Doulachic's Daily Check-In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Doulachic's Daily Check-In

Post by doulachic » Mon Jun 20, 2005 1:47 am

I started No-sing on Tuesday, June 14, 2005.

Here are my starting stats:
Weight: 177.5 lbs
Height: 5' 5" (can't change this, unfortunatly! :wink: )
Long term goal weight: 145 lbs

I have been doing this successfully for about a week now, and i love it! I just had my first weekend of S-days, and they were successful. I had a few treats, but did not overdo it, and I didn't indulge in seconds. This is a major success for me!


B: 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with butter
1 banana
Green tea

L: 1 fried egg sandwich
1 apple
1 oatmeal cookie square (hey,it's an S day! :D )

D: 1 small bowl of homemade chili w/cheese
1 handful of tortilla chips

Snacks (throughout the day, not all at once :D ):
1/2 mini-bag of low fat popcorn (just what i happened to have)
2 pieces of plum coffee cake (during Sunday School...our teacher always brings in homemade goodies during Sunday School...YUM! Good thing Sunday is an S-day! :shock: )
Oh, and a glass of orange juice (also during Sunday School, and I needed it to keep up my potassium due to my blood pressure meds which i hope to get off of!!) :roll:

No exercise today because Sunday is always my "rest" day when it comes to that. Back at it tomorrow!

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Post by doulachic » Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:07 am

Today went pretty well. I did have a raspberry smoothie at about 1 pm at the coffee house because it was my usual monday coffee hour with friends. But i didn't have the usual muffin! I should have stuck to a lowfat mocha, but for some reason i wanted to try something new, and it was sooo hot today!

Anyway, the rest of the day was not bad:

B: 2 pc wheat toast with peanut butter
1 banana
Green tea

L: 1 bowl of homemade chili (last nights leftovers minus the cheese)
Handful of Tortilla chips

S: The dreaded smoothie as mentioned above. (just a 12 oz though)

D: 1/2 bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup
1 large piece of homemade wheat bread with butter

I think i am doing pretty well, but my portions need to be toned down a little i think. Tonight, i couldn't even eat the whole bowl of soup because i became full. That is progress though, because before i would have eaten a bowl and then went back for another bowl, and i definately would have gorged on the bread! I just need to work on the thinking that i don't need as much food as i think i need!


1 hour on the stationary bike
3 mile WATP (Walk Away The Pounds)
1/2 hour at Curves

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:54 am

For this 21-day cycle that I'm in, I'm just trying to form the No-S habit. In my next cycle, I'm going to work on those portions!

Are you a Leslie Sansone fan, too? I have been walking with her for 11 years, first on videos, then on dvd. She's fun!

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Post by margaret » Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:42 pm

Good plan. I think I will do that, too. I'm learning for my new friends. I like this ground up type of dieting...very revolutionary.
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Post by doulachic » Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:16 am

Success for today!

B: 1 large pancake
Just a bit of maple syrup
Green tea

L: 1/2 large baked potatoe
Chili (on potato, no cheese)
Apricot halves

D: 1 piece homemade pizza
Green beans
1/2 plain bagel

Exercise: 1/2 hour at Curves

Today went pretty well. I had a horrible headache this morning, due to the fact that i forgot i can't eat pancakes in the morning because for some reason it causes blood sugar issues or something. Anyway, because of the headache, etc, i didn't get in any aerobic exercise, but i did go to Curves later in the afternoon when i felt better.

Jan-Tz...I love Leslie Sansone! She is awesome! And the program is great, i can definately tell the difference in my upper thighs and....err..."bottom area". LOL Though there is still much work to be done in that area. :roll:

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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:56 am

That's so weird ... I always seem to get headaches from maple syrup on waffles ... hmmmm.
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Post by doulachic » Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:49 pm

Well, i did not get a chance to post yesterday because i was attending a birth for most of the day. So i will post yesterdays' results now, and today's results tonight. Make sense? :D

Okay, yesterday was a success for the most part.

B: 2 pieces toast with peanut butter
6 apricot halves

L: 1 piece canadian bacon pizza

S: 2 granola bars (which i HAD to have because i hadn't eaten all day and it didn't look like i was going to be eating any time soon because i couldn't leave my client at that time)

D: 1 double decker taco from Taco Bell (i had this at about 11:30 at night because i had just left the hospital and i was starving!)

1 bowl of Lucky Charms cereal (ok, i could have skipped this, but i was still kind of hungry by the time i got home, and i didn't even think about the sugar that was in the cereal, duh!)

All things considered, i still think this was a good day, even though i had to have a snack and i did have that stupid sugared cereal. Today is going well so far and i don't have any sugar cravings or anything, so i think i'm ok.

Exercise: none, unless you count the hours i was at the hospital helping my client. i'm sure i burned quite a few calories on the mental energy alone. :wink:

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Post by doulachic » Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:52 pm

I'm ok if i eat pancakes, etc in the afternoon or evening, but i just can't seem to eat anything with sugar first thing in the morning. Not even cinnamon roll, or sugared cereal. it just makes me feel sick. strange, huh? :roll:

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Post by doulachic » Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:17 am

Today went well. A success!

B: 2 pc toast with peanut butter
6 apricot halves

L: 1 grilled cheese sandwich
1 apple

D: Tuna casserole
green beans
5 saltine crackers (ok, i did this while waiting for dinner to cook!)
2 large pieces of homemade bread w/butter (still working on portions)

Exercise: 1 hour stationary bike
1/2 hour Curves

Ok, i had a little more bread than i needed! but it was still a good day for me; normally i would have eaten the WHOLE loaf! :shock: So i am making good progress.

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Post by ClickBeetle » Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:42 am

Tricia, you and I are right about in the same place as far as height and weight. I'm also 5'5" and after 2 weeks of No-S I weigh about 181 (started at 185 or possibly a couple pounds more). My first goal is to lose 5% of my body weight (about 9 lbs.) so as to reduce my risk of developing metabolic syndrome and/or pre-diabetes.

