JWL's log

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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DAYS 100-103

Post by JWL » Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:21 am

OK, I haven't posted in several days.

Friday I wasn't feeling well, so I skipped my exercise. It was an S-day dietwise, 'nuff said. Sat was also a non-exercise S day. Sunday I didn't exercise either, but there was no funny stuff with the diet. So overall, the poorest weekend I've had in a while.

Today was better. I did a full exercise routine of core stuff, 25 squats, and a full, vigorous shovelglove routine. It felt great. My body feels awake again.

I also tried downward dog again, which I held for probably 2 or 3 minutes. My wife said that my form is getting better. I'm feeling more confident with it.

But, I'm still uncomfortably full from dinner. I had tempeh salad/veggie wraps for dinner, along with some baked apples. I had 2 wraps and a big spoonful of the baked apples. I had the wraps one at a time, justifying it on virtual-plating grounds. It all would have fit on a single plate, so I'm within my normal rules. But I just ate too much, as I am still uncomfortably full 4 hours later.

Tomorrow, I think I need to have a smoothie and/or a salad. Fresh stuff, less carbs.

And I need to keep the exercise going. I think breath of joy will be useful tomorrow.

A fresh sprinkling of good "little choices" all through my reality will be helpful...

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Post by JWL » Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:46 am

I also discovered a new shovelglove move today, "one-handed-hammering" which is an extension of flip-lever, almost like a one-handed version of driving the spike or something.

I wrote about it in the shovelglove forum.

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DAY 104

Post by JWL » Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:07 am

Today was a success.

Did a full exercise routine, breath of joy, core bodyweight exercises, 25 squats, and shovelglove, discovering that I can do the new one-handed-hammering move out in the stairwell of our building; the ceilings are higher but I'm still indoors. Given that a Maine winter doth approacheth, this is A Good Thing. I think tomorrow I'm going to try this move with the 13 pounder (rather than the 8 pounder).

Had to virtual-plate at both meals today; the first was leftover cleanup (pad thai and pasta with tomato sauce), the second was veggie burgers and fries that were cooked in 2 batches. While both meals would easily have fit onto one plate, I still feel like I ate too much today.

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Post by CarrieAnn » Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:26 pm

Hi Freakwitch,
Just wanted to let you know that I used that Jedi mind trick that you talked about in one of you early posts. Yesterday when I started to get hungry around 4:00 (dinner was still 2 hrs. away) I just thought wow, I must really be burning that extra fat I'm carrying around, because I'm so hungry but not eating. Well that seemed to work, and by 6:00 I really enjoyed my dinner! I wanted to thank you for that!


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Post by JWL » Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:08 am

Hi CarrieAnn,

That's awesome. Like so many forms of magic, Jedi mind tricks rule. :-)

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DAY 105

Post by JWL » Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:14 am

Today wasn't really a full success. I skipped exercising altogether.

But it was a fruitful day. I got a massage. I finished the typesetting project I've been working on. I gave a massage/reiki treatment.

No-S went better today. I had 2 small tempeh salad/spinach/mayo wraps for lunch, and dinner was a fresh ear of corn on the cob and pizza.

When I make pizza, I use my 2 stones: a 16" round one, and a rectangular cookie sheet stone. The round cuts into 8 slices, and the rectangular one is cut into squares.

I usually have 4 slices of pizza, so I have 2 of the round slices, and 3 of the squares (the squares are a bit smaller).

Tomorrow is Freakwitch, and I have to get exercise in again. I may take a walk tomorrow.

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DAY 106

Post by JWL » Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:54 am

Today was a success.

No-S wise, I had veggie burgers with tomatoes and cheese for lunch. Dinner was one bowlful of the best chili I've ever made, and 2 of my wife's biscuits. Even now I'm very tempted to go mow on the chili in the fridge, but I shall resist. Tomorrow is an S day, so I can partake of it freely then.

I did a full exercise routine. 30 squats, and the core warmup. Shovelglove was reluctant, I was low-energy.

I think I may need to not do shovelglove on days when I play the guitar; I'll have to find other exercises to do that don't involve grip. I need my grip for guitar-playing; when my grip hand muscles are already tired from shugging that I start making playing mistakes because my grip strength gives out, that's unacceptable.

I have to think about how to resolve this dilemma without cutting out exercise time.

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DAYS 107-110

Post by JWL » Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:13 am

Friday and Saturday were my S-days. I did some exercising on Friday, but skipped shovelglove because of the hand soreness/playing guitar issue I wrote about earlier.

Sunday was a good day, no exercise, but stuck to No-S despite being at work.

Today was a success. 30 squats, full shovelglove, torso exercises. Pasta and cheese for lunch, a Herb's Gully burrito for dinner, with chips and salsa and guac on the side.

There hasn't been any No-S funny stuff for days, though my S days were somewhat indulgent this weekend.

I think I need to walk more. I miss walking.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:16 pm

Good luck!!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

ps... You may want to try icing your forearms and hands after SG...
That gets all the accumulated metabolites out and fresh blood in!

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Post by reinhard » Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:01 am

You've got an interesting check-in, Freakwitch.

Besides all the brilliant observations, you combine variety in what you do with regularity in doing something (and posting about it). That's a great combination (especially for us), if you can keep it up.

Good luck moving up to the heavier sledge. Remember (as I didn't) that it can take a few hours for the realization of how much harder it is to sink in...


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DAY 111, 112

Post by JWL » Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:43 am

Yesterday was a success. 2 Egg sandwiches for lunch, and a 12" subway with all the veggies for dinner. No funny stuff. Did an exercise routine, but skipped shovelglove as my wrist was inexplicably sore when I gripped the sledge. I tried downward dog again, and that hurt too. So I did more reps of the core stuff and the squats.

Today was not a success. I did fine diet-wise (4 slices of pizza for lunch, a nice dinner out with a friend of penne pasta, chicken, sun-dried tomatoes for dinner), but I skipped exercising again.

I'm concerned about a pattern that's developed over the past month or so. I've skipped at least one day of exercise every week for the past few weeks. However, I've managed to do OK with No-S; I certainly haven't binged or eaten extra meals or anything like that.

There is no doubt that this exercise slippage is correlated with emotional energy that's been going through me lately. I wouldn't say I'm depressed, but I've not been myself the past few weeks. My energy is lower than it was. I miss the energy, and I haven't been exercising as faithfully. Gee, do you think there is a correlation?

So, I need to get back to a stable, sustainable exercise routine. I want to think about it more; beginning next week I may shake things out again just to find another groove. I like the core exercises I'm doing, and of course squatting and shovelgloving, but I haven't been walking as much.

One possibility is to do the core exercises right when I wake up, and keep the squats and the shovelgloving at mid-afternoon. I'm also a night owl, and Portland is beautiful at night, so I'm thinking about instituting an evening walks tradition, though this would be difficult on some days. Maybe 3 per week on average or something would be an improvement.

The weather in Portland has also been quite rainy over the past 2 weeks; we haven't seen much of the sun. So that's part of the equation too.

