Deb's Check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:05 pm

Hi Christi! Thanks again.
I hope you are feeling better now :wink:
Well turns out I have been walkin round with a staph infection.
But also feel I have some kind of allergic asthma due to the dry heat and dust that is always around during Winter here.
The doctor actually felt it would be okay to just gargle with Listerine to kill the staph, but prescribed me a strong does of antibiotics as well since I asked.. A two day course of augmentin. I actually haven't used it yet as since I gargled with the Listerine I feel some improvement already.
That stuff is EVIL tasting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So as far as NoS and exercise, I am still giving myself S day yellow exempts on my HabitCal for my exercise cos I'm not really energetic enough and still too winded for much, but I'm not sick enough to need to count N days as sick days so back on track with that. Had a very over indulgent Sunday this week, I am sure due purely to stress of being sick for so long, and not exercising, and overate. Not proud of myself and my body responded pretty quick to it by gaining about four pounds.. I had two whoppers in one day (Gee thanks stupid Burger King for doing a two for one deal!! haha) and then that evening my mom had Chinese food here which was great and I only had one portion, but between the fast food gluttony (normally one Whopper is enough to make me feel like I have eaten enough for the whole day!!) and then the msg, instantly I was up the next day.
Sad to say I'm at my all time highest weight for the year and no longer, just *maintaining* through the Winter months, which was my basic goal, to maintain... So went right back to it on Monday and have had two good days. I am stayin off the scale for a solid week or so and hope to get this excess weight off soon. I am so uncomfortable right now with all of it, I truly hate this feeling.

On the good side of things, I am really focusing on getting my massage biz goin again and feeling good about that! Got some people scheduled this week and had some last week and I am psyching myself up to just persevere with it and do something every day towards the goal of creating a thriving practice.

I'm gonna try to do some kind of exercise today though I am not sure how long I'll be able to do, because it's quite hard to breathe and that just saps me like nothin else :roll:

Have a great day my NoS family :wink:
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:06 pm

ps.. Belated Happy Birthday to your Son Ritchie Christi!! :mrgreen:
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Post by gettnbusy » Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:43 pm

Thanks for the birthday wishes Deb!
Hope all is good in your world.
Our world is just fine. My head is a completely different story. Maybe one day I will share :P
Take care!
~I'm still not perfect~

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Post by reinhard » Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:28 pm

Dear Deb,

Sorry things have been rough lately.

I hope our prayers and vibes did some good at least.

Let us know how things are going,


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:38 pm

Reinhard, I didn't even see that you had replied to me at all! Sorry there was no new message indicator for some reason. I think I had cleared my cookies (haha not the ones you eat tho!) and that wiped some stuff out.

Thank you very much!!!
I been thinkin of you, and thinking of droppin in on you to give an update but I was rebounding even worse (not sure if that's the right word, but what I mean is I was getting even more off track and more depressed)

Night time eating was raging its very very ugly head again and I wasn't doing squat about exercise. Started to gain again.

But I'm here again finally after getting in a totally perfect week of both NoS and exercise and also NO Night time eating!!!! Not one bit!!!
Guess what?????
After a week like that,,,

Down 5 lbs!!!!!!!!
Wooooooo hoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really feel awesome!!!

The motivation, short term has been because I think I may be doing some live music shows this year with my new music partners, in London, and I had gone to do a song contest about two weeks ago and saw myself in the bathroom mirror before I went on stage and just thought to myself "That's not what I'd like to look like when I'm performing on stage" and not off stage either!
Then I saw my friend on youtube in a recent show he did, and it somehow really helped solidify my desire to get back on track, especially cos he's very much an in shape person and I felt inspired, cos my vision of being up there with him and our other friend, had always been of me wearing lovely long flowing dresses kinda thing and sleeveless tops, so I really wanna look and feel nice :)

I am really doing NoS to the T!!
No other special restrictions, in case anyone is wondering..
I am trying tho, to not eat as much processed cheeses like on nachos and junk.. Not cos of calories, but because I am really salt sensitive and well, its such crap anyway, so I can live without it a bit for a few months..
If I am dying to have it I will. But I'm making much better choices on my food too. Like a tuna hero instead of Nachos! LOL :)

And not eating at night as such a big thing for me!! I'm so happy I was able to find a way to just stick to my guns!!
It wasn't easy for a few days on that particular bad habit. My head kept tryin to sabotage me!! But I only drank water.

I hope to lose between 20 and 30 lbs by late Spring or Summer this year!
It's gonna happen!!
I'll be here to let you know how things are going.

Oh and I haven't stuck with habit cal this month, but for the record the exercise I have so far stuck with for about 9 days now, is 200 crunches per day and 200 arm extensions for triceps, plus various slow stretches.
Hoping to add walking too, but just happy I'm sticking with something every day!!

I am also very happy to post that I am starting to get a nice bit of business in my own massage office and my regulars are really coming more often! As well, I just got hired for a part time job, two days a week, which I'm pretty sure I will enjoy because I have done that type of work before. It's a Horticultural technician :)
Fancy name for plant waterer!
Really relieved about that!!! Been looking sooooo long. So much of my day to day, and week to week stress will be much less now that I have a basic weekly *regular* paycheck in addition to my business.

Thanks again Christi and Rein!!
Best to all Nossers!! Have a good week!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:42 pm

Hi again everyone!

This morning I weighed after about 8 days back on habit really strictly and no eating at night, and I have lost 6 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow I am so relieved I am getting back in control!
I know I posted yesterday, but couldn't resist posting again now since I found out!

Even if my progress slows down to a quarter of that per week, I think I will be able to really reach my personal goal by Summer of losing 25 to 30 lbs.

Peace and Love
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Post by Charis » Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:21 pm

I am very excited for you!

Keep up the great week and you will have those pounds off in time to go sleeveless by the summer

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:53 pm

Thank you Charis!!!
Much appreciated!!
Hope you're well :)
Peace and Love
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:29 am

Congrats on the weight loss, Deb!

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Post by Jill » Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:32 pm

Totally off the subject of weight loss, but I have your myspace page up and I'm loving your music

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Post by reinhard » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:52 pm

Deb, I am so happy to read this!

Congratulations (on all fronts) and thanks for letting us know.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:00 am

Thank you Jan and Jill and Reinhard!!
I am very glad to be back on track!!
Glad you like the music Jill :)

Tough day today cos Richie is now very sick. But I'm quite pleased to say that I didn't use this as an excuse to not take care of me and I didn't stray from NoS and did do a bit of exercise too.
Hoping he gets well soon though.
When will Winter end?

Oh also, I am very excited about your book coming out Rein!!!!!
I bet you are!!!!!
See you soon :)
Peace and Love
Debs x
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:59 pm

Hi friends!
I just wanted to say I'm feelin kinda proud of myself because Richie had gotten sick with a very high fever and then we went shopping for a lot of stuff yesterday, so we'd have food and gatorade in the house. I decided to buy some potato chips, because first it was coming up on an S day, but also because I was just really dying to have some. But the thing I am proud of is that midway through overdoing it, and no less during the night, I stopped myself before I plowed through the whole bag. Yes, I did start to binge, but I'm just really happy I was able to stop.
I actually was saying to myself, "That's enough.. You don't want to get back to eating at night and you are just stuffing yourself now. You don't want to undo the great work you have done", as a self pep talk down from the ledge.