If I'm successful my next goal will be to lose 10% of my starting weight so down to about 166. If that works out I figure I will be feeling so good that I might just keep on trying to reach an optimal weight for my height, age, and frame. We'll see how it works out.

Would love to stay in touch as we go thru this journey, if it would help you meet your goals - I know it would help me meet mine.
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Post by doulachic » Sat Jun 25, 2005 12:43 am

ClickBeetle, I would love to have some extra support! I would like to get down to at least 150, as I was down there before and felt pretty good. 145 would be better, but right now I'll take what I can get. :D My doctor set my goal weight at 135! I'm like, uumm, I don't THINK so! Maybe if I was still 18, but 4 kids later? I don't think that's happening! LOL

Anyway, my day went pretty well considering I have been attacked by the cold bug. :evil: My throat is sore and I am snotty! EEEWWW! Still, I usually want to do nothing but EAT when I am sick, but I have not had that problem today. It has pretty much been business as usual.

B: 1 fried egg sandwhich
green tea

L: Ramen noodles with stir fry veggies and chicken

D: Small piece of Frito pie
Leftover Ramen noodle mixture from lunch

Exercise: None due to my cold. :cry:

I will probably have more green tea later, nice and hot with honey. :) And I guess my exercise will be waiting for me when I feel better, but it's so frustrating not being able to be active when I was doing so well.

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Post by doulachic » Sun Jun 26, 2005 1:01 am

Today has been a good no-s day. :D I actually planned what I wanted for a sweet snack during the week and I made it today. Yummy! ( I think I had a little too many though. :wink: ) But I am done eating for the night. I did pretty good on my meals though, no seconds and decent portions.

B: 2 pc toast with peanut butter
1 small bowl Kix cereal (not my usual breakfast)
green tea

S: Snicker's bar (NOT planned, but i was grocery shopping and thought "Hey, why not? It's an S day!")

L: 1 ham sandwhich
1 banana

D: 1 pc. homemade pizza

S: 4 cookie bars (Planned and yummy!! they have coconut, choc chips, peanut butter chips, nuts, ect.....YUM! Ok, I know it was too many, but it was my first real "slip up" since starting this, and it is an S day so i'm not beating myself up about it.
:) )

Exercise: None because i still feel crummy with my sore throat and nasty nose... :evil:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 26, 2005 5:25 am

Get better soon Tricia!
I was sick for about 10 days with, possibly the same type of cold... Maybe I sent it from NY to you out West?
Rest and relax.. Once you're over it, you'll get right back to your exercise :wink:
Peace and Love,
ps... Sick days are pretty much like S days for us... Just don't worry about it... Take care of yourself....

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Post by doulachic » Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:00 am

hey all! Well i survived my S weekend with not too much damage. I did eat quite a bit of sweets (those darn cookie bars! LOL) but I am looking forward to getting back to those no-s days this week. I am feeling quite a bit better so I will try to get some exercise done tomorrow, I'll just see how it goes.

Hey Deb, hope you are much better! Maybe we got it from a "computer virus"! :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks for the good vibes.

Well, I won't post my food for today. For the most part it was good, no seconds, a few snacks (but one was a banana), and of course my sweets. It will be good to get back to some structure again. Never thought I would ever say I was looking forward to getting back on my diet! :D

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Post by doulachic » Tue Jun 28, 2005 4:36 am

Ok, today was a "slip-up". (i hate to use the word failure). I did not overeat on regular food, but i had sweets. But tomorrow is a new day, so i will just start over fresh. I am feeling a bit disappointed in myself as i feel the "old ways" tugging at me, but i refuse to give in and give up!

Oh, i did get some exercise. 1/2 hour at Curves, so i guess i did do something good for myself. :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:25 am

Congrats on keeping trying and your exercise!!!
PS... It's fine and dandy to say "Slip up" or even get really wild and crazy and say "Screw up" Wow!!!
I am a born again "Screw up" -er, as I'm hating that "F" word too, and I mean the one that ends with an "e" LOL... I love the other one! :lol:
Keep on truckin Tricia!!!
Even Reinhard took some time getting all his systems in place at once, and we all have good and bad days...
Focus on every little good thing you do... If it means being happy that you didn't eat the whole gallon of ice cream, but you still had some, focus on the good part...
For the first 3-5 months I'd usually have a good screw-up once or twice a week...Usually it was a chocolate covered Haagen Daaz bar!!! It still beat screwing up 24/7..... All I saw was improvement... Now, my cravings are getting much more under control and I don't screw up nearly half as much as back then... It's all just improving with every passing month...
Be patient.. Your body and mind will adjust with time and determination.
Love yourself and don't be discouraged!!!
8) Deb

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Jun 28, 2005 11:10 am

Tricia, it took you years and years to form the habits you have, years of formation and reinforcement. If you mess up from time to time, you can only figure that it's to be expected. You just need to keep trying, and know that eventually the new habits will take over, and the old ones will have faded to a distant memory. Just don't every give up! :D

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Post by doulachic » Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:22 pm

Thanks for the encouragement Jan-Tz and Deb! (Deb, you crack me up!) I am feeling much better about it today, and I am more focused. I guess it was the old "diet" way of thinking, you know, like oh no now i've totally messed up my diet! I keep trying to get out of that mentality and just focus on the fact that i'm not really dieting, but rather just getting into healthier habits and attitudes about food. When you have dieted for any length of time, you get used to sweets being the "forbidden" or "illegal" foods, so I am trying to get past that when I give into a craving on a no-s day (which really hasn't been that often now that i think about it.)

On the up side, at least my cold is getting better! :D

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Post by doulachic » Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:26 am

Today was a success!! Yeah!!