Anyway, I want to reassert some good exercise habits, while I maintain the No-S diet. I also kinda want to weigh myself now to see what this weeks-long slippage has done. I think my weight loss has continued, but it's probably a bit slower of a pace. Just a guess.

Ever onward....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:24 pm

Hey James! Ever onward indeed!
Keep up your good attitude!
I have had a very sluggish feeling these days too, incase it helps to know you are not alone..
I think the change of the Seasons is a huge factor in this "quieting down"...
We are all parts of a macrocosim right?
Good for you on focusing on your diet though...
You have lost a lot this year... I can promise you that if you just stick to the rules (even at 75% success) you won't gain back what you lost...
Hugs and Best to you!
Hey your big Holiday is coming up this month!
Will you be going as a Freak-Witch? :wink:
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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DAY 113

Post by JWL » Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:49 am

So today was realization day, a couple of nice, a-ha moments.

The first is that I realized what's wrong with my energy levels and exercise draggage. I haven't walked up the hill in weeks. I did so tonight (the end of a 90 minute, good paced walk with some resting in between), and it really kicked my ass. My lungs were going well. It was good to move them that way again. I have a feeling I'll be sore tomorrow, but my energy levels, I predict, will be higher. I have rehearsal tomorrow and a gig on Saturday so I think I will probably go easy on shovelglove; I skipped shovelglove and my usual routine again today. But the walking more than compensated, so I'll call today a success.

No-S continues to be no problem to maintain. All my recent woes (well, nearly all) have been in the exercise department. Today I had a smoothie and 2 leftover slices of pizza for lunch, and for dinner I made a yummy lentil, barley, cabbage, carrot, sweet potato, russet potato, celery, onion, garlic stew. So I had a bowl of that with 2 small slices of my wife's homemade bread, toasted under a broiler with some fresh salted amish butter. Yum.

I feel lighter tonight, at least in part due to the wonderful walk I took. As I said, some realizations, and reconnecting with a friend, were part of this too.

I also discovered a very nice cabin in the woods....

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Post by JWL » Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:53 am

Hi Deb,

We actually have a gig at a Halloween party on Friday the 28th. I'm thinking of going as the Green Man, but I'll have to figure out the costume... someone my size dressed that way would look like the Jolly Green Giant, methinks...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:35 pm

Ho ho ho!!!!!
:wink: Deb

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Post by carolejo » Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:12 pm

There's a nice TV ad out at the moment in the UK with a couple of kids and one says to the other 'Mum says you become what you eat'
the other says 'Yeah..? Wot's this yellow stuff then?! I don't think I want to be yellow'.
Mum calls in from the kitchen 'That yellow stuff is GREEN GIANT sweetcorn'.
Both kids start shovelling it in like it's going out of fashion!


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DAYS 114-119

Post by JWL » Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:30 am

Once again I haven't been as on top of posting here as I'd like.

Overall, things have been successful. A reasonably small amount of funny stuff, a handful of peanuts a few nights ago is by far the biggest offense. No-S seems to have been, more or less, ingrained in me by now.

I've also been walking more, and shugging regularly this week. I haven't done any squats, and I've slacked some on the core exercises, but I'm making sure that I do something every day in terms of exercise.

I think I'm going to join a friend of mine in a Samhain-Yule regimen, giving up favorite but not healthy activities like refined sugar, alcohol, smoking, etc, and sticking to No-S and an exercise much more strictly, attentively, and joyfully. I want to purify my body going in to the darkest time of the year. It's a spiritual exercise. I'm also thinking about fasting one day per week during this period, as a further honing of my will and spiritual discipline.

I'll probably allow an exception for myself of Thanksgiving. But, we'll see. I've been saying I want to intensify things again, so this may be just the ticket. See how far I can push myself for the 7-ish weeks between Samhan (Oct 31) and Yule (Dec 21).

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Post by JWL » Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:31 am

At the risk of shameless plugging, several people who read this have expressed interest in my music. We have a new demo up, it's a 7:20 montage of a half-dozen songs we recorded in recent rehearsals. It's pretty raw, us live as a quartet, no overdubs or anything.

But, it sounds pretty good.

Get it at http://www.freakwitch.net/.

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Post by JWL » Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:04 am

Here's a list of the things I'm considering for the Samhain-Yule purge:
  • No alcohol or other recreationals
    No refined sugar
    Strict No-S regimen
    Finally do the regimen upon awakening, ie Breath of Joy, and the Core exercises
    Use a 16 pound sledge for my workouts, building up to it with the 10 pounder at the ready when needed
    Fasting one day per week
I'll probably add more soon....

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Question about your Samhain-Yule regimen...

Post by Lisa Marie » Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:17 am

When you say no refined sugar AND strict No-S regimen, do you mean that even on your S-days that you will have no refined sugar? So that if you want sweets on your S-days, it'll be something made with non-refined sugar (like honey or maple syrup), right?

Yer luvin' wife... Lisa Marie

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Post by JWL » Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:33 pm

Well, I haven't made any specific decisions, but something like that is what I've been ruminating.

Man, would I miss ice cream.... :roll:

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Don't fret...

Post by Lisa Marie » Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:40 pm

...there IS ice cream made without refined sugar, ya know.

And no sassy comments about how it's not "the real thing".


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Post by JWL » Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:58 pm

I've thought a lot about this. And comments about "the real thing" aside (ice cream made without sugar is not ice cream, in my book.... heh), the whole point of this exercise is to develop spiritual discipline. So "cheating" within the letter of the rules almost undermines what I'm trying to accomplish.

Make sense?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:52 pm

Hi James!
Can't you give up something like psychedellic mushrooms and cheese whiz, instead of ice cream?????

Also, just curious, will your Samhain version of purging, be like Lent, in that it's for a specific amount of time, or is it,,,,,,,


In any case, good luck!!!!
I think the fast thing, once a week sounds really healthy!
Maybe just do a juice fast or raw foods for that day...
Or whatever you had in mind...

Hope you breathe in loads of Joy, today, tomorrow, and forever....
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Oh, I will certainly check out your new clips... I remember liking the sound you had last year... Now you have a new drummer, right?
What's your baby going to be for Halloween this year? :wink:

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Post by JWL » Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:19 am

Hi Deb,

The purging will be from Samhain to Yule. 7 weeks, approximately.

Enjoy the music. This is the best sounding recording we've yet done with Freakwitch. Amazing what a difference a real drummer makes, as opposed to a guitar player programming drums on a computer....

My daughter is dressing up as a "blood princess," which is something like what I would call vampire royalty. :wink:

Not sure if I'll be able to pull it together in time (tomorrow night is the costume party I'm going to), but I'm thinking of dressing up as Thor and taking the 8 pound sledge as Mjolnir.... anyone have a viking helmet I can borrow?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:05 am

Yeah, no matter how much variety you give the drum samples, they can get really tiring fast....
My friend Premik uses a drum program called "Stylus" which has the ability to "improvise" as it goes... Sort of a virtual drum intelligence....

Here's his joke on that..
How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb?

They use drum machines these days!