This morning I asked Richie if he wants any of those leftover chips, and since he said no, I dumped em down the toilet!
hahaha :D

So holding strong at 5 lbs down now, since reaffirming NoS with (except last night) no eating at night for over 10 days!!!

Hope all Nossers have a great weekend and nice treats ;)
Peace and Love,
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Post by Blondie » Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:26 pm

*waves 8)

Good on ya, Deb, that is ABSOLUTELY the hardest thing to do--stop in mid-binge and check yourself. Nice work. And nice on the 5lbs.

I hope Richie feels better ASAP!!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:05 am

Thanks Mandy!!
Hope you are well!
Richie is getting better by the hour :)
Thanks a lot!
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:35 am

This time of year I am always checking the buds on the trees and have noticed the past week or so that they are swelling....spring is on the way! Then these nasty winter germs will finally die and everyone (including Richie) will be healthy again!

Congrats on the binge interruption!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:15 pm

Thanks Jan!!! Hope all is Jammin!!!!
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Post by Bonnie » Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:23 pm

Hello Deb,
Back in town! Lost track of No Ess, and got an Email from Richard
about the new book! That is sooooo cool!
Bonnie :o

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:00 pm

Glad to hear from you Bonnie!! ;)

Well a quick check in here to officially state that so far March has been not too great on some fronts but good on others.
Unfortunately the not too great parts has beat out the "good on others" fronts!

So I'm up about 4 lbs since last post.

I'll let you all know when I'm back strong again.
Not giving up. Just wanted to chime in quickly to say hi and I am still alive!

Reinhard the first chapter of the book is great! Been busy so am reading very little these days.
But what I have read is really excellently written! :D

Have a good week friends!
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Post by Blondie » Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:38 pm

:D :D :D

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Post by flsunshine » Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:11 pm

After a LONG break from this board, yours was one of the first check-ins that I checked. :) I hoped you were still here and you are. No matter what your "success", the fact that you are still here is an inspiration. I am starting anew and hope you will keep posting so I can keep being inspired! Best wishes to you.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:18 pm

All any of us can do, Deb, is just keep on jammin'.

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Post by reinhard » Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:11 am

Hi Deb,

Sorry that March was less than ideal, but glad you're still with it to some degree and checking in. With the weather picking up, hopefully it'll be easier to make progress.

Glad you like the book so far! Can't wait for your final assessment.


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Giving Thanks!

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:21 pm

Thank you very much my friends!!!!!
Thanks Blondie, Jammin and Flunshine!
Flunshine what a nice thing to say!
Really, many thanks!! Hope you find inspiration again!! :)

Yes I'm back on track with eating again now, and turned things around!
Just need to add in exercise cos my sloth habit is not good at all.
I'm sick of it in fact..

Thank God for Spring weather change, yes Rein!!
That is helping already!!
I'll write again soon. So far I am down five pounds again, though I can't attribute it to NoS because I went on the lemonade thing for four days last week.
I dropped 10 and now it's leveled off to five..

I guess I just wanted to see if I could do it?? I am happy to say it was actually a very good test of my will power as I went three nights without eating when it is usually roughest for me. Now there's no excuse to say to myself "I'm a little hungry (at 1am) and then go down to eat something.
I know I have ridden out rough times and can continue to be strict with myself through any in the future!
Glad to be back to NoS though and able to eat three meals a day!
How luxurious! LOL :)

Reinhard I'm honoured you have blessed my thread with a post on a Saturday! Hah!

Have a nice weekend all!
Richie is 12 years old today and we are going out to celebrate with Indian food for lunch and a concert tonight in the city!

Peace and Love
Debs x
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:37 pm

Maaaaan Oh Man!!!!
I just can't believe the amount of new threads and traffic here now since Womens World came out!!!

Had to search for ages to find my own thread amongst the new checkin threads!
Awesome!!! LOL

I'm very glad to be here to report last week was very successful for me with NoS! I had 4 really perfect, strict days on habit and one minor deviation, but it actually was a sick day, so I'm not sweating it. Totally legit! LOL
Guess what??
I'm down four pounds!

I've decided I will never go back to trying that lemonade or any other fasting method, cos the end result was that all the ten pounds I lost came back on about a week and a half later!!!!

I'm also very excited to say I have a new love interest these days!
Woo hoo!
And I'm going to meet up in May for a week where he lives in Somerset England!
This is the first trip out of the country I have made since I was sixteen people, and I'm 40 now, so I am really excited!

I'm hoping to get a few more pounds gone before meeting my new friend (who is soooo much lighter than me! Arrghh I hope I don't break him! hahah)

See you all again soon, and hopefully with continued good reports!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by fkwan » Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:47 pm

I'm also very excited to say I have a new love interest these days!
Woo hoo!
And I'm going to meet up in May for a week where he lives in Somerset England!
This is the first trip out of the country I have made since I was sixteen people, and I'm 40 now, so I am really excited!
Wow deb, you're living my fantasy! Congratulations!!!!!! I hope everything works out! How romantic! Did you meet him online?


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:47 am

Yes we are part of an online reggae music community,
, and mutually admired each others music and then just started chatting.
I hope things work out too!
There's definitely good friendship already and lovely affectionate stuff too.
Who knows what the future holds!
But i know one thing,,,,
He's very cute!
hahah :)
Bless you!
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Post by reinhard » Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:03 pm


All this new traffic on the site is great -- but I'm having a hard time finding my old friends! I think I only found my own thread because I made it "sticky."

Very glad to hear you're doing well -- and not just diet-wise. Have a great trip!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:02 pm

Thank you very much Reinhard!
I'll let you know how it goes!

I can't lie, either, that its a bit of extra motivation to try and be very good this month, because I would be very pleased to show up at the airport a little lighter than I am now, although my friend has already reassured me that he thinks I already look great! (all together "Awwww!!!" LOL)

Haha well get used to fame Reinhard me dear!
Soon you will have to have another system in place to take care of your diet site guru responsibilities!
LOL :wink:

Well seems I'm enjoying a happy cycle (the opposite of vicious type) this week! I was so thrilled that normal NoS had a good effect, that I was all the more inclined to stick to it this week, and I am down about 2 or 3 pounds more!!!
So I lost 6 lbs in two weeks!!!
Also I started exercising this week, albeit only for one day so far, cos next day I got hit with some cold so been resting for last two days.

Once again, congratulations on your massively successful promotion Reinhard and best of luck to all new NoS'ssers!!! :D

Have a great S weekend all!
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Post by Blondie » Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:37 pm

Deb! So happy for you, my friend. Ah, life. :D
What Navin said.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:58 am

Thanks Mandy!!!!
Hope you are well!!

Arrgghh!!! I wanted to get the issue of Womens World so much, and when I went to a store that might carry it they already had one with Carrie Underwood on the cover!! :? :evil: :roll:

Yeah, I feel pretty Blessed at the moment!
This month I'm gonna do NoS "Bootcamp" style, and also get my arse in gear and commit to daily exercise.

