained her appetite (among other things) and ability to initiate eating but it has taken a lot of work, and I know that my keeping her on a regular schedule helped he to reestablish that habit. Good luck!
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Re: anyone else deal with not being hungry?

Post by Cantab » Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:32 pm

I'm sorry about your accident, and I hope you have a complete and total recovery. Others have addressed your immediate question. On the question of vitamins, you might consider omega-3's. Seth Roberts has a lot on his website about how they help his reaction time and cognitive abilities. ... n/omega-3/

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Post by Pete » Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:47 am

hey everyone, thanks for the well wishes and advice!

I bought some super good multi-vitamins plus some flaxseed oil and took them for a couple weeks.

didn't notice much improvement sadly. Actually last week was the worst lot of headahces I've had in six months. So I've stopped taking both to see if they were the cause.

as for the remembering to eat thing, eh not so much. I am arranging at the moment to go stay with my mum for a while. While there over christmas I ate more than I have been. She nags me to eat, plus the guilt of not eating the food she cooked? wEll! it works :P

thanks again everyone, almost 12 months down and still a long road to travel

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Post by wosnes » Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:50 am

Food and vitamins and herbs may help with various things, but it usually takes weeks or months to notice an improvement -- it's not quick as with medication.
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