Have fun Thor, and watch out that no one else tries to snatch that hammer when loaded on eggnog!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by JWL » Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:13 pm

Executive decision: I'm no longer going to count days on these posts. I'm well over 100 days into this, and just don't see the point of it. Also, the frequency of my posts seems to be slowing down. I'm not making any commitments in terms of posting frequency, more like observing what's been going on.


It's been good. No major funny stuff happening lately, though I skipped shovelglove on Friday. We had a gig, and I went to the Halloween party to play it dressed as Thor. Yes, I took my 10 pounder.... heh heh heh. Mjolnir-in-a-pinch had fun....

Today is a No-S day, had a wonderful breakfast and I have a wonderful dinner waiting for me here at work.

I also shovelgloved today to make up for missing Friday; I added 2 more pounds to the ankle weights when I reattached it to the hammer; so now I'm using a 15-pounder. This is in preparation for when I buy a 16 pound sledge, hopefully this coming Friday (payday) I'll get that.

Time will tell, but I was able to finish my normal routine with the 15 pounder. It felt great! No residual soreness, but I only did the routine an hour ago. This is a good start! Slow, careful moves, but it didn't seem to upset me too much. It was obviously more difficult than the 13 pounder, but hard in a good way.

Thus Spake The God Of Thunder.... heh heh heh

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:35 pm

Thus Spake The God Of Thunder.... heh heh heh
That's cute!

Glad you had fun at that party :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by JWL » Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:33 am

Hey, it's another my-pants-fell-down day!

Time for another notch!


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Post by carolejo » Mon Oct 31, 2005 6:48 am

Fantastic! I *love* it when that happens!!

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Post by reinhard » Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:35 am

Freakwitch, don't apologize for not continuing to keep such meticulous track. Being confident enough in habit not to have to check in daily/keep precise count of days on habit is a milestone in itself. My personal rule is: report funny stuff more or less immediately, post a "nothing to report" if nothing changes for a week or two. That way I get the benefit of logging, both as gentle pressure not to screw up, and as an example/encouragement to others, without it becoming a burden. Pants falling down incidents, must, of course, continue to be promptly reported :-)

Thor, now why didn't I think of that? I *have* to do that next year...

I liked your mp3, though I have to admit, I'm more of the Schubert type... I'll give it another listen tomorrow at work.

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Post by JWL » Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:07 am

Reinhard, our music is definitely rock and roll, albeit played with acoustic instruments. We definitely follow the "simple is good" maxim in terms of songwriting. We're all about the energy flow of playing and interacting with an audience. But, glad you liked it.... :-)

I get a good workout playing music, especially when we're playing with a roomful of grooving people. I think people are most beautiful when they're dancing to our music.... :-)

That's just a taste of what we do.... we're still working on the album. Slow but sure.

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Day One of my seasonal purification ritual

Post by JWL » Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:37 am

So today is Day One of my new purification program from Samhain until Yule (Dec 21 for any nonpagans in the house). Below is the essence of it, though there are other parts of it that I won't post here given that they are of a personal or sexual nature.

No S
The normal No-S rules will continue to be applied as they have been, with extra willpower to eliminate as much funny stuff as possible. By-the-book strictness for this time period is a good idea.

Verboten at all times (even S days) are the following: smoking, alcohol, artificial sweeteners (saccharine, aspartame, Splenda), refined sugar (honey, maple syrup, fructose are OK), meat, or binge eating.

I will shovelglove with the 15 or 16 pounder, with the 10 pounder for backup if I get sore.

Morning Yoga
Upon awakening, I will write down any remembered dreams or ideas, go to the bathroom, and then do some yoga, the core routine I've been doing, downward dog, upward dog, breath of joy, etc, BEFORE I have my coffee. That's been quite difficult the past few days, I am SO not a morning person.

Morning Meditation
After my yoga routine, I will spend several minutes in meditation, contemplation, consulting various oracles, or just trying to quieten my brain.

Each day I will either do squats, take a walk, throw the frisbee, or do some other form of exercise involving the legs.

OK, that's quite a list. I realize that this is very ambitious, and I've thought a lot about sustainability, one of the beautiful aspects of No-S. But I'm comfortable enough in my routine to push the envelope a bit; worst case scenario is that I abandon this routine and go back to my normal No-S that I've been doing for months. Regardless of the outcome, I won't crash and burn.

This is largely a spiritual exercise for me, a marathon test of my willpower. My intention is to emerge stronger, and with more focus, at the end of it, at which point I will resume my normal No-S routine.
Last edited by JWL on Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by JWL » Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:59 pm

No funny stuff yet. Each day I've managed to stick to the routine, the one exception is that yesterday I skipped shovelglove because some lingering soreness from the weight upgrade finally caught up to me. Nothing major, I've certainly had worse since I started shugging, but I'm taking Reinhard's advice and cutting myself some slack there. I'll get back to it today, and since I shugged on Sunday I'll still get 5 days in this week.

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Post by JWL » Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:20 am

OK, I just nixed the weekly juice fast from the list. That, I think, is probably unattainable for me at this juncture. If I was going to do it this week, today would have been the day. And it just didn't happen. I have enough on my plate through this, so I'll drop it.

I may try a fast a time or two, but I'm not going to make it part of the weekly regimen. I suspected this would turn out to be the case, so there it is.

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Post by JWL » Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:20 am

Today was good, I shugged again with the 15 pounder, and while there is still a bit of lingering soreness, it's nothing major. I feel quite good, and strong....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Nov 04, 2005 1:05 pm

Yo James!
So payday today right??? Are you getting your birthday present????

I wanted to write you because I just saw an ad about that movie you mentioned "What the bleep do we know?" (I think?)
It's now out in book form...
I think it's just called "Bleep" LOL...

Have a bleepin good day and a great weekend!
8) Deb
ps... I have made the promise to myself to do juice fasts or the like numerous times, and it has never happened except when I have a stomach flu! :lol:
But it's still worth trying some day, just maybe don't make a big permanent committment to it..
I've heard that simply by doing a few days of Raw Food and extra water, you can reap some very similar detox benefits...

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Post by JWL » Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:47 pm

Hi Deb,

Yep, it's in the budget, so I'm heading out to the hardware store this afternoon.... w00t!

I do wish someone sold a 16 pounder with a wood (as opposed to fiberglass) handle, but ah well. If I ever actually use it to smack something, the fiberglass will undoubtedly be stronger and absorb more vibration...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Nov 04, 2005 7:47 pm

Hey! I know of a local hardware store which sells 16 lb hickory handled sledges.... It's in Port Washington here on Long Island...
I don't know how much they would charge to ship it to Maine though..
Think the price was around $32....
8) Deb

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Post by JWL » Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:50 pm

Hi Deb, too late, I just got home with my new 16 lb fiberglass sledge... w00t!

Also, I stopped by my doc's office to weigh myself...

335! This means I'm down 6 pounds since the beginning of September, with all the usual caveats of weight fluctuation. I should take my own advice and go weight myself again tomorrow, etc, plus last time I went on an empty stomach and I've already had 2 meals today.