Also, my official weigh in was tonight and I have lost another 1.5 pounds! When I stepped on the scale I thought I would be the same-no loss or gain. I was so suprised! If I get back into the 160's (and finally lose what I have gained in the last few months--oh, don't ask! :roll: ) then I will forever be a true Reinhard devotee! LOL :lol: (ok, i already am... :P )

B: 2 scrambled eggs
2 pieces wheat toast w/butter (very little)
Green tea

L: 1 Ham sandwich
1 small handful tortilla chips

S: 1/2 Peanut butter sandwich (Spread thin) Ok, I knew I was going to weigh in, so i never eat until afterward (about 8 pm) so i really needed a tiny snack for blood sugar reasons.

D: 2 double decker tacos from Taco Bell (ok, not the best choice :roll: )
small diet pepsi

Exercise: 1 hour stationary bike

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Post by doulachic » Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:12 am

Today was a good day, but i'm counting it as an S day (for Special Occasion) because it is my hubby's birthday! Maybe i will treat Saturday as a no-s day this week.

B: 1 bowl of Cream of Wheat w/sugar/milk
1 piece of wheat toast w/butter
green tea

L: 1 ham sandwich
1 small apple

D: Meal from mexican restraunt (big portions, ouch!):
Carne asada w/ beans and rice
Iced tea
Chips and hot salsa

S: 1 piece birthday cake
Ice cream

The meals were ok (a little too big at the restraunt though) and i did have cake and ice cream, but otherwise it was ok, and i'm not even wanting anymore cake. I almost have a Yuck feeling when I think about it. Hhhmm...

Exercise: 1 hour stationary bike
1/2 hour at Curves

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:45 pm

Congratulations, doulachic! Relax and digest your husband's birthday cake in peace. It sounds like you handled the day with minimal excess. Habit-wise, you're doing brilliantly. You can legitimately take your husbands birthday as a straight up S-day, you don' t have to trade a weekend day for it. I'd only do that if you had a large number of special S days come at once.

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Post by doulachic » Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:12 am

Today was a success!

B: 2 pc wheat toast w/peanut butter
green tea

L: 1 tuna sandwich
1 small can mandarin oranges

D: 1 frozen burrito (cooked of course! LOL)
small serving chili w/cheese
small serving mexi rice

Exercise: 1 hour stationary bike

Today went well, no sweet cravings thank goodness! I do have a general sense of "heaviness", i think it is due to the very large meal i had last night. I'm simply not used to eating that much food now. Wow, never thought i'd see the day when i would say that! :D

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Post by doulachic » Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:03 am

Another Success! Today was a good day. I took the kids to town to do some clothes shopping (for camp, school, etc) so it was a long day, when we were done I took the kids to DQ for ice cream and I totally resisted the urge to join them! (I sooooo wanted a Moolatte!) I am so proud of myself for resisting! It's a good thing tomorrow is an S day! :lol:

B: 2 pc wheat toast
1 fried egg
Green tea w/honey

L: 1 tuna sandwich
1 apple

D: 1 hamburger
potatoe salad
baked beans
a few BBQ chips
1 diet pepsi (I rarely drink it, but today it was good!)

Exercise: 1 hour stationary bike, 4 mile Walk Away The Pounds (about 1 hour)

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Post by Kevin » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:41 am

You should be proud of yourself. I'm not sure I could have pulled that off, bringing the kids for ice cream and not eating any...
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:59 am

Are you going back to Dairy Queen tomorrow, or at the stroke of midnight tonight? LOL...
Good job Tricia!!!The more you practice resisting on Ndays the bigger the boost to your Willpower, and each time it will get easier!
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sat Jul 02, 2005 3:24 am

Well, we didn't stay there to eat it, I made them take it to the van and then we got the heck outta there! :lol:

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Post by 3lilgals4me » Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:50 pm

Tricia--Great job resisting the DQ yesterday and enjoy your s day today!!

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Post by doulachic » Sun Jul 03, 2005 1:03 am

Today was a good day, especially considering it is an S-day. :D All of my meals were one plate only. And my snacks were few.

B: 2 pc. wheat toast w/peanut butter
1 banana
green tea

L: 1 small chili (Wendy's...ok, don't go there about the chili! :twisted: )
1 fruit cup
1 large diet pepsi

S: 1 Babe Ruth candy bar (which i haven't had in, like, forever!)
1/2 jumbo bag of movie popcorn (we went to the theatre...i couldn't resist and didn't have to!)

D: 1 pc. lasagna
1 1/2 pc. french bread (too much bread, i know)
Potatoe salad (I know, weird combination! but i love PS)

Exercise: None because i was tooooooo busy today! Don't even ask. :roll:

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Post by doulachic » Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:44 am

Today was good. I kept to the one plate method at meals, but i did indulge in my Sunday School weekly coffee cake! also had a few other treats, but didn't stuff myself. I almost don't want to indulge tomorrow simply because i am wanting to get back to no-s days. :D We are going to a bbq at a friends; i think i will stick to the one plate all day and at the bbq and maybe have one treat if it is something i really want. I guess I will just see how it goes. :wink:

Hope everyone is doing well and have a great 4th!! 8)

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Post by doulachic » Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:49 pm

Today was not good. :( I did manage to follow the no seconds rule, but i have had a few snacks, some of them chocolate. I think i just let some bad stress get to me. I'm planning to do much better tomorrow (and also the rest of tonight.)

The up side is that i did get in my exercise; 1 hour on the stationary bike. Better than nothing. :roll:

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Post by doulachic » Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:40 am

Success! Today went much better, but that stretch between lunch and dinner seemed to go on forever! :lol: But I stuck it out and did good.

B: 2 pc. wheat toast w/butter
1 banana
green tea w/honey

L: 1 ham sandwich on deli roll
1 apple

D: 2 double decker tacos (homemade)
1 small spoonful of mexi rice

Exercise: 4 mile WATP
45 minutes stationary bike

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Post by doulachic » Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:51 am

Today was a success! Another good day down; finally I am back on track.

