ouch, hurts.

Take a sledgehammer and wrap an old sweater around it. This is your "shovelglove." Every week day morning, set a timer for 14 minutes. Use the shovelglove to perform shoveling, butter churning, and wood chopping motions until the timer goes off. Stop. Rest on weekends and holidays. Baffled? Intrigued? Charmed? Discuss here.
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ouch, hurts.

Post by guille » Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:43 am

guess what beautiful people , i injured my back with the shovelglove

dont worry reinhard im not going to sue you :)

i think it was my fault, i had done shovelglove for a week and was getting fast progress so two days ago i guess i didnt pay so much attention to the moves or something like that and ended up with ache in the back, to be more precise in the spine, i was worried that it would be something bad, but the next day(yesterday) the pain was much less and today i dont feel any pain, so everything is good

my first tought was hell with shoveling, to dangerous, but then i remembered how much i hate regular exercise, and how fun shoveling was and changed my mind, after all there are not many cases of ingury among shovelers so it was lack of atention and bad luck

but of course i will rest for one week more just to be sure

any advice so this wont happen again?

in fact it reminds me

when i used to do sit ups and similar exercised i had backpain ,after the first time i did shovelglove i felt a similar pain, but the next seasons , i didnt feel any pain

has anything similar happened to you?

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:05 pm

guess what beautiful people , i injured my back with the shovelglove
I'm sorry to hear it...
dont worry reinhard im not going to sue you

Thank you! I hope you don't mind that I've taken the extra precaution of not having any money. :-)
any advice so this wont happen again?
If anything hurts, stop immediately and take the next day off. I was religious about doing this up front, and I think it's largely thanks to that that I haven't had to do it again in years.

No question, shovelglove is dangerous. Just like the manual labor it emulates is dangerous. But I think if you're careful to listen for the slightest warning sign of something going wrong and respond to it immediately, and throttle your ambition to ramp things up too quickly, you'll be fine. Focus on the "sustainable minimum of compliance," on doing SOMETHING every N-day for 14 minutes rather than super heroic feats. It's safer, and long term, it'll get and keep you far fitter.

Remember also that when you start shovelglove you're going to be exerting muscles that are very, very out of shape -- especially in the back. Long term, if you ease in, those very useful muscles are going to benefit more than any other muscle group, probably, but short term, go easy on them. It's better to progress too slow than too fast (and risk injury/burnout and therefore all progress). In fact, I'd say there is no "too slow." Dragging out the sense of progress for as long as possible is motivationally useful as well as physically safer -- you put off getting to a potentially discouraging plateau until your habit is like iron and you can deal with it.

Good luck getting past this and keep us posted,


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