Ah well, I'd hoped I'd have lost more by now, but at least I'm heading in the right direction... LOL.

But, I'm definitely stronger now, and down 2 belt notches since then.... so, I'm feeling good!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Nov 05, 2005 12:13 am

That is soooooo great James!!!!!
Six pounds is excellent!!!
Woot woot woot! :lol:
I have said this to many people and probably sound like a broken record at this point, but since I know you have been doing a fairly regular regimen of Shovelglove, I'll say it again...
Muscle weighs three times as much as fat... If you are weight training, you will gain muscle... So, losing weight is fairly hard to do, but you will lose inches and transform that fat to muscle..
Have patience Grasshopper~
Use your belt notches or a tape measure to give yourself another progress indicator...

Keep up the great work!
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Post by JWL » Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:09 pm

No funny stuff to report, things are going fine. I used the 16 pounder on Fri, and will use it again today. No soreness at all.

I did overindulge quantity-wise a bit on my S days this weekend; nothing too extraordinarily horrid, still far less food than I once ate.

The detox is going well too. Again, no funny stuff.

Oh, wait! A small amount of funny stuff... we have tic tacs in the car, and I popped a couple of those without thinking about it, and of course they have sugar.... ah well. Not gonna worry too much about it.

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Post by Lisa Marie » Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:53 am

TIC TACS?!! What the hell were you THINKING?! I can't believe this. All hope is lost...

:: sigh ::

Lisa Marie, your now-ashamed wife

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Post by JWL » Wed Nov 09, 2005 4:35 pm

Well, there were tic tacs, the wild boar I slew with my bare hands, roasted over an open fire fur-and-all, and messily devoured, the 46 gallons of Ben and Jerry's PeaceGlutton I consumed, chased by 4 liters of Jack Daniels and 22 hits from my crack pipe. Other than that, I'm doing great.... no funny stuff at all....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:19 am

Yo James,,,,


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Post by navin » Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:51 am

I'm not sure, but I don't think there's any No-S restrictions against crack pipes, so at least you're OK in that regard.

Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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Post by JWL » Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:35 am

Things are still going well, although I've had some stomach issues this week. The past few days (3 days) I skipped shovelglove because my stomach was queasy. Been doing No-S Ok, though, and I haven't indulged in any of the verboten items.

I was back to shovelglove today, with the 16-pounder.

I'm going to a retreat this weekend, and I've promised to do a "shovelglove workshop," so I'll be bringing all of our hammers (4lb, 8lb, 10lb, 16lb) for people to try the shovelglove moves.

Don't be surprised if there is a tiny spike in sledgehammer sales in southern maine next week.... heh.

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Post by JWL » Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:41 pm

OK, just wanted to chime in here again. Last week was kinda sketchy in terms of exercise as I wasn't feeling well. I need to step that back up. So this week will be an official crackdown on exercise, with the 16 pound sledge (going VERY well), my morning core exercises, and evening walks or squats. All three phases need more attention in my reality.

Also, I stepped on another scale (a digital scale) this weekend, and it said 330. This is good, though I'm taking the reading with a grain of salt because it's a different scale than I normally use. But with all this uncertainty about accurate weight readings, I think I'm going to invest in a digital scale that has a 350lb capacity, and take daily weight readings for a while. I don't want to obsess over numbers on a machine, but I actually think I'd stress less with daily readings; I could then get more accurate, consistent readings, especially given the amount that weight can fluctuate on a daily/weekly/hourly basis.

Ever onward!

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Post by navin » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:50 am

I don't want to obsess over numbers on a machine, but I actually think I'd stress less with daily readings; I could then get more accurate, consistent readings, especially given the amount that weight can fluctuate on a daily/weekly/hourly basis.
Plus if you're on the same scale, even if it's a little off it becomes irrelevant - the relative change in weight is what's most important.

Another antedote to obessing over day-to-day numbers is to focus on the trend over time. For a while, I actually plotted my weight on a graph, and it kind of looked like a stock ticker to an extent - there were little fluctuations here and there, but over time there was a trend (a slow, downward line, a very pleasant site to see. :) )
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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I love it!

Post by Lisa Marie » Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:17 pm

FW said: "I don't want to obsess over numbers on a machine, but I actually think I'd stress less with daily readings; I could then get more accurate, consistent readings, especially given the amount that weight can fluctuate on a daily/weekly/hourly basis."

You know what would be SO COOL? You should weigh yourself EVERY HOUR EVERY DAY to see how your weight would fluctuate! And then plot it on graph paper with a different-coloured pencil for each hour and then... >slap<

Wait a minute.

Maybe not. Maybe we should just keep this in perspective.

::laughing my ass off:: I love poking atcha, hunny. It's my favourite pasttime. (Of course, what everyone out in Reader Land doesn't know is that he usually STARTS all these pokes! ; )

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Post by carolejo » Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:38 pm

Hey Freaky and Lisa-Marie,

How 'bout you also make sure with your HOURLY readings to put a line marking when you ate each meal each day...?! :lol: You could collect data on whether or not lentil soup causes a bigger upwards blip than a cheese sandwich does......

Only kidding. I also started thinking about things 'leaving' the body too, but that's just going WAY WAY too far for real :lol: :lol:

That said, Navin's little downwards trend line is something I also did when I was dieting for the first time ever for Judo. There definately is something very satisfying about that downwards trend that also teaches you that the day-to-day fluctuations are irrelevant.

Seems like too much hassle to me though. Personally I weigh myself most Monday mornings, just after I come out of the bathroom and before I get dressed for the day, unless I just don't feel like it.


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Post by reinhard » Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:27 pm

How did the workshop go? As far as I know, it'll have been the first. Worth a top level shovelglove posting, I think (no pressure!).

Congratulations on the 6 pounds (or more). One more thing to consider in your decision about whether to weigh daily or not: you're doing pretty darn well as is! But I don't want to push you either way. There's a lot to be said for taking more frequent, regular readings, if only defuse the awful power of a single isolated reading.


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Post by JWL » Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:39 pm

The workshop went well. Everyone involved is a close friend, and they obviously know that I've been doing/babbling about shovelglove for a long time. They seemed to enjoy it, and at least one of them is thinking of getting a sledgehammer. One woman there said that she's also thinking about it, given how my clothes are hanging off my body. :-) Did I mention that I need new clothes, especially jeans? :-D

Reinhard, that is precisely why I want to do daily weigh-ins; to remove the power of happening to weigh myself on a spike day. I feel I'll get a more accurate reading of what I actually weigh on a regular basis. Consistent accuracy is preferable to inconsistent spikes, in my view.

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Post by JWL » Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:43 am

Nothing major to update, things are still going well. I just wanted to report that I extended my shuggage routine tonight, doing the full 21-14-7 routine, even though it took me closer to 20 minutes than 14.

I seem to have adapted to the 16 pounder with no ill effects at all, and I wanted to see how I respond to this.

At the moment (4 hours after the workout) I feel fine; immediately afterwards I was tired in that wonderful pre-sore kind of way. We'll see how I feel tomorrow....