HabitCal here I come!

Have a nice week all!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu May 01, 2008 8:46 pm

Wow I really been falling off the wagon these days.
Just wanted to take a moment and document that.
Not surprisingly, its related to the fact that I had a big disappointment with my previously mentioned romantic interest. Arrgh evening eating and over eating has started to creep in.
Gonna try really hard to turn this around.
Just had a few really sad days last week.
Hope all is well with my friends here!
Peace and Love
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu May 01, 2008 8:49 pm

I think I may go back to posting here a little more, to keep myself focused.
Just been so down and stuff.
Habit cal is good to help but I like the interactive nature of the threads, so I'll be goin back to posting SUCCESS and FAILURE days here again.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon May 05, 2008 1:57 pm

Hi friends!
New week and new beginning.
Sometimes it takes getting to rock bottom to kick yourself into gear.
I'd say that I'm almost there these days. :cry:
I could go into all the background on why I feel this way but at the risk of just making myself feel even worse, I won't do that. Instead I will mention the habits that need correcting and my current weight and state of being in or out of shape, and my desired habit/shape/weight goal for short and long term.

I am over 220 lbs now. I am not sure what the real number is because the doctors scale and the home scale are not same but they are within six pounds of each other. In either case, this size is just making me miserable and it has taken me a year of being sedentary and going back to my old bad habits (which are the same ones I had when I first joined NoS) to get here.
I went shopping for clothing the other day and was heartbroken when I went to try on shirts, thinking I might be able to fit into an extra large or maybe a 1X plus size.. But to my shock, I found I am just fitting into between a 2X and 3X these days.

I would like to lose 40 lbs this year. My hope is that I will lose the first 20 over the next 10 weeks or so, and the rest over the course of the year.
I believe that with strict adherence to NoS and especially to exercise daily, that I can do this.

My emotional eating at night when I am lonely and sad and thinking about whatever is bothering me in my life is now out of control completely and I am eating when I am not even hungry. I am very disturbed by this because I really do love myself more than that, but apparently this habit of "coping" (which i know is really the *opposite* of real and helpful coping) is somehow establishing itself again. I know its mindless bad habit kicking in. I have even given myself pep talks during these episodes and tried to tell myself to stop, but then don't listen. I also have been eating seconds occasionally, and I know this is a habit I absolutely don't want to re-establish.
Anyway. I'm really hurting these days and so unhappy that I'm getting fat again. I feel uncomfortable and very depressed this way.
I am going to do everything in my power to beat those bad habits which are the only ones I have (not a problem with snacking or sweets) and add non stop exercise in every day for 14 mins.

I'll be posting my habit results daily and my weight loss weekly on Mondays...
I need to turn this around people. I am in a terrible rut.
I really appreciate this community and the support I have gotten from it for several years now.
I apologise for not posting on other peoples threads much these days.
There's so many newbies!!! I simply can't keep up and don't have time.
But I do read the general threads and I am happy to see that people here, as always, are being so supportive and helpful to each other and finding out how amazing NoS is!

Today I started a new exercise habit and I will be doing this everyday as it really got my heart going and built up a very good sweat..

I set the timer for 14 mins, put on the radio, and went and did stair climbing.. I managed to do non stop stair climbing for about 11 mins and it ended up being 20 flights of stairs!!!! :D
The first ten were really tough cos I am so out of shape. But it got easier as I warmed up, and I just took it slowly.. then I walked around inside and outside the house for the last three or four mins as a cool down and to complete the 14 mins.

Okay so I will post my success on exercise the day I do it, but my NoS results the next morning, because I have been having problems with night time eating and this will give me motivation to get through the night if I know I'm gonna have to post the next morning.
Have a good day all!
Peace and Love

Exercise: 14 mins (stair climbing today) SUCCESS!
NoS: Success (though very borderline cos of salad and main dish at dinner, but no night time eating! so counting as success)
Last edited by gratefuldeb67 on Tue May 06, 2008 7:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Blondie » Tue May 06, 2008 4:06 pm

What Navin said.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 06, 2008 7:19 pm

Hah! Blondie! Thanks for the hug! Needed that :wink:

Okay nice first day people
Yesterday was a NoS Success, albeit I did eat quite a big dinner cos went out with Richie and had a caesar (how the heck is that spelled! LOL) salad along with my main dish.. I really should say its a failure but given my main aim was not to eat at night, I'm letting myself slide a little here cos I managed to talk myself down from the ledge a few times in the night and didn't even go downstairs. Almost did for some juice and then I thought that my mind is tricking me with juice and then I'll be there in the fridge and probably break down and eat something so I went to the bathroom sink and had some water and got back in bed!

Today is going very well too.
I took a 25 min walk with some of those little pink coloured lady style hand weights.... hahah the opposite of Shovelglove!
I don't care if I look like a horses ass, I need my arms to get smaller.
They are gigantic. I will be very happy when they are lean mean and sexy instead of looking like two bags of lard~
LOL :)
I gotta say these hand weights are perfect for using while walking. They are only a pound so feel like nothing at first, but if you are raising your arms to at least chest level as you walk you will feel it after a short while and it really is not too much either.
The changing landscape was a major perk. I absolutely am going to walk every day from now on. Went out feeling very crappy, came back feeling all amazing!
So I will do my stair climbing thing when its bad weather instead of every day as I think getting out is gonna be a fundamental part of my emotional well being. I can see how being inside so much has really impacted me in a bad way this year from simply going out this one time for a nice stroll.

People, heed the Urban and Suburban ranger call!! It's the missing factor for me in losing weight and feeling good. I'm starting my Habit cal again today. Will give specifics here on my thread tho as well.
And from not eating at night last night and having a bit of exercise yesterday too, I'm happily down 2 pounds as well!
Hah I said I'd weigh once a week. I guess I couldn't resist looking.

Have a good day all!
Peace and Love

Exercise/Suburban Ranger Success (25 mins walk with hand weights)

Current weight: 222 lbs
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 06, 2008 7:43 pm

Okay, started HabitCal for May. Not that anyone is actually gonna go look and read my HabitCal, but just wanted to explain what they represent.
For exercise, what I am doing is simultaneously having 14 mins a day, and Urban Ranger to track my exercise. But I am not actually doing Urban Ranger *plus* additonal 14 mins, they are one and the same. Urban Ranger is fulfilling the 14 mins... I actually will end up probably doing about 20 to 30 mins, but again that 14 mins is the default minimum.
On those days I do some other form of exercise than Urban ranger, I will only check the 14 mins a day tracker and put "exempt" on Urban ranger. I don't wanna be over ambitious. I am wary of doing that. So one or the other is fine for me at the moment. I am sure I will see a big difference after doing this for a few months.
I'm feeling much better just from committing myself to exercise and NoS again!
Glad this board still exists!
Again, sorry I'm not posting much on anyone elses threads, but wishing you all the best!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue May 13, 2008 4:48 pm

Just for the record I still am having a tough time keeping from eating late at night!!! I had a successful day all day yesterday and then by after midnight I just went and messed it all up.
So writing this here to hopefully nip this in the bud and not let myself just slide into complacency..

