Thinking of adding mid-morning mini-meal

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Thinking of adding mid-morning mini-meal

Post by SpiritSong » Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:18 pm

I have breakfast at 6 am and lunch at 1 pm (and no, I cannot move it), and while I know I will not starve in the seven hours in between, I think I need to add a morning snack, I mean, a mid-morning mini-meal.

I can't eat enough at 6 am to not start feeling hungry around 10. I have tried ignoring the hunger and thinking about how it is the feeling of fat being burned, but it is affecting my work and I am spending half of my mornings dreaming about lunch.

For those of you who have gone the route of the mini-meal, what do you have? I am thinking of a small serving of yogurt w/fruit. Or maybe some nuts, since they would be easier to discretely eat/store at my desk.

Edited to add: Okay, now that I've thought about it more (and had a few pretzels to temporarily curb my food obsession), perhaps I should try adding more protein to whatever I can choke down at 6 am. Of course, if I decide not to add the mini-meal, the pretzels I just ate make this a red day. :(

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:17 pm

i would reverse them... i'd have a small wake up meal at 6, just to get your blood sugar up.. maybe a piece of fruit and coffee/tea/whatever, or a small bowl of cereal... then have a small meal at 10, with the protein etc, like a sandwich, or the yogurt and nuts and fruit... i say this because you clearly seem to not want much in the morning (whatever you can "choke down"...)
whatever you call it, it's gotta be better than just eating a pack of pretzels, and if you are gonna have pretzels, at least have them with some peanut butter and something to drink and call it a meal and not a snack.

good luck :)
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Post by marygrace » Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:52 pm

I agree with gratefuldeb. If you're not that into eating breakfast at 6, why not just eat it when you would have the mini-meal? If you're afraid you'll get too hungry between 6 and 10, you could have a cafe au lait or something along those lines at 6.

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Post by Who Me? » Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:39 pm

We have the exact same schedule and issues.

I do a very physical job, so I give myself permission to have a small, small meal at 11am. Maybe two pieces of fruit, or some bread and cheese, and maybe a coffee.

I also have a very high metabolism, so I would literally be in tears if I didn't eat something. As long as the "meal" isn't a syrup-coated granola bar, you're probably fine.
Last edited by Who Me? on Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Kevin » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:42 pm

I think it's fine to add the small, fourth meal. Maybe someday it won't be an issue.

I would make it meal food. Some nuts and cut up fruit or carrots. Don't let it get sweet for convenience's sake.

I don't have the mid-morning problem, I have the late afternoon problem. Right now, I don't need the fourth meal, but sometimes I do, and I do not feel guilty about it.

You will probably find the feeling will go away over time.
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Post by ksbrowne » Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:56 am

You gotta do what you gotta do! If you need it, have it.

I agree with Kevin that eventually you will probably find you don't need it. Your body will get used to less food.

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Post by clarinetgal » Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:32 am

Assuming you do add the mini meal, it would probably be good to have some protein and carbs (so nuts and fruit, yogurt with fruit, etc...). That should help you to stay full until lunch.

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:43 pm

I don't know how long you've been doing this, but I recommend experimenting with breakfast and milk in between before adding a chew. I thought my big gap in the morning was going to be impossible, but protein and fat helped a lot. Fat is an easy way to add calories without a lot of bulk. (Remember? That used to be considered a problem!) Even a tablespoon of peanut butter makes a difference. And I have very milky coffee mid-morning. It's enough. And no chewing, so I don't slide from an apple to something junky.
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Post by Thalia » Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:42 pm

A little bit of fat is good not just for adding calories, but for longer-term satiation. Fat plus fiber will hold you over surprisingly well! So yeah, nuts in your oatmeal, or whole-milk yogurt with fruit.

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Post by kccc » Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:11 pm

Progress, not perfection.

You may find a mini-meal helps now.
You may shift to a "limited choice" or "only if I need it" mini-meal.
You may do away with it altogether in time.

(That was my transition on No-S, though it was an afternoon stretch.)

Alternatively, you may find that adding milky coffee or tweaking your breakfast helps.

Right now, I have 2 cafe-au-laits on my drive to work starting at 6AM, but don't have proper breakfast until 8:30, after my workout. It took a while to get used to it when I began commuting, but works well now.

Experiment, improve, adjust. You'll find what works for you.

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Post by M's sick of dieting » Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:33 am

I have the same issue with my job, I'm a Hairdresser and I often don't have time to sit and eat a meal. I'm trying No S, and so far love it but at work when it's noon and I'm booked all afternoon, I get shaky when I'm hungry. I always keep a container of almonds in my bag, or I'll have coffee with cream as someone else mentioned. Just something small to get you threw, it helps:) good luck!

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