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Post by JWL » Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:25 pm

I did another 21-14-7 routine yesterday, which was good.

But there was some funny stuff yesterday for No-S, I got a pack of peanut butter crackers out of the vending machine while I was at work. :-( Plus I probably ate too much for dinner when I got home. I'm still feeling overful now, the next morning.

So today I'll continue with the stepped up Shovelglove, but will crack down on the diet. No funny stuff today.

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Post by JWL » Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:22 am

I'm thinking quite a bit about where I am now. I seem to be following the 80% rule lately. This is a termed coined by my favorite astrologer, who when asked if he believes in astrology, says that he believes in it about 80%:
"I use the same 80-20 approach with every belief system that I love and benefit from: Qabala, science, paganism, transpersonal psychology, postmodern rationalism. I take what's useful from each, but am not so deluded as to think that any single system is the holy grail the quantum physicists call the "Theory of Everything." Total, unskeptical faith is the path of the fanatic and fundamentalist, and I aspire to be a rowdy philosophical anarchist, aflame with a passion for objectivity and committed to the truth that the truth is always mutating."
So yeah. I've been doing No-S/Shovelgove/squatting etc probably about 80% at best. Overall, I'd say things are reasonably good, but far from perfect. I've raised the bar, and I'm doing reasonably well, but I see countless opportunities to do better. But again, how many times have I said that even my worst days now are far better than my best days of sloth and bingeing in my past? It's all a matter of perspective.

The fact is, I've come a long way, yet I still have a long way to go. It's a journey. But opportunities to make better Little Choices abound.

For example. Shovelglove. I've adapted to the 16 pounder, and to doing the 21-14-7 routine regardless of time. This is good. However, I was slammed on Friday and didn't get the routine in, so that was only 4 days last week. Shoulda been 5 days.

Walking/squatting. I did 36 squats (for the first time in weeks) on Thurs. Tha felt very good, and I was pleasantly sore afterwards. I also walked up the hill on Sat and Sun. So in this area I've been OK the past few days, but that's a recent development. I've been neglecting my legs lately, up until the end of last week.

No-S: Here I've been pretty consistent. None of the verboten items have passed these lips since I began my detox program. This is good. But, I got some cheese nips out of the vending machine at work today (don't forget my S days are Fri/Sat), and I ate an apple tonight when I got home (I haven't had fruit in days). Not good. I've been eating too much cheese, and not enough fresh fruits and vegetables lately.

Core exercises/yoga: I've actually done fairly well at doing these exercises each morning, but I only do them for 5-10 minutes. I'd like to step it up to at least 15 minutes a day.

So you see, I'm doing OK, but lots of room for improvement. I think I'm moving in the right direction (ie, still losing weight, or at the very least sustaining my weight), but I need new focus and new consistency.

I think there is a correlation between this, and the fact that I haven't been posting here as regularly. While I wouldn't characterize things as a crash and burn, I think it is still very valuable for me to post daily. So, I'm thinking of returning to that, posting daily updates again on how I'm doing, what I've eaten each day, and what exercises I've been doing.

In addition to that, I still want to get a new scale. I think I want to try daily posts, along with a daily weigh-in for a while, because I'm very curious about how much my weigh fluctuates on a daily basis. I've never in my life done a daily weigh-in, and I want to try just to generate some numbers to look for patterns. So more detailed record-keeping is in order.

I think a trip to the store for a scale is in order tomorrow....

I want to feel like I put all the pieces together, and see how long I can sustain it. I remember a while back, I set a goal for myself of making it through a week with no funny stuff. And I made it! That's what I want to get back to. I've raised the bar, esp with the detox, but it's all good. There's no reason why I cannot do this. I've dropped a lot of weight. I'm stronger than I've ever been. I feel good about where I'm going.

Ever onward!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:33 pm

Hi Freakwitch!
Wow you are sure thinking this through!
You have made fantastic improvements this year for yourself!!!!
If you don't really trust the scale at home, which is understandable, can't you just pop in to your doctors once a month and borrow his? Or do you have a gym nearby you can weigh in at?
I am going to discourage you from daily weigh ins... Of course you should do what you want to do...
But the real main reason I'd say it's not a helpful thing to do, especially, is because you are doing moderate weight training...
This really throws off the numbers and if you are gaining muscle, which no doubt, with a sixteen pound sledge, you are, those numbers might not budge for a while... But you will lose fat..
Why not measure your arms and waist every week instead?
When I was SG'ing regularly, I went from 16.5 inch arms in January, which were basically grandmas flabby bags, to 14.75 by the beginning of April... My waist went from 38.5 to 36.5 in that same time frame...
I wasn't weighing myself back then.. Don't know what that would have been like.. But it just was enough to show I was making progress...

Of course, the other annoying thing about the scale, is it can lead to an unhealthy obsession with numbers...
I think if you want to analyze your day to day behavior, on a check in, that would be way more helpful, and enjoyable...
If you know you did your best, no scale can diminish your joy and self esteem for making the effort!

Have a great day and keep up all the great work!!!
36 Squats!???? Wow, you will have quads of steel!!!
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Post by JWL » Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:11 pm

I got my new scale, and I hope to use it to record my regular progress. This is not to obsess over my weight, but rather to just give me immediate, regular feedback on one aspect of how I'm doing. I've written before that I need to avoid psychological plateaus, I often get to the point of discernible progress and think "OK, I'm done." Not this time. This exercise is a tool to help me avoid such pitfalls. I've made quite a bit of progress this year, but I still have a long way to go. "After is when you're dead."

I also see the value in reporting my progress on a daily basis, a practice I've sort of moved away from lately. I think that's a valuable tool for me and I need to resume that process. When I stopped daily check-ins, I wasn't as focused on the plan, I didn't have that Jedi Mind Trick of saying to myself "I'll make this good 'little choice' so I can report well on the check-in." Without the daily check-ins, I let more slide. I don't want to appear as if I'm beating myself up here, quite the contrary. In the past, I'd have crashed and burned and completely resumed my old habits of sloth and gluttony. That didn't happen, indeed my weight loss seems to have continued. This is a good sign for the future, but for now I need to continue my daily check-ins to maximize my habit-building (and rate of weight loss) moving into the future.

Each day that I record my morning weigh-in, I'll report how the previous day went. I've also resumed numbering the days, with a W before each day to differentiate it from my previous day numbering.

So with that, let us launch the W-series.


Morning weigh-in: 331.3

Exercise yesterday was a bit light. I did an abbreviated shovelglove routine and my core/yoga routine. I didn't want to overdo it yesterday as we had a small gig last night. I also didn't get home until late so I skipped squats. I did get a very small amount of walking done (with my guitar on my back and my gig bag over my shoulder), but it was so short it almost doesn't count.

No-S was OK. For lunch I had a small bowl of split pea soup, and half a chik-patty (vegetarian "chicken" patty). It was a light lunch so I also virtual plated 3 small squares of leftover pesto pizza from the night before. Dinner was takeout Tofu Pad Thai, 2 stars (I've decided to allow the thai fish sauce used in the prep of Pad Thai, many people don't consider fish to be meat, which is sort of counterintuitive to me, but so it goes. One must draw the line somewhere.... life feeds on life).

