Binging Psychology is eradicated on NOS....

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Binging Psychology is eradicated on NOS....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:49 pm

Hi guys!
I was just writing to Carolejo, and realized that this would be an interesting question to pose to the group...
I feel that NoS has totally eradicated the wild and crazy free-for-alls I used to have, in the past... ie: Binging...

Yes I mess up (actually pretty frequently!) but then keep on plugging away..
Not once since I've been here, has a messup turned into a fullout binge...
So just wanted to see what you all had to say on this...
Reinhard, I feel this is definitely a selling point of the plan...
And, at least for me, it's really an unconscious force that's in play, because I never even feel the need to binge, much less control one once it's started...
(did that make sense??? LOL....)

Like, for me, a binge at this point might mean, a plate of seconds...
I'm actually hard pressed to think of what it would be equivalent to now! :shock:

Okay, in the past, a binge would be
A whole portion of Chinese food, meant to be split by two or three people, plus and appetizer, plus the soup, plus half a pint of Haagen daaz, plus possibly, a can of soda...

Yuck... If I ate that much now, I'd be barfing all over the place... LOL...

So what are some of you other guys before and after binge stories???
I bet even newbies are experiencing this phenomenon fairly quickly!
I was shocked when, a while back, our slim and virtuous leader Reinhard posted that in his pre NoS old days, he could go to Burger King and eat three Whoppers at once!
Blech!!!!! LOL...
Imagine the gas! :P

Have a wonderful weekend folks!
Peace and Love,
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Post by Prodigalsun » Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:39 pm

for me, binging is directly proportionate with the level of sugar addiction I'm experienceing. If I'm on No S for a couple of weeks, the urge to binge goes away. It's like I can hear my body better.

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Post by peetie » Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:40 pm

You make a very good point here. I think a lot of why I was bingeing before NoS is that I was hungry!!!! Plain and simple. The human body can only withstand true, physical hunger for so long, and then overcomensates with a wild, uncontrollable binge for survival.

I still have my emotional swings.....and I still overeat sometimes. But since I am not fighting both an emotional issue AND hunger, I am better able to deal with the emotions. When true hunger is also part of the equation...the hunger wins out every time. So I would eat to satisfy that hunger...and that felt better (hunger is not pleasant), so I would equate bingeing to feeling better emotionally and the endless loop continued.

My binges when I was on the diet roller coaster were legendary in these parts! If I can lay those babies to rest, ANYBODY can. Anybody on NoS that is!


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Post by reinhard » Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:13 pm


I think the thing that people are most afraid of when they start (or consider starting) no-s, is that S days will turn into free for all binges, so I'm very happy to hear you say this.

I too, used to be a binger, except it was so routine I'm not even sure you could call it binging. I grazed like a lion.

By lowering the bar for excess with good weekday habits, and legitimizing weekend excess so appetite doesn't feel it has to rebel, it's amazing how much smaller those "binges" get. And it's not just a matter of fewer calories, they also don't feel as bad: there's not that resentment and guilt.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:25 pm

Well, I actually had a mini binge yesterday, and it felt like cacadoodoo...

Lesson learned...
Just when you think you get it, you realize you don't! LOL...
I think MSG played a big part in this... The chips I pigged out on, were loaded with it..
New rule is, buy single serving S's, and check the ingredients for this evil additive...
I'm back in the saddle today, and honestly, yesterday was such an anomaly in my normal weekends..
I think I'm just feeling stressed about money and such and some boredom and sadness was playing into the equation as well..
But it felt completely wrong and out of place, and my stomach was like

"What are you doing to me?????".... It's like the first time this has happened for ages, so at least I know this kind of excess doesn't produce a desirable outcome, and it doesn't feel normal...
Figured I'd fess up on this, because it was so ironic that I made this post and then binged...
I am weird!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:59 pm

Not weird, just human.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 15, 2005 1:52 am

Thanks Jammin Jan!
You are humane! LOL..
8) Deb

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Post by inghol » Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:49 pm

Hi Deb !
To hear you admit to this ( oh dear, MSG - something else to avoid :lol: )
is actually a relief to a newbie like me, probably because perfectionism is what what annoys me about "diets" in general. We live and learn.
My pre-no s diet binges would be finishing whatever I had opened, big bags of cisps, family size bags of M&Ms or snack size Mars bars - all ten of them. And sometimes all that in one day!
Disgusting and expensive, I might add.
And now : a piece of cake and a few squares of chocolate. Oh and a 4th meal if I'm on nightshift...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:48 am

Thanks Ingrid!
The binge is over now!!! LOL..
And you sound like you are doing great!!!
Keep it up :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by silverfish » Thu Nov 17, 2005 5:24 am

I hadn't binged for five months, except for going a little overboard on weekends, and I lost 10kg (20 pounds).

Then this week happened. On Tuesday we drove to Yatala and had "famous pies" (all well and good) but then I had ginger beer, followed at the drive-in by popcorn and minties. And on Wednesday I had maccas for dinner (which happens occasionally - no softdrink, small fries - and is factored in) but then I followed it up with a turkish delight chocolate bar (pressed upon me by my housemate, who argued convincingly that the last day of her exams constituted an s-day). And today the partner in our cell took us out for a farewell lunch, and I had bread and chips and bits of grilled haloumi and a full rib steak and a small chocolate chip cookie and split a dessert with one of the solicitors (it was a very nice dessert - halved fresh mango with caramelised brown sugar on top served with ice cream). The worst of it is that I could very easily not have done any of the above - I've had five months practice!

It isn't so very much in the broad scheme of things, and I'm not going to punish myself this weekend. I'll just look at it as a brief holiday. But I am looking forward very much to starting over next week!

Oh, and I think Maccas small fries packets are getting larger. They didn't used to be enough to give more than an appetizing taste. Now those little paper bags hold almost enough for a meal on their own!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:41 pm

And today the partner in our cell took us out for a farewell lunch, and I had bread and chips and bits of grilled haloumi and a full rib steak and a small chocolate chip cookie and split a dessert with one of the solicitors (it was a very nice dessert - halved fresh mango with caramelised brown sugar on top served with ice cream).
A cell???
I didn't know you were in jail!
They sure serve good food over there! :lol:
Thanks for writing Silverfish!
You'll get back to regular eating again :)

8) Deb

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