I have my period this week but even tho that does make it harder somewhat, I don't want that to be an excuse for not trying to break this incredibly difficult habit for me. Its truly the key to my *not* losing weight.

Well its great weather today so I'm gonna get a nice walk in soon!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed May 14, 2008 1:34 pm

For the past week, with my period, I went up to 225 lbs, and felt so awful from that bit of gain.. it felt like 10 lbs to be honest.
God I'll be so glad when my periods stop..
It's probably gonna be a few years, as I'm just turning 41 this June, but my mom said she had early menopause and I'm hoping for the same.
Not too hot on the exercise front last week but now that I feel somewhat human again, I'll get back into it!!
I was just too drained and bloated to do much last week. Felt like crap!!!

I'm so relieved that now that its about a week since my last NoS scale check in, and since my period is over that weight is all gone again!! And I had some good days this week, so now I'm down an additional pound as well!!
So wanted to document it now.
I'm feeling very strong about being good this week!
Have a nice day all!
Peace and Love,

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Post by flsunshine » Tue May 20, 2008 5:01 pm

Congrats to you, Deb, for getting back to it! I, too, have been off the wagon, but REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, (really) need to get back on again. I will be wishing us both good motivation! By the way, we are at the same stats, it seems!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat May 24, 2008 10:00 pm

Thanks Flunshine!
Last week was a complete and utter failure in all ways!!
My searching for work and fighting with my mother got so bad, and nothing seemed to matter. Also, the weather, up till yesterday, kinda plummeted into a wet and yucky low sixties kind of week, so I didn't do my walking. I just couldn't get out of the funk I was in. Starting over again Monday.
I'm not stepping on the scale again till I get a good week in, cos I know I'll be very disheartened that I will see a gain.
Hope you have a good week my friend! :wink:
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Post by Charis » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:35 am


How are you? I hope that you are doing better. It is hard to get back on track when you have fallen off. I know, I am in the process of picking myself up and getting back on the wagon. I have had stress in my life and disappointment also. It is hard to always know what to do with the large amount of emotions and feelings that I am feeling when eating is ruled out. But gaining weight certainly does not make any of these problems/sadnesses any better.

Take care! I know that it is hard to find old friends here and while I am happy that there are more people here it sometimes makes it easier to not checkin because I feel less accountable. But I need to be accountable to myself. I have to live in my body and I want to downsize.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:22 pm

Thank you very much Charis, for your kind words :)
Much appreciated~
To be honest, I'm just tryin to stay level these days.
Starting fresh this week and today going well so far.
Weighed in fresh and will do again next Monday.
Focusing on sticking, to the letter, to the rules ;)
I feel optimistic and motivated.
Best wishes to all here and lots of love to Reinhard and fam!

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Post by cvmom » Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:46 pm


So nice to see you again! I'm here again. Been here for about 40 days or so. :D :D :D :D

I hope all is well with you and Richie!

Are you still doing Yoga?


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:41 am

Hi Dru! :mrgreen:
I have been in a pretty bad depression for the past year.
My Dad passed away a little over a year ago, and I ended up moving back in with my Mom and we have had a very tense relationship in recent years.
Been non stop looking for work. I just kinda dropped everything a year ago. :(

But I started doing walking and have had some success with it.
I gained about 15 or 20 lbs over the year and am just trying to stay level, but the ongoing stress of unemployment, and living where I really don't feel happy, along with a handful of personal relationship things not working out this year too, has really been tough for me.
I've been doing quite a bit of singing though on some collaboration tracks on myspace, so thank God for that.
I will return to Yoga I am sure, as I love it. I can't afford going to classes right now tho, so will have to wait till I'm working again.
I will start Meditation and some basic poses again tho on my own.
Richie is awesome!
I am so proud of him. This first year of middle school, when some kids have a hard time transitioning from one class teacher to several classes, and sometimes have a hard time disciplining themselves to do their work and study,,,he ended up getting straight A+'s in all classes!!!
Blows me away!
He's the best friend ever too and he's finally getting to socialise a lot more since I got him involved with a local (my old) youth hangout.. He's doing a production of Pippin this August and got one of the leads :)
We have recent pix on my myspace if you want to pop in and check.
The link is on the bottom signature thing here.
I hope you are well!
Glad you are here and I will hopefully get my energy up and back again soon. Just been a non stop stress looking and looking for work. It's very disheartening sometimes.
Had a good interview today though so I am crossing my fingers I'll have good news sometime soon.
Lots of Love
Debs x
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Post by kccc » Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:34 am

Deb, I remember you from when I first came here. Glad to see you back, and sorry to hear what a rough time you've been having.

If you like yoga but can't afford classes... if you have iTunes loaded on your computer, you can download free yoga videos. There's a 20 minute series called "YOGAmazing" that I like once I get past the guy just talking at the beginning.

Glad you're here again. :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:02 am

Thank you KCCC ;)
Much appreciated.
I will check that out.
I'll make sure to skip the (apparently) boring intro??
This is a great place for support and for a long time it was almost a second home for me!
So it's nice to come back.
Tomorrow I will do some exercise.
NoS has gone well today.
Hope you have a good week!
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Post by cvmom » Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:34 am

Hi Deb.

First of all, I want to offer my condolences on the loss of your dad! I'm sorry to hear about that.

Sorry to hear that you've had a tough year too. I hope a wonderful job comes your way soon.

I'm glad to hear your son is doing so well. You are obviously doing a good job in the parenting department! That is one thing to be grateful for.

Let me know how the job situation works out. And, try to stay positive. Remember that when our eating is in control, we feel much better. (Glad to hear you had a good NoS day.)

Peace and Love to you too!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:22 pm

Thank you so much Dru.
I was very close with him.
Actually the day he passed away, he came to me in my dreams to say goodbye about four hours before :)
I miss him tho. But I know he is not suffering here anymore and with God.
I agree. We feel good when we try our best to take care of ourselves and I will remember this when I feel the need to stuff something in my mouth if I am down.
To be honest the NoS part hasn't been too out of whack. I just have been very very inactive compared to years before, and without the exercise I just gain.
I'm gonna go for a walk now.
Had a good day yesterday.. Then I ate in the middle of the night so, dealing with that old demon still.
Take care and have a great week!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:09 pm

Well after seeing nothing but Red days on my Urban Ranger/Exercise HabitCal, for weeks, it's very Spiritually uplifting, and a relief to finally see a Green day!

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:10 pm

Congratulations on your green, Deb! The first in a while is always the hardest.

I'm so sorry about the hard times you've been going through this past year, but it's great to have you back on the boards.