Ever onward!

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Post by JWL » Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:45 pm

Morning weigh-in: 330.0

Exercise: I did a standard 14-minute shovelglove routine, as well as the core/yoga routine. I did not do anything squattish.

No-S: morning was a bagel with some falafel and a sauce my wife made. It was yummy, but kind of light for me. Usually I would have 2 bagels. Dinner was leftover beans and rice with some squash/onions that my wife made.

Funny stuff: wheat crackers with cheese out of the vending machine at work. I had a light lunch and needed something to tide me over until I had dinner, which was after I got out of work at 10:30. No squats.

Today is Thanksgiving day, obviously an S day. Speaking of which, I have to go check on the roasted seitan in the oven (making it for the half-dozen vegetarians we'll have at our gathering today....myself included!) :-)

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Post by JWL » Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:41 am

Oh. My. Goodness.

Well, I overindulged in that time-honored thanksgiving tradition, and absolutely gorged myself.

It amazes me that I still ate far less than I once did, and at the moment I'm so uncomfortably full.... this feeling is utterly unpleasant. Bleah. I can't believe this once seemed normal to me.

Thank you, once again, Reinhard. Your elegantly simple eating algorithm has transformed my relationship with food into something far healthier than it was.

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Post by JWL » Fri Nov 25, 2005 4:15 pm

Morning weigh-in: 329.8

Yesterday was an S day of course, and I utterly gorged myself and did no exercise whatsoever.

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Post by JWL » Sat Nov 26, 2005 4:02 pm

Morning weigh-in: 329.1

Yesterday was good. I did a shovelglove routine, trudging outside in the snow (!) to find a spot where I could see both Mars and Venus, both of which are glowing really brightly (though Mars is glowing less brightly than it was earlier in the year). I'd turn to face Venus, do a move, then switch to the other hand and face Mars. No particular reason for it, it was just fun. All's Shovelglove in Love And War. Or something.

Lunch was scrambled eggs, roasted potatoes, and biscuits; Dinner was thanksgiving leftovers. I also had another biscuit and some cheese last night (Fridays are my S-days).

Today I work, and it's another S-Day.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:13 pm

I'd turn to face Venus, do a move, then switch to the other hand and face Mars. No particular reason for it, it was just fun. All's Shovelglove in Love And War. Or something.
Very cute and clever! LOL... :lol:

With all that snow, however, it seems pretty funny to not just shovel it with a snow shovel! LOL..

How's your grand 16 lbder treating the mighty James?

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Post by JWL » Sun Nov 27, 2005 1:16 am

the 16 pounder is going very well. I've fully adapted to it, I don't get sore at all anymore, but I feel very challenged when I do it. I can definitely feel myself getting stronger from it. It's quite cool! I imagine this will last a while before I put on the ankle weight or upgrade to the 20-pounder.

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Post by JWL » Sun Nov 27, 2005 5:38 pm

Morning weigh-in: 330.5. This is the first (inevitable) day that this number has increased rather than decreased. I've promised myself that I won't get too emotionally attached to these numbers, good or bad, elation or depression. I know there is quite a bit of fluctuation on a daily weigh-in, and that the point is to generate a lot of data to track how I'm doing. It's been no problem, and while I definitely prefer these numbers shrinking to expanding, it's not really bothering me.

That said, yesterday was quite the S-day. We were slammed at work, so they bought pizza for everyone so we could keep working. I overindulged, to say the least; I was once again reminded that my old normal overindulging just feels grotesque to me now. I also had some homemade lentil soup and breadsticks late last night when I got home; I didn't need to eat that at all, but boy was it yummy. I also had wheat crackers with cheddar out of the vending machine. So yeah, I definitely ate a lot yesterday, and didn't exercise. Lunch was 2 bagels with a bean/cheese mixture, kind of an unusual lunch but it was yummy.

So yes, I definitely ate too much food yesterday. Time to reset the system today, which for me is a No-S day. Back to my routine. And I'm looking forward to exercising tomorrow. :)

Ever onward...

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Exercise and weight

Post by Kevin » Sun Nov 27, 2005 7:18 pm

For what it's worth, FW, I had stopped exercising for a week or so when I hurt something or another a couple of months back. My weight d-r-o-p-p-e-d until I started resistance training again (it went from 178 to as low as 172...

When I started resistance training again, my weight jumped a couple of pounds in one day. I'm betting I could lose three pounds in two days by stopping resistance exercise.

I guess what I'm saying is this is counterintuitive: you'd think you'd weigh less when you exercise, but it isn't that way, at least for me. I always weight more on days that I do resistance exercise than on days that I don't.

So, when you SG in earnest, you might find your weight goes up.
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Post by JWL » Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:51 pm

That's interesting, Kevin. I haven't generated nearly enough data points just yet to be able to notice trends. I think I still have more than enough fat on my body, though, to counteract any muscle mass building. Who knows. Once I have a few weeks of data generated I'll be able to take a closer look at exactly what is happening.

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weighing more

Post by Kevin » Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:10 am

FW, the amount of weight I gain doing resistance exercise can't be muscle building, it must be additional fluid in the muscles or something. I don't think you can put on three pounds of muscle in three or four days... Well, maybe Mark Maguire or Barry Bonds could... :0)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:23 am

You guys should see what it's like to live through a period...
Talk about wacking out the numbers and your body with fluid!
That can cause up to three or four pounds difference some months..
It can screw you up!~

Freakwitch.. Why not go to the weighing every two weeks or so, but for three consectutive days?
Justh a thought...
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Post by JWL » Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:27 am

Hi Deb, yep, I've oftened wondered what that monthly cycle thing must feel like.... kinda glad I don't have to go through that.... bleah.

I want to stick with the daily weigh-ins, because I want to establish a detailed amount of data on how I do. I want to try to establish the relationship between my diet and exercise, and my weight, on a daily basis.

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Post by Lane » Mon Nov 28, 2005 5:06 am

Didja know that Tanita makes a scale that measures, not only weight and percentage body fat, but percentage water content as well? I have one and I was monitoring all that for a while on an excel spreadsheet, just like you said, FW, to get a feel for trends and all.

After a while, though I noticed that it was LESS accurate in the mornings, when I tend to have lower percentage of water weight. So to get a more accurate body fat percentage reading, I would step on it in the evening. The body fat % and water % were more accurate, but as you can imagine, my actual weight was a couple of pounds heavier than in the mornings.

Anyway, thought you might be interested...

You can also find them at Target, at least that's where I saw one last week here in Boise.

TTFN! 8)

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Post by JWL » Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:04 pm

Morning weigh in: 328.6

So yeah, my weight loss has continued. That's a good thing. Yesterday was a No-S day, and I managed to stick to it with no funny stuff. This would seem to support the idea that when I don't pig out on food, my weight will likely be lower the next day. Go figure. :wink:

I worked my customary weekend 12-hour shift, so I sat on my ass in front of a computer screen on the phones all day and did no exercise whatsoever. Bleah. I hate sitting so long that when I actually get up, my body is sore.