B: 1 apple
1 pc. whole wheat toast w/peanut butter

L: 1 fried bologna sandwhich
1 serving low-fat cheese nips
1 serving no-sugar applesauce

D: Hamburger crockpot stew
2 pc. homemade wheat bread (too much bread! but i did stop there)

S: 1/2 cup shaved ice (sugar free cherry)

Exercise: 1/2 hour at Curves

Today went well, I made the kids some flavored shaved ice and helped myself to some since i had some sugar-free flavoring. I don't know if that is allowed since I'm not sure if it was really a snack or more like a drink since it is mostly water? hhmmm...anyway, it isn't an everyday thing so i'm not too worried about it. :)

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Post by doulachic » Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:53 am

Oh, I also got weighed and measured at Curves today and I am down a few more inches! (It's been about two months since I last measured) The scale still isn't showing it, but something is happening. :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:09 am

Fantastic news!!!!!!!!!
Your good work is paying off... Keep it up girl!!!
I'm very happy for you :D
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sat Jul 09, 2005 3:52 am

Today went well, I'd say a success for the most part.

B: 1 large pc. homemade wheat bread w/butter
green tea w/honey

L: 1 bowl (cereal size) of chicken stirfry w/noodles
1 brownie (I was having a major chocolate fit!)

D: Crockpot hamburger stew
Canned peaches (in juice, not syrup)
1/4 piece homemade wheat bread w/butter

No exercise today, but I did clean my house! Does that count? :lol: Ok, I did give in and have a brownie with my lunch, but I was having a serious craving that would not be ignored. The funny thing is that it tasted really rich; I could hardly finish it, and I didn't feel the need to binge or have more. Just the one satisfied me. I'm claiming it as a "medicinal" brownie. :twisted:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 09, 2005 3:50 pm

Chocolate is legal, over the counter, and unscheduled :wink:
Glad you didn't feel like going all bingelike!
Have a great day Trish!
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sat Jul 09, 2005 9:02 pm

LOL Deb! If only chocolate was a vitamin or something so you could say "Hey, be sure to get your three servings of chocolate a day to be healthy!" :twisted: Actually, i have read somewhere that it is good for you, but it has to be the dark kind. hey, it's all good!

Take care, Deb! And thanks for your encouragement, you're awesome!

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Post by ClickBeetle » Sat Jul 09, 2005 10:21 pm

Tricia, I'm with you on the medicinal chocolate. I think some of us take the approach that we either know the day was a success or we know it was not, and I think we should trust our gut -- so to speak.

The way I view it, if the brownie was a special occurrence and it satisfied and served its purpose without leading to "problems," then it's OK.

There's a big difference between that, and rationalizing general snacking-and-sweeting every second day.
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Post by ClickBeetle » Sat Jul 09, 2005 10:23 pm

Tricia, what is the meaning of those "stats" in your signature?
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:56 pm

How do you make your crockpot hamburger stew?

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Post by doulachic » Sun Jul 10, 2005 12:36 am

ClickBeetle, my stats are like this:
Starting weight/current weight/goal weight

It's kind of a habit from posting on "diet" boards. :oops: I just like to keep track of it, without being to obsessed. I'm trying to get better on not being so obsessed about everything. I have been much better since starting No-S.

Jan-Tz: I will be happy to post the recipe on the Recipe thread. Is that ok? That way everyone can have it. :wink: It really is good, and so easy (if you don't mind chopping a few veggies!) :lol:

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Post by doulachic » Sun Jul 10, 2005 1:07 am

Ok, today was a good S-day! All of my meals were one plate only, and I didn't snack between except for once. :) I had two pieces of cake, but I had one with my lunch meal, and one with my dinner. My snack was some Nutter Butter cookies that my 4 yr. old talked me into buying! (ok, so she didn't have to do much to convince me! :lol: )

Now I am done with my eating and feeling pretty good about it. Didn't get in any exercise today, but that's ok. It's hard to stay on track when hubby is home on vacation! My own fault, not his... :wink:

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Post by doulachic » Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:11 am

Today was pretty good. I had all of my meals with no seconds, but again, i did indulge in goodies. :D I had a mini cherry turnover in Sunday School, chocolate cake with lunch, a few cookies, and some ice cream after dinner. Looks like i need to work on controlling the amount of goodies i have on S-days. Like the "rules" say, SOMETIMES! I always start the weekend with good intentions, but end up eating those goodies. :oops: I think it is going to take me a while to work this out since this has been my trouble spot for a long time.

The upside? I am not eating a ton of goodies during the week, and my meal portions, and being able to skip seconds has really improved! That is major progress for me! Oh, have i mentioned that i LOVE No-s-ing....? :D

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Post by ClickBeetle » Mon Jul 11, 2005 3:57 pm

That's terrific, Tricia! I know how you feel! You are doing great.
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Post by doulachic » Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:19 am

Today was a success. :D

B: 2 pc wheat toast w/butter and small amount of jelly
1 banana
green tea w/honey

L: 1 tuna sandwich
1 apple

D: Roast beef
2 bisquits (Ok, 1 would have been enough!)

S: very small peice of rice krispie treat

Exercise: 1/2 hour at Curves

Ok, dinner was a little heavy, my portion was probably bigger than it should have been. (it usually is when we have roast :oops: ) And i surely didn't need the rice krispie treat, but it was only about the size of a tablespoon, so not too bad. I didn't feel the urge to eat any more, so that is good. Usually i eat the whole pan of those darn things! The rest of the day went well I thought. Tomorrow is weigh in, yikes...

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Post by doulachic » Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:13 am

Today was a success.

B: 2 pc wheat toast w/peanut butter
1 banana
green tea w/honey

S: 1 small rice crispie treat (ok, this was a sweet...darn it all!)