Congratulations to Ritchie on those A+s!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:39 pm

Thank you very much Rein! Nice to hear from you and hope you are wonderful ;)

Although I have actually had a few failures since that green, (the old chestnut demon of eating in middle of night!!! ARRRGGGHH! hate that one!!!)
I still feel I'm now back on track, simply because I am trying. And yes the green day was very pivotal for me actually. Nice to be getting back on track~

I know it will get better the longer I keep trying so I am simply not giving up or going back to the slackness for *any* reason from now on, whether I am depressed or not!
Glad the boards are thriving here and I am happy to chime in here and there, but don't have the same "machine gun poster" zeal of the first years here. But trust me, I am just as enthusiastic about NoS and have 100% committed myself again and this gives me major peace of mind.

I'll give Richie your kudos!
Thanks again my friend :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:59 pm

Man I totally blew it yesterday. I have pms and caved into my cravings.
But I did great today with NoS. I've just had dinner, and I'm psyching myself up to stay away from the kitchen for the rest of the evening, unless it's for some tea.
Even though it's Saturday, I'm gonna put a green box because I woke up this morning focused on just getting back on track regardless and I have been really excellent, and have eaten quite well too.
I keep forgetting how nice it is to focus on the quality of your food, when the basics of the quantity are already a no brainer.
I made each meal a bit of an "event" ;)

Tomorrow I will enjoy a few choice S's!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:31 pm

Okay what was I *thinking* saying I'm not having an S today??

I'll just keep plugging along pushing for Green during the week.
Haagen Daaz awaits.

(But today was really good so I am still proud of myself!)

See you next week all. I'm just going to be ticking off days on HabitCal unless I have something extraordinary to report, and probably once or so a week here.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:33 pm

Okay well today is officially next week! hahah :)
Back sooner than anticipated.
Just wanted to say I'm doing well and feel very confident this will be a good week!
*Totally* got all S'ssing out of my system over the weekend! LOL :)
Even threw out half of a chocolate milkshake I had yesterday after having as much as I needed to enjoy. They told me they put six scoops of ice cream in it, and after having half, I truly didn't feel it necessary to finish it off.
So I am proud of myself.
Now that I am getting back into the swing of consciously doing NoS again, I'm now remembering actually looking forward to the sanity of N days.
Have a nice evening all ;)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:08 am

Okay I'm really glad about this so wanted to put a quick post.
I got in my walk for two days in a row finally, and it was very healing!
I want very much, to make this an everyday thing!
Probably should post on Urban ranger but I'm sticking to one thread for my updates, for now.
I'm not sure how many miles I walked, but both days was more than a half hour and my legs felt a little sore when I was done :)

Really good to air out my head and know I am doing good for myself.
Love to all,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:24 pm

Yay!!! Weight starting to go down!!!
A pleasant surprise, but even more pleasant was that it accompanied my good behaviours the last few days which I am very proud of!

I have now got a "default" walk I do, which does have a bit of hill climbing here and there, but mostly just pleasant strolling around.

Yesterday I could really feel it in my legs as I walked.
But best of all, when my usual night time eating habit started to beckon me, I told it to shut up. hahah well not in those words.. I keep going back to "If you eat at night you will foil all your efforts of losing weight, and you want to lose weight" and to just go drink some water.
That's been working thank goodness!!
But it's really really been a battle of will, because that habit is ingrained since I was a teenager, and I'm 41 now.
Then this morning I couldn't resist looking, because I have always lost weight once I include exercise and don't eat at night, and I was just curious.
Before I got on the scale, I said, no matter whether I did or didn't lose weight, I had great behaviours this week, and I am proud of that, and no matter what, I am gonna be happy about it..
Then I found I had actually lost a pound and a half!
Wooo hoo!!!

I know I sound like I'm making a big deal out of all this, but after having a very lax year, and for all intensive purposes really giving up, it's so great to feel I'm getting back to being serious this and staying on track :)
Definitely helping me feel less depressed!
Thanks Reinhard, again, for the great system and the unflagging support over the years~
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Post by Joelle » Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:05 pm

Great job, Deb! Good for you!
Have you tried sipping hot water with or without lemon at night? It's sort of soothing and comforting.
Have a great day,
Joelle :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:25 pm

Thank you very much Joelle :)
Hope you have a great day too!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:47 pm

Hi all :)
Quick check in before the weekend.
Some setbacks this week for me.
I was starting to lose weight last week and so excited about it. This was directly a result of the days I managed to do both exercise, and not eat anything at night... Felt so great!!
But I gained it back. Arrrghhh.
Oh well..
But on a great note, I am really enjoying doing walking every day!
I think I'm hooked now.
The length of the walk varies depending on my energy that day, but it's been an average of thirty minutes.

Unfortunately I've had several failures this week, due to night eating and a day time failure too, yesterday, when I caved into buying and eating raspberry turnovers~

This is not an excuse, so much as an explanation.. I had a big curve ball thrown my way this week.
Somehow I ended up getting two periods this month. Monday evening I was so sad and feeling a little crampy, and then lo, Tuesday I got my period. This was 15 days earlier than I expected it, and I am usually like clockwork.

I'm actually happy about it. I looked into the whole issue of pre-menopause, and think I'm finally there. I'm 41 now, and for the past few years my pms has just gotten worse each time.. Apparently, one of the signs of pre-menopause is pms getting worse.

Also, the night eating I did on at least one of the evenings this week could have been avoided, if I had done some better "pre attack" planning and not set the scene for it by bringing home a big bag of chips in the first place.

It's funny. I still remember, on each night I was eating in the middle of the night, just shoving the food in my mouth, it was distinctly accompanied by a feeling of disgust and displeasure.

I will be putting all my efforts toward not doing this anymore. Each time I went down and ate at night, my will power was just not winning. I tried having conversations with myself to stay upstairs and don't go in the kitchen, but I was just feeling low, probably due to my hormone imbalance and feeling very drained, and I found myself replying to my "don't go downstairs, don't you want to lose weight?" with "ah f*** it" and doing it anyway.. Thing is, I really wanted to stop myself, and I really don't have a "ah f*** it " attitude about this... I really do care.

It's like when you are just down and you say "I don't care" to something when in fact it's the exact opposite and you really care very deeply..

Whoever may be reading this, do you know what I mean?
LOL :)

Okay well I will post again next week here at some point. I'm sticking with my Habit Cal and will be aiming for all green for the rest of the month, whether I have another period or not!
I want soooo badly to slim down again and feel and look great!

Have a good weekend all~
Peace and Love,

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Post by blueskighs » Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:30 pm

I'm sticking with my Habit Cal and will be aiming for all green for the rest of the month

sending you lots of good energy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by reinhard » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:59 pm

Hi Deb,

Sorry about the curveball....

If it's any consolation, I wasn't exactly a model No-esser during my vacation last week either :-)

And I think I do understand your "I don't care" when you profoundly do. It's one part of yourself rebelling against another. It's tough. The way I've (usually) been able to deal with this is by rewarding the appetitive self proactively, but being very firm when it tries to get out of line. "Carrot and stick." Maybe you can think of some kind of carrot to introduce to your self-conversations, like "if I resist now, I'll let myself have some kind of reward tomorrow." (finding the right preferably not too sweet carrot is key :-))

Just a suggestion: since night time eating is such a difficult personal issue, maybe create a separate, additional habitcal just for that.