But No-S wise, it was a success. I took 2 meals worth of food with me in a bag, and munched on it all day. No funny stuff. When I got home, I was sorely tempted to eat some more, but managed to resist.

Today I get back to exercise, I can't wait. Also, I'm going to make a large pot of chili, so dinner will be quite yummy.

Ever onward!

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the older you get...

Post by Kevin » Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:58 pm

I have found it true that if I miss more than a day of exercise, my body hurts more. This is truer as I get older. Unfortunately, the contrapositive (?) is also true, if I exercise more by body hurts more too. :0)
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Post by JWL » Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:14 am

I'll do my weigh in tomorrow, but I just wanted to give myself props here for going out to a sportsbar to watch Monday Night Football, and not ordering any food (I have a thing for onion rings) or drinking any alcohol (mmm, Guiness....). I was a good purifying No-Ser and sipped water all night long!

Yay me, for engaging the enemy in a hostile environment and not giving in! As a friend of mine says, "I can resist anything, except temptation...." :D

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Post by Lane » Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:18 am

Great job kicking it's butt FW -- but ya made me hungry reading your post! Now I get to go to bed dreaming of onion rings & beer!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:37 pm

Wow Mighty James!!!!!
You are master of your domain!!!!

That's some Will you have...

Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Tue Nov 29, 2005 3:12 pm

Morning weigh in: 328.0
So far, only one day have I gone up in weight, the other 6 I have been steadily losing, an average of 1/2 pound per day (.47 lbs/day). I wonder how long this will keep up?

Yesterday was a good day. I did a full shovelglove, my core routine, and 25 squats. I keep saying it, but I still need to be more vigilant with the squats. So all in all, a good day exercising.

No-S: morning was leftover pizza, evening meal was my delicious homemade chili, along with some leftover carbs (mashed potatoes, dressing, etc still from thanksgiving). And as I wrote above, I did a good job avoiding temptation....

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Post by JWL » Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:41 pm

Morning weigh-in: 326.9
I think there's something to this whole eat-less-and-you-will-lose-weight thing. Heh.

Yesterday was a mixed bag. I didn't exercise at all. I was busy and spent a long time cooking and homeschooling at the time I normally exercise, and then the next thing I knew it was late. Ah well.

No-S was a great success, however. Morning meal was leftover chili, dinner was roasted seitan, mashed potatoes, gravy, and sauteed spinach and onions in butter. Yum. There are now a ton of leftovers in my refrigerator, all of which are very yummy (lentil soup, chili, seitan, mashed potatoes). And of course I felt these leftovers calling me all night last night, but I managed to resist their siren calls.

I think having the daily weigh-ins is a very, very useful motivational tool when it comes to making good little choices: I don't want to mess things up for my weigh-in the next morning.

I'm also finding that the weigh-ins are not as randomly fluctuating as I expected. By weighing myself at the same time every day and under the same conditions (after waking up and going to the bathroom, before eating, no clothes on) I seem to be controlling randomness. The one day last week when my weight went up, I utterly pigged out on pizza before. So that's encouraging, it does seem to be something of an accurate progress-o-meter, at least thus far.

So today, it's a wonderful day with my daughter (my wife will be out of town for work), back to exercise!

Ever onward!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:29 pm

I think there's something to this whole eat-less-and-you-will-lose-weight thing. Heh.
Yeah Cool!!!!! LOL..
There are now a ton of leftovers in my refrigerator, all of which are very yummy (lentil soup, chili, seitan, mashed potatoes). And of course I felt these leftovers calling me all night last night, but I managed to resist their siren calls.
Rock on JWL!!!! You are our hero!!!
PS. I want some leftover chili.... NOW!!!!! LOL...
PPS.. Good job waiting for breakfast and not heeding the siren call of the leftovers till it was mealtime! No crashing onto the leftover rocks of the evil S sirens for YOU! LOL..

Hey! Actually, that's a good idea... why not make some sort of "refrigerator siren" which goes off like a car alarm waking up all the neighbors when you open up the fridge after 12 midnight! LOL.. It would be so annoying that you would have to break the habit, or move to a new neighborhood to avoid the angry neighbors who you wake up with the siren/alarm... LOL... Whaddaythink??? LOL...

I'm going to be eating a good breakfast from now on and it will probably be leftovers from now on...

For one, it's easy... Just nuke it and eat..
Two it's filling and more satisfying than a piece of bread and coffee (my usual weak breakfast of non champions...)
Three, it's a good way to resist through the night because you can keep telling yourself "only four more hours and I can have this for breakfast"..
I think you may, just have helped me here James, with a crucial coping mechanism and way of outsmarting my night time eating...

Thanks for your great example, and congrats on your four pounds down!!!
You have bounced back from Thanksgiving Slothglutfest in a big way!
Have a great day!
Keep up the positive energy!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by JWL » Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:39 pm

Weigh in: 326.3

I took yesterday as an S day. That's stretching it, but I took my wife to the airport in the morning and had a wonderful day with my daughter. We went to a local movie theater/restaurant to see Harry Potter 4, and I ordered a yummy spinach salad with onion rings. I also had some leftovers yesterday, seitan/mashed potatoes and chili. So yeah, I ate a lot yesterday.

I also didn't exercise.... AGAIN. That's not good. But oh well. I'm not gonna beat myself up about it. I had a great day with my daughter.

Ever onward!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:57 pm

Hey James! Don't beat yourself up about the exercise.. It's not productive thinking...
Really, even though Reinhard encourages us all to get some in every day, and it would be good to do something every day, sometimes you just get into something else... Most people average three to four workouts a week... That's kind of an exercise convention "norm" I think...
The main thing is not to let yourself go into complete Slothdom and have the days turn into weeks...
Whatcha think of Harry Potter 4?
I was pretty dissappointed at some parts..
Oh well! LOL...
Glad you had fun with your little cutie, I did the same with Richie :)!
Peace and Love,
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Post by navin » Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:54 pm

Don't beat yourself up about the exercise.. It's not productive thinking...
Hmm, or maybe you *should* beat yourself up. Beating yourself up is exercise, isn't it? :)
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:59 am

Ha ha Nathan, you devil you!!!
I was just wondering when I'd see some of your special brand of sarcastic humor, just about 10 minutes ago! LOL...

Hope alls well!
Peace and Love,

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Post by JWL » Fri Dec 02, 2005 6:22 am

Hi Deb,

I think HP4 is easily the best of the 4 films. But then I seem to have an uncanny ability to separate book from film. I don't expect a film to convey exactly what's in the book, ever. They are 2 totally different mediums in which to tell a story. So most of the criticisms I've heard of the film is that it deviated from the book. That doesn't really bug me.

Overall, I didn't care much for the 1st and 2nd movies. The first was OK, the 2nd was pretty dreadful I thought. I just don't like Chris Columbus' style. I thought the 3rd movie (directed by Cuaron) was light years ahead of the first two, and the 4th one is even better than the 3rd one in my view.