L: 1 roastbeef sandwich (leftovers.. :D )
Raw baby carrots with a little Ranch dressing

D: Beef stroganoff
broccoli,carrot, califlower mix
1 homemade bisquit

Exercise: 1 hour stationary bike...1/2 hour at Curves

Ok, I know I didn't need the treat...again...but I only had one and that is still good for me. I didn't finish all of my dinner because I was getting full. It wasn't even a very big portion....hhmmm...maybe a little more progress?

Ok, weigh in tonight went well. I stayed the same, no gain or loss...I am ok with that. I'm so glad that i didn't gain! This week it is back to my exercise now that hubby's vacation is over. Back to the grind for both of us... :roll:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:42 pm

Congratulations Tricia on your *no gaining* weigh in!!!
I believe that if I went back to even two or three days of my old portions and habits, I would be easily able to put on 3 to 5 pounds in that time...
With that, constantly in my memory when I weigh these days, I too, feel very happy when I just stay the same... Considering that some diet stats show that people on wacko fast diets wind up reverting to their original weights anywhere between 3 months to a year or so, each month that I maintain my hard earned loss, I am very pleased...
Exercise is changing my body these days... Stick with Curves and the bike.... Someone I know, who owns a small workout place here in town, which is essentially just like Curves (30 minutes circuit for Women...)
told me that it took her about a year to drop 20 lbs through exercising with that regime... She is really really thin.. I don't know what her eating was like, but I assume from her ending weight, that she was a very normal weight person at the beginning... It was nice for her to confide that to me because most gyms try to make you believe you're gonna be totally transformed and have "rock hard abs" after 30 days, LOL...... It's a major lie...
Just stick to your guns and your daily regime!
As for Rice Crispies treats...
I still remember making those as a kid! The homemade ones are the best! The melted butter and marshmallow smell... Yummy!!! Maybe we'll make them this weekend, but with Cocoa Krispies??? But then again, maybe not... I don't know what I'd do with the leftovers??? We shall see :wink:
What's your mailing address? Maybe I'll forward you a care package! LOL....
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
ps. I stayed "the same" as of two days ago on the gym scale... But this week I am PMS'ing which usually, and very predictably, makes my weight go up at least two or three pounds... So, I think by the time my period is all over with, I will be down a nice chunk, as the "same" probably means I have actually lost a little more...
See you in about 7 days on that count...

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Post by doulachic » Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:29 am

Today was a total "setback".. :cry: My meals were fine, but I got a major case of chocolate munchies. This week has been really hard for some reason and I think I finally figured out why...PMS..DUH! (You're not alone, Deb!) That is the only thing I can think of. Hmmm...Ok, the upside of today is that my meals were ok, no seconds. At least i'm not back in the habit of doing that; and quite honestly I don't think I will go back to that habit. It feels too good to NOT be stuffed. However, the sweets I am still working on. But of course I am not giving up. This is the only plan I have been on that I have actually kept to the "rules" despite my occasional battles with the sweets, and I'm still eating less of those than I normally would. Anyway, here's my HORRIBLE day! :evil:

B: 1 large bagel-plain
1 small bisquit
green tea w/honey

L: 1 bowl of chili (canned, yuck! I don't even know why I ate this stuff, it never sits well with me and now I still have major indigestion! :roll: )

D: Small plate of white rice, topped with chicken stirfry

S: (for the day, not all at once)
1 hershey's almond bar
1 chocolate chip cookie
2 white chocolate macadamia nut cookies
2 rice crispy treats

Exercise: none, no excuse today, i was just too lazy! :x

Ok, I didn't even want to post the evil snacks, but it's good to be honest, right? So I had a bad day, so I am human. I will take my Primrose oil tonight (and the next few days), and start over in the morning. Total No-S eating tomorrow, and my regular exercise. NO EXCUSES! Oh, and i really need to work on more water, i haven't been drinking enough lately.

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Post by doulachic » Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:31 am

Hey Deb! A care package would be good, but maybe you should make it something organic and healthy instead! :lol: I have all the help i need in the "sweets" department here, between my hubby and four kids! (three of which are teenagers!) Some kind of snack is always hanging around.... :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:11 am

Ha ha! I caved tonight and bought some "medicinal" hersheys too!
But I only ate three pieces of it, and then that craving dissappeared..
And I have indigestion *too*,,,from this hamburger I ate before smothered in BBQ sauce! I've been rubbing my poor belly all night!
Rah! It's just in the air tonight... Heh..
Don't feel bad Tricia, take it easy and just rest up... and hey, this isn't confessional you know... it's not totally necessary to "come clean" on every mouthful of stuff...
You are human! And you have pms.... This is a kind of "special" day...
I think for the future, I'm going to plan in S days during the pms week, at least one for sure!
Guys, we get an S day that you don't! Ha ha... :P
Just kidding..
You guys don't *want* to have this to live with, really!

Hugs Tricia! Don't be sad :D
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:12 pm

The key here is that you are STILL eating less on a NoS day that you cheated on a little than you were on a normal day before. No worries, just try again today! Hang in there! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:20 pm

Hey you Ms. Blondie! :P
Life can throw us so many curves sometimes.. I truly think that the key is just being as resilliant as possible, especially with our own failings...
We just have to be able to bounce back!!!

Progess is a long twisty turny zig zaggy road...
Believe in yourself Tricia, and everyone else!
8) Deb

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Post by Blondie » Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:24 pm

Good point, Madame Deb.

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Post by Ariel King » Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:32 pm

Hang in there Tricia! Slipups are almost inevitable, but you CAN recover. My biggest weaknesses are sweet things too - cookies, ice cream, chocolate... drool. Anyway today is a new day.

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Post by doulachic » Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:11 pm

Ah, shucks... :oops: You all are too good to me! Thanks for all of the encouragement, I was having a pity-party day...I'm much better now! :D I'll check in later for the daily results.

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Post by doulachic » Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:00 am

Today was a success!