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Post by Prodigalsun » Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:40 pm

Deb, it took me a long time of being disgusted with how I was eating before I was able to make a change. I'd recommend not trying to fight it so much as observe it when it happens. the more you fight, the more resistance you will build up in the bad behavior. Its not about conquering bad habbits, its about establishing new ones.

Hang in there!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:25 pm

Hi Prodigal :)
Wow sorry I didn't even know you had replied to me, sorry for not seeing this till now.
Cleared my comps cookies many times this month so maybe that affected the little blinky things on this too for new posts???

Hope you're well and I totally agree with what you say.

Okay people,,, I decided to take my own advice, which I've been dishing out to some others here lately..
Took my measurements in three spots to keep tabs on how my body is changing and responding to exercise, so I can stay motivated, even when the scale is being a pain in the "beep" LOL...

I had a major "no eating at night" moment last night, which I am thrilled and proud of!
Seriously, Reinhard's description of these moments when our will keeps us in check, is very apt... It does really feel like I did 20 "Spiritual pushups" and came out much stronger.
Was four am and my son was getting up every hour before that because he was out of synch with new sleep time for school, and unable to fall asleep.. He sleepwalked into my room and announced that he had a high score on his video game, which was pretty funny, but it was still 4 am, so my old habit of putting myself to sleep with food started telling me to have a bowl of cereal.. It was really putting up a fight, but I just told it "No way" and "Deb go back to bed, you wanna lose weight"...
I won this one!
I am trying very hard to have a great month this month with many less red days than last. I feel very strong about it.

Oh where was I??? Oh yeah the measuring..
Well for the record I took measurements of my arms and my waist and my bellybutton area (the fattest part of me!)

I am so dying to have my arms slim down and have been doing triceps extensions along with my daily strolls, and whenever I can think to them, I just pop out a set of 50 (or until it hurts!)

So embarrassing to post how big I am now, so sorry I am not gonna go into detail quite yet.. Let's just say I'd like to lose about 3 inches from each arm and six to eight inches from my waist.
I am keeping that info on my own paper calendar at home and each month, I will re measure.
I'll let you all in on whatever progress I make as it happens.

Have a great day and week all!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:37 pm

Oh man sorry Blueskighs and Reinhard, you guys wrote me too.
Thanks so much!!

The good energy is so appreciated!!
Reinhard, the regular NoS habit cal is fine for no eating at night.
That's basically what I am tracking with that anyway, as the rest of the rules aren't too much of a problem these days.
Debs xx
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Post by blueskighs » Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:39 pm

so I can stay motivated, even when the scale is being a pain in the "beep" LOL...

hey just want to reiterate this is a great idea, my weight has stayed withing 2-4 pounds max range for four months but my body fat continues to decrease as I now ... s-l-o-w-l-y get smaller.

I have learned I can starve myself and do a bunch of aerobics to lose weight but that makes my body fat actually go up.... I am not the only one ... who wants to be skinny-obese ... or whatever the term for that is ....

using only the scale to keep track is not helpful ... it will either make you give up when you are making significant healthy improvement in your body OR it will encourage you to destroy muscle so you can have a "lower weight"

neither is helpful or healthy!

so yes .... keep track of those measurements, in the end they are much more telling than weight!


these are the ones that truly change our lives!!!!!

have a great day,
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:29 pm

Hi Deb,

I had an interesting experience the other day which immediately made me think of you.

I was reading an article, an interview, of someone I respect a great deal, and the interviewer asked him what kind of music he liked. He mentioned several names and then included the Grateful Dead. Wow, that was a surprise!

So of course I had to go over to iTunes and look them up because I had never heard any of their music before and I played the samples of many of their songs. They are really good!

When I get some money (ha ha), I am going to buy at least the "essential" album.

Hope you're doing well. :D

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Post by KAxelrod » Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:48 am

Dear Donut-throwing Deb -

First of all - thanks for the posts on my Daily check in.

It was you - wasn't it - who threw the donut out the window last week? I just spent a bit of time looking at your Daily Check in. I am SO impressed with your journey and commitment through this. You are an inspiration for me, and I can SO identify with some of the (not so good) eating behaviors you wrote about. And, since I started No-S, I can identify with some of the good habits, too!'s nice to make your acquaintance on these boards.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:09 am

Haha I like my new name :)
Thanks Karen.
Nice to meet you too.
Have a great week!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Sep 27, 2008 2:49 pm

Had two across the board failure days this week on Thurs and Fri..
Just wanted to document it and I will be nipping the suckers in the bud.
Suffice it to say, I am also a few days away from my period, and that usually causes havoc with my eating and desire to exercise. Both NoS failures were due to eating at night.
Last night was particularly stressful and I caved in unfortunately, after being awake a few times with my son who was having breathing problems from bad congestion and very upset..
But I will regroup on Monday..
Focusing on having a moderate and enjoyable S weekend.
@ Reinhard, if you read this, you are very right about just doing SG everyday and not trying to alternate the days. It will really help to just make it a *daily* habit.. Less thinking, planning and alternating, blah blah, and more doing.
Have a nice weekend all. :D
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:34 pm

Today is off to a great start~
I just wanted to mention that over the weekend I added a habitcal for no night time eating.. I want to clarify what the rules are for that.
I am not concerned about stuff like no eating after six or eight pm or even ten or eleven.. My goal is specifically, no eating after bedtime, whenever that is.
I am aiming to do this even on S days, because it's the worst of all my eating habits, and the one which has been the cause of me not losing weight, even when I exercise and eat well during the day.
I already Shovelgloved this morning.. This will work out best. Definitely started out very sluggish, but by the last half, I was fired up and rockin!
I ended the session, with about 2 mins straight of high knee lifts, Rockettes style.. hahah that got my heart pumping!
Have a nice day all and a good week :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:28 pm

Well last few days haven't been good but tomorrow is a new day and it's all out of my system.. I had very bad pms this week and did no exercise and had several failures..
Thank God I am over pms and it came already today.. so feeling human again :)

I am very happy because I decided to treat me and my Son to a buffet Indian lunch today, and even though I ended up going back for seconds, out of habit, when I actually started to eat the second plate I realised I was completely satiated and satisfied and decided to just pack the rest of the food to go.. I am thrilled, because I am starting to enjoy being able to actually stop when I am full and consciously really trying to avoid being *over* full..
That was a habit I had for many many years, and it would be very typical for me to not only eat seconds but thirds and if I was really off the hook, fourths...
Especially at a delicious buffet..

I'm so glad that it's starting to really sink in, on a physical and spiritual level, that treating does *not* mean overeating.

This month I am setting a goal of trying to lose between 5 and 8 lbs..
I know I need to focus on habits, which I am, but I also want to give myself a little challenge, especially since once Winter really sets in, I'll be sure to just be maintaining along..