My biggest complaint has less to do with the film itself, and more to do with the Hollywood myth that audiences won't sit through a 4 hour film. For me, that's bollocks, and I'd love to see 4 hour films (LOTR extended DVD, for example). HP4 would have been much better at 4 hours than at the 2.5 it is, and they could have included much more from the book.

I thought Moody was very well done, perfectly casted. Michael Gambon as Dumbledore is growing on me. Snape was underused. The kids, pretty much all of them, are growing nicely into their roles and becoming more skillful actors.

Overall I enjoyed it, though it could have been better.

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Post by carolejo » Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:17 am

I know what you mean about separating the book from the film. That never bugs me either, although it seems to drive most people crazy. I keep telling people "but it's better that they're different! Do you really want exactly the same story told twice..?" Similarly, I always wondered how people could say that the book or the film was 'better' of the two. They're completely different things. It's like saying I prefer eating cheese to going rollerblading! Wha..? It makes no sense to me at all.

I've not seen HP4 yet. I plan to go sometime in the next week or so though. We were going to see it last Saturday, but it had just opened over here in Holland (there are 2 versions - Dubbed into Dutch for the benefit of small children, and Original English soundtrack with Dutch subtitles for everyone else) and the queue was INSANE so we had a bit of a rethink.


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Post by JWL » Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:40 pm

Morning weigh-in: 325.6. Steady as she goes. 5 1/2 pounds in 10 days. These numbers are having a nice effect on my mind, they are incredibly encouraging. Of course I'm happy emotionally about them (though I'm trying to limit my emotional investment in the scale either way), but more importantly, they are tangible, empirical evidence that this plan just plain works. I don't think this is water weight, since I'm not really altering my routine at all. I'm doing the same thing (more or less) that I've been doing for months, it's only that now I'm measuring my daily progress.

Did a full exercise routine yesterday, core exercises to warmup, 13 squats (my legs were feeling a bit tender so I stopped there), and a full 14 minutes shugging with the 16 pounder.

No-S was good: leftover chili for lunch; a bean, seitan, cheese, guac, tomato, lettuce, onion, sour cream, and fresh cilantro wrap (with some extra filling and chips on the side) for dinner. I actually virtual plated the chips and extra filling; I had to explain virtual plating to my friends (we were having dinner there, they all know No-S well and are very supportive), though admittedly I was pushing the virtual plating envelope a bit with a healthy pile of filling and chips. But we had rehearsal after dinner, and I know that I'll use those calories. Given that I allow myself 2 platefuls of food per No-S day, I make sure I get my money's worth on those 2 meals.

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20 pounds

Post by JWL » Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:22 pm

I also just realized that I'm down 20 pounds since August 26th (while budgeting for the fact that these numbers come from 2 different scales).

But either way. Cool. Yay me.


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Post by Lane » Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:22 am

Congrats!!! Yay you is right. Great job. :lol:

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Post by JWL » Sat Dec 03, 2005 4:32 pm

Weigh-in: 326.5

Yesterday was an S day, which I celebrated by having 3 meals instead of 2. I had 2 meals of a yummy pasta I made with porcini mushrooms, and my first meal of the day was an egg and cheese wrap with some leftover chili. I actually couldn't finish that first meal and left quite a bit of chili in my bowl, which almost never happens to me.

However, I didn't execise again. It's been a very busy week, my wife just returned from a business trip, so I've been single-parenting this week, something I'm very much not used to. I've always had a huge amount of admiration/awe/respect for single parents, weeks like this definitely reinforce that. Next week I need to buckle down more with the exercise.

I did take a decent walk yesterday, and tried to do it briskly. We had a photo shoot for my band and walked all over town looking for places to take shots.

I'll also walk home from work tonight.

I'm missing my exercise, and I'm starting to feel a bit lethargic physically. I don't like this feeling and want to step things back up again.

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Day W12

Post by JWL » Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:15 pm

Weigh in: 328.0. This was the first day that broke the pattern; I did pretty well yesterday, it was an S day but it went as a No-S day, yet I still am heavier. Hmm. Wonder what's up.

I didn't exercise, yesterday I had leftover pasta for meal #1 and Indian food (saag paneer and vegetable biryani) for dinner.

Next week I need to buckle down on exercise. Again. Sigh....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:58 am

Yo James... Indian food is super loaded with sodium...
Probably caused some water weight...
Don't sweat every day's fluctuations, and no need to "sigh"...
You are doing great.. Please, keep your eyes on the forest!

Peace and Love,
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Post by Lane » Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:15 am

Water weight is the arch nemisis of a dieters!!! If you think of it, we'd have to eat 3500 calories OVER the 2000 or so our bodies burn each day to gain a pound. (Which just shows how we've all over-indulged in the past.) But now that we're living NoS, we'd really have to break all three rules to gain even one pound. So don't get yourself down, in a couple of days the salt will move on through and you'll see the results one happy morning! 8)


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Post by JWL » Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:08 pm

Weigh in: 328.4

OK, time to buckle down again. Yesterday was OK from a No-S standpoint. Not great, but OK.

Today is a full S day, and I WILL exercise, including taking a walk downtown with my daughter to the library.

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Post by JWL » Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:10 pm

We took some band photos last week, you can see my favorite one on our band's site: http://www.freakwitch.net. That's me on the left. :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:22 pm

You be the real handsome one eh???

Cool pic man!
You really look phenomenal!!!
Definitely look like you've gone down around 50 or more pounds!
What a transformation!!!!


ps.. Oh what type of guitar is that???
An acoustic cutaway eh? LOL..
My Martin is sadly sitting in a case waiting for me to get enough money to get a new bridge put on! :cry:

You look like a new man I tell you!!!!
I am happy for you James!
You are doing sooooo great :D

Peace and Love,
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Post by JWL » Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:43 pm

Thanks Deb! As always you are so encouraging....

The guitar is a Wechter Pathmaker 3120. It's a very unique design, it sounds OK acoustically, but sounds phenomenal when you plug it in. I'm very happy with it.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:50 pm

I'm just really happy this is working for you James!
You are putting in the effort!!!!
And you look terrif!!!

I'll check out the site for the guitar later...
Gotta run and get my boy soon...

Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:14 am

Hi James :)
I'm going to start a three to five day cleanse soon involving some homemade lemonade with cayenne pepper and maple syrup...
Supposed to use good organic maple syrup..
I figured you'd have a good idea as to what brand to use?
Any favorites?

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Post by JWL » Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:44 am

heh, well the maple syrup I use is just the local Hannaford (major grock-ry store chain in NE) brand. I don't really use organic maple syrup, the "regular stuff" is expensive enough....

Plus I live in Maine, they make it here. Maybe try a local farmers market in the area? In general I'm a big believer in getting things locally, not sure if they make maple syrup in Luong Geyeland....

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:52 am

As far as I know, Great Neck doesn't have any Maple syrup farms.. LOL..
But there's about 20 nail salons and hair salons in town...
I'll see what Whole Foods has to sell :)

Peace and Organic Love,
:wink: Deb

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