B: 2 pc wheat toast w/butter
green tea w/honey

L: Chicken stirfry (leftovers :D )
1 apple

D: Hash (hamburger & potatoes)
1 large pc. Homemade whole wheat bread w/butter

Exercise: 1 hour stationary bike; 2 mile WATP

Today was good, with the exception of my dinner plate being a little "too" full. I even got in my exercise! Yeah! I'm feeling better about myself, can you tell? :P

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Post by ClickBeetle » Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:56 am

Excellent, Tricia! You are back on track. Great attitude, and it will see you through!
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Post by doulachic » Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:18 am

Today was a success!

B: 1 large piece of homemade whole wheat bread w/butter
green tea w/honey

L: 1 fried egg sandwich
baby carrots w/small amount of Ranch dressing

D: 1 bowl of homemade chili (MUCH better than canned!!) w/cheese
large handful of tortilla chips

S: 1 mug of homemade hot chocolate (to curb that chocolate least it had milk so it was somewhat healthy...LOL)

Exercise: 4 mile WATP...1/2 hour Curves

My portions were good and I didn't have seconds. All in all, today was a good day. I always seem to feel better when I exercise; physically and emotionally...even my hubby can tell if I haven't had any exercise in a few days.. :twisted:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:08 pm

What's WATP Tricia? :wink:
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:40 pm

WATP is an abbreviation for "Walk Away The Pounds". It is a walking video that i use. It has 1,2,& 3 mile segments in one package, and i also have the 4 mile one. It is a combination of marching in place (with the music tempo picking up gradually) and kicks, knee lifts, side steps, kick-backs, etc. It's a lot like an aerobic video only MUCH easier to follow! The "walk leader" is Leslie Sansone. I highly recommend them.


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:50 pm

I love Leslie's WATP dvds. They are so easy to follow and so much fun to do. Hope you are enjoying them, too! :D

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Post by doulachic » Sun Jul 17, 2005 3:29 am

Oh yes, I love Leslie! I can definately tell the difference in my legs and "hind end". :lol: I can see where the muscle that is building up is "sucking in" the fat. Does that make sense? It's like i have little "pockets" in the fat now. Anyway, lots more fat to burn so i'll keep at it! Too bad my weigh isn't showing it yet, but it'll happen.

Anyway, a good S day today. I tried a singe-size serving of Reese's Cookies (they're new and i've been dying to try them!) and they were so good! Glad i didn't buy the big package. :shock: Anyway, i've indulged in a few other things, but not too much. Actually i was hungry for "real" food more than sweets.

Didn't have time to exercise today since i had to go grocery shopping. I was smart though and had lunch BEFORE i went! My 4 year old was acting up too, so it's amazing i didn't stress eat like i would have. I did catch myself thinking "forget it! I'm gonna stuff myself!" But then i told myself in my "Inner mommy" voice: "now you don't mean that, you're just upset." :lol:
well anyway, happy S-days everyone!

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Post by cvmom » Sun Jul 17, 2005 3:17 pm


Thanks for explaining the WATP dvds. I always wondered how one was supposed to walk around their house watching a dvd. :lol:

Glad to hear that you are back on track.


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Post by doulachic » Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:27 am

hello all! Last S day for the week and all is well. Looking forward to the new No-S week; I am planning to really exercise my willpower this week as last week had quite a few slip ups. I think I am out of the PMS craving timezone for now...THANK GOODNESS! :lol:

Hope you all have a great week!

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Post by Catbert » Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:42 pm

Hi Tricia,

I'm still pretty new to the boards here, so I've been trying to go back and ready some old posts. Those WATP's look pretty interesting, I'll have to check them out. And I LOVE your "stats" idea - what a great way to see where you've come from and where you're going all at once. :)

Here's to a great week of NoSing!

Keeping this all in perspective...
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. --I Timothy 4: 8 (NIV)

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Post by doulachic » Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:54 pm

Thanks, CB! It's good to have you aboard! :D About my stats; that is just since i have been no-sing. Actually when i started my weight loss journey i was about 200 lbs. I lost about 25-30 of it by doing the diet-merry-go-round, but got so sick of it that i decided to do a "no-diet" approach. I've managed to maintain for about a year, but was still eating a lot of junk and to much food, etc. So i finally came across this site and boy am i glad! I love no-sing!

I like using the stats, and i also like using my tape measure. Sometimes when i am feeling down on myself, i get out my tape measure and place it at the inches that i started out with. Like i'll wrap it around my waist where my first measurement was; it is good to see so much space now between my tummy and that tape measure! Anyway it helps me see where i have been and that i am making progress.

Anyway, don't mean to ramble on here. Oh, you should definately check out the WATP dvds! I have a bad back (2 previous surgery's) and i can still do them! they're great!

Have a great week! :D

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Post by doulachic » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:34 am

Ok, today was bad. I did everything wrong, ate everything wrong, etc. I don't know why i am having such a hard time for the last week. However, i am not giving up. To totally give up means to end up back where i was and i'm not willing to go there! I will beat this! :x Tomorrow is a new day.

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Post by ClickBeetle » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:21 pm

I had a hard time in my last week of the first round, too. I don't know what happened -- it just felt like I had no more willpower left. Also, I tend to cave just before the termination of a thing.

This round has gone better ... maybe because I have been less strict on S-days. And there's the "practice, practice" element.

Keep a-going ... I think it is getting easier for me -- I hope for you, too!
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Post by reinhard » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:51 pm

I'm sorry you've run into some trouble, doulachic. Hang in there. It does get easy. Habits are hard to change, but once changed, they make everything easy. Two, three, even 10 false starts are nothing if that's what it takes to get it down. Sorry I've been a lousy cheerleader of late (my non-virtual life has gotten distracting). I'll be sure to pop in here more frequently until we've got you comfortably on track again.

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Post by navin » Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:32 pm


Well, you do have the right attitutde about this whole thing, tomorrow is indeed another day, another opportunity for success. It does get easier over time - I messed up a LOT more in the beginning than I do now.