Wishing all my NoS friends here a great week :)
Peace and Love
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:54 pm

Phew!! Relief! I am off to a good start this week with all greens on my habitcals.. Had an insanely upsetting stressful day with lots of fighting here with my mother.. I'm very proud of myself that I didn't use that as an excuse to go off habit.
That feels great!
Have a nice day everyone :)

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Post by blueskighs » Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:15 pm

I'm very proud of myself that I didn't use that as an excuse to go off habit

v. COOL! 8)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:43 pm

Thanks Blue ;)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 16, 2008 3:56 pm

I had a couple of totally red days, for both exercise and diet, and worst of all eating at night, but I turned things around and have been going strong again with exercise... I started doing this combination of stretching breathing and bellydancing! I'm really enjoying it :)
But very happy because last night I had a big triumph because I managed to keep myself from eating in the middle of the night.. I was up late on the computer and kept feeling so hungry, but I knew that it would screw up all my efforts at losing weight if I did... so kept saying no and then finally went to bed.. I just kept saying, "It's normal to be hungry at 1:30 am! Just go to sleep!" hahah..

I knew that if I didn't eat at night that would be the key factor in whether I'd lose weight, and today I am down a little on the tape measure and the scale said I lost a few pounds too!!
I feel really great!

Have a nice day all :)
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Post by funfuture » Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:29 pm

Hi Deb,
sounds like you are doing great. I haven't had a great week this week (too much work stress - allowing myself to think there is no time to exercise - not having prepared enough food for the week so eating out too much - blah de blah). But I know the key to no s is to just get back on track and keep going. Like you do! You've had amazing staying power on this list. Really fantastic. Like Blue, I thought the way you kept on track despite fighting with your mother was really cool! :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:02 pm

Aw thank you very much Funfuture!
You will have days like that, but there's always a new day and this system is so pleasant and rewarding when you finally feel it click, that's it motivates one to keep on trying and keep on picking yourself up and brushing yourself off.. deep down inside people just *know* this makes sense, and that brings such peace of mind.
Yes this year I'm finally getting back into the swing with NoS and it is a great feeling, and I appreciate having the group to share with and get inspiration.
The collective positivity here is very comforting and it's always been a great place for support, even for *non diet* life stuff ;)

Have a great weekend!
Peace and Love

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:24 pm

Hi friends :)

Wow, woke up in the middle of the night.. I was thinking maybe it was about 5 am or something and then it turned out to be 2am.. I am telling you, I really felt like I might not be able to make it till the morning before eating something.. I wasn't even hungry, but there was a piece of chocolate babka in the freezer I found yesterday while preparing dinner and so I knew it was there and believe me, it was beckoning me!!
Phew!!! I managed to talk myself back into my bed after a *lot* of wrestling. I was even hearing myself saying, "Oh my God it's 2am, and I have five hours to get through, how am I gonna make it???"
I think even if I didn't know the cake was there, I may have had that same "lets go downstairs and have something" when I got up. I realise this is such a deeply conditioned response to waking in the middle of the night that has been going on since I was a preteen that it's not gonna just stop out of the blue anytime soon. But I'm fighting it, and not caving in.
It's war people! :twisted:
I got through the night and won another green box, and woke up very pleased with myself, especially since it was sooooo hard to resist last night.
But,,,,,, this morning I did have some of the babka and gave me and my Son a one inch by half an inch slice of it, just to get the taste out of my mind. Hahah
Believe it or not, that was really all I wanted.
I'm not counting today as a failure, because it was such a small amount that I'm just forgiving it. Like eating one cookie.
I'm so stressed this week. I have 4 dollars left and no work lined up at all, plus have pms and have been feeling quite crappy and lonely.
Considering all of that, I'm glad that I am still caring about sticking to the diet and doing some exercise too, though yesterday was a failure for that cos my pms was so bad.. Even slept till like 12 noon.. just depressed.

Feeling so much better today. Winning the battle against my night time eating habit definitely helped with that.
Will be exercising in a little while so I am sure that will help too. Hope my period comes soon so my mood isn't so intense.

Have a great weekend all!

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Post by funfuture » Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:59 am

Hope you're feeling better, Debs - and that the work/finances sort themselves out soon. And that is fantastic that you still kept to your resolve not to snack at night despite the difficult circumstances. Good for you.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:15 pm

Thanks Funfuture. I really appreciate your kind words of support!
Have a good week :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:27 pm

Hi friends, me and Richie are sick with a crummy cold! :cry:
Somehow, yesterday turned into an N day success anyway cos I just stuck to three meals automatically! But I did have a big cup of tea with a lot of honey in it.
So I have been putting exempt on my exercise days and if I do need any special little treat I will allow that, and just mark it as a yellow on my NoS habitcal too.. I miss exercising tho, but my sinuses hurt so much and I don't have enough energy to even do light exercise.
Hope this passes soon.
Prayers and good vibes would be greatly appreciated.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:40 pm

So just to clarify a bit about this week on my habitcals.....
I have been sick all week and so has my Son.. for a few days was really feeling bad and last few days there's lots of congestion but not that really bad sick feeling, just lots of coughing..
I marked most of the week yellow because it's a sick week, but one day I actually just had a good N day without even trying, although I was sick.
One out of the five days we had some treats.. Vanilla ice cream and chocolate chip cookies, and a bunch of extra juice.. other than that, we haven't had any S's.. I am a little upset about yesterday because I totally overate at dinner and had seconds on a huge eggplant parmesan hero. Believe me, I paid for that afterwards! What a gross feeling.
Amazing actually, because I still remember in the old pre NoS days, that kind of eating was par for the course. I'm so glad it now is physically revolting to me. That shows I have changed.

Anyway.. I'm really actually quite happy that this week hasn't turned into five days of having junkfood and sweets. After that first NWS sick day, my Son and I both agreed it wasn't necessary to indulge more and try to stick to NoS, but I just marked the yellow days because they were sick days and I have been a bit lazy about trying to remember if any small snacks were had.. I also had pms and my period arrive at the same time as the virus, so I had a double whammy.
I really miss exercising!! Can't wait to get over this and get back to my workouts.. Can't breathe heavily now though because it causes me to go into some very bad coughing.. so I'm just waiting till it clears up, and continuing to rest.
Have a great weekend all :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:06 pm

Well, I'm still very sick.. I have been sick for over two weeks and finally have decided to go to the doctor today. I think I have some bronchial infection.
I haven't been able to breath and have been coughing and congested and totally miserable.
Somehow I've managed to be following NoS fairly well, with about three or four times over the past two weeks where I allowed myself to break a few rules due to being sick.
I miss exercising so much and really hope I can kick this soon!
Have a good weekend all~

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:17 am

Yuck, at the doctor I checked my weight and I have gained about four or five pounds in the last few weeks of being sick and inactive.. Blah!
Oh well. I don't mind a reality check now and then. Better to find out at four or five pounds than at 20 or 30 lbs...
But this puts me officially at my highest weight for a few years.

Now I'm on antibiotics so hopefully my chest infection will go away soon, and I can start exercising again.
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Post by howfunisthat » Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:42 pm

I'm so sorry you've been sick for so long! Yikes...two weeks is about 13 days too long!

I hope you'll be feeling better quickly....hang in there...those pounds will fall back off before you know it.