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Post by doulachic » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:21 pm

Thanks all! You are so sweet. I am feeling better today and so far am doing well on my eating. Haven't done any exercise today, but i think i will go to Curves later after hubby gets home. I had a VERY busy day yesterday so i felt kind of run down this morning. A nap is so tempting... :lol:

Reinhard, don't feel bad. I am responsible for my own actions. :wink: Besides, i know how it is to be too busy! Ya just can't do it all. :D

Well I'm off to have a perfectly No-S lunch! Can't wait til dinner...shredded pork, crockpot is putting out some awesome smells right now...for the good... :lol:


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Post by peetie » Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:01 am

I find falling off the wagon here is a lot less stressful than on strict, starvation plans. Mainly, because getting back ON the wagon is not such a terrible thing. The "wagon" here is three meals a day of our choice. Not too shabby!

Going back on an uncomfortable, miserable, restrictive diet after falling off makes you want to just give up completely. But why give up nos? It's so comfortable!

Enjoy the crockpot full of goodies!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:23 am

Hey Tricia!
Remember you are a human... Forgive yourself and keep a good attitude!
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:52 am

Today was good. I have been busy this week, so i haven't done too well in the exercise department. Plus i just haven't felt too well, i've been really tired. Otherwise i can't complain. :D Thanks all for your support!

I have to sing at my niece's wedding this Saturday, so it will be an extra special S-day! The bad news? Hubby and i have to drive about 4 hours to get there! :shock: Oh well, it will be worth it. I even managed to find a new dress that actually fits me! (if you knew the horrific times that i have shopping for clothes, you would understand why this is such a big deal! :lol: )

Have a great week!

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Post by cvmom » Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:00 am


Congratulations on finding something to wear. I know what a big pain it can be to find an outfit for a wedding. Okay, it can be traumatizing.

Just look at the 4 hour drive as a great opportunity to warm up your voice.

Have a wonderful time.


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Post by doulachic » Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:33 am

all went well today at the wedding! I even managed not to cry while singing! :oops: Everything was so nice..i could go on and on here, but i'll spare you the mushy details.. :lol:

anyway, i had a light breakfast (as usual), and had a Subway deli sandwhich with baked chips for lunch, and then the wedding reception buffet for dinner. And i only had ONE plate at the buffet! yeah me! Ok, i snagged an extra roll on the way out the door, but it's a 4 hour drive home for pity's sake! :shock: Anyway, the only treat i had was a snickers bar, (oh, and one low fat fudgesicle) so i don't think i did too bad today. Oh, and my father-in-law called me "skinny" today, and asked if i'd lost weight! :shock: I didn't think it showed since the scale hasn't budged, but i sure felt better when he said that. I really needed to hear it.

oh wait! i forgot that i had a lemonade and 1 can of fully-loaded (sugar) pop. not something i usually do, but it was SO DARN HOT!! I did have some water too, but they ran out of bottled so that is why i grabbed the pop.

anyway, happy weekend all!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:08 pm

Good job skinny!!!!
Tricia... don't be too concerned about the weekend stuff..Especially at a Wedding! But I understand your desire not to go totally overboard either..
One plate at the buffet? That's impressive!
Have a nice one!
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:39 pm

Deb, I wasn't really trying to no-s at the wedding, i was just impressed that i resisted the urge to stuff myself at the buffet! Usually i would have made myself sick with overeating, but this time i asked myself if it was really worth it. I decided i was satisfied with the one plate, even though i was allowed to have more. Plus, it was so hot at the VFW hall, that i really didn't want anymore. :P

So far today i have been too busy to eat much. Maybe i'll have a good S weekend to start off my NO-S week. Since my father in law made that comment, it has really made me want to be stricter with the guidelines to this diet. I've had so much trouble lately (just my own mental sabatoging, i think), but now i'm feeling much better and back on track.

Oh, does anyone know if an Iced Mocha is a sweet? got coffee time with my Sisterchicks tomorrow so i was just curious. :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:58 pm

I think it is Trish... But if you ask whoever is making it if they could just put a tiny bit of the syrup in, that would help it be less of an S.....
Great job again on your new feelings at the wedding!
8) Deb

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Post by doulachic » Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:30 am

Hey Deb, thanks for being such a great cheerleader! And by the way, may i just say what an encouragement you are to us all! Your peppy attitude always makes my day. I know you have your bad days just like everyone, but i hope you will remember how much we all love you! :oops:

Take care of you!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:30 pm

Thanks Tricia :D
Hope you have a great day!

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Post by doulachic » Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:29 am

Today was ok. No seconds, but i did have a large lunch. Hubby and i went out for chinese food. sssoooo gooood! I did have a small snack between breakfast and lunch: a 12 oz Iced Mocha and half of a ham and cheese crossant (sp?) Anyway, i didn't have any candy or cookies, etc. so that is good. Tomorrow i will definately do better on portions since i felt really awful after the lunch. :roll: I was going to pack half of it away to bring home, but then i got to visiting with hubby and before i knew it my plate was empty! :oops:

Hope everyone else has a great week!

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Post by doulachic » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:13 am

Today was a definate success!! :D I feel like i am finally back on track and it feels good!

Seconds :D
Sweets :D
Snacks :D

I even did 1/2 hour at Curves!! I would have done more exercise this morning at home, but i was up until 2 am writing in my novel...I really need to find a better time to write. :shock: It'll be better when the kids go back to school. anyway, tomorrow morning i will do more exercise and more No-s ing! YEAH!

On the down side, i did show a 1/2 pound gain at weigh in tonight, but i know it is because i haven't exercised all week and i have been half-doing no-s. But i have hope. I will get on top of this. :wink:

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Post by doulachic » Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:58 am

Today was a success!