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Post by funfuture » Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:50 pm

Yes, Debs, look after yourself. Hope you are fully back on board soon. :D

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:38 pm

Ah thanks a lot Janie and Funfuture!
I really appreciate your sweetness :)
Yes, going a bit barmy here but I'm feeling much better since the antibiotics have kicked in finally. I have a lot of congestion so still not up to anything vigourous but I feel like doing stuff, whereas before I could barely get the energy up to climb one flight of stairs.
Yes, I'm trying to think of the weight gain as very temporary.
The old, if it took two weeks to gain, it will take two weeks to lose kind of thing. I'm not letting it psych me out, tho admittedly it gave me a bit of a startle when I first saw the gain, and I was down for a little while.

So not too much to report. My Habitcal is still weird.. I haven't been super strict with keeping tabs and have been marking yellows on my "fuzzy memory" days of feeling ill. But I'm not going out of my way to go buy tons of candy or ice cream or industrial size bags of cheetos, so thats good. LOL

Also, I am happy to say, that I am starting a little correspondence with a lovely blokey in England (most of my internet friends are Brits for the past few years due to my music collaborations and associations and cos I always loved English peeps)...
It's a lovely friendship and I am hoping that, if he is available, we continue to get closer. In the meantime, suffice it to say, I have that "excited" feeling you get when you are starting a new relationship, and I am hoping for the best, and just seeing where things go.
I've had some very dissapointing experiences this past year or two, getting interested in the wrong people.. wrong meaning, unavailable in some way or another, not wrong in "bad".. and it's been quite hard. So, let's see.. I hope he's actually available.. That would be a very pleasant change of pace!
I don't even know what he looks like actually.. I'm waiting for him to send me a pic ;) Just know he's been extremely lovely to chat with, and I feel very comfortable with writing him.

Okay hahah this has been DebsLonelyheartsclub episode #1111!
Bless all NoS'sers ;)
Debs x
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Post by reinhard » Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:30 pm

Dear Deb,

Best wishes for a speedy recovery... and good luck with your "lovely blokey."

(going now to check out your "off-topic" music post...)


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:50 pm

Thanks Rein! LOL :wink:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:35 pm

Hi friends :)
I thought I'd pop in and update on the NoS front here..
I have managed to drop the excess weight I put on over the two and a half weeks of really being sick and taking lots of liberties with extra S's.. I had gained 6 lbs, and was fairly bummed out, but as I thought, once I got back to feeling a bit better, I'd get back on form and lose it again.
This morning after a pretty good week, with a tiny little bit of exercise thrown in too (walked for like 10 minutes one day! hahah and doing some chores around the house) as opposed to total inertia, I have lost five of those six pounds again!
Phew!!!! Major relief!
Funny enough, I've eaten some fairly indulgent meals, like one day I had two hotdogs and three eggs, with fried mushrooms and onions for breakfast hahah, and then I had something similar the next day. And last night I had a few lamb chops, with a side order of Cape Cod Kettle chips, so it seems I'm craving a lot of meat and grease! hahah :)
It's a testament to NoS tho.. It works so well! I had full plates all week and still lost five pounds.
I'm constantly rediscovering how great this diet is!

And on a non diet note, the "lovely blokey" front is going quite well too!
Hee hee :wink:
Have a nice weekend everyone :)
8) Debs

Oh and ps..
My HabitCal is very strange this month with all the yellow sick days.. it's very ambiguous actually.. I kinda wish I could just white it all out and start over Monday, but I'll leave the confusing yellow days and just get right back to being accurate next week. I'm feeling better now and my energy and mental clarity is returning finally! Was very out of it last weeks! LOL
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Post by mjn » Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:05 pm

Glad you are feeling better. Just wondering how your walking was going.

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Post by mjn » Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:11 pm

I don't post alot and haven't been coming to the site for awhile, but I am back. I have been walking in the cold weather, and it's not as bad as what I imagined it would be. Actually, I kinda like it. I know you are getting over a cold so don't over do it. Good luck with it.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:00 pm

Thanks mjn! I will just bundle up. It's in the thirties here today, but I will make myself go out and walk, even if it's only six blocks!
Have a good week, and thanks for taking the time to check on me :wink:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:17 pm

Arrgghhh!!! I'm a bit miffed now because I had a perfect day yesterday, but then caved in at about midnight to eating about fifteen almonds.
I'm still gonna give myself a Green day, tho this is snacking.
But I've given myself a stern warning not to do this again! :wink:
I gained about five pounds during the four weeks I was sick, and so I am hoping that I will lose that much within a similar time frame.
Starting to feel up to some exercise again so I'll start my HabitCals up again for that. They are a little disorganised, but the rule I'm implementing is that I must do one exercise per N day, for at least 14 mins. I will alternate between walking, belly dancing, yoga, and housework/chores.. I count that as exercise too.
Main one I'm worried about is the No Eating at night Habitcal.
My strategy from here on is to bring a glass of water up to my room before I go to sleep. If I wake up, I'll have that instead of going downstairs.
I had gone down for orange juice cos I was thirsty, and then ended up eating almonds.
Have a great day everyone. :wink:
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Post by howfunisthat » Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:09 pm

Hi Deb,

You STILL had a great day yesterday! Those almonds would have fit on your dinner plate anyway....and when you're getting yourself back on track, a few almonds are just plain not a big deal!

Another idea for the waking up time would be to put some OJ in a thermos if you think you'd want more than water. Then you wouldn't be going into the kitchen at all. Just a thought...

I just noticed that you are in Great Neck...not sure why I didn't notice that before. We're practically neighbors...I'm southeast of Syracuse. Had any snow yet? Our ground is covered, but we've only had about 8" so far this year. We live up on a hill and are always included in the "more snow at higher elevations" part of the forecast. :lol:

Hope you have a great day!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:53 pm

Thanks Janie! Much appreciated!
Yeah I could rationalise all that stuff about how it would fit etc, etc.. but I'm not going to.. I'm just calling it an N day because I was good till then and don't wanna get psyched out on a Monday! It's a bit of a cheat actually, and I know it. But if it happens again, I'm getting medieval pon meself!

I think I'll go for the water so I can keep myself from developing a new bad habit! I have enough already! LOL :)
Hahah Syracuse!
And here I am complaining about things getting cold down here! :wink:
Had a few flurries today.. really nothing.
Thanks again and stay warm!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:34 pm

Wow, what a relief. I weighed today thinking I might be up even more this week, as i have had several failures and still no activity due to not feeling completely well yet, but I actually lost 2 or 3 pounds of that weight I gained before!
I am very glad about this. It took over a month to gain the 6 lbs but I was mega bummed about it.
My lungs are still very congested so exercise hasn't happened and I'm hoping it gets better soon.
I'm still coughing my ass off.

Things going great with my new English blokey and it's been a great comfort and bringing me a lot of peace of mind. Been emailing pretty regularly and getting to know each other a bit more every week.
I'm really happy about it :)
Have a nice day all!
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Post by kccc » Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:52 am


Hope you get well soon. Sounds like taking water to your room is a GREAT idea!

Good luck with No S, and with your English Blokey. :)



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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:36 pm

Thank you KCCC ;)
Wishing you a great week!
8) Debs
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