No seconds :D
No sweets :D
No snacks :D

Exercise: 4 mile WATP and 1 hour stationary bike

Feelin' fine.... 8)

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Post by doulachic » Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:39 am

Today was another success..well, for the most part.

No seconds :D
No snacks :D
No sweets :x

Ok, so i had two homemade chocolate chip cookies this evening, but so far no binge mentality is surfacing. I'm only a day away from an s-day, so maybe that is why. after not having any sweets for four days, those cookies were really good! Whenever i eat too many sweets, they lose thier yummyness....hhhmmmm....glad i was able to use some control even though it was really a no-s day.

anyway, i did good on exercise! 1/2 hour at Curves and 1 hour on the bike. Yeah me! :lol:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:25 am

Sounds great to me! Two cookies are way better than an entire box of them!
Good work on your exercise of both your body and your willpower....
Willpower to stop a binge before it gets the worst of you!

Now I want chocolate chip cookies!
Darn there aren't any here!
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Post by ClickBeetle » Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:29 am

Go, Tricia! I don't think anyone could begrudge you a couple of cookies. Especially with all that exercise. If you carried out that same pattern every day, you'd surely end up losing weight. Good luck with Friday and have a great weekend!
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Post by doulachic » Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:19 am

Today is another success! :D

Snacks :D
Seconds :D
Sweets :D

Also got in 4 mile WATP workout...sweet... 8)

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Post by doulachic » Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:11 am

All is well on this S-day! :D Not much else going on here at the moment.... :wink:

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Post by doulachic » Tue Aug 02, 2005 7:55 pm

Monday: Success! :D
Tuesday: far! :D

I have been sick for the last two days, so no exercise for me. It's just a summer cold or something, nothing serious, but enough to make me feel cruddy. The weird thing is that i usually want to eat and eat and eat, when i have a cold, but i've actually felt pretty normal. No-sing this week hasn't even been a struggle at all; i mean, no cravings and the like. I even went grocery shopping today and didn't even think about putting treats in for me.

So i am on plan and feeling fine....well, besides the occasional hack, hack, hack, sniffle. :D

Hope you are all doing well!

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Post by doulachic » Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:52 pm

Wednesday..Success! :D far! :D

Still sick, so no exercise so far this is SO annoying! just when i get back on a good scheduale i get a stupid cold again! gggrrrr.....! Oh well, at least my eating is good. :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:09 pm

Sorry Tricia! That totally sucks big rocks!!!
Just rest and don't guilt yourself out that you aren't exercising... Maybe you can practice some meditation, lying down instead...
Maybe it's some weird Summer allergies...
Richard was sick for about 9 days... A few of which were pretty uncomfortable with mild sore throat and headaches, earaches, glands..
But I just gave him motrin when he had the worst symptoms and nothing else... It ran it's course and is all gone now..
Hope you feel better soon...
Guzzle tons of fluids and spit out any phlegm rather than swallowing it...
Not sure if garlic and stuff works once you get sick, but when Richie was starting to feel bad I ate raw garlic for about three days along with tons of vitamin C... I did mini Yoga sessions at home for 20 minutes to 30 minutes and I feel that the combination kept me from getting his cold...
This to me is amazing as it's almost a given that I will get what he gets *eventually*.. But this time no...
Maybe you should make some heavilly garlic infused soups!

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Post by doulachic » Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:28 am

Thanks Deb, i just may try the garlic! Though it may have an adverse effect on hubby! :lol: (don't think garlic perfume is his cup of tea..hahaha)

I'm sure it's not allergies. my son caught something about three weeks ago. just out of the blue started fever or runny nose or dh said it was just allergies (even though he's never had allergies before) but i wasn't so i KNOW it's a virus... :evil: That is what i am doing...just coughing with some chest congestion...but nothing else besides just feeling generally crummy.

I was sure to thank my 16 yr old son for "sharing". :lol: just hoping no one else gets least it waited until after the wedding i sang at to show up. But hopefully it will be gone in a week as i have to sing at church on the 14th....ggggrrr.... :roll:

oh well, these things sometimes happen. :)

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Post by Blondie » Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:13 pm

Oh, I HATE the summer cold/virus thing. Blergh. Hope you're feeling better soon!!

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Post by doulachic » Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:54 am

Well, i am finally getting over my cold, with some coughing remaining. I've felt like i have really been off the proverbial wagon with my eating (sicky comfort food :roll: ) and not being able to exercise. Since i feel so much better, i think i will start my workouts back up at Curves starting tomorrow. Also, i plan to do STRICT No-S this week, kind of like going back to square one, but i'm looking forward to it.

Hope everyone else is having a great week! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:20 pm

Tricia! Let's hold hands!
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Post by doulachic » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:07 am

well, i'd call today a success! I didn't get to Curves though because i was too busy. that's not an excuse, just a fact of life... :wink:

everything else went well. take care all! :D

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Post by doulachic » Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:56 am

This week has been good, but today was bad. I ate quite a few of the cookie bars that i made to enter in our county fair. (they were so good!! OH, and they won a first place ribbon, thank you very much! :lol: ) anyway, tomorrow it is back to veggies and fruit!! No more cookies! To be honest, they really didn't set well with my tummy anyway. maybe my tummy is getting used to better food? hhhmmm....

Oh, and i had my weigh in last night at TOPS. I stayed the same, so that is not bad. At least i didn't gain anything. :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:57 am

Good work Tricia! When you don't gain, even if you aren't totally strict, this, to me, still, is a great form of progress!!!!!
Congrats on your prize winning cookies!
If they were that good, maybe it's forgivable! LOL...
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Post by reinhard » Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:57 pm

Tricia, I'm sorry it's been so long since I've popped in here. I sounds like you're doing great, despite a nasty bout of sickness. Status quo, in terms of weight, is progress with all that going on.

Congratulatons on the cookie prize! I can understand how that might be an irresistable temptation... You should make some with a frosted no-s on them, as a reminder :wink:

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